BY JANIE Mir Public Library Board 171115 mg My pm Heber Smith gate men gt1=11e ml delegates 11 1111e Lot Fir 11111111 Hm evening lll his itltf urlcoiiac provine 3sz to the Ontai inate UICIlf littleknow we gathering it aphicalty the Ontario and 51111 11011 has the sivih BIC CHEM In women under 30 help counteract dry inakineas sof Nil 11 111113 11d 11 pop Llliltl 111t1 111 1111511y hm aging fatigue IIIHtI refreshes even tho Thus REG $250 SPECIAL tindent dried $I25 72 BEAUTY PLUS For women over 30 contains dy namic hormone ingredient brings to your complexion 11 Pctstorms Otigue lines tiny aw REG $175 SPECIAL hunger looking counteracts dryness $LOO wHITTYsf DRUG STORE SARD Weve Got Your Babys Comfort c111 Ijggri ats why we make 1special feature lof the new 1950 DIAL 2823 Prescription Ionlinary or extra strength llingwoiitl lands 11111l byldl 311111 11 111ep11on 11 1111zt1e 121cc welcome 11 the 11 $111 the T111111 11 ilaria grain111g 11111 at luI 1111111 1112121 IHIQ Mis 1111 Page Jack 111k 111111 Si 11 11111 1e111 large 1111 112 othiis 111111=l1 Ilti gt111 11111l1f1 111111 1211 111i1 1111 11 111111 umk 11111411 Ila11 111t 111iiil 1111gtgt111 111 111 11 11c 111111111111 12111 1111 ii11 111 1111 Siincoe ountys librarian Elilsie Dunn 11111 1111111111111 11111 S111111111ks 11v 81111111 t1111t 11lo 111111 about 81111111 11111111 111 1E1 llll 11111111 11 11 1151 haw11111111 111e111pl1 111 11 iangrd 111 11111 111aiy hall 11111 111 ltltltlttl for the information 111 1111117 llllltltsitd Stephen l11c11k ltvhicli is 111 111111121 the iiltlc 1111 111 Il11ip11s1 1111111111111 tllntlbttl 11 lic lrillia 111 1111111 1111 Stu 1811111111 111111 111 Hearts 51 ay iMunro the story 111 Barbara 1211 IStott by 1111111111 llariu l1ltli 111 chnnetli 31 Well 11111 Pen and lll Moonstone 111k Illll needs no 1111111111nls 1111111 1111111 vins Vow by Callaghan 1111 Istory for boy 111 and near 111 Frederick hauling by Lloyd Stcvensoii and Etienne Bride by Midlands ii transton all about liitaiios first white eit1 171111 an advance agent 1111 Llianip lain who lived dangerously among the liuroii Indians After all my countrside even 11 1111111111 bev cause authors find something worth writing about here All these books are obtainable from your public library and the county library for rural readers The final cribbage game in the series which has been going 1111 at the Barrie Country Club ever since the middle of the summer will be played Monday night Mrs II Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Itch Untll discoverer Dr Dennis amazin ly Inst reliefD Prescription Iorill popular this pure cooling liquid medication speeds genre and comfort from cruel itching caused eczema pimples rushes athletes foot and other itch troubles Trial bottle 35c first application rhcrks 11111 mt must intense itch or money Iiiiclt Ask druggist for FOLDING CARRIAGE guess we are somewhat 111 liter juicy looking raspberries from his Northern Ireland will be speaker mens Canadian day evening October 31 The meet I111g had to be postponed you will Etfanada to British Columbia during lia since September His topic will in the British Commonwealth Iibiary hall RogersScott Nuprials Held At Parents Home 11111 they attend 3k titlng 11 11111111tofo1 1111 111111111 11 their Mi Sunday etching 111 1111111115 drop congratula 11111111 Iluring the ll1111 liy who 11111111 at their WedA 1111 11 1111 St 11111111lthurc11 111 1iri 11 the tea table illtli 111111111 1101111 c1111 7111 112 11 11111 1311 311 111 11 1111111 11 their 111111111111 litc I11 IIil1rll the 1111111 111 1111 1111 lit1 11111111ts1111 11 rC s11 11 1t 11 11 and Mrs 11111 111111 1111 l1111 1111111111x 111111 111 Lives in sqiihre and folk lane 1111111 111111111 11111111 v1llev1ry l11sltl tllll at the collegiate 1i11111 of over Ill 111111111 11 111111 coming in from ltl area 1111111111 Harrie Everyone 111111 11111 111mm of learning 1111 1111 1111111 111115 and Fern llama 111vls Illvtlloll The group this chL 111 alwady 1111111111 throiigh Ihe intricacies 111 several square Itlfllltts and goodly number of Ann1111111 and tanadian folk dancer lhcy are also learning the VwaltL scliottischc twostep and pol ha The informal and spontaneous 11lass1s begin with leadership 111111111125 MSSXUII at 731 for half an 11111111 lh1r1v the students learn lcalls and discuss techniques and class gets into full swing at eight 11cl11ck1ach evening Miss Culley says that there is even ail encourag ing number of men dancing this year There is still room for more girls and men George Iringlc picked some large and Mrs IlwltIlMil have IIV 111111 of their annivcrl Albert LyonsX lthim Spud 11111 11111 111l111 211 111111 at 111111111 all Silt1Illlt Oshawa Formerly Miss Doris Nursing Director Chairman Social Service Committee MR AND MRS VERNON CHARLES BOWEN whose mar1 riage was solcinnixed recently In St Georges Anglican Church Mildred Saunders the bride is the daughter of Mrs James Saunders of Oshawa and the late magma 51mm 111 111 151111 Mr Saunders and the groom is the son of Mr and Mrs change has occuircdai diviner1111 Bowen 111 Barrie They are making their home in Oshatvaldl W01 Th rll5 ENGRAVING COURTESY OSHAWAWHITBY TIMES GAZETTE Philathea Club Hold Evening Tea and Bazaar New Curriculum Outlined for Social Workers After all is said and done how does it taste in the cup That is what counts SALADA TEA BAGS yield the perfect flavour specter Chi 4e 1191 1331 cf the pi tclzl llltzlJlg of the Saiiitm 131111 1oy Comimuee 11 Social 5111 Assis1111g 11111 11111 1121v 111111 1111 lrchodl 11111ct111s 11 this 1211111 Alliston Bairic 1111 5111111 311111 wood The 1111111111114 11111111 1111 11111ship of Miss Maigaict Mar Lachlan Barin 1111111 111 1111 ounly Buildings in 811111 1111 tlc tobei It Mi Gibson 11li1niuc1ng 111s topic The New Cnriiculuin iii 011111111 Schools printed 1111 that the 11111 Ll ll chair ch 01111111111 be theme speaker Mrlzicm 11111211111 1111 Public Rela 1111111 will be 111 Slilltot Cutie itiuis has them1 speaker for the 11 All members of 1111 5111111111 Efjldigigftift135 linundy Life Coiifcicnce ctobtr County1111111111111 of Social Stl Mn Mined txwp 213 to 211 and has colliiilttl to stay yiccs wishing 111 iiifend ari asked 0mm Mummy Tmth is resource prison for the Sinicoe 111 contact 111 lllrnn 111 1111 occlll my iwmum Tm touiitv t111111111ttx1= of Social Sci1111 Street Illllllf division will consist of grades 1111 two and three junior division grades our five and six and 111 tcrinediatc giatlxs CVLII to 1111 Generally authority for the Ilt curriculum is being deceiitializcd and more Will he lilVill to new local eoordinatitig 1111111111111111 111 educators Mi Gillies brought to the group thochanges 111 text books to be used Ill grades one two and three He stressed new methods of teach lug reading in these grades and the importance placed on the reading program 1101 hoped that the lltwl reading program wtll require less home direction and also eliminate remedial reading guidance 111 11111 er grades Reading level of the individual pupil will be used par tially as basis for advancement Mr Lapp in pointing out that the old entrance exam has been Creams cocmotlcs cologne and avorythlng also to make you VINRadian theyre all on sale at wonderful 20 sovlng Sula priced $170 Sal priced Soil prlcad 250 Sale priced 300 Sale priced 60 Solo priced SaIe prlcld L60 Sula priced LOO Sula prIccd 80 Solo prIc ad Sale prlcad l20 Solo print 92 Vitamin Cream ch $150 CleansingCteain ch 110 Vitalcsccncc Crcamch 350 vDcrmaskiiich 375 DeodorantCrcmnch 75 Smoothskin Lotion ch 110 Vidalrn ch 200 LipsnckReg 125 Cream R11ugc1 ch 100 Cake Rougech 110 Face Powder de Luxe ch 150 FnccPowderboxch 115 so mom act 28114 M014 014 Many more items at The sum saving see our displayl 111ovide for establishment of local committees of educators Their lpurpose will be to unify the pro gram of the intermediate grades land to guide the curriculum ac cording to local needs and inter ests while maintaining basic fini damentals of education in the pro ram Scott showed how the new Miss Margaret MacLachlan lir cctor of nursing services for the Simoce County health unit has been elected chairman for 195051 1f the Sinicoc County committee on illlllttlplts 111 group leadership The 5001111 StIVlCCS This is committee of represen tative of all health welfare and educational services within the county Organized in 1945 the Committee meets monthly to dis cuss integration of existing ser vices and mutual problems to study the broad county needs and to garden at 34 Wellington Street East Iucsday 11111111ing Seems hardly possible after the change in the weather and cant help thinking he didnt pick them any too soon However theyre real enough as lhe brought specimen right in to The Evaminer office Frank fonkcy yministcr recently Presbyterian arrived from at the meeting of the Barrie Wp Club next Tues remeniber from last Tuesday to Halloween Mr Conkey came to the past year and has been in Oril be The Placo of Northern Ireland Members are reminded that the meetings begin at 830 pm in the quiet wedding was solemnized on Friday October 20 1950 by Rev Lewis at the home of Dr and MrserAmScott 19 Market Square Barrie when their daughter Miss Helen Marjorie Scott was united in marriage to Harry Gordon Rogers SQILQLMWogers and the late Mr Rogers of Tollendal The bride wore rust suit with green accessories and corsage of bronze and yellow baby mumsi After the reception the happy couple left for London ontariol stimulate dcvelopments to meet those needs Miss Helen Robson who is in charge of Childrens Aid branch in Midland is the new program chair man She is assisted on this com mittee by Joseph Gibson Orillia Elmer Wood Orillia and Mrs Ruth Wilson Midland Miss Robsdn and tier Committee have prepared Slate of very timely topics starting with the study ofthe new curric ulum in the schols ofOntario The slate of officers for the forth coming year also includes Miss Dortha Jackson Barrie as vice chairman Miss Elsie Dunn Barrie recording secretary and Terry OBrien Barrie corresponding sec retary and treasuerr The group wishes to expressits thanks to Howard Naphtali manag ing director of Simcoe County chil drens aid who as 194960 chairman has contributed so much to the pro gram of the Simcoc committee of social services Robert Wood of TorOnto was ring bearer reception was held at Robin dale Inn Receiving with the bri dal party the mother of the bride wore black dress with matching accessories and corsage of pink rosgs Assisting the grooms mo ther Was wearing grey oral pat terned dress with black accessor ies and corsage ofpink roses The brides travelling costume was brown suit andstan topcoat with broWn and pink accessories Out61ft0wn guestsatthe wed ding came from Kirkland Lake Toronto Brampton Weedstock Sharon and The Philathea Club of Collier St United Church held an evening tea and bazaar 011 lncsday October 17 The guests assembled at eight oclock in the Sunday Schol audi torium Baskets of Chrysanthe mums and other fall flowers made an attractive setting The bazaar booth in charge of Mrs Neil Mc Bride and Mrs Harry Kline was well patronized Miss Pearl Thornton president of the club welcomed the guests The program was convened by Miss Edna Theodore who conduct ed several games in which the guests participated Mrs Kenneth Taylor pleased the guests singing The China Figure Mrs Inger lAarson and Miss Theodore in tpiano duo entertained with two numbers The Arrival of the Queen 10f Sheba by Handel andJam aican Rhumba by Benjamin Refreshments were served in the recreation room downstairs Mrs Lewis presided at the attrac tive tea table Members of the club were tea hostesses Male Quartet Entertains WA Last Wednesday evening Group ofthe WA of Collier Street Unit ed Church was entertained by the church male quartet consisting of Alfred Shepherd Victor Knox William Lambert and William Knox Lloyd Tufford church organ ist accompanied the group in the singing of several selections at the church parlor The quartet sang several selections including an American folk sang Tom BigBee River PassingBy Loch Lomohd Dry Bones and By theLight of the MM Ray purchase The Ylta Ray SIdm Awakening Couno complcto guide to Iiomorbocuty carch cnosscanns 50 DUNLOP ST OPP SQUARE lcurriculnm mitiliLJiL daplcd lhelp the retarded childf Promo ltion will be based upon the best ginterests 0f the individual child lrather than solely on academic at ltaimnent Mr Gibson in slimming up stressed that the courses are still in experimental stages but he felt that we were now progressing in the right direction Miss Helen Robson Midland thanked the speakers and stated that the whole November program would be discussion in this same topic Announcement was made of day conference to be held at Sav annah Lodge on October 20 Miss lLouise Colley will be convencr lAiIreuCouch member of the fac ulty of Hiram College Hiram lat the church tomorrow afternoon in conjunction with the parsonage ltea under the auspices of the other groups of theWA Royal Wiiiter Fair Features Special Childrens Program TORONTO Saturday Novem ber 18 has been set as the data for special Childrens program at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair November 1422 Among the featuresoffere the visiting young sters will be the famous ride of the Spanish Court Riding Schoolt lwhich has been in existence morel than 300 years but is making itsl rst appearance in Canada LESS 2025 DISPLAY ROOM IS NEEDED FOR NEW LINES 0F CHRISTMAS GIFTS CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY 413a OUR LAYAWAY PLAN Shop Now At Dont be tortured by Silvery Moon They concluded their program by leading the group of ladies in an informal singsong The quzirtet was introduced bf Mrs William Malcomson and thank ed bywllgrs Charles Newton Forty members of the WA were present Mrs Earl Cox president presid ed during the evening Group DischoldingahbaingeSizle Get relief fast Put few drops of Vieks Vatrenolin each nostril It helps drain sinuses brings Welcome relief 300R COLLIER BAYFIELD STS PHONE 2395 mVVvw 55 univelSItY of Western Ontario Folding Carriages In every detail they are planned byicerafgt Touilllikhsma good looks and the truly worthwhile features Come in toda and let us you all the extras you get in thenewrlgm Moyd Folding Carriages DoWneyNevils Nuptials are Held The marriage of Miss Josephine Valentine Nevils daughter of Mrs Nevils andthe late Samuel Nevils of Cookstown to Lionel Stanford Downey son of Mrs Downey and the late Downey of Cooks town took place in Collierrstreet limited ChurchBarrie on Satur ay October 21 1950 at three Adjustable heighthandlhhange oclock in the afternoon Rev1S lmstantrv pic Lewisvperformed the ceremony The wedding music was played by the churchorganistLloyd uffbrIPTfm Given in marriage by hereldest brother Heary Nevils thelbride worea gown of white satin with net yoke embroidered with rhinestonesandpearls The gown was trimmed with lace and her fingertip veil was attached to halo of roses and Iilybfthevalley She carried cascade of red roses The maid of honor Miss Mary Nevils of Cookstown was gowned in blue taffeta styled with sweetheartmeckline She carried bouquet of pink Briatqliffcqses The bridesmaidMiss Shirley Bai ley of Cookstown Was in pink taff eta and carried bouquet of Jo hanna Hill roses The ower girl Miss Marie yBulman of Beeton was in yellow taffeta and her owers Lancelot Downey of CookStgwn Barrie rwas groomsman and the ushr was abu Geoffrey lDowney of iCbokstown Supercurride spTinigiiig for lvwonderfully smoghyibratiOn free ride Simpler Supereasy mph Fold ingfoldsrin an instant ts any istandardauto Deepsupcrcofgftilupholstery plastic wheel bearings ever neat 0g neyer DnivEriasaivicr iiol 21111111119131 0312111 496F311 DiiIJYT sc FORFTHGTSE fL 72fORiCALlMTHEPLANWHIGeHT NU