Ne and day of Barrie Mm mhum WW Yd it hm oroer 111 lot sl rilillL at irniius ou rlltltltt ltt it In ML Cornell Wilkmson and Mrs Stanley Faulkner and sun fond tll iieie stun tl offl ii ti nii NHM All In NH Om int 11 tki The Barrie Examiner daughter Mariornx of Toronto spent new Ur Em mm MM Byrpluims whim mum WU my my MM mm with liiili our lll in ltiAtLit the holiday weekend wrth Mrs gown um pm pm 11 shell lflrtll as count Luis Mar urn Long Sund guegm vi into biahtli of he Midland flank vet trntoieeri space for ile rale IT M1 72 11 canvmnl on lttllgt in rlltl eonspv illllilt The Canadian National System Mrs Long were Mrs Ethel Murra llev ll II and Mrs Sonrerville WM in WHIHHL irty Um Hmh WMW sirralf bri lttlt can he Lsctl as had its beginning in Culmdn$ rst Handy and Matthews all of Iiiin we vttliiesday guests in Wle mu Wm pmbmn of Huler an eurzcatroi ineuiinn it amt railway the Cliairiphriii andWSl VllPmemu dM gQWMlYrrutnhn nitW vs 149 MW in HM will my Lawrence which started opera Mr and Mrs Adair and son The coirrmriren or the recent lotzrltvkh llm lumen Ml LL as tiirrrvrinriir or to raw ii tlons in 1836 as portage line on 39 Wmktnd and Wild llll Clldmllm lll IflIirliifirTiIMld this til7tltl llis liken if iv lit 77 It em ltwl tt Ll Tmmnhln NEWW at rcr me warm mute bwwu Munumi iting relatives at Ihoiold Vise the public that there has litultru it UH inde Hm ka JENNY ii why lttitllltt as rim gt rii hp vii ICduca and New York Rey Illeyin Atkinson is patient an WHWdlbl lll lllwould be tll gtcrid by mobile in ly onirohta ttls 4A playground equipment for the lional material and tilllr are bankiirg rrrnt similar to those now it ml he iiiAlLtitt in Mariai Memorial Park Shipment or then llliiJ littlti utwlopetl tor use llil iu operation Ill bllilllll An order lt 211 shill of lflltt when equipment has been held up owing WW mlmmn Hi the lfioliitt tlitl to advance in prices and other reay llw onto llflllit erlilltlllttitllfllf firm vidti the first Manager of Mobile sons new oidt has been fori lIlS llit lUll llt It tlli lly tVillltll IS lllllllll It ll it ill Lil Ihrr lii li Mr and Mrs Miller of Toronto tttc holiday guests of Mrs James Irllllv Mr and Mrs Allen Glanfield of Toronto spenta my days with Mrl Mrs Allen McLean is home for few weeks holiday Mr and Mrs Wight of Ottawa and daughter Marion Were Mr and Mrs Gordon Pattons guests for few days QQQ NEWS OF cooxsrown October l0 er llllltl the holaiay isithii livi tizotlmr Vebb end Mrs Beauty 8nd spent SunTITIrEin day in Fergus visiting Wlih Mr and SitMrdan and Dr Miss Gladys Nixon of New York Tar0m lucekeird at Mr rnoirs were Lrllvd Cora airtl clrir and Kenneth Sinataiis and Gordon Blue Stevenson vlrniizial litpilll Mrs Ii Clinplziht Toronto spent rat at Mai ten We lit McMillan Du nsirioi Alls Flint tl and Toronto Visitozs over the holiday and Mrs Sini vanadium Mobile Banking Unit at Plowing Match and Mrs Kenneth CQUUTU 0i Weekend git William Baitl Tumllld lhel l1me ill ers were Ml5v Madge and Iiaril town We the weekend and holi ces Baker of Toronto lllti his Wt fill ham Scruton lxlltl till Bill of BariSOMII MONTHS AGO durrug si The tin rim an yo Juty mid by Mrialnd Mfg ASH Mclseanil ric business ti ip to Iliairin senior l1 izr Lt Zulr ligtli ire ut lrggi though toI mm mm on ay evmlmg or M35 Alldlt Mlltl Wilt zllUllltvl Hi The Canadian flank of it is lt word in ttlft possum in he new lovable laugh Sptlldlllg div 01 Six weeks tending Normal School In Torontoltonaneiee was favoiahly iriipress lit ed Ilift wall rreir rumor td hie comic strip glow WP trough mi 95 spent the holiday with her parentsied llll iiohie banking service rte armor The irzteiior is ml UR Mr and Mrs Miller offwrt A5 VA Ken be min no rr 1113 rah mg v1 ti ii yyiv 21 Ml All Dimmlll had 35 Miss Violet Graham of Ioioirtofhoaws liilt List tireoiiiiter withiei all iit1iiilli My mm bl Ml guests for few days Mrs Ilant spent the Wetkeirti with her run um wardetl and the comnuttcc is lookv ing forward to installing the permt aireut slide swings arid etc next Spring The Missus Iletty Ruby and Ma garct Davis and Allistair Mclrcllah of Toronto spent the weekend in Buffalo Mrs David McMastcr and sort of Toronto spent the lrolidayweck end with the tormersmotlicr Mrs Ii Hurling Keith Couse of London spent the holiday at his home in town Mr and Mrs Averall andi children of Toronto spent thcl weekend with Mrs Averalls par ents Mr and Mrs John Iioughton Miss Audrey Campbell of Toron to spentrthcholiday with her par ents Mr and Mrs Norman Camp bell Mrs Ambrose Hamilton and Mrs lIalrn Kitchener Provin cial Officers of the Worripiis Chris tian Temperance Union will be guests of Mrs Charles Carr while in charge of display booth at the type of banking was at aft iln1ii ill nple rioyrszoi oi whiting rem ice THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCT 12 1950 l8 ltirlr if Ioiohix lw tit On Friday mum leiM shiny iei to li rnt Mr an lift li ylc maasrcm r000 HRS In trfl adult It at by Kettl Ines and on litlltl of ti ALL SIZES tfiIlJlllvllilJ hurpiwn and UV AND TYPES IN STOCK Ilrdcl presented ilu and June ll set of rirrtyait The evening was spent lll famine riirch was served at the eloe DALSTON Dalston United Church wilt tc Lela iz Sir Lt it al3 sli lrlritgt lltlc Cookie te lozx ru spent 51 v41 Liner Mr and Mrs unCALuE Titonto ylr uni vll liirriy Barrie spent litt litrllflli urtlr Mr end Mir Partridge illis ll McKay gttitlrl the honor5 iii tila the rarest of yirs Kn WESTINGHOUSE ii 86 BAY FIELD ST iiist Wishes go writ lltf to in iiiv home if Sarlhtiry With the Ilanks merit to construct complete bank til iriitnature suitable for attach ing to towing unit flhe name given to tins llank is Mobile Unit irerniscs Depart held their tlilth Iiair In spite of coolI weather the crowd was fairly large All classes on the grounds and in the pavilion had excellent exhib its large number attended the concert program anti dance in the evening in Reids pavilion Thomas Ilamilton Scotch comedian and his troupe entertained the and ience and Walter Ileattys orches tra provided music for modern and oldtime dances Wlll Meeting The regular meeting of the WC TU of Coolrstown was held on Ilrursday cycnirrg September 23 at the home of thcipresident Mia Carr Iostcrs of scientific temperance iiiday schools were on display as well as literature of the National Study Course which be lnternational Plowing Match Mrs Carr anti Mrs Adams of Barrie are local convcncrs of the project for the County of Sinicoc Awarded Scholarship Miss Margaret Kell daughter of Rev Kell and Mrs Kcll formerly of Cookstown and presently residing in Woodbridgc was awarded 32 class of 29 scholarship for standing at Weston High School and has entered course in social and philosophical studies at Victoria College This mount represents the interest of contributing to trust fund by 1929 graduates Rev Kcll and Mrs Kell have two other daughters Enid is teacher in one of the two Grade rooms of Hurri Miss Tanis Kell is in her final year in political sconce course at Vic Itoria College Wdnesdays Local Fair On Wednesday Octdber the RDeOF ber Heights public school this year Cookstown Agricultural society music studies during the autumn MONEY SAVING NEWS FOR gins on October 15 Tire Provincial Convention was held in Ossington lAvc Baptist Church Toronto in September Mrs Carr spoke on the beautifully illustrated worship and memorial service held at the convention Mrs John Corrigan let in prayerfhe topic for the even ing was The Use of Blood Tests on Drinking Drivers Highlights were given of the convention also the worlds convention held in Hastings England in June Funds were voted to the County Treasury to assist in the expense of booth of exhibits at the InternationalI Plowing Match Ahymri folloyvedi lby prayer by Miss Spence clos ed the meeting Musical Program music students achievement prograrrrwas presented on Thanks giving Saturday at the home if their teacher Miss Marion Webb Margaret and Elizabeth Carr gave outstanding performances of their With the llanks naine lll gold let lillll tunfete deealeo of the Banks seal is Jilililtl maioon and warm grey on maroon backboard lllitl Although to each side tern toininerrdahle nuirrlicrs wer lso peilorrntd by Bonnie icrii Murray lionaltl laikcr lloss larl ker Roderick outts and lirriesil Parker Attor the recital the gtlllll cuts er7oyed musical contest and lliailzsuiviiig party lnitctl Iiurcli WA Meeting The WA of the United hurcn M1 n1 rmulm mum Dalston on Sunday October In Sppmnhw 35v hon Mrs there will be no service in the isitor present The meeting open ed Jilil hymn followed by pray er llir lesson thought and prayer were given by Mrs It llass and Scripture was read in unison Elev tll sick calls were made reports and business discussed The liar vest lloiiic servicts will be on tober 29 followud by fowl supper on the lst of November number were named to collect donations Thix meeting closed with lVllYlell lloronlo who lll operate ll at lLe Iron and lilillllt lldd with i3 members anti out Ullllll millil Mr and Mrs Fergus Taylor Mv oi Newinarkit and Mr and Mrs IliookcSlessor Sus holiday visitors at Slessors Owing to annivvrsary services at The WA and WMS will meet in the Sunday School room of the United Church ledriesday night October at 730 pin Miss Cockbiirn of Toronto Mrs Musgravc and Gwen llllltlllrltllilgliil llllllowyrygndElanll YOU MAY BE ll LA about ittiiitltl lagrners over per NEXT VICTIM uni of hill day FPORTS 0n the present Crime wave show that burglars go after money and negotiable securities such as Ovmhm Mi Victory lionds on and David of Huntsville were spent the weekend at Strachans BURGLARY IS RIPE To protect you North America Companies have issued special Money and Securities All Risk Policy which immediately reimburses the insured for any loss of money or securities whether caused by bur ylary fire or other mishap inside or outside of tie homesrore ofce or factory The cost of this insurance is low Ask your Insurance Agent or Ilroker for particu lars of this special North America3 Money and Securities Coverage Barium rmrprrrl roley lira1gb Again rmll froarr INSURANCE murmur spent the holiday with friends iii Ilamilton The Centre Sectional meeting of the WMS of the United Church of Canada will mcct in the United benediction The hostess assisted by Mrs It Glass seiycd refresh merits Institute Meeting The regular meeting of Cook towrr was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening October There were 32 members present and Several visitors The meeting opened with the Ode played by Mrs Ira Wilson followed by the Mary Stewart Collect The roll call was answorcd by My Mother rriaidcn name In the absence of Mrs Jcons the secretary Mrs Adair read the minutcs of the last meeting followed by the treasurers rcport It was decided to have homemaking club this wihtcr for girls between the ages of 12 and 26 0R HEARNG to 17 Mulcaster St The anadiai Bank The Commune Absolutely nu cspecially to conduct ald manufacturer Ask to see Mr Momghan He has come to Your town HEARING CLINIC and to acquaint you with his amazing new low priced instrument invnted by ACOUSTICON the worldfs oldest electrical hearingt Guaranteed No earbuttonnieedshow ONOsieparcrte batteries One smdllcojmpdctlunit f0 Ten qurriOnybuck guarantee TRY OUTTV mom COMPANY OF Tononro Monday Oct 16 44 from 19 pm famous ACOUSTICON FREE Church Thursday October ill The irrorrring session will open at 930 am The local WMS will servei iinncr Afternoon session is to bc gin at 130 pm Mr and Mrs McLean anl to takothe course irr Alliston on tho to andll of October Hai lowecrr party for the children will be held in the Town Hall with priz cs games and candy being donated by the WI Each member is asked to bring parch for the Parcel for Britain to the November meeting The remainder of the evening was souvenir of the evening Lunch was Two leaders have been nominath served by the committee in charge at NAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS sun FOR sun BARRIE WELDING MACHIN CO Dial 3744 NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES CANADIAN HEAD OFFICE TORONTO FIRE MARINE CASUALT Service Ofces throughout Canada lNSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA THE ALLIANCE lNSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHlA FIRE AND MARINE lNSURANCE COMPANY MALCOMSONS insurance Agency TIIE HOME OF GOOD INSURANCE SINCE 1899 41 Dunlop St Dial 3735 spent in playing bingo and many of the ladies went home with little FLYNN 89 Dunlop sr FLYNN PHONE 2388 Barrie WILF money PHONE 3432 Phone 2443 Dont wait until next winternewi is the time to insulate GYPROC WOOL llnsulationl enables home oWners to save up to 30 in fuel costs yet thehouse is kept warm and comfortable in spite of the coldest weather With GYPROC WOOL protecting your house every bit of heat from your fuel is made toworkit is kept inside to warm you instead of being allowed to escape through Walls and roof to the outside GYPitoc WOOL will give you comfort the coming winterand year after year for GYPROC WOOL is the Lifetime Insule tion It ismineralrdoes not deteriorate lie moistureresistant and firesafe and permanently retains its insulating properties Write foi copy of fInsu ation Manual which explains how insulation works and shows how easily GYPROC WOOL may be installed in your home GLwA Product made by Gypsum Lime and Alabastine Canada Limited and sold by Buildets Sirplply Lumber and eis across Canada Inshlation De