Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1950, p. 10

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Man Partnershi Pension and Soy DR THE BARRllI EXAMINER MONDAY NOV 13 1850 ed the clzislenrg of thurr tw EDENVAlE glnfiddauglllcfs tl Jacobs lltiil Lt iiiln 9d tilt in High lors Toronto Nouriin Meeting of MT and hi family Thalia Trina 3112 lie lng he Ana in 5iill Mrs At number ii rel Miss ii my mixting Airs 1tki tl 2i tire kttlllKl lll was and Mr elect 11i play mg prescnttd shower ill iturdliiliiw stil ltiiti 5isilllcii5j New row Coligta ti LiarJail Goodfeilow ilil fin hi won lift or tli htlVwl Hilll vi lie is eckenil ll lhtli ft vith tta tt uteli11clgei loitrr frills VI UH litl alui ultr ti flill and Mean itil lJE Nil Maw tllilnitl in Wot be rushed to Royai utrirr llospttai stitute iliie iml llailri Him The Thomas lillili le tfli Mr Mitt sympathy the titlllttlllltl the gt9 bunt 11 iti death of Norman lnxuiii 11 Mr and ll arseli attendd The funeral was on Friday Stayiar cemetery The llnrted Sunday hi at pm inst nt it ill limin log starting Sunday Nov Mr and Mrs heartnee Patti son and lanai Stunt pei Sunday it 31 and 3111 their llorstlurg ul Sorry to report liarvtytoe re ceived lace iluuiy Mrs iaddison spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs llaxtorl or Angus and attended the Stanley brush delrlolzstraiiorr Mrs Metiackens Mr and rs lllllllltltll tl Home to Friends and Neighbors The afternoon nd evening of ctobcrl 31 Mr and Mr Fred Ilumbersorr Were it home to about neiglibius and friends in the afternoon Mrs Weslev Mulllberson of ilarhe and Mrs Alex Doner or Newmarkct poured tea and ill the evening Mrs Mather poured tea Mr and Mrs Mumbersons family gave each of them lovely liii watch alld they receiied number of other useful gifts May tllcy both live to see many more years of married life Mr andMrs Arnold of Rainey River have returned home after spending some time visiting here 4a BRENTWOOD Noveillller Ted Winter is now able to lit olit aftlr being ill with pneumonia Mr alld Mrs Wagner and famin have moved into their new home recently purchased from Mr and Mrs William McQuay Jr Sympathy extended to Mrs Nichol llll1l recent bereavement in the death of her brother ill llufl falo wllcre sile attended the tuner al last week plastic demonstration was held Borrow from Household Finance on your signature io endorsers or bankable security needed We specialize ill prompt cash loans for any good purpose out of it prefer llousehold Finance for fast friendly service Phone or stop ill today CANADAS iirclsr Alli 0mm cousurm mum orcimzmou Phone write or visit HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 26 Ellxaboth Street cont Floor Phone 552$ BARBIE ONT ORllllA BRANCH ll Mlnliiago St East 2nd Floor Phono 13M Moor lo or by appointmml loan mod to reiidents of nearby town is Till All to Silivil li ANGUS The roll Presbyterian Ladies Aid met at the home of Miss Pris cilia Wilson on Wednesday Nov ember at with Mrs Robert Lynn president the Aid The meeting opened with singing of the hymn No 371 The minister Rev Karcllr ieorgis lead the scripture and offered prayer Mrs Margaret llrown read from the llible the 33rd lsalm aird add joined in the Louis lrayer The meeting carried on with discussing many business matters Then llyliln No 507 was of close by prayer from Rev Gem gis dainty lunch was served by Miss lriscilla Wilson Mrs David llaxton and 731115 liliiott alld was enjoyed by all The next meet ing is to be held at the home of Mrs Mary Woolsey on Dec ti at pm The Ladies Aid consists of 17 llltlliltl The officers elected are as follows president Mrs Lynn vicepresident Mrs Robert Drysdale secretary Mrs Mary Woolsiy treasurer Mrs Hogg convener for Lookout committee lrs lired Linn Mrs MeQuay tea converters Mrs Fred Linn Mrs Drysdal on MVASEY at Mr and Mrs George 1lrorlbyI serum in Public arm 18 and was well attended PROFESSIONAL MUSIC LESSONS EQWUNTANTS JESSIE BRYSON RMT TEACHER OF PilzNO SINGING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS land THEORY Pupils pre ared mi 53 comer Stu Barrie exa nations of the Royal ConserI 67 Yonge 31 Toronto ivato of Music Toronto all Resident Partner lgrades including ARCT Modern MacLAREN BComm CAI Methods Studio 27 Bradford St Banian ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR lALiCE Duggfelghom4735 Bum iTeacher of Piano and Theory Pup mCOME TAX SERVICE lils prepared for the Royal Con servatory of Music Toronto HERBERT HARRIS DOROTHY JOHNSON Certified Public Accountant ARMSTRONG MacLAREN co BOOTH LRCM RMT 38 Charlotte Street Chartered Accountants Trustees DRAMATIC READING Etc Students prepared for all grades Brock Building 200 Bay st Conservatory examinations In Toron struction given during summer months 7VETERINAIIAN LEGAL DE BRACK mks BOYS Co ege of Music Piano and Wilson Building Post Office Square Instruction in Piano and Theory 140 Dnrilop St Tel 5775 WWARDVMAYOR andCOMPANY Phone 3956 Saturdays Monday Phone Elmvale Sophia St Barrie Phone 4545 Steele St Barrie Monday to Friday Associate of Toronto Conservan Toronto and Barrie tor of Music and London Eng Barrie Office Theory Telephone 3397 152 Maple Avenuon fisiiiftcllifze ANGUS oss SAMUEL ROSE Preparation for Conscrvatory chartered Accountant examinations all grades if desired 69 Collier Street Phone 4949 Barrie THE DAVIES or armor Ceggggfggglfgs Studio 64 Elizabeth St when ANDERSON co VOICE PIANO THEORY AND Veterinarian andSurgeon Barristers Solicitors Notaries Elmvale Ont Public Conveyancers Etc DR FLEMING Office 13 Owen St Barrie Branch Office Elmvale Ontario VETERINARIAN and SURGEON BOYS no BOWE SEAGBAM DR SPEARIN COWAN COWAN VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Burmam socmm Now PHONE 4428 Consulting Hours 10 am to pm LIFE INSURANCE Boss Cowan COWAN BUILDING 53 Collier St Barrie Ont GLADSTONE CURRIE Barrister and Solicitor MONEY TO LOAN 97 Dunlop St Barrie Phouoalll DONALD MocLAltnlv no Barrister Solicitor Etc Money to Load ALFRED HARRIS CLU Personal and Family Plans Pro gramming and Estate Analysis Close Corporation Group Key Proprietors ip Insurance NA FR NDLY DISCUSSION 01 TO LIFEINSUBANCE NEEDS Phone 4174 or 2105 Barrie Successor to Representing London Lilo mm T5dfa moo MONEY TQLOAN agolngfgnsm BURNSD Licensed Drugless Therapists PTOMETR Electric Radio Hydro and Mechauo Therapyt 115 one 3104 MopStreet Fit constant no ornacron AND muss mar 21009103 1L0weii street no corporarut PHENSON BO METRISI Barrio Phono m1 NSTON no ollmrmsr sc office Wail Mr iuuonio Temple Buillinz Phone on November ti Mr and Mrs Olmal Edwards Marlene and Douglas Curry visit ed with Mr and Mrs lIarl Fox Orillia Sunday Armilfiss Doreen Adamson and Rob ert Wilson Midland visited with and Mrs Earl Edwards on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ray Faint and Douglas Midland visited with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Robinson Sun 111v Mr and Mrs Fred Edwardsiand family weekended in Toronto with friends gt Mr and Mrs Stanley Wylie and family spent the weekend with friends in Copper Cliff Mrs William Scar Waverley visited with Miss Eleanor Edwards last week Mr and Mrs Wismorc Isling ton visited with Mrs Delbert Brown Sunday BELLE EWART November Mr and Mrs Barry Tromble and family of Toronto spent the weekend at his homehere Mr and Mrs Rennie Tor onto visited with his mother onto spent the weekend with his sister Mrs Everett Cook and they celebrated Everett Cook Juniors 8th birthday on Saturday Congratulations to Doris Fitz simmons and Charles Carleton who were married on October 20 1950 Mr and Mrs Harry Chappell celebrated their 30th wedding ran niversary OctOber 20r Mr and Mrs Albert Sauve have glue to Ottawa to spend couple of weeks Quite number from here at Whan who passed away Oct 29 ing her grandparents YOUCANT MAKE SlLK PURSE our or sows EAR FEED rm 142 ANNETTE ST ForiSale by Brown Co BARBIE Ira Wilson COOKSTOWN sung The meeting was brought to tlllIN BROCK REAR of the 12th Line lirliisfil arrived lli 1os Angeles in May of this year he saw other members of his family for the first time in 18 years One of the relatives his brother Morley Ill sweater above died since Mr Rear who was accompanied by his wife returned from the visit tr Rear is shown beside his sister Mrs Ida Cotter His broth er Herbert is at right All born lll Innisfil The four are the remaining members of nine ill the family of the late Mr and Mrs Elisha Rear who pioneeer in the Stroud area clearing land to start their farm Elisha Rear came to Illmsfil Town ship as young man and married Margaret Minnikin there Mr and Mrs Brock Rear live on the homestead Mr andTMrsz MarnoTOfTBri Evelyn Baxter of Barrie is visit lrurch were well attended in spite Sees Family First Time in 48 Years AN November ti ilrs learey accompanied Misses Lorna Mctraoken and Reta Barman of Toronto spent weekend at the formers home Mr and Mrs William Day ltllmico were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs McArtllur the Anniversary Services Anniversary services at Central of the apjwarance of Old Man Wile ter The morning service conduct ed by Rev Murdo Machines in Gravcnllurst who stated first how happy he was to be back ill the church ill which he was ordained and how he remembered pleasure the many happy times spent behind the pulpit ill Central Church and visiting in the homes of its members llis sermon from Psalm 31 was most inspiring and delivered in forceful of which Mr Machines is most capable indeed The evening ser vice conducted by Mr Lockic Royal student minister of the con gregation gave very stirring1 message that should long be re membered by all who heard it Special music was supplied bythe church choir assisted by Dalton Slessor of Holly as soloist Mr and Mrs Ralph liickling rof Shanty Ba and George lcarsall of Allandale The thanks of the Session are ix lcnded to them and to the regular members of the choir also to McCuaig organist under whose direction the splendid music was supplied Presentation to Mrs Ness and Son very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Hutchinson on November when 28 gathered to honor Mrs Ness and son Douglas who are leaving this community soon The evening was spent playing games Follow ingthis the guests of honor were seated at table and presented with an electric percolator and table lamp also deep fryer Douglas on behalf of his mother and himself thanked their friends and invited them to come and vis it them in their new home They have been residents of the Com munity on the McNabb farm for ten years The best wishes of host of friends goes with them to their new home November Apleasant Thursday evening was spent at Pine Crest when the latest newlyweds Mr and Mrs William McFadden were presented with beautiful trilight floor lamp and table from friends and neighborsThe charivari boys re membered them witha lovely sil ver set of cream and sugar with tray The presentation was made by Mrs Richardson and Mrs TDyerTh address read by Mur ray Carson which in part welcom ed the bride to our community and wished them much happiness the groom replying very eapably The jovial MC Charles Miller then led tended the funeral in Toronto on off with For They are Jolly Good Wednesday of the late Rev Elmorel Fellows DanCing was enjoyed throughout the evening withmusic by Bert Boyd violin Bill Friel piano and records ISfLIXHED IvV 800 HOG FEEDS from the glory uglo from 75 lbs foniarkel weight Hog Concentran vvlien you wont to feed your own home grown grains Over 140yeara experience in the scientific preparation of livestock feeds ensures sterling merit rd TORONTO ONTARIO Wilson MINESING Eric Mercer THORNTON 111 Bell UTOPIA linu man 3W Hog Grower At Coldwater Lle Willi wards the cost of materials for two mmtb with the cost of the buildings which 11 is lMpiE Jusr FEED Younrlos late for They will grow quickerfallen quickcr keep healthierand reach market weight much sooner and atllower feed 6052 Pig Slattor the Agricultural Society will assume raw7mm IIADTIFUIGIIIYSIII ruriiovaiur amount mo in by ilri Ports Peacocks liotim uni be on are hot cm November ll CLOWES 33ng wringing2 it Nun1111 til dent of has blihcue WI ll sir1171 ri as himum To Supp ifljlfc liiilfijfeiifkjrlliel InlJatlhi colliilzullity fowl supper 1112 2iowes Church on Aouct people sat do to nlul Nov 11TLi to illtrtLliilll Show Net it holiday ts 11ll aura iz ili fl Ruler cit it 511 uglel MIE i3 WU le 115 31W 14 it fuidance from thi arents instead BARR if illtii one ill Jr the wholei usual tolllliitiliily spirit Him 14 hall do du veal that should to ouserttd as ling for tllelll She also sang lowrs omens Institute AV The gulf hiding luwi hintZedkayHiillhsfuguntoteAWl Cmm all IC Ctllilltdlui Morris Douglsi WM mum HM and Mrs Strainr of Severn Bridge HEBTZ DEWMm lliilvtouan Geore Kirigsbowuhi AltLean hm vambw ll Wcrt welcome guests also Mrs mgns his it ii mi an mwlzgumc 31ltl5lfltrd and Mrs Winston ho are Collier 8s ppm and seven visitors present fills indium ihe Raye iiiforllled ConnWNW prcdd AH 1m Owningi litmmmm Cil that large iliority of tlre0dv mm L0H Pray Mm merchants ht hati been able to rnimmwn mud ME vi lthitW on the holiday proposa in fa or of the allday tlOs Collect The roll call was answer ied by My fillllltgtl point of trav fel Mrs Fraser and Miss Jovcc L1 Raul Hung lllunter were apportited to pack li A5 mp mwlmg Wu mt last Ngu Christmas box for our adopted um 1m 1950 Cuunm KW family in England The roll call fort Dalllop thanked the members forim DsClmbtl meeting lit Mrs their cooperation and said he hopl H19 Oum rm not theiriwere installed where necessary to services He also thanked the Clerkl pnwm mm wagmg Tzeasurer for his assistauce in helpl mg the Reeve to falliiharize himi 5dr Monthly lial Self with his duties which he tookl In answer to an inquiry originally oler ill the middle of the sunlmerimiule by Councillor llarry Cowalli following the departure for Barrieltlle clerk advised that hydro of of former Reeve Ernest Miller lficial had agreed that Council would Reeve Dunlop said in his tenfbe justified in charging monthly years in Council under Reeve Millrental for the regular llsaction icr and two years under the lateiof hydro busrness in the town halll 12 Stevens hooftcn thought the and for goods stored there sileeve as presiding officer had all It was decided to experiment far easier post than the councillorsther ill all attempt to filld addit ile had found out that he wasional sources of water supply 10 motion was passed to have The Reeve said whoever guidedi llawke hydro foreman attend an the affairs of Coldwater in 1931i accident prevention meeting at liar would benefit from the policy fol rie on Nov 10 with expenses paidi lowed this year of meeting all ob up to $5 Fall cleanup day was set ligations as they arose The tax for November 15 rate had had to be raised to nicetl fixed costs but the rate next yeari could probably be reduced substani tially as grants on the fire trucks library and other facilities would lower the budget November ti Leslie Smith ill Toronto Congratulations to Keith Tudor student Reeve Dunlop said the stone froth Ir El Qlmn Ulmimvmy the old lllmcs Steele log house at1mmmn the BHCIM N0 Fairvallev had been donated for the Thoinbhm 0m Mpumc lamination papers written by ill giio WM 01 Dl Boydsludents entering Theology Keith MWWHM Purk mm Ms prcl is the son of Fred Tudor who form Wrmti Suggcgwd With or uicrly lived in this community Wei Climmcej iare very proud of Keith and wish Cllmf Offer 10 my 5130 it for him continued success in his studies small buildlngs on the fair grounds providing they were left on the pmiWNV and 00 be located Si and Mrs John Faris and Lois at the desired Percy Brimage of the Fairl hon of and Mrs pmnch Board had asked Council to assist Samrdm Wcning Na Weekend and Sunday visitors with Mrs Maude Copeland and Mr and Mrs Rodgers included Mr and Mrs Charles Stone and child ren and Lou Glenn Stayner Mr and MrsCar1 Copeland and Geor gie Lakeview Mr and Mrs Forbes and Jack and Mr and Mrs James White Listowel spent Sunday Stone Donated Several from this community at tended the farewell party for Mr amounted to $230 It is expected the balance of the cost Clayton Blancy informed Council of water leak which seeped into his basement Council instructed Waterworks superintendent Bruce Specrin to see that water shutoffs IheVaiuePackedeSO PLmoUrngives you the values you Want in an automobilevalue in comfort safety performance convenienceand economy that your pocketbobkt PLYMOUTH proves its worth to you Withthe speed and ease of IgnitionKey Starting the economy and convenience ofAutomatic Choke the smooth action if SifiCuardII drifulitrrakesi theioxtra 10160tl0ni of Safetyle 4116818 the comfort an quiet of HoatmgPower and the buoyant smoothness of Air Pillow Ride These andmany other ChryslerEngineered features make Plymouth ride and handle like cars costin hundreds of dollars more AskPLYMOUTH owners abolit LYMOUTH VALUElEnthusiastically theyll tell you that Plymouth to packed with valueand comically proving it mInohrvisawuo ruoo mum Ar GREGORYlS GARAGE Bradfordbeonc 55ELl2ABETH STREET THABOLD PHONE 2427 TM 01 mmmi 11 Si cation so llt Clion as her subyeet Notczhbcr iwullltous supper Miss Hilda Stile chall teacher of No 15 school With her pupils plutitlltl all excellenti Alrprograni assisted by iirs rzaselzgmcu Stewart BETHESDX licw to teach our Lliildtcf to be good citizens She explained how cluidzelll we should guidehleurvwg iinlllii Ind Drive Mm patience lu let them try to ultcl Call 2772 own problems with some You cant hitchhike your way to Family Security Theres no harm in hoping that good fortune will help with lift along the road to pros seillrll pi ill but to trust the futpit liirillilal of family to luck is to risk illsioter Tlltlt can be no independence without financial security family unprotigtled against the loss of the brcadwinncr faces aimmcerlain future uitlnilulceoflneoliic pm 16 is through Life insurance arranged in the form of guaranteed noncancellallle monthly pay ments Manufacturers Life representatives are quiilifieil to help you plan your financial fulurein accordance with family needs and circumstances THE ANUFACTURERS INSURANCE COMlANY ruubliiicd lain ti HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANADA Barrie Office 70 Dunlop Street District Representatives WALKER COLE GEORGE LIVINGSTON WIB MALLORY GRAHAMS GARAGEAlbum

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