Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1950, p. 11

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THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY NOV 30 1950 13 WEDDINCS Floy Pilkey Bride Of George Catt Ten Attendants IE Ellnlliitg it lloy ullildltlllllg halo headdress triiiiiiiedwlh Us bill of 15000 niversily Fraixcsclizin Founda timid lic Ill eritet $23 0er to the it lied It it lllls Slur pic tl 551 Ml FUTUIIIU it but LII ihicv fuse wvl TH my up lflt matron of honor rs ll it vliQaeen of Barrie sister oil 05 191151 ills the bride was go tied in pdlc Lilcleus of William Edwai ii lulu nxbud ram1a and won allGLIliIL Trust Fund for graduate liftl The remainder suite no of mm palc blue flowers sue car Will our for publication cf the Gal gt lim my the 1tr pllkctirit cascade cluster bouquet of 0111145 335935 SUNlch It llama it umigp turgid Jamlpale tllut ioses iBtm lIIUJCtIS are hUIiOF 0f D1 wt of zli and Rh James The bridesmaids Miss Mae IllE ivll III 5xtiiitlri lllltt llrv limit In lllllflgt Jillt took plucv Church Nutclltlvil lit Iris oclock the Wt millet iilsi lulu music ChitHiilry William lhoiiaiiwii of Dalston liven lll iiiiige by lltl ripr Ivan lilkty the on an llllltirSttl gown of white tilfet with matching halo head tiiiiiiired with red roscbuds dress Id like to all them flat what If youve thought you coultlhf afford their service youve been very much mistaken was played by of Barrie who II iltttlllillilllittl the Soloist bi bride Vc are not high priced Our wide choice of furnish ings nllows all who call us to arrange for service of beauty and distinction of cost that meets their indi vidual wishcsa lll St 51 Kill It HOMIUKI FUNERAL HOM amount commit MON 555 it it 4t VI mm =5 HR ELECTROLUX Canada Limited hasNO connection with any company advertising rebuilt vacuum cleaners for sale iwmfisi iElectIblux The Worlds Most lmiloted Cleaner Christmas Present forrthe home Sales Senice or Accessories inquirie on the GENUINE Madein Canada ElectmlukMechanicoLMoidto 31VespraSt qurie likty of Harrie sister of the bride llaiiie on 1and 1930 atllairir niece of afternoon gowned in yellow embossed taffI Luci inzfiiiineli the cere tllllrf of clirysanthe ELECTROLUX Gallie professor emeritus land ftlltllcl dean of the faculty of Mm of 11 alum IIlkey bride were Jacqueline the eta and pale pink embossed taff eta and wore matching halo tread dtesies trimmed with pale yellow and pale pink flowers Their flowers were cascade cluster bou quets of Talisman and deep pink roses The two little flower girls Miss Sherry Rachelle McQueen of Barl iie niece of the bride and Miss Linda Carol Shall 0f Kirkland Lake niece of the groom bothI two years of age wore gowns of white embossed taffeta with matching halo lieaddresses trim med with white flowers They carried baskets of assorted flowers The gowns of the bride and her attendants had all been made by the brides sister Mrs McQueen All the gowns were styled alike Barry Webster of Kirkland Ltlke was grooiiisman and the ush ers were Howard McQueen of Barrie Jack Shall of Kirkland Lake James Catt of Barrie andl Edward Gorman of Kirkland Lake llI Interest from the trust fund will GALLIE lICtIllon was held Rfbinlbe used for fellowships or dale Inn dal party groom grey sage The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Kirkland Lake the bride travelling in blue suit with matching hat and accessories and shortic coat They are their home in Barrie Outoftown guests at the wedding included Mr and Mrs Shail of Kirkland Lake Mr and Mrs Gornian of Kirkland Lake Barrie Webster of Kirkland Lake and guests from Orillia Ivy lliclpston and Camp Borden grants 009110011 W101 bIlreconimended by the head of the 10 00m ll department of surgery wore Wine dress wrth The Gallic Volume of IIssavs on accessories and white cor Surgery is compilation ofsurgical essays contributed by Dr Gallics colleaguts and pupils It had its inception three years ago when Dr Gallic surgery navy half grey making retired from the chair of Fiftytwo essays were aclt cepted and typescript pages with photographic inserts were bound into three volumes and presented to Dr Gallic along with portrait of himself painted by Clccvc Home In foreword the committee in charge of compiling the volumes pointed to their importance as summary of the work of the medi cal school of the university Norma Coward Becomes Bride The marriage of Miss Howard Bridge of Simcoc place in St Johns mmegx in the afternoon The played the wedding music of red roses Her matron of honor Mrs Howard Jory of Dalston was gowned in blue taffeta and wore matching headdress The brides maid Mrs Wallace Graves wore pink taffeta with headdress Both the attendants nosegays of white mums and fine fcrn The ower girl Miss Liiida Graves was gowned in yellow taf feta and wore matching head dress and carried basket of white and yellow mums Douglas Bridge of Simcoe was his brothers groomsman and the ushers were William Coward and Thomas Coward both brothers of the bride of Dalston iA reception was held in the commutiin hall at Craighurst Re ceiving the guests the mother of the bride was in grey wool gabar dine and were black accessories The grooms mother Tvore Wine silk with black accessories For wedding trip to Hamburg New York the bride wore green nylon taffeta dress with black ac cessoriesbeneath wine coat On their return the bride and groom will make their home in Barrie Outoftown guests at the wed ding camq from Simcoe Hagers matching carried and yellow Canada Limited PHONE 2392 Toronto Barrie and Angus Roy Stayiicr and Miss Glenna Norma Lillian Coward daughter of Mr and Mrs William Coward of Dal ston to Clarence Roy Bridge of CampBordcn sdn of Mr and Mrs took Anglican Church at Craighurst on Saturday spent Tuesday with Toronto friends November 18 1050 at three oclock ceremony was performed by Rev William Newman Mrs William Newman large number of Junior Farmersl service for the Province of Ontario Given in marriage by her father ville Camp Borden New Lowell The kaeep of Ltlifltlllt and the of esprczsiig vl units to iza libraries and sclaooisl llllcJblzulll Lriexe oanty would fippcfxl in LullultSJt to Ll only gtilglll aiiiuum Mfs Roberta Vllxltl the Went in County Librazy tooperatie who nao her county book tar on view at the general Illttllllg of this county library cooperative on Thursday evening November ventured to compare the two ex pe Miss Wilson also addressed county council last tieek on opera tion of the unit In her finaticral room for the year Miss Elsie Dunn of the county library reported total of $600 paid out in express charges In Miss Wilsons county where she admits the smaller area necessitates less mileage than would be incurred in this county the bookinobile costs about $500 to operate during year This amount covers mileage about 5000 miles at rate of 10 miles to the galloni garaging and insurance She felt that the $600 amount would be nearly adequate to cover similar expenditures for Simcoe County Her book van is staffer with two people and sometimes three on particularly busy route It is out on the road roughly half the work ing hours of the library and is used particularly during certain months of the year The library citoperative employs parttime driver Operates in Wlntcr Miss Wilson felt that County did not need to worry too much about winter road conditions If school buses run all year and if they can get throuin with rea sonable regularity wouldnt CROSSLAND November 27 Mr and Mrs Melbourne Barnes Simcoe Barnes spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Norman Harries Mrs Walter Cummings and Earl spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Carpenter Wyevale Crosslands Womens Institute are celebrating their fourth anni versary Friday evening Sympathy is extended to the family of Thomas Kirkpatrick who passed away Nov 24 in the General land Marine Hospital Collingwood Newton Robinson November 27 Mrs Harrison is spending this week in Riclivole Miss Gladys Houghton is enjoy ing trip to Chicago on merit of achievement in Junior Farther pro jects We are pleased to have Mrs John Elston home from the hospital Mr and Mrs Lloyd Coborn and 5Paul and Mr and Mrs Leeson Mrs Allen is spending few days in Toronto Despite the storm Friday night land members of the Home Im Iprovcmcnt Club met in the church lThe singsong and speeches were much enjoyed and one of the high lights of the evening was the pres ientation of prizes in the home im provement project by Mrs Boyes Congratulations to Gordon Wiggins who won first prizi for most and best improvements and Dec Chant iler who placed third Dr Wallace Coutts and son Ross and Jim Wiseman Detroit spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Coutts er and Mrs Peter Hunter To ronto MrsABert Brooks Montreal and Mrs John Hunter Barrie call ed on Mrs Reynolds last Thursday Mr Hunter andMrs Brooks are brother and sister of Mrs Reynolds LOL 3112 held euchre and draw in Midhurst Hall on Nov 24 Despite the unfavorable weather gootfcrowdottemdfvlwm ners of the euchre were Ladics high score Mrs Lloyd Spence con solation Mrs Ivan Cairns mens high IvarrCairns consolation Arnold Whipps Mrs Spence drew the tickets for the draw and Mr Morgan New Lowell won first prize Mr McPhee Midhurst won Second and Miss Jill Beasley third Mrs Crittenden Edgar is visitr ing her daughteriiMrsWalters Craig Mrs DAnjio left last week on trip to Quebec months Or $500 Like you buy house on monthly payments orin instead of paying interest youget interest That is whatwmonthly payment Guaranteed Investment Certlficate of the Victoria and Grey Trust Company will doIor yQuIQ $1545 Invested mohthlytplus interest ambuntsto $1000 in 60 months or $773 lmonthly amounts to $5001n 60 Your Interest accumulates itaiittartsavluc lactation 00111011985 The Grey BruccTrust Sovings Compony rvicroRIA Ru Y1 $1006 77M WY 7w nowl nd GREY TRUST CQMPANY OWEN SOUND0NT lusTEN To CKBB AT 500 pm EACH DAYFOR THE CINNAMONREAR Robert Bertram entertained of his little friendslast Monday on his fourth birthday Donnie Fieldhouse had his ton sils removedat the RV Hospital last Tuesday The ladies of the Anglican WA attended the 60th anniversary of the Trinity Church WA recently Our local LTB Lodge held very successful euchre last Wednesday even with 10 tables playing Mrs Mather5took the ladies DTLaHdIMrLL Spenc thecon solatibn Mens first Brownand Arnold Whipps consolation Mr and Mrs George Coutts and Mr and MrsrC Coutts and fam ilies attended family party with Mr and Mrs Sutherland Cooks town last Wednesday OED APPLIANCEi Radios also wiring repairs 24 ELIZABETH or stQQy5ysssxss sstO 5sxoss1uslsmsnss ANDRfADio SERVICE GUARANTEED Prompt repairs or all makes and models oIVEIectrto Appliances at COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE HOMEi Authorized RepatrvSeIvloe For wasrmonousn uoovm PHILLIPS Puree Home APRLI CE SHOP saxswxssw h1 lUpkeep Expenses Bookmobile No More than Book Expres twin IL Watt he iibiazy van Slu two to let cfc abUtl lfn thoi ie hm tired lliuhz or then as her utikltt to librar list king at bookinobile stop Sim felt that the personal contact in szi cent anl at schools made Lie by the Ltorttttubllt was important She empha lettl the fact that bookinobile wan Tmmlerfol publicin nevii in chance to use it llll count affaiis llei huge blue and yellow twok moiirle in Wriitworth County colg ors costs about $3600 It hold about 1001 books and is considered iiiediziomilell vehicle She eiii pllarlctl the county aspect of its service Its shelves are divided lll to philosophy biography lttSlory fiction juvenile and other Sections At fiist the librarian had little trouble holding the books on the shelves although they are tilted little and have rubber matting Her driver invented small leathV rcttcstraptif hold the books It place Miss Wilson felt that her vehicle was not quite tall enough It is 67 or till inches in height and she advised higher vehicle The book inobile uses tiny bulletin boards on both sides similar to those in street car and she posts book Jile cts on llltlll She also has had cupboard built for oversize chil drens books There are two seats tip front and desk space on top and at the side of the engine Lasts Seven Years Seven years was rough estimate of the bookiiiobilcs life span but it is expected it may last it or 12$ years Wentwoith County Library oi operative is setting aside $500 year as replacement fund for their van During lltl talk to over 40 mem bers of the Simcoe County Library Cooperatire Miss Wilson told ofl many of her experiences at the UNESCO library seminar held in Sweden last summer at which she iiv had been one of three Canadian delegates Speaking of the librarians in other UNESCO countries less for tunate than Canada slic encourag ed those concerned with library needs in this country If those people in poor warravaged coun tries have the courage to work up new libraries surely we in pros pqous country that has never been invaded shouldnt have any diffi culty in putting our libraries on their feet The meeting was held in St Allt drcws Presbyterian Church audi torium Presiding was Mrs Montain Leeds chairman of the Simcoe County Library Coopcra tivc Librarian Elsie Dunn read the minutes of last years meeting and presented the treasurers rc port Amoing those present was Angus Mowat director of public library Miss Wilson was introduced by ers Leeds and thanked by Albert the bride were gown of white basement for their annual banquet GillOY 0f COQKSIOWH 21 member 0f Supp satin and carried bouquet put on by the ladies of the WMS the county library board Warden Benson spoke few words of greeting to the meet ingat the start of the evening The Wentworth County bookmo bilc was on display outside the church before and after the meet ing Refreshments were served to close the evening O=0=O=OP BARBIE Place your order NOW This Christmas give Mother the Finest Christmas Gift of all The new 1951 Model FILTER QUEEN Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Dcmonstratlonontest Special Free gift with every home demonstra tion and your name will be entered in lucky draw for beautiful Electric Clock See the new Filter Queen in action and you will never buy any other =1ol=o== one Your Authorized Dealer Roy Tracy 87 Maple Ave I1 Timrirllronettsrm ll ll II $O=O Brown RR Barrie 73715h9r195ttgud22r31 FiltcrQueen Main Office Service Department 386LIWater St Peterboro Mail or express your vacuum troubles to us Anylmake repaired AlljvjvorIT guaranteed Good Used Vacuum Cletmers $1900 and upu Easy terms arranged lL==Io=o==oi=ro =0==0= nrliudt ssss 03 55sss FRESHLY GROUND LOBLAWS PRIDE 015MB COFFEE LOBLHWS TWO CUP COFFEE momma fLORIDA THINSKINNED FIRST OF THE SEASON CUBAN PINEAPPLE cooxuiic omens BED SPYS McINIOSH REDS CHOICE AUSTRALIAN CURRANTS mum CHOICE SEEDLESS AUSTRALIAN RHISINS ORANGE LEMON CITRON SHXONIB CUT CITBON PEEL RED GLHCE CHERRIES HYLMER CUT CITRON PEEL nvLMER CUT mums car at ch Slionan PINEAPPLE ftiffs cutcl 17c SE saxoriim CUT mums as he 37c DOMESTIC SHORTENING as 33c Mrs Hamiltons MINCBMLHT clifon 27c LinnvsMIIvchEIiT 37c l2cl73ctl23157 pawns MincEMEIiT at 39c WETHEYS MINCEMEAT Taxacne EATg cnossz 8IBLIICKWELL 50th are 55c LOBLAWS BREAD cum HOUSE omvrzs lilac tram 34c we McLIIRENs OLIVES pftrlo cllbxr47c 935933 12c Hvlmer PLAIN QUEEN ouvns Orr5i sum crimsnv swam prcmns oisi 29c martian SWEET criminals Ora 35c nosI BRAND canons an at 31 333 may Primrose SWEET menus ozfk 21c mman pg 21 cosram pownm sat 27c warms BOVMI cones slat 12c E225c gigs Flags SPAGHETTI carat an me Kmrrscncnsn in razor 29c LIPTONS BLACK TEA as are szc momma HOMOGIINIZED carsco as 38c 116 47 LOBLIIWS amour PASTE 29c IIIIIINZ TOMATO KITCHUP ROBIN HOOD FLOUR HEREFORD CORNED BEEP TURKISH LAYERIIGS FANCY HONEY POD FANCY GOLDEN CREAM STYLE STORMY PEAS AYLMLB CORN RossMiller Dog lood mu Master Dog Biscuits Mixm om HANKY in CHUBBY SIZE cmnmnms NOVA worn ONTARIO GREEN PASCAL SKIRBIHS WHITE CAKE MIX CMNBO CMNBIRRIIIS mum Silver Ribbon TOMATO JUICE AYLMER pr JAM brags gig 32 nun IntTI GOLDEN mm CHEESE 26c 19 MONHRCH CHEESE 39c sos soar QUICK or REGULAR LAK35c BPPJIESHUCEnifHbsflltni 13 PARKINMARGHRINB ciao37 Moiimncn can Ml ht 35c Monarch Glaoznnnmin MIX 19a 29c ygpgpwct MAPLE LEAF can noun 38c Ji MIXED MIDGETS RUG UPHOLSTERY CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE LB 91 LB 88 SIZE 250 DOZ 29c can me Inow 19c stat 13c ONTARIO No GRADE LBS 14c cor ONTARIO APPLES BASKET 59 FANCY GRAD 333 65c ta 17c LOBLAWS FAMOUS RICH DARK LBS 31C Halt 17c tan 53c PKG No2 no3 15 aalaal CRACKED WHEAT 2401 LOAF 13c PIE CRUST Elli it Tar 33c oz an akt 47 CEREAL ram ltf 43 Ex an are we 31 011An oiliiu 23c 214 466 oifiiiis 1501 OZ TINS PRINCESS ILIIKIIS Ll33c TIBET soar ITS 16 as 35c PKGS 6FL mirwrisFnooimmss om ENGLISH PASTE wax LEAN EITHER END 10m lltlllSI kalsggrotgAN BIITI RollsT ioiiuvi IiiiALiTv BE PRIME lllll cathartic Bthlllz ROAST VOIde PLATE BBISIIET LEAN BONELESS 5clatterFriniirniiitcursgq mu SMALI ROASTlNLgAItIblEEODNELESS 60 oiugi gc Mioitiiifzutzs 21 TIN IPAKRGlE 38c 59c HOSTED Fisn SPECIAL can rims lb 33c cuorcr Filters gt SMOKED 1b cuorc nuns sour 11359 lb lb 39 in 51 El lb 1b67c lbi69c 15 65 SPECIAL MAPLE LEAF Warns 51c ma lITTLEl RioPom

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