Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1950, p. 10

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FAITKFLI OLLIE TlY JONBURG 0111 iLEl owner 11 the USS 1ng 113 dog had spent many his little friend loose Thef or was 3115 backtng0t when 5111 arrived 11ii11 evening 11ti11 11 bust3111 111 1111 1111 lil1i NIAGARA Aim gutus i1lti 11 111 1111s 11f 111 1111 11111111 150 51000 lIIE INSURED OAR Q43 11 no 111m 051 IOR 11111 11111 EVERY rurrosr 111111i 111111 111111111 1111 11111 at 11111kgt11111 11111 15 111111l 111 Donor Dentist or Houpllol BIIII 111111 111111 11111111111 111 11111151 11 110111 or Fuel Oil Houu iopoln II III IIIIIII 11 1111II1 Dung Exan btbtlll SLIIIH 111 1111 in A111 Tuna or old Bills 10 1111 111 tiny 11 15 If Am WHY Pmle 111111115111 111111 111111111 11111 artwould MI Flnoncial odvlca Inc phone or all today Nul back to 13111111111211 chit1111 lltcy 1Ill abroad 11 1111 1111111 11 111111 of 31111111 111111 start1 night 111 London 111fort pintording to lltliS 111111 5111111011111111 Campan lcn Norway 111111111111 11111 1111111 to 1211111111111 for 1111111111111111 iiilcrucw 11111 Quccn Mrs 1is1111 111s11111111 1111 r111111ons 111 11 Canadian gomg If to Buckingham 11111111 to mm 1111 Nn Quccn and took 111r lIstcntrs 11111111 IX with 1111 on 111r 11511 as sl11 111s 111b1d the palacc 11nd 111r imprcss ions on entering 1111 Quchs pres cncc Thcir interview was at 330 on 11 Monday 11fttrnoon and they ywcnt to thc palace 11y taxi lhc 1111121 were just coming into bloom The Wilson Building Ilost Office Square Barrie PHONE 5533 ELECTRIC GUARANTEED Radios also wlrlng repairs Authorized Repair Service For SPARTON HOME APPLIANCE SHOP 24 ELIZABETH ST ibfiSNVYspfi mmmmauxxmmsxvss are getting what he ordered and at the right price anoweuzs 09111051 0111c It iSuvesu dampen= from am the insthat waste fuel dollars llnc coql Mfmum Payl for Itself Ask for PIER maria eas Regulator pre noun nruonsrnnnou NBARRIE sr BARRIE 213111 11111111111111 lady of lionismy Iells Barrie Auxiliary of Travels 1F Sentamen from 1111 Inip Borden iliInt 11111 111111 Ullttl11gt 1111 111121 1113 511 501 51111111 NlltglLilli bulb 11111 111111111 5111s 11s11r 11111 tourml Err11 11111111 11111 1111 n1r1cas 1111 311111 111r inclLind 111mm 11 51111 11 11111l11111 11111 11 1111 111011111 toutrung 11111111111IZII 111 11111 1111 1111111111 111211 0111111 11111 l111 11111111 1111111 11111111 last 111111 11II Nozth $1111 1121 ll 1gt 1v1111 o1t Swo 111111111111 lllill minutoly APPLIANCE AND RADIO SERVICE Prompt repairs for all makes and models of Electric Appliances at COMPLETE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR THE HOME WESTINGHOUSE BEAITY HOOVER PHILLIPS PHILCO DIAL 5577 Our service is the kind to inspire confidence whenever voubring your doctors prescriptions here You know you 1311014112eos DRIIG STOR BARRIE FUELWORRIES DONT 301111512 ME 1vr= FILLED MY em TO THE BRIM worn Thousands of Books Required 1311 Il 5t1L111I 111 It 15 11112 1114 tn1111 1152111 Elli1 51 111 41111 11 111tlliy $11111 1111 11 =1n 11 311111311 11111 111141 gt111111111L 111 1211 Mr Curry 111s Isa1111 an appeal 111111119 II duh to 1111 gun1a public 11 send to IN 111111 hums1 Canadian Legion Imhw In Branch 111 book5 111111111 or non Bmm Withlion 111111111 111 111111 backrtl for QM I1111lt11 111 no 11111311 11I 11I us 1111 so 11111 bc Miittl 11 1111 11111 111111 11 111111 111int 111 Dita111 and distilbultu tn 21141113111 Scrvtcc 111111 111 1111 11111 1111 1111 1j111111 all 1111111111 gluin 11111111111 lI 11015111 the 1111111111 11111 11111 In 11111 1111111 war vic 1111 Slu 111111111 gitat 111111 of 1111 10 1111511111 Wt Ililll 1111111111111 that 1111 N11111111s wot1 II111 11 111111 31111 1111 1111151 Eililllld 11111121 Without 1111111 111111 than 111111 111111 1111 11111111 1111 pcoplc In an 111 1111 11111111111 tiny 1111111 111 olIlLl 1111 pc1111 11151111111111 of 1111 lilupg 11111111 11111 111I 1111111111115 of Mljs Fisher 1111s llIlllULi 1111 1111 111111 1111111 1115 W111 1111 QUWHEMH Edwin 11111111 and thankcd 1111 folio1111 by 1111 story 111111 3111s lirucc loltztrldli thru Hut 111 1111111111111 I11lt 11 numb1 of Lions 111111111111111 1111111 Plltl llll lillk Ill WW llllSI prossmg 1111 pitasuic at 2111111 in 111111 Slu 1111s 121111111111111 by Mrs 11 51111111 1111 111211 1111 1111 Quttn lIlizabctlt A1111 lfasuI 1111 I11crs tram114 111 down 111 1111111 l1u Cuba and As 11 tribute to 1111 gucsl from 1111 Unitcd Stans Mrs ll1n By crs 1111 11111111 1111x111ary prcsitltnt who pitsided at 1111 111111111 askcd 1111 gmsts to sing My onnlry Pix 111 Ilicc following 111111 S21v1 I111 King b1for1 1111 11111111111 T111 llshlfltlll of 1111 lnitcd Statcs was toastctl 111111 1111 King Im1111 111111 1111111 thcy 111111111111 1111 111111111111111 of Lions of 1311111111 11111 111111 lcru 111111 11111 saw 11 111111 light 111 11111111 111111 sh1 in formed 111r 11st1111rs 1111 auxiliary was 11111111 1111 111111 taint1s Ihc lislicis 11111 Inosl ughcably SlllpiiSttl 1111111 1111111151 1111y1vher1 tinv wcnt 1111 majority of pcoplc spoke 111 could undcrstand English piano sclcctlon was played by Mrs Stanley lolcy 111111 11 mcdlcy 111 Ilimllli lllt Vlllktl lllt hater11f songs was sung by Mrs KtllIlOlI colory Lions Club 1111111 1110 Clllbh Taylor as 1111 musical part of 1111 1111 most llllllllll to 111111 11slprogram Mrs Mcrccr lIaInilton swam at Waikiki 11nd 11111 111111111111311 lmnrnmy mommy pun11d he canocs 1111y 11111111111 as much aspiano for sing 11mg 11 11y Mm 571 milcs by car 111 one day lntlizuuld Forgm Mr Fishcr onct 111111111111 cight Incctings of Lions Clubs and spoke at caclt of 111cm in 0111 day 1111 winntrs Inadc by Mrs Robert vcrc Mrs John They were very much in lovc Clayton Fox and lwith Switzerland and 1111 parCorbttt iticularly imprcsscd with the clcanI lines of 1111 country 11nd 1111 well behaved 11nd obcdicnt children Among of draws 11ishman iourlay Mrs Mrs la rcncu The prcsidcnl cxprcsscd thanks to program convent1 Mrs Frank Dobson and social convcncr Mrs Edwin Incson for thc success of the evening Sweden reminded Mrs Fisher vcryI much of the country around Barrie with its lakes and rocks Its people too looked very much like Canadians At thc bricf busincss mccting at the close of the cvcning the re upholstcring of thc chairs in the Next to the English people slitILions Auxiliary ward at the Royal Victoria Hospital was approved 011 NOAR Iiifinal Dc By HarrisonCray Dcalcr South EastWest game wclfiirc convent1 seconded Mrs Howiird Naphtali The flea is able to jump 200 times by 111 11111111 111 111r1 HI IIIth Wlwu 1111 111121111111 111 1111 Canadian mm INS and lung pinkllainon ITducatioxza SvTIvicc was 111111 111111 11111111c1o1 5111 lliKllI1iczldlnhiN 111 Eh 31 son1 11 1111t11n 11111s111111s1111 MW lit1 and by 1111 longt11 11111 111111111111 tin111m 31mm will Allan1 mun In IhII Ml my IIwuslIbotit 111 whom 11111 11Iztily c11 11111 111111 took 1111111 to 1111 country lllllh Wit llltN llxtln llnwl 11 111111111 111 11 5mm 1111111111111111 charm11 1111 111111111 11111111111 in Edinburgh 111lore sall 111W gt110 WI WUHlF LX 11 motion of Mrs Camcrbn Au 1111121 and beside decorated McFaddenOsbornei Autumn Nuptials in Dalston Church Miss Lois Isabelle Osbornc onlyt 11111g11t11 of Mr and Mrs Ilarolctj 11511111111 of Dalston was Innrricd 11111 Saturday Octobcr 1950 at 2301 11 1111111 in 1111 11ftcrnoon in Dalston 11111111 Church to VIllinm Edward Mrladdcn son of Mr and MrsJ William Mcladdcn of Apto Illv1 Mr 11111111 of Baysvillc assistcd by 111v llngh Mactaggart of Dalston 1111111111111 1111 marriage ccrcmony The church was decorated with 111111t1l gladioli astcrs and 111111 111s 11nd fcrn for the wedding Arthur Smith of Bari1c played the lttltllllg music accompanying the soloist Jack Slcssor of Barrie in 1111 singing of Because before the 1111mony and Through Ihc Ycarsl 111111111 1111 signing of the rcgistcr The bridc who was given in marll 11141 by her father wore gown oft lillt cmbosscd satin with 1111 offl thcshouldcr nccklinc 11nd yoke ofi nylon net The gown was styled with 11 fitted bodice and long slccvcs coming to points over the hands her Around the top of thcbodicc was soft gatheredcuff of lacevtrimmed with seed pearls The full hooped skirt was caught up along the front hcmlinc to reveal 11 matching lace underskirt and formed slight trainI 11 the back matching juliet cap of satin trimmed with white feath crs hold her fingertip veil of nylon not Her flowers were cascade ofI rcd Briarcliffc and Sweetheart roses vith lacelon and satin ribbon The bridesmaid Mrs Micks of Mincsing was gowned ini pink not over taffeta fashioned withl bertth neckline edged with lace South opened One Spade at rubber Bridge and North avoided an immediate single raise on minimum trump support as an alternative bid was available The point count is too high and thC distribution bad although the hand responds and tIe soimportanl bctlrooIn clothes closets all come under her critical eye to the 9105er test North roomy closets for their wardrobes lint therefore temporised with there are two schools of thought on Two Clubs South bid Two Spades North Three Spades and South bid game West led 010 to Souths OK Dcclarcrs play was farSighted $15 at trick was followed by ruffed by South and QK was won by West who returned 09 to Souths OQ The out believe that to bc VIcIIIrcssctl 111I1 must have an overflowing wardrqu closet Though that wardrobe III consist of many dresses or suits that seldom IWOIIIII because their lines or colors are unbecmninglhen there are women who have no trouble finding room in their closets for their cloth Their wardrobes may contain only one or two suits and several dresses skirts and blouses But those very women may be the ones everyone considers welldressed with always just the right thing towear With clothes quality far outranks quantity and the ability to make your clothes do the most for you is ver important you know that achieving that welldressed look can present pleasant challenge to you llith little inge nuity on can change the appearance of avorite dress or still in many different ways kee ingit upto the latest fashion stondar Collars and cuffs in white or stonecolored pique are favorites for fall And practically every dress in your wardrobe willtake to them like bee to honey Youll be amazed at the appearancechanges they Ieffccn Or you might want to match white collar to wide cuffs stitched onto your gloves To blouse and skirt combination add smart new bolero in clicks for suit effect The weskit is versafile separate and will consolidate standing trumps were drawn with 9Q and another Club was ruffed Dummy was re entered with 9A and the last Club led When East failed South discarded V3 and West was helpless nl its own length 9842 QASI tv 155172 oAw 411011 AIOB QJ95 91093 016154 Needlecraft Nevs Q8543 QK109 QKJIITIZ KTl OKQZ Women have 11 penchant for lecp ways to fill lhesre closets Some wmncn byPalgi Boy LOSET space is always problem to woman Thats why when inspecting new house she will invariably be drawn to open every closet door surveying the space possibilities Iil1IIeII cabinets guest clusets linen closets fall In tulle netor lace it will tumai simple dress into party style like it several inches shorter than skirt length and as full as you want Belts ha and shoes of course are always in 1e limelight when we think of accessories Pictured above is handbag treasure that canbe made of any one of many beautiful felt colors tumn Bride Showered Gordon MANY of her fellow office workers at the Barrie Works of 1111 CGE and several friends gathered at the home of Ruth Brown for 21 miscellaneous shower in honor of the former Peggy Ritchie who1as married recently to Norman Joini $111110 The bride was seated beneath pink and white 11m wishlng well fitted with gifts You may be able to pick out some familiar faces FROM GE NEWS and full skirt with matching in scrts of lace She wore matching 111t IInlthIs and rufflcd 1111 1112111 dross 1111d lIcr shonltlcrdcngth 14111 Miss Annc McFadden of Apto as junior bridesmaid was unwind in blue 111t ovcr taffeta with 11 1111 yokc and 11111211 bodict and wort malt11mg 111t mittens and 11 11111ch 111t 111address lhc bridesmaid carricd 11 Cascade bouquct of Johanna llill roscs 111111 the junior bridcsmaids bouquet was crcsccnt 11111111111111117 of bronzc and gold poinpon mums and Talis man roscs Earl Richardson of Midliursl was 1110011151111111 and Dclbtrt McFaddtit of Apto brotlur of the groom and Gordon Dawson of Barric Ivcrc ush crs reception was held at Robin 111111 11111 for 60 gucsts Receiving with the bridal party the mother of the bride 1vorc grcy crcpc and 111cc with navy 11cccssorics and 11 corsage of pink Delight roses SSISIIDL 111r thc grooms mother was attired in cinnamon crcpc and 111cc and WOIt green accessories and corsagc of Talisman roses The brides table was ccntrcd with 11 threetier Wedding Cake and bouquets Of red Iosos Pink and white dahlias decorated the tables for the reception For motor trip to Northcrn On tario and points cast the bride changed 16 taupc gabardinc suit with dark brown accessories fur 11eckpicccand corsage of red roses The bride and groom are making their home in Apto Outoftown guests at the wed ding came from Mcrritton Detroit Mich Alliston Utopia Orillia Tor onto and Angus ers Joy Key Wed To Skinner living in london The marriage of Miss Ilene Joy Key daughterof Daniel Key of Shanty Bay to Sidney John Skin nerof London Ontario son of H211 ry Skinner of CromerManitoba took place on Saturday October 1950 at four oclock in the after noon in Dalston United Church Rev Hugh Mactaggart performed the doublering ceremony in floral setting of yellow and pink gladioli red roses and fern Miss Dawna Raymer cousin of the bride played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist Russell Churchin the singing of Love You Truly and Because at the signing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bridewore gown of white slipper satin with an inset of lace edged with seed pearls at the neck line The gown was styled with slight train Her floorlength veil was attached to halo of white satin tiimmed with pearls Her jewellery was gold pendant be longing to her mother She carried cascade bouquet of red Talisman roses The Misses Alberta and Christina Key sisters of the bride were her bridesmaids and were gowned in palegreen and pale mauve taffeta with matching shoulderlength veils gathered to matching flowered headdresses TheyCarried yellowL The wide gusset gives ample space to WFIAE and mauve mums carry necessities without making the Big bulky Acleverrtoucb isle hand strap thatfits sun on the shoulder to 25111151 111511111111er 19 39 01111111151115 JDy controlling vent the over and 1111111111 UEL81 sunIv coclsf COLOR GUARANTEES YOU GET coal erADnBURNINGI Yes Winterwill be lot more carefree when youve got supply of blue coal in your basement blue coal is extrarich in heat unitsto keep you Snug on zero days And beciuse steady heat helps cut down on colds no wondef bluecoal is the choice of so Inkny families with children Try blue coal and feel the diifence COME IN on PHONE TODAY co PHONE 13914 HE BEST dress Another accessory that is easy to slimskirted dresses in the overskirt or blouse and skirt into an attractive prevent slipping outt and will lend It new air to basic HANDBAG write to the make and useful adjunct to plain stamped selfaddressed envelopernnd asking for Loaet No 2389 uWOBIHktn as if is being titledthis LILOr orepeioIImeutoptx Your sewing machine Consult WW Youll Tmeaiff The flower girl MissJanice Per kin cousin of the bridefwas gown you woutd like to ed in yellow taffeta with mathing ave instructions for makinthhis FELT flower headdress and Carried eedlework nosegay of yellow1vhite and mauve Dept of this paper enclosing mums MarvinPorteIfield of London was groomsman and the ushers were long tight fitting bodice and ARMY SENIOR OFFICERS MOVED 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER TIIIRSDAY OCT 19 1950 From The amp Burden itlrenl Tim DupditIzznt of National Dc lzfitt 1111 315 announced the 111 r11t1n and lrpryvililliatlli Ll one senior olttsrr 1111 111 111011 of 11111 Lilicls 11 no1 ipwiritrncnts 1151111 of this command for some time has 1311 llluctl to Western 0111 111111111 21111 appointed the GOC llltlc Ilc 11111 b1 rcplaccd at Cun Illil Command by MayGen liuw tild 11111121111 CBE DSO ED KC who vacated 1121 appointrnmt of vice1111c of 1111 general staff Brig Ilcibirt Sparling C88 150 has Litttl proinotcd to 1111 rank 111 Major111111111 11nd becom 1s 111 111 tLi1Illtf of the gen 11a1 staff Wallace lity 211111 John Kcy both Inotlicrs of 1111 brtdc church rtccption was held in 1111 basement Iicccivlng wIth the brutal p11tyf Miss loyco lluntcr cousin of 1111 bride worc princcss bluc w1111 grty 11cccssorics and 11 corsagc of rcd roses lhc 1111111 and groom loft on wedding trip to soullicrn points 011 111id1 travtlling 111a navy blue suit with wine lifttSSOlltS and 11 corsugc of rod rusts 011 tlItIr return they 11111 Inakc tin11 11111111 11 London utoflown gucsts 111 1111 wcd ling c111111 1111111M1111itoba Alberta Toronto Poll11111111111111 Orlllia Cookstown 11111111 and 1111 sur rounding district 8W llittl Thats Absolutely Free 11011111 Locomoti 111111 froight cur lat 1111 and Caboose toymaking carton makers to 1tIpost1111510 Oops thcrc comcs the 111111 411151 111101 youve 1111511111 your curl 3111111 up You can 1111311 it again so by sponging it with the brand new grand new CIL SPONGE And if your husband is the Ollicial CarWasher 111 your family Im sure hell ohcc with Inc that this CIL cellulose Sponge is the grandest thing ever invcntcd for cleaning or polishing it car Its vclvctsoft 3111111 111t kind to the finest finish And when rung out it can be used as Chamois There are lots of other things youll like about this durable CIL Sponge w11y not try it and find out for yourself Youll nd CIL Sponges 111 live convenient sizes at hard ware drug variety department or grocery stores Be sure to look for 1le CIl labelits your menu ance of quality Im Thrilled and youll be too when you see the FRIG IDAIRE De Luxe ColdWall REFRIGER ATOR Its so beautiful with its IceBlue interior murmur so wonderful in action For ex ample its big fullwidth Super FreezerChest holds up to 45 lbs of frozen foodswhzle itshuge Hydration keeps fruits andveget ables fresh and crisp for days Look twicert those roomy allslum Inum shelves toofor theyre BUYS WHYS WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE MONTREALA fricnd of mine was looking ache 1111 11111 from 151111 lionsc rimming Cant slccp at night shc said 1111111 11 11I liINlI told 1101 For truly Sloans is 1111 most rclicfbringing trcalnicnt know for rlicuniutisIn Stllt muscles still Ilftk or neuralgia Its soothing penetrating 111at guts right to the 111111 111 1111 pain Just put it 1111 111111 it works Wonderfully quit1111 to bring wclcomc rclicfl N11 wondcr Sloans is 11 Intdicinc cubinct must in so mam limits And it not 1xptnsivc just 401 bottle 11 uny drugstore caxily simply tipaproof mshproof and edged We Carry Complete Stock 01 Ladies Health Supports and Supporting Brassieres Experienced Lady Fitter To Serve You WHITTYS Drug Store Essa Rd Dial 2823 GOOD WE PARKING DELIVER 120 to 1111111 for HIMANS here are cardboard cutout toys your youngsters will be thrilled to own Designed by 1111 folks at lit1117 111111 vcry wtll tool 111111 arc 1111 card cutout kit1111ns to 111light both boys 111111 girls All you do to got yours is purcbasc ti tins of that 1111111111111 llEl CREAM 011 TOMATO SOUP at Icgulur 1111015 The tins arc pnckctl in toy111111101 cartons tho Iovs arr printcd in colour and semicut on the carton llIrIc 1111 lour kinds of cutout cartons lrains or illnlIIlt 11101111n Stove 91111 Sink Unit Rcfrigvrator 11nd Cupboard Asl vour grocer for tins of Heinz Cltnllt ofrlomalo Soup In the new UItwrilc to me B11rbara Brent 11111 Jrcs ctnt Sl1lontrcul PQ enclosing labels from my ruricty of Ifcin Soupstolling Inc which of the four toymaking llllOlH youd like you can have 1111 four for 24 111111lsl11111l Ill Ellltl your toy No Fuss11011011111 at 11111 11 as cosy as making DURHAM CORN STARCII Lemon 110 to Open the new Durham packach Just break the scat and inside youll nd Din1mm Corn Starch noatly protected in papcr bag Thcn when youve used as much Durham as you need at the time replace the top of the pack age It will protect your corn starch from dust til the next time you need it And for the best Lemon Pie recipe youve ever triedJust look at the side of the Durham packagelhereyoull nd special Aim Adam Lemon Pie recipe delicious IWere On Quiz Program an 11 11 to this question What is clear and sparkling has tempting locklt edin avours is favourite acrossjlenule know Id take the prize BecauSewlmt else could It be but JellO Thetwinkling shimmering colours of JellO are 11 sure Sign of the tempting avour that follows And the variety of avours makes JELLO JELLY POWDERS homemakers dessert and salad dream they offer such IQ with IceBlue Yes made by General Motors meansa lot in gelcctric refrigerators so visit wealtlicf glamorous conrbina tions dont forget JcIlO econ omy when Im planning the bud get either It offers one of the your FrigidaireDealer soonforvmost inexpensive desserts know the thrill of your life Ivoflem than Zoo serving Like To Tell You SucceuSloIies about favourite buywords of mine The Success Story of RED ROSE TEA AND now the Red Rose name means avourperfection in thousandsof Canadian homesl Andl knewyoull agree with the fRed Rose Fansth11t Red Rose Tea is good teeLfromthe moment you taste that very rst avourful sipl Remember too that because its good tea it actually gives more cupsto the pound its avour goes icing long wnyl Red Rose Coffee is as good as Red Rose Tea Always fresh alwnys flavourful Ece youve tasted thisfullbodied corner Red Rosesuccessesthe flavourwise teathe tastejsntisfying coffee Im sure youll make 13 yearJound clockaround habitof thinl When The Fro21 0n1helumpkin andall the family snuggled agoundwthe re like to serve piping hot chocolate drink And dontrknow of enything more wonderful than BAKERS UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE forIrv drink fullof nourislimenthand luxurious chocolate avour Bakers is of course all pure chocolate with nothing added nothing taken may making all chocolate avoured dishes more rich and satisfyingHeres the recipe for Hot Chocolate that would make French chef green With envyl squares Bakers Unsweetened tablespoons sugar chocolat Dash of salt acupwar 3lt3usmilk Add chocolate to water 11f top of double otter Stir over low heat till melted and blended Add sugar andsalt boil minutes stirring com stantly Place over bollln waterAdd milk gradually stirring com stantly then heat Just elore serving beat with egg beater till irothv Serves corFEE began witltan ideal 111 qualityso um youll never Jaesatised With any otherlSo do ask your grocerfor these

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