Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 24

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Entertain Mr and Mrs Lyonsi CROSSLAND December Melvin Hickling of Utopia lrii Pd friends in the Cilfiiflidiill Friday s1 ii Gordon Sifih of Serum piled his brother William Strain on it day irossland womens lnstituiem Crossiand Womens instant held their fortieth ulllllc5il in Knox Church Friday evening an turkey supper and Miss Alina Lewis as speaker showed psi ture of her trip to Europe Llli ti British lsitS Alirlzwmui la Vlack and New llos loiixn Ei stitutes were muted to see the pi tures which Were much efijojvil On November LII the toiiizituiilly gathered at the Ciossiand oi munity Hall to wish Mr and Ashton Lyons every happiness their new home in Iiiinyale Ii owning was spent in plupltrSAtL uuchrei Rev Ilurges nctid to ELECT 0LlI Canada Limited hosNO connection with any company advertising rebuilt vacuum cleaners for sale Youcon rqnonfro speaking of thly 1111 chairman and read presentation l1 VI lt2 Plenum naeeEWe=x1xw Christmas for the home Soles Service or Accessories inquiries on the GENUINE Modein Cohado Electrolux Mechanical Maid to ELECTROLUXMW 31 Vespra St repair Enrons Exciteenme can cc gt air 1to chooseyourivChristmasGifts and Entertaining Needsl turmkconvonient may tofvsolvo the problems of Chm and Winterseason shopping is to lenlistithe of Euyons$liopping Service Just mail yryour in no extra tram for in Flames slum ITATON can heir llvce 21 till en ti Jni1 Moni lt ii of lijitf chi Finland of Cunning attended Lixilll li if rn leidi Hall and XIi ili nil ui 4qprq34 i4 Vkmtrtctiezw Present Canada Limited Barrie PHONE 3392 Iintrnnd our experienced Shoppers will follow your to the letter withftheir knowledge of mamg humming will endeavour to select ilarwtheyvctythinut you would the chosen if yod in person NADA 84 BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 1950 short d15l and Cfe FERGUSONVALE tiilii Ilv Erect gtrfd3a Ir $S $333 be via 51 Lat1heThauburn bonspiel High Wed in Toronto SEEN IHE SIICIS of keilzal liiit tziti toiln LiltLl Idi vent iit ilii rtiflfl lfl li and Mrs lii iiii iili soi lne illitlt ri vlniziaic Graham of 811 FROM iii NIIWS HOLLY Iii cenilier The iziiiiis ocatioii will hurt at lizi thlllt of Mrs Stew or leilrieiliy llecciiilicr III Death of llrs lctuaig hit spiiipntln R39 Silhlttti the tenth of Ilti sis ter II MeCunig tho Mr and iis SIISNJI and sons called on Mrs Mcuin on Sunday after noon lhen hallway liuiiie lhev callcd on another sister Mrs ll louin iown Ilill and learned the sad iicns rthat lis McCuaig had passed away few minutes fatter they had left her WA Bazaar omlng The WA Will hold their bazaar 1and Sunday School Christmas sup pcr and hiistiiias tree on Friday ltVCiiIilll DcCcmber livcryonc come and help make this event success it ii Mrs Siiglcy and Mrs Ii yIIlliott are improving as well as ican he expected MIN ESING December Mr and Mrs Dusto were in Crosslniid on Friday evening when the Crossland Womens Institute icelcbratcd their fortieth annivers ary with their families Miss Young has returned home to Midland after visiting at the home of her nephew Young White Gift Service Next Sunday There will be white gift service in the United Church next Sunday cveningatf30This will be in the form of pageant Major and Mrs Lane of Coldwater visited fricnds here on Sunday Anumbcr of residents are ill enough to be hospitalized at pre sent They are MrsS McDowell Mrs Beilby and Mrs Clements Mr aners Jenkins have inov cd into Waiter Downeys house formerly occupied by Murray Bell Miss Maguiie has returned af ter spending some time in Toronto CHUREiiiiE December Miss Joy Christian Peterboro spent the weekend ofNovember 25 and 26 with her mother SOCial activities were curtailed on account of thestormy weather Friday evening number of the young people of this vicinity at tended the Young Peoples skating party at Barrie Arena Misses Eleanor and Sylvia Jam ieson Toronto were weekend vis itors with Mrs Jamieson Mr and Mrs Leroy Jamieson Thorn tonalso spent Sunday with Mrs Jamieson Jack and Ralph Reive Mac Stewart and Ronald Allan curled Park on Tuesday Leonard Burke who is working in Richmond Hill was home for the weekend Willi Club in the third annual com for Junior Farmer enter tainment in Beeton on Nov 30 and received first place in competition counties Mrs Chalmer Pratt and Ivan have returned after spending monthrrwith friends at Sault Ste Marie tiritS out to Mrs It Congratulations to the Simcoe aires who represented the Chilli with Wellington Grey and York It Jiiii Yumz it daughter Laziip LISLE December iny Invid if II14L15I 0011 spi It ii in si air and vii liln IJ it Ii pini xf lnontu and ii Iiieiitwoort il Garland on Alirzl Lit iii spent th puicnla Lsttlijii nuigtrir id the nu tiaus parade lIl Bazia iizxdav My lte ildtIl ie zsiled over the her sister Mrs itltiseh thrift iiu hli ll Fraser visit ilis itlel it ml lil iii Mrs LilLn is ltlltililg few days Ill ui son Sgt ll Lakiiig Ii Liking hit on Sunday lilitl llion ans dd lhnnison spent Week with her ti liclianiy and East liis Ralph of llariir Jack ltaie visited witii his bru aiid Milton lluie on zhe Weekend goodly number fioin the vil gage illtlltleil the iiioiister bingo at MS or last Friday night at Iloideii toiigintulntloiis to Mix liasi IU won grand prize Miss Donna llickersoii oi liiitiih spin the weekiiid at her home Surprise Party for Gerald Lee niprise lidll was held on liiuisdn mening Noveiiilier 30 ii honor of iliiii Lee son if Mr and Mrs Lee who left on Sat iziday ioi lltlliilllg iii the RCAF at London The residtnts of Lisle prc sented him with purse of money illie evening was enjoyed by all UTOPIAT December The congregation of Utopia Unit ed Church field an enjoyable so cial evening and turkey supper at Mr and Mrs Arthur Dobsons on Wednesday evening Friday evening the Unith Church WA were guests of the Anglican WA at pleasant social evening followed by delicious lunch in the school There was large attendance at Farm Forum at Louis Iruaxs when the topic The Country Doctor was discussed from every angle humorous and serious and it was unanimously agreed that the country doctor disappeared with horse and buggy days If ill you must go to the doctor and from there to the hospital iftherc there is no room for you Misscs Mary Wood and Margaret Delancy and George Stephens and Cecil Denney were guests of Bruce Miller for birthday dinner on Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Ray Latimer An gus and Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller spent Tuesday in Toronto CROWN HILL December Mrs Vernon Caldwell has turned after spending the summer with her daughter Mrs Guerin in Kimberley British Columbia Congratulations to Howard Cald well on winning first place at the North Simcoe Junior Farmers public speaking contest held in Guthrie HallfNOV 28 and to Miss Marjorie Gough who was close second Miss Helen Dunsmore of the Hamilton hospital spent the week end with hcr parents Mr and Mrs Dunsmore Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair nee Margaret Rixi on the birth of ason Brian Robert RoyPartridge are convalescing at home after being conned to the Royal Victoria Hospital for some time WI Meeting TheDecember meeting of the Womens Institute will meet at the home of Mrs Gough on Tues Happiness is like perfume you cant sprinkle it without getting some on yourself Roll call The funniest scrape in which have ever seen anyone Demonstration Mrs Atkinson There will be bazaar at this meeting Tea hostesses Mrs Tuck and Mrs Cecil Dunsmore SHOULD STAND UP The television tower top the Empire State Building in New YorkiS built to withstand winds iuzn nere itI ileatty and Mrs of tninti Borden has been Mrs Norral Caldwell and Mrs dayBeci2at 2pmiMotto Blair and daughter tziie returned to Mattawa afte gtCctii xilfl ix Tilt are ifis il tla2ics Ltllr or the ltlizxiis Instr Mind to the ii1iigt 2iifql41f and hi in litl Liiicill ilz limb lei Fortrim TelAllis lzcnl the gvekeiilti 1th wife and son Eakle Toronto her patents 1i it lai knife Mimosa la tuning Mo Elm iri rtnnl lfiv Minlt lib liarlmin pin leil In irlcl Illi ltawn and Muriel visited If Atlihlltilly LUlitngtvnud Saturday The Ladies Aid iict it the home Mrs Angus ltziwn on Tuesday am quilted iSv ms Mix EVERETT December Mr and Mrs Mctizicken Toronto spent the veekenrt zit Mr liitl Mrs hicfinrkeiis Miss Elsie Adair Iuronto spent the Weekend at her parental home here Mr and Mr blitlll Sunday Ileatty Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Stanley Hawkins on the arrival of son lil Allistui hospiinl lr and Mrs Imovrii to the Fraser LiSlt with Mrs Stanley John Sackiiea havi Iiennett apartment Izinus Aldersoii and family Families Move Moving seems to be the order oi the day here Mr and Mrs Ilen iy olhuuctc and inmin are mov iiiig from the Graham apartment to the Bennett zipnitiiicnt formerly occupied by Mrs and the late James Crawfol Mr and Mrs Harry Jenkins are moving from the home of Mr and Mrs Le They have rented rooms from Nor man Gerrard It is expected Mrs Thomas Kidney will move to her new home which her son built here itcciill HILLSDALE December Miss Bessie Itowat has returned to her home after week in Tor onto So many are shut in with colds lllld others by bad roads there seems little news of note Pleased to report Wilfred John ston is recovering satisfactorily from an attack of thrombosis He ordered to bed for five weeks by his doctor The esbytcrian YPS spent Wednesday evening in Midland lgucsts of the Midland group splendid time is reported although the weather was unfavorable On Monday night they had play practice at Irene McFaddcns and also celebrated one of the mem bers birthday and On Friday night their regular meeting was hcld in the basement of the church HuPortcr is visitingin Pctcrbor ugh He returned with his grand son Eugene Warriner Eugene ispent the weekend here with his Ifathcr Warriner who was home for the weekend The Womens Institute mot Tues day at Mrs Fisher Gantons with usual good attendance and interest ing program Mrs Johnston was the speaker and Mrs Reid gave talk on Health While the war clouds continue to gather and grow darker it is won derful to know They cannot shell Gods temple NOr dynamite His thrOne They cannot bomb His city Nor rob Him of His own They cannot cause Him panic Nor cut off His supplies They cannot take His kingdom Nor hurt Him with their lies Tho we face war and struggle May feel their goad and rod We know above confusion There always will be God Mrs Flanagan is recovering from severe and serious facial burns caused by waterless cook er becoming overheatedand ex ploding Fortunately Mrs Reid zRegN was near and rendered rst aid thus lessening the danger fof infection as well as degree of suffering Maurice Terry spent the week end with Mr and Mr Williams Mr and Mrs Bill ouglas are moving to Toronto for an indefin ite period as Mr Douglas has been transferred to Parkdale Yards CPR TRY AN EXAMINER WANT A1 PHONE 2414 In keeping with the spirit and beauty of thejuletlde season new drapes in your living room are against From Our bolts of new exciting Drapery Fabrics we know youll find justthe material and pattern toisuit Brighten your living room for Christmas Day and every day in the newyear Choose the material new haveyour drapes made up and hungvbefore Christmas cuqyireidgsi 7NewiDiapsroniacin and yiBgauIY I0 MaurLiving Roam Barrielent8i Anabolic VI up to 150 mph hPhOne4314 WYEBRIDGE December ioimeily occupied by Mr and Mrs gvv CENTRAL 0R0 555 THE Dtcvllllm if The community was stacked to limit OI Iii Siztidrfl dealt of uli II filici it sitti LAIXIII cl Saddici full iii plied Ozzliia Sinceie iit rhlilktlccl lo he stiii ilz bllllt are ixlatiur NEW LOWEL Dicettil Lllflii 11x Jlii Bulliuttl Litfl of Dundas called Rates Sunday Watson Rowe spent Siii iit his mother Iii Newton Iiiilsiluuii The wedding of tunnel lwtilent Aiicn and Miss Marjorie liiim McBride took place on thttflilt in the United Church pzizwiiacr New Lowell Mr and Mrs Aittiui Iluckworth Were lllltcgt and tin ceremony was performed by in Ilev John Cook Mr and hits Allei will reside in Allandale Ihceinliii The sympathy of the community Jae ilis is extended to the Rowe fulfill Ii the death it their mother who passed away Saturday errnun The funeral was on Tuesday fion her daughters Mis Fred Iitili Service was in the United huicii and from there to Stayner ceiiic USED CARS USED CAR LOT XAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS CAI YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN 1930 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL CLUB COUPE 1049 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 10H PLYMOUTH SPECIAL SEDAN 1948 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN 1948 DESOIO CUSTOM CLUB COUPE tcry The Womans Association held 1947 PONTIAC SEDAN RADIO very successful bazaar on Salim day although the weather was not Mb ORD the best Illll CHEVROLET SEDAN Mrs Vernon hilltliltlll was hostess when Miss ailey of Harrie brush demonstration Alli spent very enjoyable evenini Lunch was served by the hostessl Coiigratulations to iarnet AllanI isizisi LDSMOBILE SEDAN 1937 TERRAPLANE COUPE 1036 BUICK SEDAN 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH 1912 roan TON PANEL and Marjorie McBride who wervi St fiivlliic Mm 193612130 TON DUMP AS 18 1934 INTERNATIONAL TON DUMP AS IS EARLY BIIILDEILS The Gothic cathedral zit linden in France was begun in 1277 YONFUSIIS SCHOOLBOYS The rod used as lineal meas ure in surveying ineasmes 16 feet HAROLD mu LIMITED CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO BARRIE grahamrise Customers Corner In order to give you the nt inost in quick convenient and satisfyingr shopping we have extended selfservice to most of the departments in your Al But that doesnt mean that when you come to ymirc on your own The large welltrained staff in your suncrmarket are anxious to give you all the help guidance and in dividual attention you need For instance if you cant find particular item ordc paitnient dont hesitate to ask for it And if you want special cut of meat ask for that too We will welcome any sug gcstions you may have that will help usmakeselfservim mean better service to you Customer Relations Department AP Food Stores 135 Laughton Ave Toronto Ontario 14 grain but Okanagan Valley BiCextrav fancyls Floridah excellent for juice 1N0 12503 Oranges dc 29 Florida marsh seedless Ito i196s iGrapeIruit 10hr Fresh Christmas stock No AusiralianjSuIiana McIntwthIRediAppITes di33 Cranberries Vil9c Pork Butts cottage Rells choicesliced choice rindless Back Bacon smoked shanklesr Breakfast Bacon Mapieteai 32c Mincemeat Sliced Vlhiteor Brown 2402 loaf categorise 191 Christies Iiitz on Ioiilag Tomatoes Clarks Old London Towne 2401 tin Old Iieese Jugtlleduced 48ozplig 34 superBinaries SuperRight Meats are tender juicy cuts every time because each one is specially selected for ne quality wonder theyre famous for value RED 0R BLUE BRAND BEEF PrimerRibRoast scream lb75c Pork Shoulders EjANN PAGE finecenadian White FamousFormulae No fresh shankless fresh lb lb 49 peamealed lb 55c lb lb 79 peamealed sliced sweet in Qso lb ib53c lb gt8ozpkg

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