Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1950, p. 20

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ouc=ror=r0===o=o== 30 THE BARBIE EXAMINER TBLRSDAY OCT 19 1950 Ten iArmslrongFranks gloronio Nuptials AROUND IIle of Ml and M15 TOWN in Roman wand 83 IANIE If Mr and Mrs films in The irfliiItill In St East Iain rittosrr smal oil painting tt fiozrrs llcll or sxcozid plizfc with xlgt Ilr if Illlazloas fioAw lrolie MM Wlidzlnn ilzlrd tile Int of inhalin for lief IItigtcagte little Lake te muttering tllclltill as ho lo an of Hamilton WV Ilm Irv thin Wit0 IZOH Clzven in marriage by her father Hallie Imnrioi should go to Some the bride wore graceful gown of at tlrv rillicl lelllr lil lllrll work gt twinn sairn with train The olf Ilf7 9me direshoulder dccollelage was Sllcl LgerIirirlis for the Lowers itt zrul 01 um 5pch llpeconi ex lliI Visitors to the nhibition but an fJdNwiw 371 llfhyl 933 1m hm rar still llr hopes and turnips ller lingertip Veil of French gnvrtrazt of her little rill entitled The First lt=IIIrIIiH to Mrs llr1 ilorrgtoi for llil lower tIcrIigt to Mrs ll ltoohert liIt and her Figure In Till ilttticll Slrtll lvll Jlflil in Mrs Wiliiam in at in Izii Lt lillrS inf honor and the Misses Kay llam ML B0 iEIoIL Ieggv Butler June Caultield gt Ilii IH Ilhl IN 51nd Rifle Tash all of Toronto as lzie In ltl itc liked 3116 Lazirl hlr ping hiid The Iauw arrii lrr ii Wilson St If jmmm Esuuey cat4 awnin lhi Kempinfclt Players have sonn grmri news in the may ol casting problem This Herring at llltll regular Iiteetini at lin flain III ietlnugtor Street West VLlH Will be LIgt for three une rLt plays to be produced this fall Parts lll apparently be aIlIIle for all types of actors and the club Issues gerielal come one come Ill invrtatron to those who wrslr MIL nmms Quillget more 515 with tlltii Wallace of Toronto could not offer much moi llltlj llmw flower girl at the wedding Miss Mary Webb of Barrie Thel old llarrre Drama luii number oi WW um and Th WWW Mi lllt llt making then home in LeasIdc Toronto Rubmm mm Kilmohr real liltitKllllldvflltllltlrli PHOTO BY HARRY ROOKE T1 lralna set in Scotland at the tune me QUAKER of Bonnie Prince 11u1i Challenger lhe casting meeting wrll begin at Made tim illit sharp it icrotchploof bolted ename finirh Mr and Mrs larciiee Juries entertained their famin and friends lint Saturday evening at their home 39 Grove Street Westf of ivory organzaovcr taffeta witthl elebrale on the occasion of their 25th Ll appliqucd lovers knot on the bouf ding anniversary Willi Mr and Efant skirt and long train Her Mrs Jones for the evening Were jfihgertip veil was held in place by borne in Barrie Your home or room their five daughters Mrs Joseph poke bonnet trimmed with orange the regular mommy meeting is warm in matter of minutes llurtibcse IllelenI Mrs John Mer The marriage of Miss Eleanore iblossorns and she carried cascade of Centre Vespra WI Iield at the bouquet of white cgrnatidns and home of Mrs Hook on Dufferin Streetin Barrieitwasdecided to Her attendant was her cousin Old lilo mimic rind43 Party garresthat mean lasiautouratic here in Barrie on October 1925 ofBrampton son of William Phillips miss Margaret Bcvensv of teemam on November instead of Novem of Madoc and the late Mrs Phillips who wore an ocean green nylon ber 10 in Midhurst lIall at 81pm took place in GrcnfelUnitcd Church gown wel raffeia with appliqued The sum of $5 is to be sent to on Saturday October 14 1950 at nowcrs on the skirt she wore the European Childrenswlulelief nylon cap trimmed with gold baby Fund by the Institute and each anmvcrsary Among numumm Bunt performed llit CCIC imums and carried cascade bou Inernber iS 10 bring gift of cloth mony quet of gold and yellow mums ing for this cause to the Christmas withaQUAKER BIIYIIOlllleaifr rett Dorothyi Mrs Ross Ronald Margaret Richardson daughter oft IAN 51 moneyrtoo Jiiycel and Shirley and Nancy VMr and Mrsf Royce Rieliardson llCtl 1135097 fers llrililmlliullggsci 32m Mr and Mrs Jones were marrch ot Barrie to Joseph Donald Phillips Their live daughters and three Mechanical Draftn gives maxi sonsinIaw presented the couple mum heat output regardless of with Silver top service on their chimney by providing ample draft Cuts fuel Cost ccmiomrcdl heat this winter 230 oclock in the afternoon Rev other silver gifts was silver bas He Cirnuy Cl kct containing 25 roses received diam ircai wigEgg room corner from the Barrm Creamery Comp Wedding music was played by Hendnk Mayor of Brampton was AWmm any where Mr Jones has been N0 WORK QUAKE PM 15 Clean employed for the past 14 years meeting zrlso accompanied the soloist Mrs James Young of Brampton and Ed GUS reading effortless No coal to shovel ashes iEdwin Ross of Toronto aunt of win Rosslof Toronto very pleasant social hour In carfi ori60d 10 ch01 Dates have been released for the the bride in the singing of The reception followed at Rob1m brought meeting 0159 See Demonstration today area conventions of the Womens Logdiufhgyfl bBcforic thg cergmony dale Inn Barrie Receiving the 00 00 Institute The Srmcoe County Con Ian esie on urmg guests with the bridal party Mrs vention is to be held at the Odd 10 Shining 0f U10 Iegrstct Richardson mother of the bride fellows Hall in Barrie OClObI Thc bud Who was gwe mm wore cinnamon crepe aird lace with 30 and 31 On November 202121113510 by her father wore gown winch and accessories and the annual mecting of the provm corsage of deep red roses Assist VIIIONE 103 MINESING 0181 board the Fedemted WOT placo At this mm new presi ing her the grooms sister Miss enS Institutes of Ontario will take dent will be chosen for three Luella Phillips wore black net over yeal relm The provincial govern Cinnamon taffeta with black acces ono==ono===o=d===o=ro= ment dinner will be held on Now genes and corsage of Tahsman ember 21 0595 The bride and groom left on MFS Willi 0f TOTOUIO wedding trip to Ottawa and points Jomed With her entire family here east the bride travelling in suit l7 Peel Street for the firstVWiylgar red roses On their return the family reunion in eight years In couplewill make their home in Barrie for the day were her three Brampton daughers Mrs Earl Bradshaw Outwhtown guests at the wed and MW Be or Toronto ding came from Toronto Brampton and Mrs Stanley Kerr 0f Ham Madoc Cochrane Pembroke and illon with their husbands and fam Trenton Doris Saundersl Vernon Bowen Wed rOslzaw Giadioli formt Anglican Church afternoon narr gonad Havoc5 LAOAI VACUUMSEALED TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE motor car allowance of $2000 Mr and Mrs Bowen year is paid to Canadian cabinet ministers holding portfolios atlazerrcl cirsanllrnuni George and cillll ie of 315 Joy ALII SLTI $pteii1lwz It 256 South Kings Urdu 19x Misr Doris Mildred SJLLllrtch and Van on Charles Bowen both of iziluwa The bride is 514 daughter of Mrs Janies Saunders of Oshawa and the late Mr Saundess isrtncsurrjothtrfirnrfrlnrs Ifwr Bowen of Barrie Arnisiiong of 13 Wllrgtori Vrsl Burnt took place on stula October 11 1970 at two and the groom Hgolir AriglicliiFTrriiclilo3irrr Riv Sewn ll Stil performed The cereriiony was ptiformed by Rev presided at the organ and Miss Kay Elston sang Perfect Love The Lords Prayer The marriage gowned in heavy uhitc satin flat tons ten interest to the front of embossed Tire full skirt white embroidered with seed pearls held her lingertip veil and she carried cascade of Talisman roses and fern tied with white satin ribbon TIIL wedding lliltitt was played bv the grooms uncle Rrgrnald if Rose Leon Nash rid bride who was given brother was bodice which in petal pattern into slight train bonnet LLIS grey suit wrth navy blue access ltalle illusion was held by hall gt orns and corsage of Lestra Hib lenclet of orange blossoms fler thornrs were cascade of alla dmh satin bert roses will reside in Oshawa Tip bridal attendants were Miss ElIIicy Johnston of Toronto as maid Miss Joan Saunders was maid of waring gown of dust gold corded taffeta with Irratchirig cap and mittens Miss honor tisler esmaids The maid of honor riUgtt an offtheshoulder gown of itllitlliltl green satin worn with alt sleeved bolero and matching pliltlttl cap The bridesmaids wore szrmlar gowns of copper tone satin 1an all carried cascades of Autumn The ower Karen illare and Miss Donna Bowen both of Barrie were gowned alike In pale green and wore matching lloweretl bari deari girls nieces groom The groomsman was Cameron Stewart of Barrie Acting as ush= lerlt were Robert Hunter of Barrie llr Thomas AIrristrong of Niagara IIalls brother of the groom llossr Dieckbrader of Toronto and Fred Styled Smartlyl Priced Smartly In Variety of Comfort Styles All the attendants carried bou jouets of yellow and bronze cliry santhcmums Alvin Rowen liarrie groomsman for his brother and the lushers were ber of the bride lilitlAlbtll Bow pen of Barrie another brother of the groom ft Alan Saunders bro The reception was held at The 11 It SllmVN FOLLOWING their recent wedding in Essa Road old Mill which was decorated rln plays pelidln iirudmirm lmrch are Mr and Mrs Harvev Chester Clarke with the with Autumn OWNS 01 0w stun The brides mother received with the bridal party wearing rthy are The Apple Tree an ultra brine Is the former Verna Joyce Norine Reid daughter of Mrsmmk brown crepe WM may wish ha of St Worms Church jwrr Sunday Vests IM Ime Walter Reid of Barrie and the late Mr Reid Her husband at green orchids Assisting the mum Wm WM NMWM by is the son of Clarke and the late Mrs Clarke Of Barrie grooms mother was in Parma ruse crepe and the grooms mother ll0ll crepe and wore Corsage of The reception was held in the The brides mother was in dusty was wore corsages of roses lloth and sheer accessories blue blue navy navy Shoes by Savage BROUWERS nusraacn IIURLBUTS Ocuums RAY FITTING brides travelling costume was an English grey suit worn p=g=== with black and yellow accessories illfl corsage of yellow roses Orr their return from motor trip to Florida the couple will make their Iior the wedding trip by motor through the United States and rip through Montreal the bride chose 77 Crlsscross sandals Black pater leather strappu Boys dressstyle ox fords Brown calfskin For school for play or Sunday Best these are the shoes you want for your children Low in price high In value sure to give that long comfortable wear so important to growing feet walkwel Shoe Store 58 DUNLOP sr Orr POST orrrcrr PHONE 2397 Miss Jane Perkins of Barrie who groomsman and the ushers were Mrs 14 WmllFOVC gave humor 0=OI=V==0=u=0=O===aouon=O =O===i 00 Fromp Department Store Barries New ilies and her other son Allan IWilgar of Toronto with his wife and family Twenty altogether Sunday at the home Of her SOD of navy blue gabardine with wine Warren Wilgal and his familv at accessories and hat and Corsage of Shirley McCartney Weds Durham numbering from the youngest child to the grandmother were present for the reunion Following family dinner War Wcve selected this special group of apparel keyed to the smart women NYLON ever increasing in popular ity needs no ironing Come in today Seerthis selected group of Nylon apparel 36 wide The marriage of Miss Shirley Iran and Allan Wilgar played McCartney to William Albert Dur This luxurious nylon housecoat game of golf at the Barrie Country ham took place on Sunday even ll comes in blacker navy with White Club against their three bIOtherS ing October 15 1950 in JCentra ll piping 100 pure nylon inlaw with results undisclosed United Church parsonage Barrie The reunion was held pending The bride was attended by Mrs the expected move of Allan Wil Mickey prd as astronomers gar rrfrom Toronto to Montreal and the Misses Diane Lawrence where he will be advertising man Lois Cannon Lorraine Allen and ager for The Montreal Gazette Joan Campbell as bridesmaids The bride wasgiven in mar riage by her father Gibson Wil fred McCartney To Davld Cox was groomsman and on Unll lithe ushersjivereDavid Geruanade Miss Eleanor ReynoldsRegN of Mr walters Glbby Gbson Fl Cookstown has been appointed to in Doe the staff of Simcoe County Health reception followed at the home Unit and her duties began Monday 0f the brides Parents October Guests included Miss Betty Rus She is replacing Miss Dora Pup MW Nolan donV who nowvemployed by the Bernice Armstrong Walter Arm NorthumberlandDurham Health Strong and Capt and Mrs Roch Unit at Bowmanville OutoftOwn guests came from To date no one hasbeen appoint North Bay Buffalo Winnipeg ed to replace Mrs Donrielly Weston Midland Regina Nova the former Dorothy Ball who re Scotia Calgary Moose JawMil linquished her duties this week verton andCreemore Nylon sheerand nylon tricot in pink blue and white Come the drousy hours youllwant this charming nylon pyjama set tailored in double breasted style color Ice Blue white nylon sheer and nylon tricot slips with dainty eyelet and lace gt trim Moderately priced from $395 to $995 if LINEN 0=0=0=0m0=0g0=0=0=0=0=0 22 31 White nylon hair sup iced with net and lace others in choice of Gdl Ir es an Pantie Girdles Be sure to see these outstanding values moderately priced from s295 to $800 Bras andGOrter Belts Styled tosuit youmade41mllknuuiiLmanufactuzg PanlIesand Briefs Sizes dML featured in variety Of styles and pretty shades ITO IYoull row the new rail shadesthe strikingheeis QUlCKIrY9ffi fROOETIGHTT Here are Tarpaullns that pro tect and keep on protect inglong after usualgrades leak weaken and tear Loom ed treated and reinforced to stand up under hard hurried usage Tarpuulin receivesr For Tarpaullns that save you expense while protecting your loads try thesevwlilch we unqualified recommend BARRIEIENlll AWNING BARRIE ngayfieIdSt Plating 4314 Barrie plcture frame blackpolutedsqunre thcilslzes and lengths that it just right 45 to 66 gauge In such Hle knowu makes as Wotanest Harvey Wood and Phantom Sec Witch of Nylon Sweaters and Nylon Blouses 770 right for 1311 gloves and scam to go with every engemble was ingeriel extraRoxyfhedtfc PhOnL 2221 Vgggorgggomaaqgogll COTTON FLANNEL HOUSECOATS $149 93 $398 GAY COTTON IBEX Flannelette Blankets Size 70 90 White With Coloured Borders $525 pair FALCON latte Blankets Size 70 90 CHILDRENS Sizes t06 59cyardv WHIPPED SINGLY Mrssus Sizes to 12 COTTON BROADCLOTH 14 Colours To Choose From 59c yard $2 LADIES Sizes FIanne LADIES LIsLE THOSE $135 pair Pink and Blue Checks $439 par WHIPPED SINGLY TEA TowELs HEAVY QUALITY BLEACHEDSHEETIN 81 and in Wide Cay Cotton Pliaids 36 Wide 69 each BOYS fGHOlF SOCKS pair up SURE Tovisrr OUR CHILDRENS DEPARTMENT JFOR AOOMPLETE RANGE OF SNOW SUITS ANDSKI suns PILLOW sups Plain or Hemstltchd $I3and$r59yara IJKNITTING woors Sanforlan 39c 62 ball Statute oz hair no 109 Nylon 490 Oz ball 79 Yard 9=O=O=0=OmQ=O=OV=0= 0m0=9=0=00=0=0=0 3345 IV Tr REFUNDED

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