lt uWM isms mm Gravenhurst Bonner Reveals Details of Highway ll Crash Eluzrswnth was an aldcrirtaii it zitaii When Star Goalie Lost Life 17 iliifiilfiiiiaiipi twirlt lt nearo reports or fatallQWltttttTvnrlonmnmtfrttrtnm dzmr Sewml lilLiItl lilal had been killed Some were told the cin was lcgtltlclll of Kitchener But not until the news was flash ed across the tolilllicll the ie dav did they tillllt the totally Illjllltd titan was George llziinswoith onet Lil Illa gtiflli gulzlltlltlvls lit the history of hotlzey lie but thrilled million as he iii packs oidiE while playing in larger cities of America being uninter of two Stanley up teams thri eliine wtn tier of the llllt Trophy and Set linp ricoiti Wllltll still stands of GENrVRALV ELEcrmc SowWater REFRIGERATOR 9V cu ft refrigerated storagespace in same floor area $398 599 how engineering andylesignirtsg have firemedionethird more refrigerated space without taking an inch more oor area See the new Butter Conditioner for easy wastelcss spreading See the six handy shelvesin the StoraDor Hanks getting Li hm the tclose of the weekend tlie impact was on the northbouiidi ronlo huzcli tlitii toinier numbers oti Kiteiir 22 shutouts in 44 ga 10 in Pubup rtsuit of the fatal crash lUl ull if eachX But to the hundreds who to stopl by ltc badly detornposed ti LillitilLIltllccl lt did they know was be age th tlie cars tezl $2 cow and 26000 No Ult setiouslvi Headon Crush hunt fwd 31er dim ill3i Litter tietir the railway subway headon collision thArtll lllS cur cum 1Aei1V fin mg it Am Pllml UUik 01 5t aeri iiivtd Ill tLLlLll ts olli of il accidents on No it lliglimr mi in items WittV 1le between Biziceliridge and illl minim timid cat Ul tillg Bridge involving lit Vehicles at the jam 433 Mm he was stop iping to lltlitllk ti car in tin Noreen Hoover 20 of Blde ditch Autos tllthll by Ltonntil bridge diivrr of thetruck told lc Westumd of Toronto aizti Silluini Roy Ilobvrts that the southbound lirkle of Iluntsvilu LUllldtd lotal llziinswoitli car found out to pltrs lilllltll ilitiit Sit llie rt it another vehicle and collidid VlllllVllUill ti rider of lllt police car was the truck going the tillptisllt klllkl llltllkd Sllulill lion Constable Roberts says far is can be ascertained the point oil traffic lane After the impact October 10 Iltiinsworths machine collided rithi Well attended Linniveisgiry sirf car driven by lidward Farr of lo vices mic held in Utopia Uniledl Punctured lletirt jtlzt toizriepzition returned to spend Receiving several fractured ril=s the izkseiviug weekend vithi which punctured the heart llain relativts hear lhllllll belovg vorth was pionounced dead it the id pastor of llll congregation lieul scene of the accident llis wife sus II Kent of lliornhill delivcil tallied slight skull fracture and two Vtilltltllill suriiioiis llitrul Severe lacerations She was taken Mlt IttkulilllHlltll lll Splendiiil to BlllCtlllldgt Memorial Hospital Iiithic IlthiIlkfl by the Thith by Burks Itills doctor Miss Iloo choir of the iiioriiiint service and Thompson or Toronto and eeclia WINNIE Blackwell of Bruccbridgc received liltill Iilllltbtl from here Jil minor injuries Estiiiizited damage ltlitled ttiu plowing match it Allisi to the car is $800 the truck 5630 ton last week and the Fair car $50 Mr and Mrs James Simpson and Mr and Mrs IItiitisworlli WereE mumV Ill SWIM wml 10me Knuwnm mm ValIllillllglvilltl retkeud with MrI dOr Qttebee where they had IJIlIl Id MH Mcumn 5mm ml 50 Wimmu MK Itiines lliiiiiskill and daughters luii and Irma spent the weekend in ooksvilltn number from here ittended lllt funeitil services held it the Jennett Funeral Home Saturday for Sarah Wald who spent her long useful life in the comiiiunily where licr jovial Irish wit and kindly dceds will long be renienil heied Conic and njoy zi jolly Iltillo ween party in the school October Ill Particulars next week on WYEBRIDGE October 10 Mrs Todd Mrs Baker and daughter Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs Angus Rawn during the week The Guild met at the home of Mrs Woods Wednesday Lafterl noon with ll good attendance Mr and Mrs Gardiner and Doris llounsonic Penetang vistt ed with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hounsome Thursday evening Angus and Frank ltawn spent Thursday evening in Toronto number from here attended the plowing inzitCi at Alliston dur ing the week Anniversary services were held Sunday Rev Gordon Gendron Hillsdale was speaker in the after choir rendered two very lovely an thems and Rev Burgess Elm vale was speaker at night also the Presbyterian choir from Penetang which was very much appreciated which keeps butter just right inoon Thc Midland Presbyterian Canadians leave for Tokyo Xx to The first group from the Canadian Army to leave for the East are shown above at Rockcliffe airport prior to their departure WY Nd htl Passengers Teresa Angus Tinted tliizich choir in the by RCAF tilttllt lOl IOkyo Thty llll left to right Ltol Sprung MC Li COI Ciue MBE ED LtCnl Plowing Match Potato Centre Attracts Crowd Of great interest in potato trow ers and visitors to theinternational Plowing hunch near Alliston last week was the lotiito Centre The Ontario Agricultural Coll ege tit luelpli cooperated with the Department of Agriculture in an exhibit and deiiionslration whose theme was the Study of Potatoes especially the potato experiments in the vicinity of Allistoii The showing of potato samples of the 500 Bushel Club of South Sinicoe included both samples grown by the winners and runners up contest for the largest po tato and for the best commercial bag of potatoes drew keen interest Iottito plot expcriiiieiilsciried on included test of six varieties planted in four rows each variety with two different fertilizers Dur ing the match onel row of each variety was dug daily taken to the potato centre tent and griided In another lent the Agricultural Engineering Department put on an exhibit dealing with farm power farm machinery and farm struct ures with safety as well as conser vation and drainage features The various exhibits at the po tato centre were under the follow ing headings mechanical injury to potatoes food value for human consumption nutritional value of potatoes for animals and fruits and crops section Three county exhibits attracting EDGAR October 17 Mr and Mrs Lauder and Earl lllltl in Kinuswaydtinibton Ullllvxll Church in Toronto on Saturday Several of our local farmers spent day at the international plowing matchin Alliston Synipntli of the community is exteiidttl to Mr Atkinson our mail carrier in his recent bereavement Mr and Mrs McLean and children spent Sunday with the latters mother Mrs IItizelton ll Vascy anniversary StllCS at Dalston Messrs Slcssor and Part lidpze have returjied from the west Concrutultitions to Mifand Mrs llandy Barrie nee larpuerite Partridch on the arrival of baby Newton Robinson October 10 number from here attendcdl Bond llcad SS anniversary on Sunday Mr and Mrs Garfield Sproulc of Olllllil visited Mr and Mrs Houghton last Thursday Mrs Council Sr and Mr and Mrs Elgin Conncll attended the DaylissFinn wedding in Port Credit last Saturday Mrs Roland Helmcr and Barry returned home after spending week with her parents Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews Mr and Mrs John Elston are Sure Brig lleury MBE ED Sgt Cloustoii Cpl Brooks Cpl 11 llock man Pte llandley Capt Card ner and lte Woods Nuuonul Defcnve PnUtU MM 40c Per Gallon Miss iiriie Neilly of Bermuda attended the lfasterBurrows tl If home with her parents for tliiiei GILFORD October weeks holidays Mrsll Plant is under the lut tors care Mr and Mrs William iorhain visited with friends lll Toronto on Sunday Gilford is being impiovedwby various new buildings Willitiiii Gotham is renovating the back part of his property and erecting ii garage George Nesbitt has added it number from here attended thej back kitchen to his college occu pied by John MeRobcrts and Lou Neilly Il has his lovcly new porch William Talbot is building home nearing completion holidaying in New York Earle Rowe and Lloyd Coborn motoer to Batavia NY Saturday Mr and Mrs Noble visitcd Avcning friends Sunday afternoon Miss Marie Myers and friend of Toronto visited in the community over the weekend Mr and Mrs Leeson spent Sunday with Mr mid Mrs Smith and the Misses Smith of Bond llead Congratulations to our young plow boys Keith Robinson and Keith Brown who took third and fourth pluccin their class at thci plowing match Mr and Mrs Walter Andrcwsi and Mr and Mrs Gordon Madill and boys of Brampton spent Sun day with Toronto friends in THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCT 19 1950 23 TYPEWRITER masons Typewriter ribbons are being 0mm 35 made of nylon the materials Kmth Gupm it ms wk strength and resiliency is said to for imlph where he has enrolled give it longvr talc than standard lies the lnrir associate CULFSC lbboqi at the OA Tllk tillllmllnil W33 ShOtktd Vin Kingston also alarming by Friday to hear ofthr death of John mager ortiuii in his wilt year The fun liral was held on Monday The Homily have the sympathy of the Cominui ity He and Eli ClifflTZziitifilT land Sliaryn spent Sunday ill Mrs liduismi Mrs John Burler spent last onnsarus Hamk xvilh frientb in Ivy lis McKay is seriously ill We all hope for speedy iecoyeiy October 15 Mr and Mrs Howard Kclery and Allan spent Sunday Will the Krl cey faintly of this district Little baby limiter infant son or Mr and Mrs Hunter has Illkll patient ii iii Sick liildren HAVE YOU VALUABLES Wm AN 0L0 OBSOLETE SAFE Mrs Kelcey and Ella spent the Weekend wnh the tornzt rs IlllltllIS Mi and fills Ioid at Mm GrVenfel TORONTO SAFE WORKS ilr tiiid Mrs Wice llltl Mr 45 from St Town and Mrs tord of OokSt salad and Swuice Enquiries welcomed town spent few days last week tiipiyiiiiz motor trip lit the dates PURE CANE In Buyers Containers BARRIE FLOUR MILLS USED CAR VALUES 1949 METEOR COACH $110000 1936 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN $39500 1949 CHEVROLET 12 TON PANEL Chrome Grille seats Low Mileage Used on lightwork Snap at 1934 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN $39500 Wonderful Transportation IMMEDIATE NIZW DODGE 13 TON PANEL DANGERFIELD MOTORS 65 COLLIER sr BRADFORD sr Al JonN DIAL 2487 DIAL 4981 tl000IOlOOl 00000000000D Dismvunr GREEN 000Ott0t See how highhumidity cold temperatures are maintained in separate drawercompartments to retain juicyfreshness in meats fruits and vegetables the storage compartment that holds 20 packager affrozenoodr EPLETTtS ELECTRIC 139 Dunlop St BARRIE Phone 37217771 The church was nicely decorated with flowers for the occasion and tum ifmm VUVC Vthe South VA there was good attendance at Simcoc Ciop Improvement Assoct both services ation the North Siiiicoe Crop Im Helen Hounsome Eakley and WWW Assoclauon and the ff Eric Drinkwine and friends all of Dlflelm Crop Improvement Ex Toronto spent the weekend Wm hibit friends At the farm mechanics tent an MrsVEV Armstrong Collingxood effective demonstration was shown and Mr and Mrs George Russell 0f aClOl NOW adjustment by New Lowell visited with Angus means 0f mOdOIS and Frank Rawnr and families ahT Sunday night 9V October l6 VV CENTRALORO large number from here at October 16 tended the Plowing Match at A1 Th WMS Ch liston last week Several of the heldetheir Thagk origii boys mChdmg Alla MCNabb Mr Jack Empringham of the Beardon Company Limited Will be at our store on Eriday and Saturday of this week to conduct free demonstration of that wonderful low cost interior wall finish Dramex You are most cordially invit at the church with good attend Gordon and Douglas Giffen 9nd ance Friends were present from RUSSQH and Bert M3W W0 prizes on YOUR edto call in to our store and see the demonstrationhiyoull find it profitable and interesting COLORS lIKE PAINTy RESURFACES LIKI MASTER Ngt0N EASY c091 AST DAILY FLIHT the neighborhood in the various conteStS Fill ORAfo 3ryslmalnMI M18 William MCEaChem the Mrs 5C0 Mu ls now am COLOR CA Special speaker mm 0111118 of our school Mrs Partridge rel brought greetings from their Solsigned owing to the illness of her mummimomvim ciety Her subject Serving the daughter Lord was most inspiring We Mr and Mrs Cecil Ward spent were also favored with lovely the weekend with Mr and Mrs firing roomgcoinfort at anyaltitude invany weather thats what Hike about too solo by Mrs John McArthur ac Drage Tore t6 companied byMrs McArthur 7L4 Despite the chilly winds and rain of the past Mrs Starr pick ed some raspberries last week October 16 The Sacrament of Holy Com and Mrs Morgan Edwards munidn and baptism will be 0318 spent the weekend with Mr and brated in Central Presbyterian Mrs William Graham Nottawa cman Sunday October 22on Sunday visitors with Mr and ductd by D13 13 Sin lair at Mrs Harold Cowden were Mr and lthe usuall1011r9f23993 Rummy and fatnilyy Mr and Mrs Grantyknsdell and Melduf Mr and Mrs Hector Wil Shirley weretjyay visitors at son Mr aridMrs Wilson Bert Interior Wall Finish low cost easy wato brush on new Walll Dramex camouflages cracked plaster 6i drab wallboard Apply only one coat Choice of9 non fade colors EkteorDeCOIationor for basement walls and foundations Bon elex isei patentedeement paint that stops wall dampnessrldealforstueeweement and masonry surfaces Blackwater Cowden all of Toronto Congratulatio and best wishes Mr and Mrs Morley Clement to Central 06s grand old resident and son of Lefroy spent the week William Arthur who celebrates end with Mr and Mrs Roy Ed his Baybirthday Sunday October wards VV 22 many friends join in wish DAMr aners William Ribalkin or returns vi ied with3M1 andMrs ime mm ih 16531 Ediers last Wednesday For filhng unsightly cracks around tubs and Sinks DIleS hard the day Mr and Mrs Albert Strachan number from here attended FLIGHTS reservations aadvisable fVormatlon DAILY toEUROPE overmghtl Daily nights by 4enfnedV fNort Star skylinirs from Montreal London Glps ow ShamonVV0n ward connections to Continent Plan now Early See your pearest Travel Agent or write to National Bldg Buy pplempgrance Sts il TORONTO ONTQV ruemm iotMi visited friends at Scab ghi Sun day gt tended the interhational plowing match at Alliston 1astweek Many fromthlis communityat the international plowing match at nAlliston duringthe week Mr and Mrs Lloyd Whetham and Jinmiy visited with Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards Sunday Mis Morgan Brown and child erahd MrsPeter McCuaigand Lang visited relatives at Kirkcld on Sunday svccurnun 17 Cleopatra Vruled Egypt for 21 years fen Ebenezer spent the weekend with MrsDelbert BroWn F0 SMALL JOBS Aluminum plant is now available in pushdutton spray bombs BIGTRAVELsavm can nowbe yours by iiymg during the new 1ow1RARE seasons get full in BARRIE WELDING International TransAtlantic Trmsoomlnentul 17 Mulcaster Sir oRRAMiirrit mom ffiRAIHNQGSa 17 sun roRzsriiiii MACHINE co Dial 3744 VandwhiteLLonglastingEVconOmicalf PATcnrue PLASTER Sets slowly lines not shrink or Creek Form permanent gtbase for wallpaper paint Varnlsh or emme compounn sAPAclirLTno imitationsth Ittrfacingland patching compound for weed blaster1 mama and until lurfatos The safest surface seller for cement floors Easy to pply Get your color cardi today CRACK FILLER An Vliieiipenxlvo crack filler for minor repairs farL mostanthype sur face Easy to ruin Indllpply Neil to Bell telephoneBusinessoffice Clad ferton St FREEDELIVERY Wallpap