Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1950, p. 1

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The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District County of Simeon MONDAY AND THURSDAY 5c Copy $3 00 Year Section lPoges to Uh arriv Examinrr 87th Year No 80 AUINORIIID AS SECOND CLASS IASL In POSY OFFICE OEPARIHENY OIIAIA Fllik libIII EUHEAU CF CIRCULAIIONS Lllti WIEILIES OF CANADA AND EARRIE ONTARIO CAND THURSDAY OCIOBER I9 1930 Town Endorses BDCl Additio Area Share Oi Cost $238500 Barric Town Councrl Monday cvcnup cutiorscd request by thc Barrie District folkclaw Itinllltllc Bond for $570000 for lIroom addition to thc prcscnt buztdnng Believe Cat Opening Newpstore Poisoned Accidentally dog and cat dird of pois oning in Barrie during the past tcck but it is not believed that nulixriousncss which is belicvcd lhc Inothc in the cur rent rash of animal polsonlnxs at Midland was involved The sick animals were taken to Dr Spearin veterinar ian of thc thttc Laki Road He conducted an autopsv on thc dog on ncd by Ralph Cooper ll Boys St and tstabllshl the poigon as arscnir The cat limothy was thc 0ycarold pct of children of Mr and MN lublc 13 Wellington St Its symptoms indiratcd metallic poisoning ponibly from arsenic or phoxphorous Dr Spcarin said although in did not con duct an autopsy He said arscnic is uscd in sprays and phosphorous ln rod cnt poison and it is possible the poisonings came about accident ally lhc inblcs and thcir childrcn vcrc dccpty gricvcd to losc liniothy vrll known through out the district and twice win ncr of thc ztnnual childrcns pct show staucd by tho rccrcation Over L200 pat Plowing Match Banquet Big legion Meet At Allislon Sunday rucrtzmz of I$ non to ba lltld Inf Sunday In ll lii lrrlgth hold thL Itll L1lly ttur Itllti ltlt rr31IoI IILV Ilrbuli lircw tirtttm of qul lubuztrl tII ltzzIl llzt only NU ut 11 Ill IZt lltlltl1lil Iliuipu tliltllltlli IIl Lin Will Speak Here Tomi tlIIr Burton Was t3lL Ilitl llii Olilzillt hillttir ttl II it til IE not It Is lfxllttltll that tnx lJItiltiuui writ br tlltllitcrl splurnm with Intrutch of Iltc LOllrlh intc board uppmrcd ill body trttlr council Incctina With Lhtmntm if Al lltrlrltnll Mill 15 spokM Hir $517000 figtzrc as prnrttcd and Vi Aldrimzm Arthur ilznrzson dur tint thc counctl meeting does not it ipiwtut thc cost to tllt Town of ilihru It is Illi Cuttiplitt clot of tho ltoptltl building illtllltllll rrciIIucts lccy and tltillllltlcttl mt aun ll lhmi plt not nt iznrial omtnmni atcznni huntiimi by tIr lIIiIl illixfoll lnilltllt mm HI unvtuu tglthlrlnl pcclitattnti itllltitli yfllli lit in It in math to Ill lilt llilllit who It or Irtw Iltlttilltil and win IIltrllliill lnuuton quwrsrtj llitzxta tint prt to Ililrltlllrl l7lt Iotnmunil all lbw lu linun barium In lrt Maxim of ttzr 2w lm WNW illllll ill Ionic anntc IUtltlt mouth Inn St ttrh nor from ha Icurhr iCGE Id llu and lillI onststoiy LI llrmtton Ind Shrinci tl plcscnt hc prcsrdcul of 9hr ircw tunic Iitltlt flIIl llti1 GORDON AISON who upriatu thr now lllvlLW xiill III III slurr up yr an IT hm In tnen mfwiaawcmm hm llil yvnu llit wit iovcrnmcnt grants writ makc up $Iiilulill of thc anuunit 1c I33 port will on $510000 allowlm $1500Iltil for cach of thc rooms This would lcavc lhc high school arm gthan3 of $238500 to pay of the total Ctbl lhc towns sharc of Illls arm lotnl Ac onagcr Here From Quebec City ll Nulmx znutimzcr ot ill Itc sw tx YORR tiltinnltt lihphonr onunm lth SHOWN IS THE HUGE CROWD that packed Bccton Community Memorial Arena at the windup banquet last Friday of the Match held International Plowing officials and near guests flank Premier Leslie Alliston In the lower picture association Frost main speaker at the head table Pliotos by Canada Pictures Toronto =scrvcs morc crvdit SKIIth sriIR EILENSEIGH 45th AT Regt council at Post Officc Squaw sions paymrnt on loin dizatuncc ll WIN born ilnrl tfllltIllld calls to lllcdoutc Imountcd to 28 lt1ll illltl lIHIHll llllllllllr cunts pII cull matmd of two cents Inc rind hrutmi tunic undci luri ipcr cztll as rcportcd prcvrously litlizrr II and lr Watson havt our Ililllt of lihnvulc IIIl IOIl NORTHERN jlNRY lOllIill chool tcnchcr ll Vlllntlll lhc sonthcrnmoxt lip of Norway Worthy Matron of tho frccmort its on tho sami latitudc as Juneau IIltI of tho EMIer Sim jin Alaska ltllihliilill SIAII PHOIU or Round 1cf lFire Prevention is Ye do not know anyone who do than your volun tccr firmncn in lobat municipal ities dcclarcd Davidovcuassist lanlchicf of thc firc SOIKICCS lelSlt Iion Ontario fire marshais departlot substdizc lIncnt speakingMonday plotting at Your firc scrvicc is tho find Imc lion tlttdct thc Ontario liIImipral Act lirc pumpch arc bascd on pct capita population of catch IIlllliltlI pahty That is thc minimum staiulardmicss than that tho act will Work ot th Canadian illlIIul lIlvctru wont Ituwduy nu liairic nnd mad fill Inspcctiou of thc local plant of thc tilI II was 11 llu naturr it an rdticational tuu illtlt rto plans for lilltllrll tVlIIllllll at thc Iwbic tly plant Mr Kohl In IIItIvc of lirantford and cruduutc cicctrual cnuvar of thc llllvIlnllY of Toronto crnt lhc LiIycar dclwntui c3 bctnt con lllliI would bc rctircd nt tho lIlt of Silili year plus intcrcst Plans Shown lhc plans for the collegiate ad dition shown to tho councillors slumcd tzyniuasium cut down to thc nnnimum sizc for basketball Accompzunwi by Jack IllIIchin son llnrrc Works manauIr Mr Nullbx bit cdnclu mninmtz foI Stonoy Lain llIiII lctcrboro to ill lilltl Innnungk fontcrcncc of itlltlill lilcttrzc Fall Meeting of Simcoe Deanery On October I9 court lhc proposcd gym vlll scat Bill in Its bicachcrs An upstairs balcony lll surround tho opcn pan arca on tho sccond floor Anothcr feature of thc addition which will bc Conncctcd by Cor ridor to thc west cntrancc of thc Turn to page six plcasc Millll hc $100880 that iii ppr RIZV JAMES IYIILII DI North lily illilllttllillt pact presid onI of In lorozrtotonlvrcnco of the lmml huzth of Jvtiililih who will at Avcnuc lbc ruint tllJlxiI TTtn Anniver Unltcd mnrh to bc ubscrwd on Sunday Ir oi lluron ltlullil 31 hr lvttlc is also super intcndcnt of Iltlrisitllzs for Northern Ontario rmzuu whuh covcrs lrbm Simcoz County to Jamcs Bay and illICllttllS port of Qucbcc There will ibc Stittiirl lIIIlSlt by Ihc choir dur imi thc scrrrcc which will be con lriuctcd by Rcv James Carder Many Benefits Offered IN ICE REVUE HERE OCT 28 gig opener 10 45th AllllTimk RClZlmCHl CA zhotus of the day in the middle Mr Lowc Spukt on Firc lrcvcn Grey and Simcoc Foresters was gold winter nights leave ther llion chk which hasjust bccn con hold at Orillia inst weekend with homes and businesses he pointed cludcd and congratulatcd Barrio on the Commmdint Officer LLCOI out But above all thcy arc tak 1c brigade not having singlc call tho dinner mcctmg of thcarrieiof dcicucc in any luturc war III Kiwanis Club in Community 0usoNorth Anicrtta thc spcakcr do They have to answcr calls all clarcrt Full moctint of thc Grcat Thupt cr of thc lIvaIIcry of liast Simcoc uIll bc hIld 111 St Mntthins Anit lican Church Ioldwutcr on Thurs day tLlllllj Oct 19 licv icllcticr of Coldwutcr Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Barrie boys who join the Royal CanadiaIrSeu Cadet Corps Kempenfelt during its present recruiting campaign will be come part of an organization that has units in all maj Canada has new ice rcvuc to cntcrtain thc thousands of pcople who like thc best in musical ice extravaganza lhisycar and judging Snow Queen in the Frozen Fantasy charming fig ure as she skates an intricate pair number with Jerry Rchfield in by the acclaim if prcsstlrrdpubtieNight in Vienna the music for KClllCdY D50 ED lerSidlllg maumlturrl $9143Jmnmlimnszmwnnu mu Wu School NexrfWek EiiccnScigh which appears at Bar ric Arena on Saturday Oct 28 bids fair to make its mark in the enter tainmcnt world during the fall and winter months With successful Canadian premich behind it Inter national ice Revue which opened to packed houses at Cobourg and scored big triumph at Cornwall is off to flying start on the first part of its eastern schedule Two performances will be given in Barrie matinee and an even ing show1 At Renfrew in the heart of the Ottawa Valley beautiful Eileen Scigh and her talented confrcrcs of the ice lanes won tremendous ap plause with their performances for two days The icewise public which has seen the best skaters in the world warmly welcomed Eilen Soigh and her company and the Lions Auditorium was packed to capacity for two nights nd special matinee for childrenaresult ed in only standing room being available In the three opening centres Cobourg Peterborough and chfrew therewas very keen in terest at the appearance of Miss Seigh who was the closest rival that Barbara Anncott had in her amatcur days Scores Triumph Press reviewers who have cover ed every major skating event in Canadaflocked to Cobourg for the premiere Top writers from To ronto Hamilton Ottawa London Montreal and eastern points were on hand to look over beauteous Ei leen Scigh and her troupe of mar vellous skaters Eileen herself scored greatwpcnsonal triumph with her dazzling style of free skating One prominent Toronto critic described her as the best in the business while others were equally enthusiastic By far the fastest moving skater to yet show in Canada Miss Seigh is veritable whirlwind on ice The leading star of the show Ei leen is an exceptional type of skat Ier for theexcellent productiondir ected by Dorothie Littlefieldvof Chicago who has produced and de signed several shows for Sonja Henie and other leading revues in the United States Miss Seighap pears in four major numbers as well as general chorus events on the program She is beautiful LoblavvtnCookingl Daily Prizes Mrs Elsi Clay Rogers internal tionally known home economist will conduct the Loblaw Cookin School here for five days next week The school will be held at the Roxy Theatre on Monday Tuesday Wednqsday Thursday and Friday afternoons October 23 24 25 26 and 27 from 130 to 330 oclock Ther will be aily prizes given at the free cooking school Fifteen bags of groceries and an electrical appliance will be given away each day and on Friday afternoon there will bea draw fdrthe grand prize of Frigidaire Electric Range lnlcrnatkmchcRcvumstarnngrwvlnclr is outstandingr Folldvvingrlthe business meeting and it feature of the revue under the ba ton of Eddie Ackland of Ottawa High Showmanship Showmanship of high ordqr shows the star as tho Tambourinc Girl in Gypsy Rcvclry Hcro her talents are brought out to the hilt and she is vivacious figure as she whirls through her part to the haunting refrain of gypsy music Lovers of the unusual in figure skating with musical accompani ment will find Miss Seigh at her best as she leads the grand march in Canadian Hoc Down new idea in ice musical numbers The show which has company Turn to page eight please Teachers Meet The teachers of South Simcoc and Lapp MA inspector of public schools journeyed to tawa by bus for their annual con vention on Friday October 13 business meeting was held In the auditorium of the Ottawa Nor mal School with George Woods supervising principal of Essa Township School Area presiding After the installation of new state of officers for the ensuing year Mr Lapp addressed the gath ering and introduced Morrow for Carleton County and principal of one of Ottawas public sctiools Mr Morrow was followed by Mr Kendrick principal of Ot tawa Normal School Who gave the teachers an interesting and inform ative address onmodcrn trends in education Mr Kcndrick is mcm ber of the mittee which is now engaged in ormulating the new curriculum for the public schools of Ontario Visit Mint the teachers and guests enjoyed delicious luncheon in the dining room of the administration build ing of the lipndnion Experimentall Farm The orning and afternoon of Friday was spent in visiting such places as the Royal Canadian Mint the Dominion Eitperimental Farm and the National Art Gallery and MUSGUIIL Saturday morning the teachers availed themselves ofthe oppor tunity of touring the business and residential Sections of the beautiful and historic capital city partof Hull was included in the four when magnificent view of Far liament Hill rwas obtained from Quebec bankiof the Ottawa hiver Ahearty voteoff thanks was tendered to Mr Lapp for his efforts in making this years convention most enjoyable and successful one The 195051 executive is as fol lows honorary president Inspector Lapp Alliston president George Cowan Bradford past president George Woods Essa vicepresident Bruce Edgar Essa secretarytreasurer Lois Bellamy Everett directors Margaret Wice Beaten Dorothy Turner Bradford Melissa Graham Alltston the Parliament Buildings iccrs ivcrc present from OWCII iSound Barrio Orillia Mcaford and Durham All officers were present from il35th Battery Barrie as follows iMajor Clark Capt Gal ibraith Capt Hook Capt George Lake Capt Pile Lt Howard Gibbins Officer Cadets McDonald and Gillies Capt Bourgeois from Central Army Command Oakvillc Reserve Force Branch was present to discuss training Meetings were held Saturday afternoon and Sunday 5morning The officers brought their wives for dinner at Orillia House and dance in the evening at the Orillia Armour ISLINGTON MTEPAYERS John Lay son of Mrs Lay Blake Street Barrie and the late Lay has been elected president of the Islington Ratepayers Associa tion it is reported in The Etobi coke Press Mr and Mrs Lay and family reside on Nottingham Drive Islington COMING Womens Canadian Club meet ing Tuesday October Library Hall 830 pm 80b Dance at Baxter Friday Oct 20 to the music of Paxtons or chestra Dancing from 930 to 130 Btfbl Dancing every Friday night Bee ton Community Memorial Recrea tion Hall to Norm Beurling and his Kings Men pm to am lStbe Old Tyme and modern dance Allandale Orange Hall every Frii day night Admission 50c Good music Lunch counter 7be Grenfel United Church Special Thanksgivingervlces Sunday Oct 22 11 am Rev Boat 730 pm Rev Doggett of Thornton guest speaker Colored Film Travelogu of Quebec and Maritimes by Smith First BaptistiChurch Fri day October 20 pm Silver collection for Boys Hockey Club Trinity Junior Guild Halloxiveen tea and bazaar Wednesday Oct 25 from pmto 530 pm at Trinity Parish Hall 80b DanceCraighurst H511 E19173 Psmhtmfcltriday Oct 20 Craighurst Presbyterian Bazaar and tea will be held Wednesday afternoon October 25 in the Com munity Hall 80b Rummage sale in Oddfellows Temple November Doors open am Ausplcesrgladies of St Marys Church 8082bT Egbert United WA will hold its annual Bazaar and Afternoon Tea Wedilesday Oct 25 in the SS room Do your Christmas shop ping early and enjoy it 80p Thornton United Church bazaar and hot supper Wednesday Nov Adults 75c children 35c 80p Rummage Sale Burtoh Avenue United Church Saturday October 21 Auspices Evening Auxiliary Doors open at79fam 80b 79801 recreation room of Collier Street ing their lives in their hands all the limo gcr they are getting into when thcy plunge into blazing housc storc lor factory Mr Lowe gave timely warning for ycarround fire protection The occasion vas Fire Prevention Week and members of the Barrie firo brigade with Chief Ixtviiitimcs and sc that thcsc humorous Kiwanis Club facts are brouqu were guests of the Ough was chairman hid Christie introduced members of the brigade and Chief Irwin introI duced the speaker who concluded with several fine films on the dan gers of fire and cautions that should be observed Mr Lowe in his opening remarks pointed out that fires and deaths from fires are increasing in On tario and that property loss wa very much up in recent years The shocking figures be quoted did not include the Noronic tragedyof 1949 And so the provincial government lis very much concerned and has They never know what dan been trying to take drastic meas tures to curtail this astounding loss The fire act has now been ext panded he declared so that it is the must advanced piece of legisla oo Come to St Pauls Church on pm Pictures andtravelogue giv en by Mr and Mrs GeorgeCon stable on their recent trip Ad mission 25c Children free Hot turkey anniversary dinner Burton Avenue United Church Wednesday October 25 to pm Adults $135 childreh 85c 80b rBingo tonight at the Market Hall Mulcaster St 15 games 250 under 16 80p plus specials Door prize No one Tuesday evening Oct 24 at 815 80p Bazaar and afternoon tea at nesday afternoon Oct 25 Tea to 5301 Auspices StPauliS WA Cookstown United Church Har vest Home Services Oct 29 at 1115 am and 730 pm Rev Carder Allandale guest speaker in the morning Rev Gor don Hunter Schombarg for evening with special music by Al listcm Glee Club Fowl supper held on Wednesday Nov Supper from 530 to Mixed program Ad mission Adults $125 Children 50ct J8082bT Rummage Sale Oct 28 in the United Church auspices Ladies Auxiliaryfto the Barrie Lions am lt 8082til An anniversary tea under the auspices ofthe WA of Collier St United Church will be held atthe parsonage on the afternoon of Fri day October 27 from pm to pm Admission 25c 80b Dance Guthrie Community Hall Fridakact 20 Music by Tom Pattendens Mountaineers Admiss 80b ion 50c Lunch counter Italian style spaghetti supper felt Oddfellows Hall ngnesday Nov Auspices Catholic Womens League 530 to pm Admission Adults 75c Children 50c 80p many otht naval and recreationalactivities Rural Donn lll prcsidc and thcl wing that timc The mack 11 has grown nationwide in rc cent cars and he pointed out many ways which ouch conrmunity could for instance by clcan ing up this busincss men and service clu should lakc thc lcad he advised hcy should kccp in contact with their fire chief at all pwscmcd by Millard Spcakcrs arc to bc Vcn Sawurs Mllil Archbishop of North rorl and Dr llatdiug lricet BA ilcncral sccrctnry of thc hlisstonary Snctct of thcChurch Toronto lhc llcancry tncludcs rillia Midland Mcdontc East Oro Mat chcdash and many other centres in the district It is cxpcctcd 50 or morc dciegatcs will attend the Great Chapter supper Inccting RCSCC Sires Healthy Activity cforc thc public Fire prcvcntion nust ncvpr bc lgtup he concludcd It must be kept going cvery hour every day of the year MAYBE ITWAS TRUEat one time thatmany sailors lcouldnt swim but this is not applicable to the Sea Cadets Of today All Barrie cadets who attended summer camp last year learned to swim The groupof cadets above is being taught the flutterkick by capable instructors Boys who join the corps before March are eligible spend two weeks at one of fiveea Cadet summer ca Health is stressed by the corpuggtyylmming is onlyOne Midhurst Township Han ongtwed of manyoutdoor activities intended tobothtrain thysboys 230 and develop strong bodies Rowe or log officer at Barrie points out Ovcr the past few years boys and thcir parents from St Johns valoundland to Port Albcrni British Columbia have become in of England in Canada Both are of crcasingly aware of the benefits of cncc on belonging to the corps until now thcrcarc 10000 Sea Cadets in the country In Ontario alone there are 385 corps with membership of 4000 Apply Early ie corps is seeking up members Since rc to be on selective wishing to join arc makc appointmcnt asi possible by calling Lt Rev James Ferguson padre at their homes On health basis alone meml bqrship in the corps is desirable Lt Rowe states free medical The Barr to 45 new cruiting is basis boys urged to soon as oxamination is given all applicants mannets Not sure if Eebple Brave 6Foot Wqus to or cen gunmrmetpmmtiwtiWraHremoastScicoastinreamdurr command by Dr Lumic and Dr Scymour the corps surgedus Thc training programincludes actual boatimV and sailing experi KcmpcnfcltyBay in the corps own craft phyical training swimming iniructi0n and many other training andrccreational ac tivities Drill marksmanship signalling navigation and band work are among IllF naval and other sub jCClS taughton the regular parade night Thursday at the Armoury The spiritual side is not neglect ed andprayers are conducted at each parade Additional training includes traditions of the Sea good cleanliness smartness and neatness Hcalth is stressed becaus it is full that this is the basis of an ITurn to page eight please onWreckage Find Out Man Wile75qve Exhausted Flyers Although theywere not dure people were clinging to wreckagc they saw on stormy Latter Simcoc off Big BaylRoint Monday Mr and Mrs Juseph Smith launched their small outboard moorwbgabl and risked their lives in sixfoot waves for nearly an hour just in case Sayed from almost certain death were Dr Eustace Brown and his wif of Toronto who had clung to wreckage of arr aircraft for about three hours They were stiff withthe cold and nearly ex hausted when the Smiths pulled them into the boat The Browns left Toronto at noonl onaight in rented aircraft to their summer home in Muskoka Engine trouble forced them downi rN IlSgANNUAL RECRUITING CAMPAIGN glow in bro gress Barries al Canadian Sea CadetCorps Kenipen is seekingup to 45 additional boys Successfrilappllc ants Will get opportunity to take part to healthy outdoor training in juding boating and sailing shown above and Mrs Smith who saw the small object rstfrom the grounds of the couples summer home on the lake shore at the 13th line Innisl said at rst she thought it was boatl in troublenand drew her husbands attention to it Waves9 obscuredI thespeckon the water most of the time so Mrs mith got eld glasses from the boathouse andl through them thought she saw white object Waving We werent sure whether itwas ourmagination or not but gured we had fodo somethingin case therewere people out there Mr Smith said WaVes were high even at the shore line and the Smiths had difficulty launching their boat jWe didnt know what it was until we were within few feet of it waves wer so high Once tried to stand up to get better view and was knocked down by the tossing of the boat Mr Smith said When we gotalongside Mrs Brown was astride the one oat showing and Dr Brown was stand ing on wreckage with water up to his chest They were exhausted and couldnt have hung on much longer The Smiths brought the pair to their cottage gave them dry cloth ing and refreshments and later drove tl1rn1toflcrontc Dr and Mrs Brown were little the Worse for their experience although buffeting by the waves scratched and bruised them Dr Brown said they rst hadJ engine trouble over Aurora He turned our the Carburetor heat thinking that was needed but revs started to go down again over the lake and the aircraft lost altitude fact With water under us ngtlft tooworried about landing but when we got down close and saw the waves knew we were in for it Dr Brown shouted hold on tight to his wife andfnosed the machine dawnonto thetwater He said it hit one wan all right skipped over another thn bl squarejIInto lthird and slowly nosed over He and his wifejumped out through their respective doors Mrsgerrown grabbing up two life preservers and her purse She managed to get into one of the life preservers but lost her purse Well never be ablel to thank these peopll enough Its lucky for us they were her and took the chance theydid The Smith were the only cotta gets in the areadozens of other cottages on the shone having been closed for then season Boats from Delaneystathous at Barrie cruised the area all Tuesdaybut found no trace eithe aircraft which Was renteddrom Lorrie Airways Toronto believe it sank Had it remained afloa weight would have ore from drifting far from the they said

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