Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1950, p. 3

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Goldwater Commentary By LORNE LETHERBY Mrs Percy Britton has returnEdtherhood for this district Mr innisfil Notes By 105 Five Trustees in Township to be lieelected The township nominations not uni include the COltlttlI but 330 to Parry Sound after lgtlllg rela Douglas has suggested that oitiellne members of the two school lives in Barrie arid her sister Mrs John Letherby Goldwater IItnry Worn2i Sr gtpczit the weekend at his home here Ctill Dunlop and ifervyii Abbott were home from Oshawa Coldwater school children had holiday last Friday when the teach ers convention was held Mr and Mrs John Yeo and baby 3011 Stephen motored to Toronto last weekend Rodney Gill of the Canadian Army spent the weekend With his family here Mrs John Letiitrby is in Wind sor visiting her daughter Mrs Rus sell Wadge Mias Catherine Doble of Toronto visited her parents recently Flowers on the altar at St Mat thias Anglican Church Sunday were placed there by Mrs IIcrb Sheppard in memory of her moth er the late Mrs Fred Worrell Another hunting party seeking deer in the Braccbridge area are Orla Bannernian his brother Cliff Bannerman of Owen Sound Frank and Jim Glcadali and Gordon Sal lows An executive meeting of Cold watcr Young Peoples Association was held at the United Church parsonage Monday night when nominating committee was appoint cd Morris Douglas Goldwater coun cillor was recently elected chairv innit of the Maintenance of Way members of the CPR Railway Bro Q$QQ The Examiner Radio Column future meetings of the group should boards be held in Coldwater urea insteadl of Toronto GUTHRIE Guthrie Womens Institute The October meeting of the Guthrie Womtns Institute was held at the Conununity Hall joint ly with the Farniersmlederation with large attendance Mrs Sin clair was appointed delegate to the convention in Barrie It was decid to buy candy for both $8 No and 17 for Halloween It was also decided that the Institute sponsor the newly organized Homemakers Club Mr and Mrs George Con stable of Churchill entertained with slides showing their trip throuin the States and Rocky Mountains The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Campbell Wednesday Nov 15 Mrs George Campbell wiil be the speakertaking as her sub ject How can women meet the challenge of these times Hostess cs Mrs John Campbell Mrs William Campbell PROTECT SANDWICHES With the party season in full swing hostesses should remember that sandwiches which are made up well ahead of time should be refrigerated or if that is imposs ible well wrapped with protective wax paper and kept as cool as possible IN THE AIR WAVES lIlUMBNAIL SKETCH Dick Mungham Fragrant Direc tor of CKBB Born in Detroit some years ago camc to Canada at the tender age of five Went to school in Orillia then to Phoenix Arizona for high school Return ed to Orillia in l942 enlisted RCAF travelled hither and thither and you as WAG Hither to Bahama Islands from coast to coast in Canada thither to Eng land France with second tactical air force returned loCanada as instructor at Fleet Air Arm Sta tion Kingston Discharged 1945 married three months later one month later took the fatal step into radio at CFOR Orillia year later went to Rehab School now Rycrson Institute in Toronto for Announcing Course back to CFOR for another year Then to CFOS Owen Sound for year and half then to Barrie to see and assist at the birth of CKBB Presently en gaged in preparing CKBBS Christ mas gift to youbetter listening entertainment Governor of the Barrie Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose Guiding Moose of the Ontario Legion of the Moose Squadron Warrant Officer of the Barrie Air Cadht Squadron an ar dent sUpporter of the Barrie Fly ers fond of organ music gladiolus daschunds and shrimp and fre quently exhausted after playing she calls it with his twoyearold daughter Linda Predicts the Bar rie Flyers will take the champion ship this year Dave Wright will one day fall out of broadcast booth Pet hateboiled cabbage Likes mostBarrie The depression years of the 1930s are to be represented in the CBC Stage 51 sequence reflecting the de cades of the century by Love on the Dole This play originally novel by Walter Greenwood was written by Greenwood in collabora tion with Ronald Gow The story concerns the Hardcastle family of Manchester which is confronted with the grim presence of economic depression and the souldestroying dolc Sally Hardcastlethc part which made Wendy IIiller famous will be played in the Stage 51 pro duction by Elizabeth Cole The adaptation has been written by Lister Sinclair Baby Ice is little girl who has no parents btit she has twin bro hcrs Bubby with freckles and Buddy without freckles and grownup brother called Busy Bee lThcy live in little house on the Eddy outsid of the City next door to aunt Bertha Bcc Announcer Byng Whittaker tells about their adven turcs every week day in the Small Types Club broadcasts OVer CJBC Toronto Looking over some of the new Christmas recordings which we feel will be very popular over CKBB during the next few weeks we have received one by the old crooner himself Bing Crosby ac companied by his sons Gary Philip Dennis and Lindsay The name Of the recording is Crosby Christmas Selections include That Christmas Feeling sung by Gary and Bing Id Like to Hitch Ride With Santa Claus sting by Lindsay and The Snow Man sung by Philip and Dennis White Christmas which has been so popular for the past few years will soon be released by Andre Kostelanetz and Hugo Winterhalter his orchestra and chorus Following is list of some of the inewiones which will soon be making their appearance on CKBB Theres No Christmas Like Home Christmas Blue Christmas This Christmas Sym phony SnowyWhite Snow and Jingle Bells and also an Arnold ballad entitled Christmas All in all it looks as though were going to have var iety of popular Christmas songs this year along with many ofthe beautiful compositions of years gone by AyPOpuIar Feature Over 11 55595 rn $7 It 2an mm =nvniwm CKBB EVERY TUESDAY 730 to 800 ppm ThisWeeks Presentation The CouriShip Of Miles Standish by Longfellow Sconsiredvbtr WMORRISON CO lTD YOUr Mercury Lincoln Meteor Dealers in area one tho5e whose expire are tiUstees Jatzies John Webster and Joel term Rain PIOS In number two area there are Io who come up for new terms this year Chairman Roy Goodfeli low and Trustee Frank Cowan All these men if they wish may aclt cept renonnnatiou It would be of real benefit if some of the Women who haVe real interest in the affairs of their chil dren would allow their names to be plated on the slate This happens regularly in the larger commun ities and the addition of women has greatly improved the educa tional conditions of those places where their serviCes are given If more people are nominated than are needed to fill the vacancies then the choice is left to the voters at the elections to be held on Monday Dec Word to the Veterans As this is being written the papers are frontpaging the pictures of soldiers mostly veterans leaving for the Korean campaign We who have bid our loved ones goodbye on the station platforms before know what goes through the hearts of men at these times Smiles may be on the faces and gaiety and laughter may hide the inner feel ings that would otherwise burst out and the soldier would change to just another man leaving his dear one with chance of not corn ing back to them We at home last Saturday had an Opportunity to gather in pause during the daysoccupation before the Cenotaph and pay silent rc spcct to those who were our pals and who have gone on Each year another of those brave ones who had shortened their normal span of life in the desperate conflict they went through give up the battle and pass on We only have Ln pause moment to remember the things they on joyed when they were among us Lets hope that many of those still with good health and the joys of full life now will have felt that they owed this hour to those who have passed On Monday evening all veterans will be welcome at the banquet put on by the Legion of the district speaker specially chosen may help in the years to come iowc it to those who are again rc turning to war as wellas those who have fallen there and since Lct not the things of the busy world prevent its from remember ing Will Cut Phone Service in Flos If in Arrears Flos council met at Elmvalc on Nov with the following mem bers present William ldeputy move and councillors John Lambic Archie Wanless and Geo will be there to give us message that 55 NU we charge of the meeting Topic Rc II Archer Exclude 8T County School Children he child and this ia further iiicv of pi trel ska and pectiozis of chw claiiiii confining their ORVIke of three 01 ltiiite those schools at Ialltttlcti special Again this year merit in lite number head lice was noted with cluded in September lulu as iitiiill eluded by the lililtlii lutaiiw tion for the lilliiitlilILdIIiil Illiiltiill ALTHOUGH THEIR BLACK and field squad were cast by the wayside early in the season these five pretty cheerleaders from Peneumg Hith SChOOI JOInCd Bullies Vocal crew sat lgive leadership Iitlliilill in diaina Ilttl iiowiver thi hob Illlllltll on urday for the dramafilled COSSA football playoff at Orillia iiti iiiiougimiu nit pram liiiar Illt Illlill intending to drop oval Midland and Collingwood also gathered as all lent supd port to Georgian Bay representatives Barrie and Orillia Pictured above left to right Margaret Beausolcil Doreen Martin Mivian Moreau Mimi Marchand and Leona Lalonde OHRECIION MADE In report of the recent proposal by the Great Chapter of the Dean ery of East Simcoe that the Arch deancry of Simcoe be divided into only two dcancrics it was stated This would conform with the division made by the Federation of Agriculture The report should have rczida the Department ongricul titre MIDHURST Home and School Association On Tuesday Nov 14 the Home and School Association will meet 17 Miss Whitney is in mcmbrance Day devotional Miss Winnie Monteith roll call Favorite Hymn lunch the village Midhurst East Forum On Monday Nov 13 the Mid hurst East Forum will meet at the home of Mr and Mrs Coutts Topicslor discussion Forest Save or Slash Harold Howey has taken posi tion in Toronto The hunters have left for their annual deer hunt Mr and Mrs George Contts had very pleasant family gathering this week the occasion being their 38th wedding anniversary Mr and Mrs Garnet Wait and family visited with Mr and Mrs Albert Maw at Mincsing on Sun Wicklum Reeve Middleton day was unable to attend and was granted leave of absence The following accounts were or dered paid Scott supply Mrs Campbell and Boston $32 Qucs nellc supply McCarnen $16 Town of Midland re Mrs Thomp son $333 Trace assessor Ipostage etc $2328 county treaSur er hospitalization August and Sep tember $13726 Smith to pay council $25 Two bylaws were passed one banning parking on the portion of Highway 92 which lies on either side of the Arvan Hotel and the other adopting the assessment roll of the municipality on which the taxes for 1951 shall levied and rated The Flos telephone commission at tended the meeting to discuss var ious matters concerning the mun icipality and the commission After considerablediscussion it was re solved that the commission upon receipt of notice from the clerk of the township that Subscribers telephone levy as shown onthe collectors roll is in arrears will discontinue all long distance ser vice until all arrears have been paid The following tenders for snow removal from the roads of the mun icipality during the season 1950 and 1951 were accepted Varcoe BrOs at rate of $650 per hoULarf lQuesnelle $650 George Archer $675 gt Acceptance is subject to approval of the department ofrhighways To ronto Each contractor is to oper ate where directed by the road isuperintendent No stand by time to be allowed to any contractor The usual grant to the following Were ap roved Christmas market and Sn Claus fund and for the weed essay contest by township public school scholars vThe council adjourned to meet in Elmvale on Tuesday Dec 5111 10 am On the handles of posthol dig gers measure Off andlpaint various Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Leslie Sutton on the arrival of baby boy on Monday Nov My isorcrl by were reasons why spirit run so high in Pcnctang ranks Plan IFourDay Drama Workshop For November linni vorkshop is being held in the Barrie Public Library Hall for four evenings commenc ing Monday November 27 and continuing to November 30 Spun the Kcinpenfelt Players of Barrie the Simcoe County Hec iealion Serycc and the Barrie Recreation ouncil it is desigan to give those persons interested in amateur iheatricals azchancc to brush up on their acting dirccling and staging techniques The evening scssiOns on the font dates will be held from eight to 11 oclock Throuin the coopeiation of the Community Programs Branch of the Department of Education Ar thur Clare of Ottawa has been procuied as instructor Mr Clare has had considerable experience in 99 in September tutti By far the major activith in tin schools Ill September was liltiil which started the lllgtI ek tic tuber and will continue tiiioueh un til Christmas pillillltrll riizirpiy curtailed Iilt IltiiLtl visiting at the beginning of fall However 673 visits Kllt made by the public IlthIIII nursing staff dur ing the month of September reports Dr Scott tlil One hundred and ycrc lilfttlt to school children stipirvimi iiiiziil til IIltl Willi and wot ing gi oups stat of coinnuinity picscnt on the oiiinniiiity to diurnal lllititll The Monday itttirlueaizi tvvii ing workshops will dial with act trig and directing Illll1il and staging will be studied on Wed nesday night and on Iiltllgttlii evening iiziikeup anti lhllliiits will be the gtIlljttl of tiiie diicuw ion Since the ball will he in libt on this evening further iii tiounccinent will be made regard ing the location of this tilil The committee in charge of the workshop arrangements made up of Albert IIiathlicld Mrs it llcaiy Rev Morris of Stiouii IIilbeck of onimtiiiitv and Miss Louisi oilcy of tlil county rciieiifion gtillt IIttil tiatirm may be made through Mrs lIcaiy at Sit Wellington Strcvl ei or Miss ollcy at Ill Itlillli Strut itiiiliill WHITES NOIUIIJLISIDILL ifliOIKNlFE NIi history of the anadiaii orthl is being written by James Murray McMcektn veteran prospector who once published the 08le Yellow knife Bladc The author who first visited Yellowknife in 1933 on an exploration and mapping trip says there is no one who has been here longer than have TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD IIIOIN TOP PRICES PAID FOR GOOD QUALITY OATS OATS MUST TEST 36 POUNDS PER BUSIIEL OR BETTER SUBMIT SAMPLE TO BARRIE FLOUR mus ttli IIIE IHltItllrI EXAMINER MONDAY NOV I3 1950 lOiiice Receptionist lHonOred Before Wedding lBoy Loses Legs Beneath Train laiiitig ItllIIi the which of 10 txu liillll Iift Ieiiiii ligand to the lllJtl Wa IliI ltl thewl pint izi iiiha iiltl litt Ilit low Ilil ktiei tillillllilillr iiil Hospital Htii by iii ipofti luiiie coilii not locate any 1I1ii to the iriiap the iitltilll iff at the illtl iri ziliziliiiriv illtt is ti tion at privati ilI Irli iiiiilllill rightyear Finn on of Mi and ilIir Albeit it in Alliiiii III lititliili lii liotn legs sevircdi lIt vigis Iiiiitll by to tin Soliiieis Menu iiire triniuiint Scott and today ii iii lair tiiittlllltili jit it is biw illlt it was fctllillttl near his iioini Itll il1illi1 Ilh II Iill group of ioy playing ilfill Illvi Itlii ittiaciiiri by the lads tltiilili ard oiiuil linzi lying beside the tracks Ilr il tliizlztl It IIIDV horni by Santa Ilall lit and from Iiiilt lalzin to hopilal DELIGHT The one sure wayito avoid expensive repair bills is to detect and currect little troubles before they have chance to develop into big ones Thats the moneysaving worrysaving idea behind the Preven rive Maintenance service yourFordMonarch Dealer and your MercuryLincoInMeteor Dealer offers you PM Service meauHnore than chassisrlubricationaud Wan OilChange it means that every vital partoijout car is checkedanddoubleducked by your dealers expert servicemen using factoryapproved equipment factoryapproved methods agd Genuine Ford Park RSIIMPORTANT If you havent yet had your car ortruck winterproofed se your Ford of Canada dealer for Complete 5Way Winterizing Service Drive in today then drive with condence and comfort all winter Iongl 51Preiientive Maintenance spots trouble befOre depths Then you can keepright on digging until you see the desired dpth markedLLoffom the shovel MOTORISTSPEDESTRIANS its HURRY that KILLS wakdrire ON TAR1IOIVDEPAirtight Inf591 9I91F1 il IIleH xivS FORDFMONARCH F6RD TRUCKS it happens saves ypu money saves you car SEE YOUR FORDDMONARCII DEALER OR YOUR MERcUItYUiicoun 14L gtIt2illd IA eliminated by any Lefxltl gutt2ie It Iltif We Carry Complete Stock Ladies Health Supports and Supporting Brassieres Iprcricnced Lady Fitter To Serve You WHITTYS Drug Store Essa ltd Dial 2823 GOOD WE PARKING DELIVER Fill T0 SMOKE 3If33 Bradford pie aft direct

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