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In 111 1111311 1311 11 11 11 11111 Mrs MCKtllth and famiIV MoiH25 it 11111 Mrs 111111 111 11111111111 at II II HIM IEIIIhsIlfIl IIIIIIIII ll hrt In i11111 trwt llltll 11111111111 loi 11111111 11111 115 HI HI II lKinzic and family of Now loronto VII1IIIIJ pinth VLSIIIIi IIIIk onto 111 c1111 111111 Javl Nit IIH 11 ll Mi wimuiw 211111 rI MI T1 mm In AI ppm gtI MLI Add 31 IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII MIII III MI 1111111I1 I1 11 1111 111 IIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII 111111111 Bccton at Altrcd Spurn DIIIHM II IIII IIIII 11IIIIII 817 wee 10mm iccrs hllSS Marion Arnold of Tor II Inn WN l1 111 Lb MN Maw lonto wath 111r parents Mr and Tmg IIIIImhI Iwum II Mm RII 11IIIIII II II MIMI RI lMlSVAllt1l Dungcy 111111 111111111n 1111111111 1111111 11111 woll attcndcd WWW 1111 i121 1111111 11 aim at Sicw 11 111 1111 mm 1m 115 it 511 11t1 1111 11111111111 of ltdlllt 111 Mm 41110wm and 1111Bi1111111on 1111 5111111 IIIIII II IIII IIIII IIIIIIIII MINI 11111 Can Tho 10551111 thoughts ccn mm 11111 ml IV 11 111l1 MV 11111 around lhanksgiving ChrisWWhd Millkhom 111 51111111141 111 111 111 11 A11 trinitv ilt to cv lifc ov1rx1121dowzdi MW Hmzt All Wks 111 lliilulfl 111111 111 I1 III by 1111 111511ch118 tln 11111111 1111111111111 1111 111111 1111 111 1111 WI I1I III 1311 Any tIWmmT wnmimrmich gfpnd fIIIII WWI ilIIIIIIIi Hallwfnwnnd II II 5111111111 11 1111111111111 rm 11115111351 1111 9111 1111111 111111 11111111 111 11 1111 11111111 111111111119 from IIIII month5 mwum I1111111 5111111 1111111 1111 1110 MI IIII II IIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII 111alt with Sonic 111c15511rv con1l 11111111111 1111111111111 51111111 11111 1V1 1111 111 11111111 Son1 11 II Needled 11I11111111I11IlufipplltIItIIImIII MI IIIIII MIII IIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIII 11 111111111i 111111 11 JI 111511 11 pan 11 311111 II II II 111 at 1111 1111511111111ndI111 11111111111 11111 at iiiiltlglihiiid Sihdinl dtlcgatcs tollloughtons our 1111 11111n1l in 9ng Savde Row IIIII IIIIIICIIII PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WIIIIIIIIIKII TIIII WMS IIIIII III mm 1II1I III III 11mm hIIIIhI jug ifhlbwtghq 1lhuwd My 1111111 11111 111 11111111w 111111111 at Mrs Associatlon111111tl1111 11gt 111011 11 I1 II II was mentioned The results of 1111at111111111111i 1l1lt 1111111111111 was 111 that 1111111 tutti 1I1ItUt IL1 luring at two rcccnt farm saltstln chair aul Mis 111111111 1111 in IYttTIIIIV llHtl 1111101 HIHI list tuf 111111 111v l111 111111111 11 11113 Jlt1rllt1 111 0110 noun 511151 o1y 1111111 11 IIw II II rho IUXUHOUS bav 1L rm the 11 Imam ml suppmuvmy HIT mm Hum 111111 coat leplCSCIltS the ultimate in were mVadc Aftcr thc business of giV111gA social tour 111111111111 Inn mm Seniors 11 vcry busy intcling was coml Gucsts 111111111 1111 11l111l tlt TIII HIIII HIIIIII WWII in SmrtxltttgAlleUIQJQUQE11 11111111 lunch was strvcd by thciMiss 11111111 11151111 OttaWH St 111111 111111111 11111 11111 at lt 11131119111111111 by Mrs McCutch Letsons Ivan Bolliurlphgattr 71 1n1 111111111111511111111 111R1 Itb 50ft supple llgmwcight 11111 Sec Coming Events lator tor Bells Mr and Mrs 1111 Halo and Slum mm NH1m sow115 family and 1111I and Mm 11 IIII II gmment that r1des your ShOtlld liinity 11111111 b1111111 11nd 2111pp1 II II W11 IIII IIIlIm 10 md 11 up November 1111 and fannly 11111111111 11 1111 51 mm by RWI ers like leather A1101 MI nd MVV Jaw SW Mr 1111111 11f Pomtang with and MII md Mm Jack Su TIIF IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII III IIIII AIIIIIIIIIIII 01110 Jlltitllth littlhltm 1711111111 11111I111 1111 11111511 October MI and Mm wmiam swig of THORNTON Oct Doggcil 11111 hp sure at two cheque RE Curr ottrndcd Pimbyttry 11 your with my Moderately priced at $2495 $2795 $4500 THE STORE r011 MEN 15 Elizabeth SLII At The Five Points IPhonc 2560 OPP WELLINGTON HOTEL BARBIE Sr Earl Bantinge Mr and Mr Jack firs P1 IWinnipcg visitedMr and Mrs 11 211 Mr 91115 11 r1211 Mrs 5111171 its1141 F1 211111 111r parrn 311 1111 1115 McKay rcccntly Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Murray Shaman mm Jean MC Club girls undcr tho 11adLrship fit 11 with Mr and Mrs Nor Loom Who were mumvd wcmmy of Mrs Earl Scottrrcndcrod song 1111111 1111wning and Mr and Mrs MI Md Mm Crawford of Mrs Scott pltStlllttl 111r girls of 3111111111 at 111111 cottagv Tommo meld at Mr and Mrs the club each with gift Tllt cv 111 1111 Quanta and Botty was Ono Cumfmds cning closed in 1111 usual way fol with 1111 1111111111111 Mrs MacDow Jordon of Fairvillc visncd lowvd by lunch 131 hog195$ CHI With and Mrs Gordon Jermey The first meeting of tlicM11ry Mr 1111111VL1lt ltuftctt 111oi T110 October 1001ng of the W0 mcns Institute was hcld at the home of Mrs Earl Scott with vcry good attendance The roll call was answered by recipe and sample of candy Mrs McKay gave report on the District Dclc gatc mccting held in Orillia The topic Care and arrangement of by Long Branch on Sunday LifetiersH Giffen conducted 13 21 A1111 11 821mg 111I flowch and bouqutts was talua by Minx 51111111 amplnll with demonstration of mcnts by Mrs lticc 1111 Gardcn flowcr arrango makcr Supper Club sponsorcd W1 5131111111111 1111 holiday thc Dcpartincnt of Agriculturc was son Lloyd at Viarton la held at the home of Diannc lticc Officers were clcctcd as follows Toronto president Gloria Hutchinson sc crctarytrcasurcr Mary Andrcwm presscorrespondent Diannc Ricc Norma Crawford and Edna Bcrt rain make tip the Supply commit tcc They composcd club songl Meetings are to ho licld Saturday afternoon 11 EDENVALE October Mr and Mrs Morrison Moon stone and JScott Scott Saskatch cwanvisitcd Mr and Mrs Milcs last week number of people from 111WI attended the funeral of the latc Bowman at Stroud on Sunday Mr and Mrs Russell Maw and family visited Mr and Mrs Big Bcgular Sunday School and church services will be resumed next Sunday at 11 am and 12 noon Mr and Mrs Heinson and Miss Myrtle Eliick Toronto visl itcd with Mr and Mrs Maw on Sunday The Womens Association mct ati the home of Mrs Maw last Wednesday with the president Mrs Dickinson presiding Roll call was answered by verse of scripture Several items of business were dealt with Mrs Rupert read paper The Stewardship of contest At the close Of thc Imeeting lunch was served by Mrs IW Bon ser and Mrsc Wand Word has been received here of the death of Arthur Miles at his home in DeSWMOines 16117 Mr Miles resided here as child with his parents MrIand Mrs George Miles Besides his wife and family at Des Moines he is survived by two brothers and one sister Miles of Mincsing William Toron to and Mrs GeorgcBinnicI Toron to Canadas Shhin Bonds are designed for all lgnadians whdwanttoput something away for tho futurellhey are pleasant way to Save money witlmut strain on your everyday expenses Canadas Fifth series of Savings Bonds arc nowonI sale in every branch Of The Bank of Toronto manager tOday and make your rst See the payment on start for the future IHIBANKFTORONTO II lniiiipordttd 19 GILLEIT 61111111111 Manqgeri II Everyone has something to 5819 for luscckcnd with Mr and before yourtime BELLE EWART Otlolior lixs Lam1111 and Mn Stans with tlnirlI Mrs John ucr is visiting inI Mrs Walton sp1n the wcckcnd in Toronto Mr and Mrs 711211111011 of Toronto thc Hogtus and pcnt Mrs thapptll The fine wcathir for the 111ks giving holiday 1111kcnd bro ght quite number of pcoplc licrcfr 111 other point Sonn arc Mr midIII Mrs Gordon Saundcrs and Jun tattoo of ldronto Mr and Mrs 11 Bristow of Barrio with Mrs Valton Mr and Mrs Albert Cun dall and Douglas Mr and Mrs llarvey Saunders of Toronto and Mr and MrsIE Baxter of Barrie at George Baxters We coitldjllst boar ourfriends Wing HEYRE GETTING OLDE Perhaps many couples at our time of life have had the same experience We scoured to lose all our old popf and joy in l1fc Often woke up with 111031 sluggish liverisli feelingsfelt listless worn wife too seemed always out of sorts When 111121111 hogan syIinpatliizingbc getting 0111 Then we sturtchwIiIth KruschcifSalts and soon nature did the rest to bring tho rclicf we needed We found just alittlc dissolved in our breakfast tea and coffee helpetl start the day right NOW we actually feel yearsvyoung If you often feclVdraggIedOut old if you suer liverish misery from buddigestiOn and common constipation Kruschcn can help you 100 getregularI again can help you to the clean 1ns1chI feeling Of I71 life worth living Ask your druggist Get RELGUrlAR gettlmt active 17 ct III in CF LE The first grantv ofufishing rights inCanada was made in 1603bythe King of France 1940 CHEVROLET 1939 $5 Collier st Dial2487 VUSED CARYAMIESOIV AT PRICE You CAN NOT AFFORD T0 MISS DODGESEDAN ORIGINAL OWNER VERY CLEAN NEVERV DunEu IN WINTER 1937 DODGE HFJQN PANEL 92500 gEcliIoIcIigEsouIND TRUCK F011 MILES OF GOOD DANGERFIELDI M01011 FREE 5w VP tins 23c THUR FRI SAT roiiiiiii 21111 111 211 Three Prim 0111111111 N11111111 tins for 311 Thou111111111111111111o111 lst Electric Kettle 111wry IIZIiulIlllcctric Sandwich Foodsavcr Wax Paper 111 Maker Shredded Wheat for 291 3rd Electric Clock Vclvct Cakc Flour DRAWS Kraft Dilllltl for 270 We 111artily wclcomc you to be made on Aylmcr Catsup bot 17c 111 111 our 1111171111111 custom SAlURDAY NIGHT Quaker Muffcts for 251 11111 and new out badtempered all day long My randsticrchrom poor digestiong hind our books we full We were really liaad Anglican WOW9113 THE HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY OCT 12 2T Blazgnrct and Donna Said 11 11111 Mr McGregor October 911161 Tori11111 at thc formers 111 cwnumty 5315 13111114 Mylard Simo Mr 111l 11 =Z Llouri llISVElVAL VISITORS N1 rytibtdrpwh Wdd 1111 11 1111 111 tullfSffil rm7 371mm 111111 dun11111 21211111 3115 P111110 31 31115 Brow 11 igii 111 1115 Edinburgh 111 wk 311M Wm 111 11411 111131111111 and 111=11 11111111 11100110 min15 wtre 11 id hit1ack1z1 11 1i 3l1gt Snafu OF YOUNGS STORE STROUD THURSDAY OCT 12 NOW Method of buying allows us to 111111 lowcr priccs on many 111111$ THANKS 1111 111111 11211 allimrd us to To many cuntoimrs Lucky Draw Tickets Will Do givcn away to customers cntcring the Sonic of our 1111yday low 111111121 sirn 1111111 during 1111 past lirc yiars W1 1opc to 111 Cttlllpbtlln SUthS 111111 to oftcr 111tier htrvicc OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 11 THE STORE WILL BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION FROM pm to 10 pan new high in STARTING POWER tONGER tIFEthan ever before YOURMONEY LWAYSu tVOpqdality battery 1111 GREAT NEW ENIDVIE gives yOu mOre in p6werundperf61n1cihce than ever befor2ltlt54uj development of our reseorcheengineeiingIslamhacked Iyeorsofhalterfbuildingeitperience Yqu can count on topquOlity servicetoo ExideV DculerswitlI SEDAN 57500 II IBradfoidSt At John DialAlll Ilhe latest equipment ore ready to giv yOu cxpert serviceig reddyIIolso to supplyyou prOmptly with fully chOrgod Exido IBdtleries Depend on the EIxideoDealerfor GOod Proddcts Good ISeVrvice EXIDE BammgorreANADA LIMITED 101161716 CANADA1 Itlzt