Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1950, p. 22

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SOME FINAL RECOLLECTIONSQ OE BOYHOODS MARY STREET AND ALSO OTHER MEMORIES Continued 1w Page tkklllkCil ii of bacon ms xf were many Im fried caiiiszi It Wu 12 getting lt people out 241 hen faintly needs to make lulltlal rra llgtlllrllis Important questions often come to mind may wnit to make sure That the service will cost no Iiluh than the amount it has in mind That Litllliil will be beyond the Illfliaill oi ielathcs and liltiltlt llIlYlli 5T Hill In Ivontuxl to Iuli lived iflitl til 11 Tc mI ml 21 ll itiii IlILkil lo 111lli an iI II 21 III 11 FUNERAL HOME ri conundrum lemmas urni llr HI ill lilo Ill llo l1il lIoII ulav ninizIzg up ins Civing definite answers ii when the t0 slitcilip IIi it llv as All Iltil admits an ctI1IliliId liart of our Public Mrvlcc llrll ilollalx lioni land in has held 1w yeah In the IIet year or two liy clutter up rloscts with sunitiier clothes Let us give them that better Saniionc Dry lleaning and store them for you lheyll look better next out of your way now ODOOOIOI000000000000IOOOOOOIOOOOOCOOOOOO PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE TO CAMP BORDEN Monday uesdayThursday Friday The Wright Cleaners 88 Dunlop Si BARBIE Phone 5531 Buy the ccirron 64816130111 1141 NIIIiIu to char up text luII Some heat into our body then go sum In CryJECd Llongcui H4111 LLtheyLthe lliiia it ion li RAMA 411 Lizs Zi luv 12 laminae 124 tat IIt at 11 Li if and 1112 Wtst Ll lu trli Erica II 111 11oz of aI cg Dos liltl liu out it Ii llt stuff guiluinad the stunt sIr enough Doe In the jug and hicipI your noun illisl lit was not winsI anortion of hero on as Der called it of nlnca lii claimed gtevr1al lItIudI zed nine Willi 101011 oil 1311 liitlt go into Bills oilime It or not he after iitl glue much bettei Imita tzoiz of 111 than the original one So aid loc Lawrence ILideiil filled wry laige place In liai lt tisnsInnus requiicinents for Llllli alan oil many years FISHING liillOlUli THE 11 IiiuslliIZIs sit and think about that good old boyhood playuv anking whiteiish and herring thiougli an irehole in the Bay in cramped and smoky cabin lilt iioin any gale that tliOVt Along ih glossy surface an empty oilcan for stove noun big bonfire llll its Ilanies all in roar lor hastv snack and coffee III the nearby sheltered shore Ilieie wed warm our toes and fingers and endeavor to entice ilshing through the ice sit lit re by the window looking Olll itIUSS lllt 5I1 And hear the cold winds blowing ll piakes me want to go Down yonder on the subwy reachi where everything is still IAIId set some fishhooks on the lillL1 want to go and will IA score of hooks set in row hungry fish taking hold Vill till man with joy supreme uuite heedless of the Cold And when he gets bite and yanks big one fat and niec Theres lots of things thats worse knew than fishing through the ice lliut lately Ive learned that Im not as husky or as tough As was in those bygone days and soon Ive had enough But when see the snowwhite fields and hear the wintry gale lAnd frosty sidewalks crackling and see the snowflakes sail makes the banker onccI again as in the days of yore To have snack and coffee at the bonfire on theL shore Though now knowrlInnotrsoJ Ill THEN we LAY U1 oasr LIKE NOVde NCLINE IT STAY5 50 AHEAD AND EAT DEAK Hes PROBABLY DENDING sons NEIGHBORS Foems WILL LAST um NEXT SPRING IF smm so you EDEA 15x scoop II our MD was Mrwijn gt00 em veer INlO ITM DOOR FOUND EAR THIS 157145 LAST ONE BUT HOLD IT TILLI GET OllieTHEN WE 9167145 MAMA bUT THE MAN NEXT DOOR it 50a you me RELAW MenTHE my ms 55k ms MAI In it 12003 FAth NE Cd Swen oneJ 0000110 HIM likely Slilcniainew Dislridl stricth area for seed potato ycrs now for some months early in 1951 according to Ontario Deputy Minister of Agriculture Graham This legislation supported seed potato growers of the northern portion of Tiny Township has been in the hands of departmental law cs is likely to be announced by 05 per cent of the young at short Iimo would suffice To give me all the fun Id want in fishing through the ice And in the later years its queer Iold eodger who doesnt wish he could be boy again and swing Ialong barefootcd through the dus Oii March 24 1050 the SeedI potatoes Act was first passed by the Ontario legislature and the Lafontainc growers will be among the first sections of the province to take advantage of its provi sions ty road with homemade fishing equipment on his careless way to some favored fishing hole No matter how high man may When 80 per cent or more oil the growers in particular area favor the move in the opinion of the township clerk the municipal vious pang when he sees bunch of youngsters starting out on such trip asth used to make when the world was most glorious old place and it was even more glor ious if on the Way back he had string of fish for his doting mother to supply the foundation for that cvenings supper And thats what makes usall so envious of boys for we are on lvious and might as well admit it Childhood isnt always happy Itime for children have their dis as adults have makes boyhood seem to every nor mal man the one period to which he would gladly go back is be cause boy has the secret that most of us lose as we grow older he is able generally to forget all those troubles after good nights sleep and awakes to new day which ushers in desire to start all over again with animal health that makes him want to rush away and kick up his dusty heels He doesnt need to look back everything is ahead of him the world is wonderful place and that fully satises him man may go long way to ward reaching position of wealth or fame or ambition yet when he sees bunch of happy carefree boys on their way to some shing expedition or for session at the old swim ing hole he would glad ly chang placeswith any of them and takehis chances of anything which the future could offer And thats why we really are envious of the ordinary normal boy and his carefree life One of the greatest attractions of shing is that it takes one away was Ilearly Cray With Fiery Itchv until discovered Dr Dmnis main prulnr this pure cool llqui medication speedsgeage and comic from cruel itching caused czema pint Ian rashes athletes foot and qth ritch trou 1an bottle 35 First applies ionchecks even the more intense itch or money back Ask druuist for Prescription Ordinary or extra 1919113011 Prompt repairs for in Miosi also vwirills repairs 24 Sr svss appointments and heartaches justl Ty first reliefD Preset lion War dv ELECTRIC APPLIANCEAND RADIO GUARANTEED niakcs Ind models of Electric ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE Authorized Repair Service For wusrmanousu HOOVER PHILLIPS PHICO HOME APPLIANCE snort WWII 11 Wl QIWSYSTTQQITP councilpasses bylaw Inaking3200j ing Eiifimiiciit used for pot tocs must be disinfected lic forc it is moved from one farm to another llic inspeCIorS must inspcctI each potato field at least once each year No one is allowed to move from one farm to another any potatocsI infected with bacterial ring rot Fines range between $25 and that part of the municipality seedpotato restricted area This was done by Tiny IoWnship coun eil early this past summer Lafoii tainc area normally grows over 50000 bushels of seed potatoes One or more inspectors to enforce the act and its regula tions are to be appointed by Tiny Township council This inspector has the right enter and inspect during the zdaylight hours any building used for potato storage But probably the reason that When the legislation comes in1 to force no one whovgrows more thaunmgonc acre of seed potatoes may plant any potatoes other than those prescribed by 30s1319119m Noirone can move any potatoes in to the restricted area without permit from an inspector or any used potato container or container infected with any potato disease iAll potatoes going out ofytne area imust move in new containers All places of storage con tainers and machinery used for potatoes in the restricted area must be disinfected at least once year and any planting harvesting or grad from all the business worries and you forget for time that you are you It is also agreat levcllcr of mankind The barefoot boy with his newlycut pole piece of twine and cunningly bent pin or com binationof dilapidated equipment meets on equality the prosperous fisherman with his expensive para phernalia and dressed in the latest style shing togs And often it is the hatless barc foot boy who hauls in the sh while his prosperous companion wonders how it was done But it doesnt prevent them swapping experiences some of which de clared are absolutely true to which the other listens in respect ful silence To be continued next week SERVICE Appliiuioeii AI DIALIsm wnssss s4 hss Provincial grants will rc iniburse TinyfTownship for expenses incurred in adminis tering the regulations through the inspector named for the area Crop of seed and potato table stock potatoes in the Lafontaine area and through North Simcoc to Ihas been good this year accord Iing to Page However in many parts of the Icountry there has been serious infection and as result potato prices are low This is true be cause growers who have been con cerned for possible infection have moved their potatoes quickly to market Capr Perkins IReturns To RCAC School From The camp Borden Citizen Capt Perkins DSO has re turned to the RCACafter long absence Since 1947Pcrk has been away He returned for short period last Spring for the Captain to Majors Course but the rest of the time he spent in England and at the JointAir School in Rivers Manitoba Practicallyall this time Perk has been on course or in structing on airborne Work Perks familylare with him and at the present timc they are stay ing with Capt and Mrs Bob Gartkc while Perk is looking for home in Meaford He is going to be RSO at Mea ford AFV Range The School all join in welcoming Capt and Mrs Perkins and Strathconav back and hope that their stay this time will be longzand happy one Ncc cams From The Camp Borden Citizen Cp1vA Bull ROS of return ing from the west coast where he was attending course used his initiative and assistance to clear up serious situationwhieh developed aboardithe train The conduct of Cpl Bull 011 this occasion was high ly commendable and reflects credit Iupon himself and the Canadian Army Said MajorGeneral elllack lin AdjutantGeneralvof the Can adian Army It gives this paper great pleasure to print the above commendable ac tions of Cpl Bullg Indeed it is goodto hear of an NCO usinghis Form Legion IBranch No 521 Restricted Area In Seed PolaloesI ri asare Establishment of tlic Lilontainc 11 ct Ofcers and members 0f the new conducted the ceremonies mwiiir President Lloyd Houghtontaking IK Stevens Stevens Wren propertyis as follows for 1951 Land $1134177 Buildings 689975 Business 4075 Vie GRIFFIN Ior MAYOR Ai Bradford lBlilfllOld Witness Installation and initiation of 30 formed Bradford Branch No 521 of the British Empire Service League Canadian Legion took place in the town hall on Monday Nov 27 with wives friends and members of council present Bert Phelps of Richmond Hill with charge of the business part Officers installed were Presi dent Lloyd lloughton lst vice prcsidcnt Ossic Dcpcw 2nd vice prcsident Magloughlen treasurerrMurray Huntley secre tary Dennis Partridge executive committee Glenn Boyd Hare The entire slate appears to have been well chosen and augurs well for the success of the new branch Following the installation Reeve Frank Allan Councillor Bert Yeo mans and Art Spence all expressed best wishes for the success of the Legion and offering any possible assistance and support President Tom Finley of making Branch suggested the formation of Ladies Auxiliary in conjunction withthe local branch Comrade Bert Phelps stated that Zone 18 with the inclusion of the new Bradford Branch now com prises 10 branches with seven Ladies Auxiliary branches In On tario alone there are over 69000 members of the Canadian Legion embracing all races and creeds Tiny Property AssessmenL Over 312 Million Total real property assessment in Tiny Township for 1951 is now $3616324 according to clerk and treasurer Michael Asselin Of this sum $213275 represents buildings exempted from taxation including schools churches etc An additional $2075 of land such as cemeteries school land and township reforestation areas along thcroads is also taxexemptgt Paying school tax only is $4685 worthpf lapdiunder the county re forestation scheme 0f the taxpaying land and buildings $1570660 worth or about 46 per cent is made up of beach properties Thisbeach area assessment is made up as follows Landw 415410777 Buildingsmizm 1150825 Business 4375 Assessment on farm andvillage Ci $1828227 Assessment on tclephong for1951 $5852 is estimated at presenCe of mind andhis training to cope with situation not entire ly military IFar too often we hear of unworthy deeds committed by army personnel and highly pubj licized by the press as SET THE STYLE Because they were jreputed good for the eyes the Roman emperor Nero wore emerald eyeglasses m1t non AVAILABLE TO EVEN MORE OROWERS telegraph arid I22 THE BARR EXAMINER TllliiSDAY DEC 1950 000000Osl 101 The Aristocrat of SAUSAGE 00PM PURE PORK SAUSAGE Copaco presents daily Monday through Friday at am over CKBB John Charles THOMAS the internationally known baritone and the Kings Men in Hymns of the World EDERESULTS USE EXAMINERAWANT A95 New analysis high quality lllcnn with evcn more adaptability to various soil typcs is now available to bring more tobacco growers high yields of top quality leaf The new Blenn formula means more lands will be enrichedmore line tobacco will be grown in Ontario this coming your Order your supply from your Blenn dealer now Ive doubled my order for Blenn says Mr liorda and certainly rceoni mend it highly to other Simcoc growers Best Ive ever grown Said john llendel of his lllcnnfcd tobacco crop last yea My 1950 order was 100 Blenn saidrAlbertus Hegnians its one of the best plant foods have used Resulisl got using Blenn were outstanding said Joseph Kekes Yield was exceptional and particu larlylikedithequalitytaridxolourc2m swnr EANAIIIAN coj llMlTED PLANT FOOD DIVISION PO Box 39 New Toronto Ont SEE THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING NEEDS LOSSESPAID PROMPTLY AND FAIRLY HEN you bug any kind of property insurance most important thing to consider is the reputation of the Company that insures you for paying loss claims promptly and liberal ThHSSiiaiicOfyourpolicy by theTnsurance Company is only the rst step in the transaction You should be sure that in the event of loss your claim will be settled quickly and fairly Over period of 158 years North America Companies have built an unexcelled and world wide re utation for Settling losses promptly and fair When buying Fire Casualty or Marine Insurance ask your Agent or Broker to secure you proposal from 3North America Companies Busiqu acceplfgglgh through Agent and Braid INS URANCEJIDMPANY 0F Nolan AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE TORONTO E1RE MARINE CASUALTY Service Ofces throughout Canada INSURANCE ceriumOr Noam IAMEiIcA NDEMNIIY INSURANCE COMPANY or norm AMERICA PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND MARINE INSIIRANCE COMPANi jFLYNN 39Dan Barrie MAIcoMsoNsif iInsurancengehcy amongmsasniwr Issuers Lima Si 13 Dial 3735

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