THE BARRIE EXAMINER THIRSDAY OCT 19 1950 FORMER ST MIKES STARS BATTLE OLD MATES FRIDAY IN SECOND HOME STAND St Mllllatiw Ltlti Tailors piloted by ioriner IrOlesslonzil are Barrie Ilyers opposition Friday night at Battle Arena lzld the 01131 tllllUl tussle has all the earmarks eiwniwliart bang Peanuts UIialllzty HUJ rs IIlIH loo lilnl ifltl Laillrr Ia tolv ihnni lit ilil lo luv ll ALLEY KOTE Illitll IRIIS NO WAX Have your floors sanded and finished with New lev Kote Dries hard in two hours No work waxing required All guaranteed FOR FRI2E ESTIMATE PHONE 3107 CARSONS WINDOW LIIANIZRS Iril iulliiiu iIIt IIgtufz 321 In lull li ILLJIII in ie lopilitti LlI ll lvilll lllll gtlZftlrl lIldIlt 1ll Loni itle ookll Lax Ilili tuner llillll Illl1s lze tltII1LlllIi ll Elie ilmrl ltl ii vaziis llol ll tl Illil lll4tll Fled Sand lei ui Hume ill Illtt illlileit Hurtwin gtpol actlltlvi Miliidyloslcl yuiiigvl brother ti lritl lo but Eildjiit lit in id lzltsbazeii iloazets lxi Illtl is hot taking the Illinois Li killed If two years whegi lltj Ilt EIIAIII l=ltu Illti plovidei lil sily tester ll lit So Ill Ill gtItlitl he io exception St EliseItalic flash is vneially tilli ItklIiIiL illair Will ittlltl to Offered Boys ilonlulua lam page offuzen ltvlll and Illl 11 Ilelve Sliliis loll ilIltl Cadets whl lHlilI ldet anili anlps Major The cainps Lunenblu the Woods amp Laloua Vail leouver Island and Camp Iiincess llice nozgian Ilav III addition to this each year an fIIinpiie Sta adet amp is held iii In chosen Bllllrh country It is lit IIIIIKI on an exchange basis by lselectvd cadets from the colnmon livealth countries Opportunity is offered cadets for Icruises on naval training vessels on the lreat Lakes In comprehensive educational program boys who can qualify THE STORE FOIL MES 15 Elizabeth St At The Points Phone 2566 More lliiiio1ON liorin manna Iopcoats 2195 to 49511 iAiiAitiMNEs covnurs ReadytoWear Suits 45 and lip GABARDINES IWORSTEDS SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED MODELS Jackets $850 and up ALL STYLES CORDUROYS AND OTHERS Odd Trousers 895anduir IAIIARIHNES Here they are The latest in mens styleglware Tall clothing Come in today while stocks are still completc Buy fall fashion and winter comfort and save THE STORE FOR Mlle 15 Elizabeth St AhThe Five Points Phone 2566 OPP uncommon HOTEL BARRIE OSATINS WORSTEDS vttl ned IzlltletxillltL abzlity lulu sisien ihila Iil itd china 2111 itll iniozlo Maple ltthl rilleu to Match are eligible for two weeks one ofwiive Sea are Nova Siolla faaip Ewing hoisey near Mont real fanip Itllliiil IiiikeTif Harold Walthcrs annually this plant demonstrates what can be done by one man with GEORGE STAN 17 Drivein Theatre Closed for Season The Illnoixld llliltlll Theatre Sounds night until next Slain Ini till outdoor lheaiv tjllst liliiil Iiillm attracted good district anui according to Hit lhe weather cleared up and it has ftt=ltl it pitetlii Isllliiirul lllli lt LlllIIIV ncEl gtl tlLINtI may coillpete for natal scholar gt1ips it natal lulleiies pussllilv to luauts to 11111 complete editedtlem lllllttlxl The corps lllli3tl of bands stiunzents supplied by tlle corps ldrlun band has played at llllllltl ous Ileallnbiance Ilay local fails and on other occasions the conclusion of new en period of six parades new cartels ale issued complete imi form vth no charge new feature of the Sea adet igaiiimtlmi started this year pro vides naval servtee leadership itramlnu courses at naval training establishmentsacrhss the country These for both officers and vatlils Illlllllll all is pro grtssive so that cadets can qual ify for various ratings over per iod of tune Qualified cadets are plav in higher ranks when open ings occur lit Rowe stresses that the train ing program does not conflict with school work but is auxiliary to it Ile also emphasizes that it is important to correct an erroneous idea that Sea Cutlets are likely to be called in event of national emergency It is laid down in the Naval Service Act that Sea Cadets are not liable to be callud up Stipulations are that cadets must Ibo between the ages of 14 aild Ill jand must be at least 32 inches in height Other officers in the unit are It Cliff Kelly Lt Lorne MeGib ibon SubIll Bill McBride and SubLt John Elliott llli corps One of the first feeder tours fiom this area was held on Wed nesday October when Barrie IFarm Supply Market Square 10 cal dealers in Purina farm pro ducts sponsored bus trip with the purpose Of seeing how the other fellow handles the farm problems of management sanitation breed ing and feeding and what methods he uses to increase production Those making the trip were Bar rie and district farmers and poul try producers representing many centrcs including Mincsing Mid hurst Oro Shanty Bay and TollendaL ductedJOy Bruce Brown owner and operator Of Farm Supply the group left at am by Greer Transportation CO coach driven by The first stop was if Holland Landing at the Poultry Farm With capacity of 100000 broilers Zoeateii on the 2131 line of lnnisli The twinis Wilain Sunliiuriuiyes and It is also ilei lain will be rauied with Ill lu the past lb RCSLC bugle aild StlVILLS into the naval services Perkinsfield Stroud Organized and personally conI EILEEN SEIGH well as Inel ollbtediy it is one of ticgtl dressed and lzt till Ch in ice shows cu LEO LABIN IaWIs IIlgcy KC of Hranlfold who also opeiati the drivein Woodstock txpitssctl as well pleased with the reception to close Strangely enougl been rly nice this week led and will all be stored in Ilarrii tor the winter The tlllllt has been leased to the Arena iolicessions Simcoe County Shows Well in Powing Match Sinlcoe ounlIvI favorable showing last week Wednesday was stubble plowing were as follows Class horses openIIerb Jar given seyville Class horstisgNelson Raymer Ringwood Ken Spence Annan In the prize inoiicywere William tSpicher Stayuer and Ken Mc Donald Barrie 11 Class horses boys liiider lll Eugene Timbers Milliken Ivan Bell Kirkfield Class Al tractors openRobert Timbers Stouffville Ivan Mc lIaughlin Stouffville 41 entries Bert Maw placed tllh and Douglas Giffcn Mili csing was 12111 Class tractors row crop style Norman Tyndall Richmond 11111 Grant Wells Stouffville Allan MeNahb of Minesing was 4th and Bcrnell McKay of IIawkcstonc came lilth Class ti IractorssMarshall Deans Paris Earl Bacher Cayuga Frank Craig of Alliston was 10th and Gowanlock of Olilllil was lith Class tractors boys under It LFirm Takes Farmers on Tour tol See Methods Used Elsewhere iof Charles Armstrong Of Ann strong Construction The next order Ofbusiness din her at the Yellow Briar Inn Brampton was particularly wel come and enjoyable After dinner final and interesting visit was paid to the farm of Norman Swit zer midway Between Brampton and Orangcvillc practical cv ieryday farmer he was not echct methods The return trip via Schombcrg and Highway 27 marked the end everyone and 100 per cent satisfact ory The route was well planned through some Iof Ontarios finest scenery enhanced by gorgeous autumn tints Mr Brown intends to organize more trips of similar na ture labor saving devices and good management Next was the processing plant of ChoichCutup Chicken at Aurora which processes up to 4000 birds daily From here the group visited DO Armstrong broiler grower at Brampton where the surprising capacity of 125000 largest in Can ada is reached each year Also visited at Brampton were Ithe ROsafe Farm which has fine herd of 130purc bred Holsteins and the modernLhog brooding unit Calgary Blueliner Msvs vwss9uw it PICTURES eRRons PLAQUES mais PIbTUBE FRAMING PAINTSHQP bATES M$Q QQ II TIME is TO ANGUS and Barrie at withwthecolorsyOu have always Wanted Select themthrough Sunworthy or Sunlested FLOGLAZE AND 0L0th ER FullLinOfg PAPERHANGERSISUPPLIES iDAILY DELIVERY NOW xsssssxs FdR CHANGE Why not Live Wdllpapeis NJ CAMP BORDEN phiiiiaazvo sssspssssssuss DON CLARK Barrie product who signed this season with Calgary Stampeders Allan Cup finalists last year Clark Should aid the Stamps defence corps Hewasthe main stay Of surpriseshowing by Kam loops Elks last year reached the Western senior semi finals Altheapressed Calgary to the limit Prior to thatClark had Seen actionin the American qHockey League and Pacific Coast League rugged blueliner Don was One of the firstmembersr of the Barrie Flyer squad of 194546 llvtSIee themselve Til3 IIuionizi opened in May and it was plannvd to continue lin ill the tiltl oi Itlitlltl but the weaw thci was bad for several weeks andf sliltliiIlIV last week when it rained ivery day and brought cool windy nights That was why decision visi The equipment being dismant popcorn ma ven llor Charles Brown of the Barrie entries made the Inter national llowing Match at Alliston OVLI Ill and the winners vii Agincourt Alfred Dickie Ier There were hfiilesiiig ing visitors but showed definitely 3rd Jack Campbell Churchill 8th that production far beyond the av Douglas Giffcn Mincsing 8th Don erage can be obtained by practich Brown were 63 entries largest in the whole tournament of aperfectday in the opinion of Sheldon Walker Sharon 12th when they Rowe Newton Robinson 6th THE SIGN ore ibii of outstanding acts in the Jerry IitIlIlJitl who porcel il Barbara Ill Snell last fuel is Itni to ELIeeii Sein oil this Ir isoied by new iioup Illiialional Sp its Productions wlltlil of Mesds iotnll Willie and Lucien Chart iiitl iilnns Walsh the Eat 133111 baiield is dazzling Irxl year Lilliilkllilllgt have come to look up en ilob and Peggy White as two LlsllltSS and in the International IllVllt they add tremendously IIleie fill to their reputation it galore in this lu ir clever slapstick EIiiincy Flanagan will tltllllllt spilt with laughter with illliilllilll operates on skates izld his cantilever glides are excep zlvlltl Canada boasts two lpil skaters III the IliWitl twins of illuzlila and Joan and AtIl numerous friends for itIVtb and they are even better in jllleu second year as proflssionals ISIIII skating is an artlhat is let ler pirleet with such performer Nick Dantos on the high blades ilianlos is regarded as one of the tip line still skaters in the world illlbe present tiille For an llll uual act patrons will find Ilobby liuilay tumbler on the silver blades very talented performer IEus young lad is headed for star lom with his luring tosses and whirls around the lot The show which contains acts very wellbalanced and precise ettevt which bring out the best iuI oioiing The music is excellent vith Gershwin melodies and intrit rate Operetta numbers lllllllllltL all and is highlight of the perI formance All III all International Ice Revue is an exceptionally finel show from start to finish and will luive Canadians many hours of cil ioyment during the fall winter and spllllll months glluuh vIlairrl Blackwalei ifea rt Caledonia lass ll tractors open utility class Allan Meyer Clalemont Graeme Stewath Ilainfield Illinois Iohn Iennell of Bradford got tith prize Class tractors open single fur rowijorge Timbers Stouffville David Rutcliffe Stouffville Glen Thursdays Results Woodvillc Ivan Bell Kirkfield Class II horsesEugene Timbers jMIlIlkOII Nelson Raymcr Ring wood Spichcr Of Stayilcri got 6th Class 12 tractors utilityRobert Timbers Stouffvillc Ivan Mc Laughlin Stouffvillc Allan Mc Nabb of Mincsing was 7th Class 13 tractorsClaude Picket Hornby Norman Tyndall Richi mend Hill Bert Maw Mincsing Cookstown 11th There Class 14 tractors row crop style Gowanlock Orillia Berncll Mc Kay of Hawkestone was 3rd Class 15 tractorsDon Dunkcld Clarcmont Doug Manley Berwick Class 161 tractors three or more furrowsAllan Meyer Clarcmont Brown Galt Class 17 tractors open single Class 19 boysCecil Wells Paris Howard Marshall Ayr Doug Robinson Of CookstOwn was 3rd CGE Examiner Fridays Results Barbers Class 22 horsesW Spichcr 13XRCAF Stayner 8th Mervin Fralick Mine Londly MOIOTS sing 10th Ken McDonald Barrie Class 24 interIIIcounty tractors South Simcoe Jelly Bradford and McNabb Stroud placed 5th NorthSiche Giffen Minesing and Horne Orillia placed 7th Th entries 91 ISKATING STAR 12 lived in Canada Ildrc arena Iletificld illlll no noted Mountat rpoitsnien solo skater =lo was bzg hit across Canadag of the finest adagioskaters in show com new ice show fiddle Ilrandstetter and Len lurnas ze full illaslers in theinselveawilh comedy Duke The tlzl pyrotechnical display of how exceptional than havel Ihenl me featured by splendid lighting SPARES Clarke Clarke ti Brass Glcnn Dixies Il follows CGE ti High single George DAmbrosio Men 318 high triple Vic Berry 798 Club champion and IGREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where COMBINATION DOORS Storm Door in Winter Screen Door iii Summer 20 00 28 xii8210xoiu RUBBER SPONGES tiled 35c 50c 05c CORN BROOMS at LITLE BEAUTY BASSBROOM STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Black and Galvanized Dampers Tapers and lees Many Sizes and Many Weights iKi $100 $100 You Buy More For Less MYOTIS HAND IAIN IEI DINNEIL WARE Orange and lllavk Decoration Buy What You Need As You Need It CUPS AND SALCERS set 45c FRUITS 15c 25c 20c 311v and Jill PLATES OAIMEALS Elle IICKLE IRAlrS ILATIERS COVERED BOWL SLOI BOWL ti0e EGG CUIS COVERED CREAM SUGAR SUI ores 40c 30c set $2300 tillt 65c SMALL CREAM or SUGAR SICI 791 Buy now at these very low prices The officials of the ounly of Simcoc are to be highly commended for the very sue eessful Plowing Match staged at Allislon last week Well Done Boys BUY ROCKER ASII SIFIERS NOW Two Styles to choose from FLOOR SWEEPING COMPOUND Theres proper type for every purpose SOLEX LAMPS Bulbs $475 $1050 and $1050 Ivory Blue Wine Blue Gray in Gray PLASTIC WASHING MACHINES JUST LIKE MOIIIILRS ONLY DOLL CARRIAGES FOR THE GIRLS sz0ll PLASIICLAUNDRY srxr r3 25 40 so 100 150 to 300 Watt ANY BROKEN WINDOWS in Your House We will look after your glaxing THE NEW GLO COAIER SPECIAL 59e With any size can of GloCoat The Regular Value Of this is RICHMOND PAINTS ENAMELS VARN 981 ISHES Quarts $105 Gallons $300 FERRY ARMSTRONG Phone 2801 98104 Dunlop St FLI at Barrie Bowling Alleys GROIII IlA Sod plowing was the order for l01 Ihursdays competitions wheirthcre Barrio Tanning 17 iwas almost continual rain morning jumbo II 312 Clarke Clarke ti ll hrst and second standings plus ijO Tummy IISlmcoe County winilcrs were as CGE II follows BIITCI Al ll Class 10 intercounty horscs DEMONLIM to llvlctoria Oiinty Gerald Bell Perry Electric seasons For Closing At Golf Club Climaxmg one of the most sile vessful seasons in history the Bar rie Country Club brought the cur lain down with dinner and dance Saturday at the club house Over mliAnnual Dinner STRIKS Currie and George Danger field vicecaptain distributed priz thc ladies Music for the dance was provid ed by George Wilsons orchestra Winners for the season were as the Dangerfield prize Jack Nixon Battle Cup champion Major Dave Ledingham MBE Sparham trophy best not 18 holes Howard Bur bidgc junior champion Gerry Pat Ladies Club champion Mrs Mc Nabb runnerup Mrs Corby Rees Cup handicap play Mrs Smith Rogers Cup twoball 00 members attended the Idiuner at which prizes and trophies competitions presented Bill Dymcnt president oi the mens division and Clyde Iohison took care of tthmcn winl ners while presidentdlllfrs Iub Wasliboard PLASTIC IISLIZIIIONES Wringer Pail Dish Clothes Line and Pins Soap $l00 MINIATURE KITCHEN CABINET SZ25 MINIATURE REFRIGERATOR $200 MINIATURE COOK SIOVES $225 MINIATURE IIANOS $250 WKINDERGARI 5N SETS $095 $905 $1050 Ilill ris VLIC winner of f4 ii rsolnc Magnetic storms ascribed to the passage Of the earth through vast streams of irons OI electrified particles that have been expelled from the suns surface lur ing solar explosion Mrs Dyinent il Dunkit Demonstration October 20 and 21 Friday and Saturday QQ sss QQQ QQQM$Q hIchllib and runnersup George Dangerfield and Fred Nor Mrs MAGNETIC SIORMS IIIL Backaclle is often due to an upset kidney condi generally WhentoluBIlCKI Ache lion and for over half century Dodds Kidney Pills have helped bring relief from backache by treating the kidneys Get Dodds Kidney Pills today at any dnig counter Look for the blue box with the red band You can depend on Dodds I55 single George LeGear 351 Chicks Mens Wear Lakcview Dairy AP Bokars High threeIof the night and mark thatmay top the season was rolled by Currie Of Bradleys with 933 conslstency in carding 311283339 Mike McKartomer of scored the high single 367 GROUP I7 furrowGlen McFaddin Millbank Bradleys Lunch 15 George Timbers Stouffville Kenweus 14 Class 18 girlsLois Pond aJr Montgomerys 12I VIE Be Opersko Waterford smlth 12 Lebesgue 10 His three lines showed Kenwells GROUP Shellboys 22 Gohccns 22 CGE NO 17 terson Spareboys iI 10 Smiths Dairy ll 15 CNR Tclcgrdphs 14 St Clairs 14 Barrie Tanning No 11 RCAF ll Christies ll Legion ll Farinas High three Ross Peacock 017 50 MORRIS CONVT 48 CHEVROLET SEDAN 47IIPONTIAC SEDT 40 CHEVROLET COACH USED CARS PANEL Graves Allen Morris Sales and Service Highway IBarrie Phone 3533 33 CHEVROLET COACHI 36 CHEVROLET SIEDAN 35 CHEVROLET SEDAN 40 INTERNATIONAL Class 25 tractorsAllan McNabb Minesing was 6th and Bert Maw Mineslng 8th in 14 entries Class 27 tractorsJohn Fennell Bradford was 9th Class 28 tractors row crop style eBernelI McKayI Hawkestone got 10th money Class 29 special fOr teams and Iirlgonod was 3rd Spencer Thorntonplaced 5th Hon Earl Brown Bradford 10th Spicher Stayner 12th Ken Mc Donald Barrie 16th and Bill Gib binsStroud 18th oo LUMBI equipmentJohn McQuillan Col YouIIon be Needing BellerSend IItIriIIEor IICLEANING1 SHAPINGTand WATERPROOF FINISHING moms 2472 FORP19KUP Vorleaveitcd Qwiisonis KNIGHTS Dressmaker Supplies lzflmhip so Drug Store 74 Elizabeth st Or call at till plant or NUSERVICE DRY CLEANERS High Street Barrie hot Driverin Seltyice No Parking Problem Open8 anti pm