Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1950, p. 6

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 13 1950 REAT 2WAY PERFORMANCE As FLYERS SWAMP STRArEORD WITH FOURAPERIOD PACE 39522iri uierrcing at 530 pm Barrie FlVrrs swarmed over Straitford Kzmiaers Eilflwr mg 15 Ys 30 under by011930 Juvenile mg It Wdfldr til ILLUII XIIl wotl phwrs an 5le nd formances like those continue coatn knrnrs worn new to mi pram 3mm am an fear any fltll lll illt UllA jlllilol circllll unsigned midget player It has been long time since 11 Bt1lc club productd such potent twoway power for 60 minutes Might as far back it as the championship rosters Midget Practice Tuesday 530 pm At Barrie Arena Jack Ilyte director of minor hockey for the Barrie Hycrs urganlution has called practice lhe lilllirxl period Weill lllrutll Horses ilutlllg to rrrake 11 xtvt One drAc beat lulu but Now that inrszrt razor tim it the ttll rm gnu In ML muS team is title In but Einr lc vti llrl Li called upon until 222 of he tor did prose 11111134 Itll tie LilriIA word at which time be low to rat they arc capable of pinyrrugl 3H mmj tzrr occasion on thicc successive lire iliCklM of tir lrllul my rbt tiniv triizondl lurlirfltt ilr lrriic wasnt an individual star up lron 1t11l ltltllt tit Inc llyers It was all teamwork My rum ltllc float lril up front lornts were well dis tempt not in 1115 mm tumultrt urtlr the trio of Doug id an illustration of via lean lrrrvrs Llnzck Wood and Lionel Work can do rrl ldlrttll could 55rnij INN hm mm UN IN wuh we go Sltllliilal tltnli lire hitltllil gut Vila ZFgtIVlitilllIlrhlxl Inth was gun nh Without Ill51llilaUIl of pip for lt tong In lm and 5515 Bulb Normal lltziiry lr Still Lsilitlili mil lip1 flanged across two and Wood joiidrritr what in film ills midi itlr Strait st run no mm In rm Elms 3111 in gt Ktothltrs llu lull tnlrlhl gt it til it rt Judi hluhuul mlvrvmsrlmul win it 13 shots wrc dircctrrt ri Flyers vith hrr first defeat of lrilrrlt were next In line with six srorrrrg points LaBIIic collected tun goals and helper Chevicliisl one of cach and White an assist lfrsl but definitely not least vcicl illon linunsIllll HaganJerry lop pazxirrr with live Emms garnered goal and assisted on two others llopprrnrlii whosaw lot of ac tion notched goal and llagan gamed an assist Noumea UNION Lira itMaya 50227 ANDERSON DISTRICT MANAGER Lor Ilunlop and Bayfleld Barrie Telephone 4760 The highlight of the victory was the work of liarries defence Jim Morrison the Verdun product who uts witir assured confidence was the games top performer if there has to be nttmber one star Although his collecting of one goal and three assists for four point display stands foremost1 llorrrson was indeed bulwark on ltltc blueline lie coverered well lhroko fast continually lifted the 1iyers on attack and did almostt ercrythrng required Jack McKnight who plays about rcvtly other gamc was another fourpoint rrran despite being at the ihluelrne lie scored one goal on Stratfords Bob Mitchell and set up ithree more There was also vast improvement on his defensive per formances Ila lirsl background man can luluAdequate Insurance NORwrCH UNION CIIICIIII GENERAL ONIRAI WIRING AIILIANCE REPAIRS OIL BURNER SERVICING RR BARR PHONE 841m Stratford didnt offer muchl Iheir top line of Bob Bailey John Wood and Guy Henri were held vvm tight untrl the tinal chapter when Wood the find of South River whirled in for two goals with Bailey assisting Their other score came from Brian McFarlanc an Ottawa boy Defenccman Bob Armstrong was probably their tops He was rol bust gentleman and tried gallantlyl to thwart the surging attacks TRADE IN YOUR OLD HOCKEY or SKATING OUTFIT on NEW SET SKATING OUTFITS BOYS IMENS GIRLS SIZES TO SIZES TO SIZES 11 TO 12 $595 $675 $645 LADIESl WHITE FIGURE SIZES3T010gtI $749 $1045 T015 $495 FOR BEST VALUES Shop atUaBB 36BAYFIELD ST PHONE 3874 Barrie Juniors Lose to Welland Continued front page one end and still stood chance of pull ing the game out of the fire Brit the point is they wouldnt have been even close had it not been for gigantic runs by Lackic Yet it was Lackics two bobblcs that nullified his terrific running Ile isnlt the rst star to bc vic tim of playoff circumstances We have seen it many times and well scc it happen many more Lct it be known now that there were number of stars on the fBarrie roster throughout the sea son There were many on Satur gday but none could bring the lift Ithc fight and leadership that John iLackic captain of the squad brought to those Barrie ranks He WHITE 0R BLACK was the main attacker against heavicr Welland line He was the championship force the champion ship threat and Wetland couldnt stop him but circumstances did Lackies running mate Doug Ba ker was the payoff carrier Twice he smashed through the left side of the Welland line for unconverted majors and throughout the day supported Lackies tremendous eff orts with great gains So did plunging half Gary Long against crew that made him looklike midget Millet Salter couldnt switch tol his Al passing arm due to the slight drizzle of snow and greasy ball but called his plays well Had it been dry day BDCI could Very Wll hvswept Wllhd from the eld They were fast eraggregation even in mud but the breaks beat them ss mss Qm ssww KING FOR FOUR YEARS Lefty Grove was the Internation al Leagues strikeout king for four straight years 192124 and it wasnt until Jack Banta came along in 1947 with 199 and 1948 with 193 that another pitcher set therpace in con secutive seasons Jack Hallett with 187 strikeout victims in 1942 was the only Toronto leader sincel919 yrhetkmoD6yyouput intb 0s vlr BIG FACTORY 132 Governmenf AnnllllY Canadas largest sugar beet fac tory zit Chatham0nt has capacity lt Ask your local Government Annurtres Repre or 3000 tons dairy gt seniative orclip andmall Ih postagefree couponfbelow for full defqilsgonlhe rplans ovgildblei Thoresa practical plan iOsuil even theymOsI modest budget LomedicoloxominutiOrfrepuiro if4 ThOre is no btter ISOvings investment Open To Canadians than Governmfenf Annuity Annuities lrahch DEPARTM ENI OF lABO HILTON GREGG 77 Moll this coupon today POSTAGE FREE MutinyQ of loboi 0mm locumo comm mromAnoNhncmum Guman Annunqu MocNAMARA DipilyMiIiqutv Choice aox Aluminum gt cuminuh nunpal Season when deal with Guelph Biltmores failed to terminate Marshall QIIBSI BroilersC PHONE ORLWRITE Face ManSized Job Tonight kw CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC battling crew coached by veteran star Don Bowen face mansized job tonight atf Barrie Arena when they meet undefeated Dominion Autot Wreckers in the first game of mercantile doubleheader CGEI players are pictured in their dressing room following stiff workout The second half of the twin bill brings together per ennial rivals Stroud Bruins anti Minesing Bruins are searchj ing for their initial victory 21 tar cry from the record they compiled last season FROM CGE NEWS ifs tSPORT ANGLES By GEORGE STOREY Roy Swatif Mason who is well known throughout hockey channels and believe rtor not used to corcli our amiable Jack lyte fired bombshell at the Ontario llockey Association last week following their ruling on centre star Willie Marshall The DNA ordered Marshall to return to St Michaels College Majors wtth whom he played last played four games for the ICIOIKIIII champion Bills but when Guelph junior ll ace Ken lauftuan bucka rt reporting to the Majors the OIIA sidqlincd Marshal until lttlsltltl cottld be reached Guelphs Negladiuk also went to llie Bay Street puckstcrs along with re ported Srrtlil as part of the Marshall deal Mason charged the DNA as being run at the express direction of Toronto Maple Leaf Gardens re OI Laughs stderable lyoung Negro tenor Albert Manson lion in his own innulable Iu1IlItt ills pantomime crirounded chiefly descrzptzon of all imaginary 131 to Culllozhlu um lie did hi fain nigpciwnzlions and the Mid Doug Romaine Show Full the late AI JolSoll oils Atiu Show lllrotlicl Danvcr to Chiever made Illici Ali and Mrs appearances during the program and grit no The audience who saw and par first in Latin American number gm gr swam in The DOUE Rumaille lulld their 111 an acrobatic numberj R155 lticitazumn 2c 11 Show winch appeared in Wu pcr followcd by drum tnajorettc acti xUIHmmtS at the COllriilir uildl gwinch rdillrvd dark stage with torrent Saturday night Nov had motheriii batons nothing but praise for the funny man and his revue from the West on McFadden is clul near lirrllbirilorz 111 Jullll Woods Kllhllrtll illrltlclll ilcltullitl the people to the revue land spoke briefly on the club obllrarge of arrarrgenurrzs lirrrc Iecirve Ilelp Kin llelp Kiddiesithe George Iaggnt production to nnl muse Llth director JIJUII lenn was inlBarrie Brought to Barrie by the Kins mens Club the show played to fairly Well filled oclock although the attendance at the seven oclock performance felll off bit With Romaine were several perl formers who ithS the revue conltl variety Well liked by the audience and brought back for ScVLlzll cncores including My Blue Heaven and 01 Man River was In addition to the warmth and beauty of his voice the show had accordcon solos including the 12111 Street Rag and Return to Sorrentol xrHE SIGN OEOOQDL piano solos and the distinctive dancing of ana Cheevers Master of ceremonies was King of Konfusion Ron Leonard IIIilLlIC Street Baffle tan and comedian fortnerlyof the Army Show who produced skunks as well as rabbits out of hat At one point in the program sixt couples all wellknown about town were asked to pass oranges froni throat to throat divided into twol learns Irizes to participants wereI portable items like block of ice stepladder and live chicken Romaine himself was however responsible for most of the gaiety rnd laughter in the show His only prop an old hat he went into his famous drunkard act late in the show and did sortie uproarious sound and stage personality imita Banie Iron Works ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Fireplace Andirons and Baskets Fireplace Sets Flower Stands etc STEEL for SALE ELECTRIC cmd ACETYLENE WELDING Gowan St Phone 5046 Alex Cleland BARRIE BOWLING LUII fcrring to Smythe no doubt In our oprnion the Ontario llockcy As sociation produced the proper ruling We inquired from party who is exceedingly familar with hockey dczrls and learned what determines the word reporting Guelph claimed 1rttt1nan lid report But reporting is when player agrees to play and signs with his respective team lauflnan failed to do this for the Majors From the looks of it Guelph were trying to receive the cream off both ends Obtain llarshali get Laufmzrn to hold otit and hope that Father Flanagan of St Mikes would settle for cash rather than stiran argument It has been done before but this time it was no soap Hero and there just got word that former Ilycrs Ward Branrlow Itcd McCarthy anti John Bobenic are performing for Boston Olympics of the United Slatcs Eastern Amateur IIOc GROUP key League Strattords Doug Williams tictltltc marriage knOt last week anti Roy Leckie also of the Kroehlcrs is rumored to he treading for the last mile stretch Just what is coach Ilnkcy Lewisrunning Unless rillia have their new area finished before the end of 1950 Clarence Payne and Windy Varty will likely lineup with iravculinrst Indians of OIIA intermediate ranks Orilliu are also planning an IIA junior repre sentative Ken Willmott veteran hockcyist has decided to retire from the game Gravenlrurst wcrc counting on him again this year From the Victoria Daily Times we find the follow ing report on former Ilyer Stan Long Ncw dcfcnccman Stan Long showed up well in his first start as he executed many smart passing plays He appears capable of catching berth with the club Since them Stan signed with Victoria Cougars of the Pacific CoastLeague after making good his threegame trial Murray Fife performing across the seas in the Scottish League picked up three assists as Ayr Raiders downed Paisley Pirates 104 and hisleft wing lasth vcretaltvays dangerous Raiders then turned around and lost 61 to Falkirk Lions with Fife notch ing the only goal Owen Sound Mercurys have opened their senior practices andif they dont watch out the OHA will Iiftthcm to rating To couple with Tommy Burlington Doug Gillespie Harry Kazarian and many other stars the Mercs have Aimee Barbe formerly of Milwaukee and Andy Halderson who played the nets for Shcrbrookc WAYNE BROWN BUDDY BOONE IIIE FIRST MIDWEEK home fixture for the Flyers this year istednesday when the surprising St Catharines Tepees breeze through the doors of Barrie Arena St Kitts rated by many as only seventh oreighth place club have upset the prediction cart so far by keepingpace with the jumbled jun ior standings Rudy Pilous managercoach of the Tee pees will still be out on his logame suspension and it is not known who will handle the Garden City charges Also per forming for St Catharine argftpnier BarrieFlyers Orrin Gould and BOb Taylor bothyon the blueline and reportedto be having good season pistolRoosters ypChir fen AURORA Ltd PHONE not icesPaid For to quick to appreciate small details that go ncr party why its important to High single Burdcttc 324 high lhrcc Bradley 697 LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Guests the man into successful din Wilsons 40 Thats Allandale Taxr 40 have just the righ shuns Caldwells Lunch 33 you dining room Beauty Counselors 32 by name Sandy Cove Golfers 31 Ask for GE 319195 cf Lenas Lingerie 29 they stay brighter long Peg Tops 28 Adams Butcherettcs 26 Aches and Pains 23 Oughs Hardware 21 Lakeside Cabins 21 BA 98 15 ELECTRC High single Pedlingham 263 WCCOMPANY LIMITED high three Perry 650 hidden score Perry650 FLEXIBLE INSTEP PUMP EXCLUSIVELY AT THOMSON CRAIG Builtin Rubber Suc tion Heel Cups insure snug fitting heels Mosthraceful Shoe of iv Better Quality $1250 LEATHER VBEACKI OR BROWN olpLACK sEDEZ OWIDTIIS AAc WIDTHS AAAO siroR zvaLIZAsErH srREEr ScottMoHaIOShOes for Men Quantylsmeq for Women orioood Taste Gohecus 18 43 COR 13 31 Shellboys 11 10 27 CNR Telegraphs ll 10 26 Sparcboys ll 10 26 Smiths Dairy 11 10 26 Farinas 10 11 24 RCAF to ii 231 St Clairs 12 21 Barrie Tanning ii 13 18 Legion 17 Christies 11 15 High threc Frank Jones 820 mm high single Frank Jones 332 GROUP Bradlcys 14 33 Chicks Mens Wear 13 ErSnrith 10 CGE 10 22 Lakcvicw Dairy 22 Kcnwclls 21I AP Bokars 20 Montgomerys 10 19 Barrie Examiner 11 ties Barbers Londry Motors 12 13 Enhance your dinner 13XRCAF 13 12

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