HuntsMuskie ales Mrs Stovold John Ham WINNIBEG BUT NE DECIDED my LIKE BETTER VERY MCE AUNT ELLEN AIng Is QEALLY IwnTuor Haws AFRANK TA Ic Mr and Mrs lttlictt Staples and family Cobourg visited with Mr and Mrs George Hesse and Mrs Newton Hesse Sunday Mr and Mrs Walker Mrs Gilchrist Mrs image Tampw bell and Janet visited With Mr and Mrs larke iii toldwatcr last Thuisday Mr and hits Wesley taldwell returned home from Itansomville NY last Friday The Mission Hand met at the home of Dorothy Ann Campbell last Saturday afternoon with 12 children present Plans were made tor the usual sale of Christmas cards As meetings will he held in the homes once month for ltlFIO the contributions to the annual white gift serum were cussed WA and WMS Meeting fair attendance met in the1 United Sunday School room last Wednesday afternoon In the ab senee of Mrs Hall Mrs Nein ton Hesse very ably led the vorv ship service in the WMS lilCtlingI Ilei theme was hrists Disciples Ilriiig LirzlitShe was assisted by STEELES coRNERsi November 7I Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Dales were Mr and Mrs Ilarold Dales and John and Mrs Fletcherof Toronto The sympathy of the communityl goes out to Mis Harold Mattliewsl iii the death of her cousin Thorpe Mrs II lollilt was in the city on Monday Miss Aileen Gardner Russell and Howard were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Brown Scotch Set tlement Mr and Mrs Leonard Gibbons held the church euclire at their home Friday evening of past week rize winners were Mrs Ernest also dis son and Norman Davis iid Mr Jackson back in her place after Mrs Neil McCuaig Since Mrs Wesley Caldwell had not yet re turned from Ransmnville Mrs George Campbell took the chapter Church lieenters Japan Through Itcintorccmeiits She pointed out that these reinforcements were not armaments and implements of war but rather young Canadian Chris tians who had consecrated their llVlS to social service and common ity welfare work in Japan Mrs Love assisted in the study The St cretarytreasurer reported that we had almost met our allocation butI the members are urged to well ex ceed this allocation in order to keep Christian Iteinforeements flowing towiird Japan In the WA meeting Mrs Bertram led thoughtful devotional period on the theiiie Fellowship The treasur er reported on the WA dinner ser ved on October 11 and the congre gationat fowl supper Plans were made for sending used clothing to Japanas some sem to Korea had been returnch Wig Newton Robinson November Mrs Allen is spending few days in Toronto Mr and Mrs Houghton spent Monday in Toronto Lloyd Coborn attended the fun teral of his aunt Mrs Coborn iii Hopewell Iuiiction NY last week Mr and Mrs Jack Lemon oi Paiiiswick visited at Stanley Hal berts on Sunday SeVeral from here attended the funeral of Keith Lewis son of Al bert Lewis at Wellington on Tues day few from here attended the Junior Farmers judging competi tion in Alliston on Saturday after noon and dinner and dance in Bond Head hall on Saturday night WMS Meet at Mrs Lecsons The WMS met at Mrs Robert Leesons on Wednesday with 20 members present We were glad to welcome our secretary Mrs Dalton an illness of several weeks Mrs Stanley Halbcrt and Mrs Donald Brown took the study period After business was attended to there was the usual social hour James Crwod tifirvtl Alliston Hospital on nda liitttlh from the study book The United mg and mum dwp if lsympathy tn lI with and litlll Miss Elsie Adair II loioi the Weekend at LII pair here Mrs gt1 Elmer IIiLkins spent the vtekend With iiiiiids til tollinti wood Mr and Iiis llouulas liellamy spent Sunday with friends In toIr lingwood Miss June lspent Saturday llllanchard Mr and Mrs William Moore Toronto spent the Jitlitlitl at lllt Ir home here Miss Fern Ladlow Haddock of lligtton lili MI John and Mr the weekind with Mr and Mr Emerald Ludhiw On Saturday inoiiiine owing to the snow the truck Milton Lawson tinned over In the ditch titties eiist of lttttl lhc cab of the truck was daiiiziitt to some extent but no one was ser iously hurt On Friday eveninu 1034 liev rolet was completely wrecked when it turncd our iii the ditch ll miles east of ltltli Appaiently no one could he found after the ac lcident and police had the car re moved to Alliston Quite number of the deer hunt lVY Mrs Ieiiiiett Mrs liarry Banting Mrs Davis and Mr Lee Banting tttlctltlitl the Area Convention held it Baptist Church lBarrie on Monday and Iuesda urday for Britt Mrs Howard gave very in teresting Missionary talk to the Kladies of the community in hrist Church on Wednesday lt LOL 430 Ivy attended church service atChrist Church on Sun day Nov Rev lloward delivered helpful and interesting sermon Mrs Maud Wilson is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie UTOPIA November Mr and Mrs Albert Clarke Mr and Mrs Robert Mackie Toronto Harry Clarke RCAF and Howard Clarke RCASC of Camp Borden visitedwith Arthur Dobsons on Sunday Presentation to Miss Miller Twentytwo members of the Utopia United Church met at the home of Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller on Thursday evening as surprise gathering Rev Bunt present ed Doreen with zippered leather covered Bible and lovely plaque in appreciation of her services as organist in the last few years Dor een replied very littingly and in vited all to come and see them The evening was brought to close with bountiful lunch George Higginson is with the Orillia Hunt Club Mr and Mrs Dempster are visiting their daughter Mrs Otto Olson in Kepora for acouple of Weeks Mr and Mrs George Ellis accom hunting panied their nephew Douglas E1 COACII Ms next time you lOOlllIO urge to go places so your local bus agent can tell you all about amniopovorarrango lis ofyMerringo Saskatchewan on motor trip to visit friends in Ot tawa andHamilton Mr and Mrs Fred Hunter and Mr and Mrs Simpson Bar rie spent Sunday with Mr and MrsAllen Miller Halloween Party very enjoyable Halloween Gay Halttiivocn Party The Hallowcen party on Tues day eveniiig ably arranged by our teacher Miss Churchill and our committee from the institute Mrs James MeDermott Mrs Jack Bantv ing Mrs Davis Mrs Gordon Cochrane was well attended There were many costumes of all kinds They gave the judges consisting of Mrs Esten Davis Mrs Churchill and Rev Howard real job There was many laugh for all There were games for old young and not dull moment in the whole evening All the child renreceived bag of candy and chance to get balloon lunch was servedwith all kinds of cook ies and sandwiches the ay it Ill and lMiS Lorne Ilocy of Toronto spen belonging to The Ivy Hunt lub left on Satl and Hairy Hacmgm NTLI KW HrvIA hit ZI in tsp Zitlt Satuztiay and Sun iulteltokti tlirliitl Il latitck Ulioinall and MN ried ODonneil In gtjIIII lllz ttlil with ill Peacock and Lilitl sl hinge IIi Ilis Rimlc ilwin III Hitn in ll Til lliliall and III sitarIn Ilbeiieler WMS Meeting iIlIeiiexii WMS III at thv lolt ot YIll Aihen liltllltl on Nov witl it IIlllIllItt IIIIIIlIII and III Mrs IfriiIst yin the clIIi Nlirsioiiai one Isociatx Lll tutsent pitsitiviit llze priviriini til the Montil was IollIwed nd Dunne disco ti it xnr iv ltlttl it liiiitl lltv lilililtt Ill ll Iher il tiu home of Mis II Kiltislliit il otlotlt Willi St lolIn WMS at Izuests Kits Hunt of Anitus the pcakcr at the inutine and spoki on Mission lilaud woi and what It means to the young chiidicn Miss tiaitliui liopr to shift lillili liaiid ii lthe near home The next mettine will he held at the home of flu llttlltlil llecIinlwr ti when elec Itioii oi oilicIis lll take place lat vi igt Guiana November iiitlirie llappy Homemakers lhe iiithrie Ilappy llomeniakers well on November There were l0 present and lllli new Iiieiiibers were added We had as our project makini salad dressmizs salads and truit salads The next Iiittlltit is to he held at the home of Marjory Cameron At this meeting the roll call is to be answered by salad menu Scientists have estimated that an thropoid apes existed an earth from party was held in the school Octo ber 31 with Walter Beattys orch estra supplying the music Miss Pearson and Rita Muir received first prize for couplesin costume Aileen Speers first for comic cos tume Dianne McMaster as ghost and Franklin Higginson as witch also received prize In the after noon theteacner and children en tertained the parents with pro gram speeches and lunch November oiheideiails that will lielp you to enioy your trip Heis mamborot your communityand willbe glodtocervyouI IAncs Mirmin unmade $2645 $4970 Losanoniias VANCOUVER $9305 Mr and Mrs Vieier Howard Tommy and Billie and Mrs Thom as Bowman spent Friday with friends in Toronto Mr and MrsCecil Harris and family of Thornton visited with Mr and Mrs Scott on Sunday Miss Doris Boyer ofEdgar spent the weekend with iMl aners Charles Degeer Quite bit of snow fell in this community on Saturday night making the iroads very bad for driving The cars were1having quite time gettingaround Spe cially on the slippery hills num ber of cars had to be drawh up by tractorsiA The WAmet at the home ofMrs inouan Subject to change Dobson onWWednesdayvatte noon Novy1with 21 present Mrs Ford presiding Mrs McGirr was in charge of the devotional and read the lesson thoughts Mrsl Parr gave report on the WMS sectional meeting held at Edgar and also gave tbjeusecond chapter in the study book ThroughSociat SerVIce Plans Were made for batiexsstejami Bazaar toheh91d at CthemBiiiii market Watch Coming Eventijorfparticulars It was do cidedto have standard lunch inl caesiumisome stead of angpppgn Meeting was closed andsupperwas served by the hostess The December meeting will be at Mrs Richardsons and it writ the the WMS Christmas u==ioi=ioi====o=o=== o=o===dl=o=====o====o=o=====9===n ====Io=lo=== o=o== o=m= d=ioi==n 29 Maple Ave ion let 30000000 to 15000000 years ago COOKSTOWN anllllallult to Mr Hitl Mrs John farts and Daughter Lots with llirmtiiii tnipcl chaimni the ltittilgttlb of ii Ii rift ii ilis heinozes wading of Mrs lityj nolds oi pliillo Iterton and couplr oi by Mrs II toir and MeMastIi ii Im fills and lam call ed upon to occupy the three seats oI lIItI at which Mia ooptr mitt an address conveying this Iiti clt tune the good tllk oi all pitsent Mr ll oiiiean Mis Filthy and Mis Hell on behalf of the com ltllllltlI ptiwtilnti to the priests of honor than Il ion1y rcattei rugs mi kettle and heaiitIfIl smokznn lillll to II IHris Mr and MI plied IIo tiiittttdirl and thanked all for lzi ion1y gtlh Iiid kiiiilnes shown ilitli The tvuiing was then brunch to close by very tIoim tiful lunch gttlVttl by the ladies of the coinIIIuIiIty each one tllUttIt social halt hour llll their llttli bors win the tea cups 77 Fox Bounty for IOro Residents ISeiby Council ro council met at the town hall 30 illi all members pres ttll onIIIIunuations were presented iltom Miss Lottie McCleaii ll itelt llttiiillllltlil of Municipal Af jams ItIIIIly of Public Welfare Sinclair itaikes county weed inspec tor was present with regard to cost lof veed control during the year land also requesting prize money for weed essays Erie Simpson county assessor was present regarding assessment matters Clerk ludhope reported hel had asked for tenders for snow re moval and presented four tenders These were considered and tend TTENTIIINranmrs Due to the continued increase of operating costs the custom grinding of grain will be 150 Per pounds This price is effective immediately and will prevail untillurtlier notice We regret haviiig to make this announcement but it is due to conditions over which we have no control BARRIE FLOUR MILLS The one quietrunning snow and mud liretracks eeciivly on Fans and Lois each rci Ired Ilunter held their second lllttllllt at will taIIIIroii Iudgate home of Item and Kathleen ald John Howard 5001M Department seiited his report on work done dur November Snow ondimudilofyinginclispensobl Specially buttressed shoulders and Selfcleaning double irad gives extra long mileagee and exceptional semiIowan my Montreal Favorite flash are Dunt of cattle in the THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 13 1950 Its looking for cattle such gJoinI Beef Sale VI lIt tux2 ai hey fHelcl at Creemore IIIlium ic Jim the Ic tornil concern no wII as follows $363 litrlril III AIIRIIVI IN lllifllt Let us relicw you of the re Spottsllillll of funeral arrange tittllh iliich ciii provi contus iiii to the intpIrieiicrd We are on call day or night ItIlIERAIE TERMS Funerals complete from $100 and up PETHICKSMITH FtNEItAI DHI riiosi 2530 127 BMIFIEILD ST BARBIE Listen Sun 530 pm hapcl Chimes KBB if it Hui slit lIl Ammo Hollie lltll illlii mi Slij Iri iixiri iltliitl Minimal ilaltozi Ilctfzi en litl iordoi Aliitil William liell tv Sons Coiling iIIisti lictl ilcllin ltltil Wit3 than llelian Allilidl Admit Coirieari live it John tiIiie NIIttiitm MIIIIII hurt Iliad tozd lohn lions ii lhotmriii IIli lliilil New Stiouit flilr IIiiy him itilltil David tole gtItietziry of the Slioizhoiii Association when instIii his opinion of th mllt tgititi that hc was of the Attiilillltl that publicity would have liltItttil IlIItlthtS The top bull I7iti lienl 5mm Mm 11 Shmw we eliizitm for the Ioioiito bull no 11 of nor more conser rale and went veiy reasonably vatne ltgtlillll In whirl she gtlltls chill up ttil don ii tht splIIes oi mate and female audi IliwLI nlILI LIL ST llt who his ieputation as North gis oi ircur Bros Liizu took onI li uctioii were accepted ltch Woodrow rrported tIIIIIi mittee had marked tinz for rule on1 lilit concessions and ll and the clerk was itigtlitltlitl to ask forI tenders for this tender to be ill lIy Nov The question of paying bounty1 on foxes was discussed and it wasi idecided to pay bounty of $12 per fox to residents of tho for foxes killed in tho durini the open sea son from Nov to Feb Jil Itoad Supt Newton llesse prel inp ctIIhIr which was acceptedI leltl passed for payment The first sitting ot the court of revision on the assessment roll ls Io be held at the town hall ov 117 it 10 am The park committee reported onl progress of work at Memorial Park ziiid were instructed to have necesui NIAGARA OAll relggo Niagara Loan gives fast answer to urgent budget problems Your Niagara Loan specialist will hclpl you choose the loan planbest fitted to your need offers 23 amounts and repayment plans up to 24 months gives you cash quickly We furnish life insurance at no extra cost ybix Clean up your bills today sary work completed if possible The various accounts before eouii tell were ordered paid and eouneil ladjourned to meet again on Dec SUBSIDIARY Ill INDUSTRIAL ACCEPIANCEI THE WILSON BUILDING POST OFFICE SQUARE PHONE 5533 BARRIE or bolh cuy and coumry use No more racing your engine rocking the cor or digging snow from under the wheels sidewall design provide aveypmecon The DunlopExtra Grip Tire take you out of even heavy snow or mud with on easy surefooted traction that saves wear gas strain and effort Winterize your car or truck now wiih Dunlop Extra Grip Tires Their exclusive selfcleaningdciube tread designed forhighiroction will also givgyondoth riding performance Available in all popular car and truck sizes packed snow or ice Specially designed lor Canadian winter drivingrcodlom 55 ++ RoAo SERVICEC RE pm Phone om=5o====o=q=====oisatnowomuaomaoaoommmm