THE BARRIE EXiINER MONDAY NOV 13 1950 itmltit bus and VII Bowxs was lllu second with 55 Receipts for liel tea IrII last month at Ilir erz Bottles totalled 52325 EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE NH McKnightHa es Kiwanis Ladies fWomens Hospital fNuptials Held iTribuie to Memory Raise SIOODO Aid Raises $565 gAt Toiienham Of School Teacher At Annual Bridge With Penny Sale Nancy Cleave Aiziidst setting pink roses ri whde tili LiiJllrliltlIIiivbllI in memory of the late Mn Barrze and ivy mint Wedding was solHarcourtBlztcksiock former teach IEiIIIIKd at the home of Mr and rr at Victoria Public School in Bar ilts Ila es Pine Grove Farm rie whose death occurred iiistl llotteuhzinz on Saturday Oct 2i rkend at havenhnrst Sanitor ilifiu at 430 oclock in the after out it was xiitten by the mother lnoon when their gtctttttl daughter of No childrrn WIN KLn tails bliss Kathleen Ili ibeth Ilayesb ilz Blacksmith ginzone the bride of Thomas David T0 the Mmel Of loanalil McKnight only son of fif Wonderful Woman ind Mrs McKnight of ooks Once in iill perhaps only iteiti ltev James Dorrian of lot once in lifetinie we come in con lienhani United Church officiated INN lWllll UUll Rival WIN Parent Pays An Institute Ciliililt Fatty si Lang planned for December innrung at the liclllt of Be skey 69 Innislil Street Menz Leis uie asked to bring Slitctit gift Illz Till The following is Itlri of tri Lxltl The large airy lounge and siztznc room of Mayor ilotri facing JI unto the lake pronded the gt1I1 for the Kiwanis bridge Wednesoay LES at if letter was read from the Iz rearon council explaining their activities and asking for support of the itIJI at trie coining eiec tion FYII IT Coibett was unable to attend and give her report on the WI Convention 11gt her granit Lloyd lirnmins had been rushed to the hospital for Ill 11 ergeucy operation Tuesday Mrs William Reid is in the Royal Vir toria Ilospitzii undergoing an opti itiou All the members hope for her gtpeedy recovery Mr Adams is to attend igniting workshop on Friday Nov ember 17 at the Library Hall social half hour was inJoyed at the close of the meeting Lunch was served by Mrs Morris mix 33 the citran an Uttiil tiitiilifllrz lifitlt ittE conveiiersliip of Mrs ltoy Christie served food to the fridge giirxts Ymrm Prize winners do ill man were Mrs Lilly 2t Dalton Iizeelez Let elziltlt in II Ltri lizowu it El itiit Ftiiitit The Wedding music was playedql limt lilt IIUIIUILd Pilb by Miss Georgina Barton of Beeton Mill 5U N51 IWtd Mirs Margaret McKnight sister ofili illtlj the groom sting The Lords Prayer 31m WWI or on Whom upwugu lbelieve hundreds loud and hon 1hbd gm mung byored Mrs Jean Blackstock lier rm mm WU llWHOM life was SIltlit but believe in that IitbS of CUIZII velvet with matching Sill 5h IllS IWIDId WW Im niittens and small hot and rhine PI SIUVIHIIY Clllltlltn than Will stone necklace and biacelet the 9909 do long 21ft of the grooifi She carried mm llV am Who 9V9 wvmmm and ivy had child in Mrs Bliickstocks gm was anew by hm 5i5lciziss will agree with me that site MN man Hangs Wm mm mm was wonderful believe that the blue velvet with matching mittens mumnc Mr Blmkstick II IIIII small hat and carried cas If lung mg or do Wm bub Chwsmmuh grateful parents and our children mums and ivy with bows lof coral ud W5 Midim Child hm 30 mva Wm Swim reu have been laid to rest Her life my was shining example of devotion 13mm Ram muumum to duty and in that effort in spite law of the groom was groomsmaxi mallh now She was Imp lioilowing the reception the bride In In mo ind groom left on motor trip to mm comm With her Iake Placid NY and Quebec On through hm if my ohlldwn men their return they will reside on the mid and DMM ThoV both loved lilth line of lecunisetii hm feel very great loss but will cherish and honor her memory as long as live Liane Mr MIT Dotothy Fadden Mrs littLil Sax 9L Jean Mrs Warren Wight ll Mrs Slttllli Mi Milwm Miss Ilope Bonalii if Mzs rut were the tKnl ninth3 KHHPP The littilllitf in eh or tiiiiire 15 it MI arrangements weie under the to Limo than till set of Iigti1t Hugchip MR mums rIIw Staiziiy Wait Mittliursl The Committee was coiziposeil ohlvv itrrihliilui Imiili Mrs Fied Mdivnkefr Mrs illauqiiif tinirgiaiini tameron Mrs Mttiiiiililllill ap ll Il lloxvdeu Mi John thigh and ii Donald jloailiztii iiziir KI lriiziw IottLIii Ioniiinson lii iiiiiier Mrs Working on the tfivllii coinnizttic ltiittiii towels wife Mrs II Plowman Mn ll Allen Mrs Butler Mrs Sitiithlisl1 IIiiIlwJAIis Harvey and Mrs ll Iltliltutr an Iaikci Si im cuf Mountney Wxxsmmxxxnwxim Window Cleaning lt STORES OFFICES FACTORIES RESIDENCES Have those storm windows cleaned fixed and put up Now lic fore real winter sets in Dial 4213 Over 15 years experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction BARRIE WINDOW CLEANERS GEORGE OCONNOR Manager Mil So iilI iu wrim liitiiiliiull Lia IIULEILIIt iIIS II Menk gloves Mid saucer cream and iti Blake SDI ill itl Velliniztonl Kink Toronto Mrs II 13 Smith til thinn St and It Waton loioiito all food baskets The lifillllill aid wish to thank What are the marks of goodlcring should be light and not too following for donating pryes posture in either child or anitight sagging spring or the lttiy sale Miss IGNIHIUII when standing The bodyltress can do real damage Bazaar and Tea lv gt sum it piqnlp Mun its hold in natural easy positioiilciiilis posture ilitl lainiilynx Ltd tiarke and tilt tlillll 91 011 the balls CI Ltd Ilgt lIDA ILitteistiiillitl outer sides of the feet Hm Hmsmm um WW Emu an might nbdo Midiiiirst township hall was the scene of St lauls annual WA baaar and afternoon tea There was good turnout in spite of the fact Webbs Iitiltl Robertldiawn in and the curves of 11m mi tii Iarfkin Iiuie liobin Shack are slight The chest is lllglilfmllh pmle duly fmmlur llt raig and iand the shoulder blades shoiiid not2 01 lly iflib1 that there were several other teas in the vicinity on the same day and the weather was not too favorable isli St lit tilt piolitltlt Iltt Iltdd lid ll child who is lost lil ii too big chair Among the articles offered for lhniiiiioii Store with the illll ill The general im Mammy 111 hunks pressron is of ti body in excellent sale were two beautiful handmade mulls hie was in the Star pat iymmnS hum Rubmmnis um lphysical condition The child looks Wm up and so tinny5 healthy Wideawake and full lhag Store iiiam and Fleming tlLIV and the finite and Elinyale fair Child SIIUUld illildllillly IlVtIOP Itd hs the tho Dmlble boaids fur permitting thi sale oflll 50 0f DUNS lilt b0d ms Chum Bum had been mad by Mrs Pierce There were also numerous aprons of all patterns and childs set of this kind Very useful til05 for sale ticitels on their piemises Willi IIH liitht balance Faulty The aid have already purchased iJlSlUIt llt often factor in excess for Junior to use when crayoningl unilUt PillUFO 0f the bazaar or painting or cutting out picturcsdlllii le W115 it White Elephant an electric cast critter for the iios ch fatigtic Because good posturel pitai and will be using the prolftiltl good health are dependent on or other handicraft play Juniors table VhiCh W35 30de aflel by own chair which supports his back MIS OIIOCk ceeds of the sale for further hosroach other every parent should and feet helps him to sit up Th head tea table was Centred pitai welfare work know what are some of the things LL winch encourage good posture straight and making his mumps nnnns in shades of mauve and ye of unnecessary strain allinlled 11 iVOly 11109 table lIif Mr IL JIIIIICCd Iitl IS of great ACIOIII of each of the small tables iu anii STARTED INSIRAVIF Marine insurance was lll mist ence in the llilh and ch centuries organized by Italian gtIlltilti3 Eleanor lI Brett Home Economics Subject of Paper Presented To Wl Mrs chdes of Charlotte Street who is confined to bed for month sent an excellent paper on home economics to the Nov ember meeting of the Barrie Womens Institute The paper was read by Mrs McLeod The meetirfg held at the home of Mrs George Morris 22 Vespra Street was presided over by Mrs Ley Mrs Baker read the Mary Stewart Collect and Mrs Adams read Two Temples Mrs Geddes paper contained the information that home econ omics had first been taught by the Ursuline Sisters in Quebec in the 17th Century Mrs Hoodless of Hamilton realized the importance of home economics and laid the foundation of training teachers to carry on the subject in Canadian schools The first course was esi tablished in Hamilton Public Schools in September 1897 TheI schools pioneering in the subject were McDonald Institute at yGuelph and the Household Econ omics Department at theUniver sity of Toronto It was announced at the meet ing that chicken dinner would be served to members and theirl husbands or friends on Wednes day November 29 at six oclockl in the evening at the home of Mrs George Morris report of the euchres for thel past month was sent by Mrs Har rison The next euchre is being held today Monday November 13 mat lo ii sog In the regular docfolk examinag Wilton physician may comment on ithe childs posture and make some lll93siiggistiiiiis for ways to overcome FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson ROf PIOM ETRISI is is child is much better in chair built to his own size with his feet ofnot dangling instcurer in the air but comfortably placed on the lground father who is hand twith tools might be able to savv by constructing himself childs table and chairs Mother finds at STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOP STREET PHONE 3338 BARRIE ONTARIO Wmmmmme 32603415 WALKWELS OPPORTUNITY SALE 500 PAIRS WOMENS DRESSSHOES Reg value $600 to $895 95 Quilting Workshop Ar Library Hall This Friday Miss Crichton former head of the Household Arts Department at Central Technical School in Tor TRAOEMARN Five lovely patterns From left to right Coronation Ludy Hamilton Evening Star Morning Star importance To build bone and Illusfles Plum new gm At bath time Mother can often ltfclrliis ffiuif tmilk piptilsin 13 encourage Child to develop good irate ar little pals pink and blue bas om men eggs iSI an Omema OCIm NGVember Meellilg cheese Cod liver oil in the last 312220le Mm Hagerman Doelled tea and The regular monthly meeting ofigiggewigeghgmo 1513101 much hows his mmy in If Childliiiigiidzct flail and litIlls Dawes Barrie Womans Christian Temper child Clcthefsn 113 news SPEClal help in 1303mm Ill Bowde agdsn tad3183 Mrs Ence Ulmon was held Monday NOV mom Offmodm 03 IQQ stead of using set of exercises To in chime of tog Analogs llitntifa lgtniiirmpfmhgsAndrey Tigm buns hinder the activity which mustbc done as duty In attendance at the bazaar table mod Yimdnncc tTm lffcgKlominm abdominal muscles Care must iooso firms gamtib th were MIS whipps and Mrs Mrs It Ii Irwindprcsidcd be L1ka that Childs StOCkingiftlholesp 30 5mm Cnd and hellsInfirois III1nd Mrs Momeith mid Cap Shnchangave helmgarters do not pull down on the Fleldhouse were devotional 1035mm shoulders The supports Should be ago or the home baking Mam donations View received on the side of an underwaist with opvrsr Rases the work of the fruit and built up neck Shoes stockings For Missionary new comma Miss Clough and mghtclothes must all be large ley rendered solo Mrs Adams enough for comfort Miss Metheml misgionary brought gleanings from the plow some Parents have the mistaken sgrvmg unqu the womens Mis ing match held at Allistonat which idea that any bed will doIor aislom sway 0f Reguml Bmtlsts the provincial union held display Small Child 30 long 35 he gets toi0f canad in the Belgiancongo and literature was given out Sletp quiCkly EaCh Child Should Spoke at me three sunday services Mrs Dingman gave mtst in have his own bed with rm flat or the Comer St BaptiSl ChUITh teresting talk on her trip through mattress and springs pillow is The messages delivered both inspiring and informative Europe and Denmark where more not necessary and if used should Miiady Services start at $4375 WILLIAMS Jewellery 66 ELIZABETH ST BARRIE sentatives of 28 different countries gathered in the interest of YMCA and YWCA work The speaker told Aiiriiiiiriii PAlil Donit suffer plight and dayswift dull weprrsome ac teshor sharp stabbin pains Lead an active life again Tnktg wmk 0f the unlon 0f the semetaly Templetons TRCs Canadas largest ibe small at one The bed cov of the work of these groups and the unity of the people in reconstruc tion During the afternoon Miss Standen read letter of apprecia tion for the loyal support in the ers MacDonald Mrs Adamson selling pgoprietgry medicine Speciallyion behalf of the union presented madetobrmglongedforrelieftosufferers MrS MacDonald with county life from arthritic or rheumatic pain 60c $125 TBM TEMPLETONS TRCs membership pin At the close of the meeting Mrs Cumming served lunch Vocal music was rendered by three Bible School scholars Miss Meth eral returns to Africa this year Thursday Nov was the occas ion of the annual ThankOffering night at the church Mrs Harry Frid vicepresident of the local WMS took charge of the service vocal solo was rendered by Mrs Heath The speaker was Mrs Whitelaw of Toronto mother of Claire Whitelaw who is being par tially supported in the Congo miSlt sion fieldby the local group of the IWMS The sum ofd$150 was received to ward the Barrie missionary in 1952 Mrs Allan onto will be instructor at Quilt ing Workshop to be held this Friday afternoon and evening iii the Library Hall The workshop is being sponsored by the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts Associa tion The afternoon session will be three hours long and will begin at two oclock The evening session also complete in itself will com mence at 730 oclock Instruction and discussion per iods will cover ne quilting mak ing quilt assembling patches putting blocks together applique ing different types of stitching return passage of the binding quilt making scalloped borderpquilting witrhout frame and choosing quilt for its setting Twenty people only can be ac Mrs Adams and Mrs Corbett were meeting convenersfn the ab sence of Mrs Harrison Mrs George Bowles won rst prize fori her collection of 109 articles in vised the making of many quiltsl She has judged quilts at the CNE for the past 18 years She is most appreciative of the development of interest in the PAIR is YOUR SIZE HERE Simcoe County during recent yearsl AAAA and will give those who come to 12 11 11 the workshop great deal ofl ml 141 21 3I practical help in the eld 10 15 18 3411212115ll0 commodated at each session The rst 20 to register for each will be accepted Registration can be made at the Officevof the Simcoe County rl VIRecreation Director Miss Louise Th dd Colley at91 Dunlop Street ere W85 30 attendance at The quilting instructress N0wtr61ieve the meeung 0f the 139118 Ewart WO Crichton until her retiremebt Iii diStreSSWithout meris Institute held in the school ears assis dosing rub on house Mrs Curtiss was in the and super chair Mrs Uncles read the minutes and presented the financial statement and after theusual business Mrs Chappel gave very fine report on the area convention held in Barrie Mrs Allan aIWays very welcome visitOr at the meetings gave talk on Community Activ ities Plans were made to invite the district president to the next meeting Everyone was pleased to welcome Mrs Canning who is one of the charter gmernbers to the meeting Mrs Johnston Mrs Curtissland Mrs Chappel served dainty lunch and thenatiorial anthem closed anI other friendly and successfulmeet4 mg ALKWEL SHOES BARRIES LEADING SHQE STORE OPP POST OFFICE DIAL 2397 VAPoRua AN INSIDE STORY 1900It wasnt only Grandmas cooking that drew thecrowds She had blmew how to enjoylife theratalundnumsaUCe withalumilnum She paninhitiovim In many brevved Dadscoffeeinan other Gnhladian homes alumixiumipotcooked top thioWas thebegin thosebig family meals ning ofubrighiimew era more easily in quick ofbettercoqlringutensilbiT evenheating aluminiva pct 1925 When mother got married she already kitchbnibdcings to the aluminum age She en joys larger selection of 1950T0da1y daughters Whenever you aluminum on the outside of foo or drink theres an aluminum utensils is inside story of cleanlinessand parity fdi9dly Patel Aluminum utensilaclean easily To Plow Pb remove natural deposit left by foods and tv andpurity of the panicage anemia of vinegar ahebuys in boing water Rub in Minnrda Linimentienerously and feeltfic relief steal over the aching miracles For muscular pains aches and stiffness sprained anklesMinardh hbeen well knovin for Over ti years omitrumoured skin tool Get bottle today keep handy New inside and oueIlrats the new 1951 Mercury Luxuri dust restyled from massive new grille to sweptback rearfendeIts longer lowerlooking Memory with new mtgriorrichness new excitingcoldurs new body Land maintaining my yalyqiflfliousjmdshrve seen it acclaimed it Come in today and drive it yourself ni iiiiiiiv FDR ii iiriiiiiiisriiiirioii DRIVE ALUMINUM comuv Or caNAjoA fro