gt The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District Cou 87th Year No 78 My of Simon AUIHOIIIED As CORD CtASS IAII IV THE 05 OFFICE DEFARTIEKY CHAIR RIE ONTARIO CANADA Horses in Traditional Role At Big Spectacle THlIPSrAV OCTOBER 12 I950 STATISTICS of recent years shew the tractor lS rapidly replacing the horse on the job of tilllng the soil but when International time is here Dobbin gets good share of the limelight on WHA PARE PLANS NEW RVHUNIT URGE PUBLIC MEET PLEDGES TO CLOSE FUNDCOST GAP No contract has yet been let for the building of the Mem orial Unit and the new nurses residenceat the Royal Vic toria Hospital Six tenders were received on the tender date September 25 Because of increased costs in recent menths and of anticipated future cost increasesthe low tender was con siderably higher than the estimates made nine months ago and paring ofplans has been necessary the building com mittee statec job Many magnificent animals like the ones shown above guided by expert hands are drawing the plowshares at the Plowing Match being held thisweek near Alliston Horses his traditional ten yearsnaco Enenaving Hall Mile OI Tents car International Plowing Match are outnumbered by tractors by about four to one atothe plow match whtl the score was about even Courtesy Brantford Expositor Make City At NottaWasaga Valley Farms The amazing tented city raised ranged beside an exhibit of apples overnight on the Nottawasaga Val grown in the district ley Farms area just South Of Allisl South Simcoe Junior Farmers are ton for the International Plowmg turning out rural mail box Stencils Match houses variety of commer for small fee and RN Ludlow loin and educational exhibits of Tobacco View For Farm at Ever Nothing is missing from county ett has white pastel silver blue and fair atmosphere ekcept midwayablack minks in cages on view for Andtliis is more than made up for visitors time every afternoon The DufferinSimcoe Beekeepers iAssociation have honey andI bee exhibit in the county tents The County of Simcoe Reforesta tion has small display complem enting the large tent set up by the Ontario Department ofLands and lForests where Bill Glenester from The committee in consultation with the architects made consider able savings in the plans by alter ations and eliminations since re ceipt of the tenders On October the amended tenders were present ed to combined meeting of the hospital board and members of the Barrie and District Memorial Hos pital Fund Committee Still Gap gap between funds available and the amended low tender still The policyiof the committee inlLimiIEdi the exists and the meeting authorized cd providing no structural changes are made which willaffect future expansion The need for all subscribers to the Barrie and District Fund to honor their pledges is now more ur gent than ever Alarge number of these pledges are now overdue and muSt be received if the gap between costsand funds available is to be closed and Barrie is to have the new Hospitalfitjorelymeeds at this time charge of spending these public by along line of film showings and demonstrationsl II Walking frbnilone end to the other of the twodouble rows of tentsjs similar to walking by open store windows On the west side near to where the plowing compet itions go on each afternoon there is one enormous displayof farm implements after another Manufacturers represented in this line include the MasseyHarris Company AllisChalmers Rumley International Harvest er Company FleuiyBissell Limited Case John Deere Plow Com nearby open area farm hers the division of operation personnel es are being shoed for short Turn to page eight please $voooAssa Bazaar Afternoon Tea in IOOF Temple Collier SL Wednesday Nov Auspices Beaver Rebekah Lodge Tea 25c 78b Bazaar homemade baking after Rummage Sale Trinity Parish gHall Saturday October 21 Airspi ces Trinity WA Doors open am 7678bT Dont miss the dance at Pine Crest on road to Anten Mills Fri Ihe building committee to proceed funds isto proceed only when noon tea auspices of Central Uni as it sees fit in order to make fur tfirm tender is in accord with money ther reductions in the plans until available This is considered to be in the lowestpossible figure is reach the best interests of the Communityi IIIoTPMalehllrairiEiIIIftWali finish Corinlies Day Despite Rain Rain failed to halt the4LocalVCountiesDay at the Inter national Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstra tion on Tuesday All events were carried through and there was afine show byiplowmen York and Ontario counties Because of the early morning downpour the events scheduled to begin at 10 Oclock did not getuunu der way until noon when the rain eased up considerably During the afternoonthere were Lariasniodic drizzlesnbutallc sses had com pleted their plowing before six oclock Simcoe Today The heavy rainstorm this morning interfered very little with todaysplowingmatch All events got under way at 1030 just 10 minutes behind sched ule Plowmen report that soil conditions although not ideal are fairly good for the contests At noon the Oxford County Council arrived complete with pipe band Oxford will play host to the 1951 International Plowing Match and todays delegatidn will inspect things in Simcoe County to help make their plans for nextvyeur Simcoe County plow commit tee headed by Wilbur Reed of Orlllla were hectotothe visi M8 at seem mum man for Local Canada Day with cliffe Cookstownr James Darby from Simcoe Grey Dufferin Good Attendance The attendance was good for opening dayestimated at over 5000 Chairman of the Simcoe County Council special plowing matchcommitteeWilburT Reed Reeve of Orillia ToWnship declar ed that he was well pleased with the work The plowing generally was well done and stood up nicely As it happened the rain of Mon day andfTuesday morning was good thing for the competitionsl The soil on the Nottawasaga Valley Plantations wherethe big match isbeing held this year on the county roadbetween Alliston and Beeton is Sandy Therain seemed to give the soil thg necessary con sistency to make goodplowing pos sible As aresult of the moisture the sand was sticking together to turn Donald Brown of Glen Huron Reeveof Nottawasaga Was chair Keith McRuer ofAlllstqn and Jack Coleman of Barrie as secretary and treasurer There were committee men from each of the five counties thoseifrom Simcoe being Sut Waverley Grant Jermey Hawke Turn to page six please enough to make neat furrows easyi pany CockshuttPlow Company the United Cooperatives Of Ontario and there are scores of others Almost every manufacturer of hasa displayat the plowing match GeneralMotors have large tent or epd of the grounds is display by Car Sales and Service Limited The Canadian General Electric Company are holdinga farm weld ing demonstration thronghout the week and Realty Brothers have er ected television tower with their big electric display The County of Simcoe and the Dominion and Ontario Departments of Agriculture are sponsoring some of the most interesting exhibits for the rural public At oneend of the row of tents is the Potato Centre where potatoes are being graded andbgg9rgtriae Britches of the South Simcoe 500 Bushel Club are on display alongwith specimens showing rjot blight and other flaws Inthecounty tents Roy Hickling and his committee have display of livestOck andvaarm products Vir ComicsaiCOming New Feature in Barrie Examiner Starting Monday The Barrie Examiner offers new feature which should prove popular with all youngstersfrom six to 60plus Arrangements forpubllca tion of comic pilge are com pleted and it willuppear in all future Issues Pogo Muggs and Skeeter Elsworth Penny and Blondie and several other pop ular comics are Included Watoh for the natures rst appearance In Mondays paper LU In any product relating to farm life day Octoberl3 Dancing 930 to Admission 50c 78b The rst Annual Consignment Sale of 30 registered Herefords t11 bLIIlslefemalesl from the herds of Turnbull Sons Alick Y001 and Osburne Irwin on the displaeiwl carsandLEit the othritrntpr05bume Irwin Manseld one mile north of No 89 Highway on October 18 at 130 pm All cattle are TBu and blood tested Lunch on grounds For catalogues write Irwin= Manseld 17 Sup Old Tyme and Modern Dancing in Edgar Hall Friday night her 13 Music by Rbythmaires Burton Ave United Church Rummage Sale Saturday Nov Doors open am 78b Bazaar Burton Aye United Church Nov 29 Afternoon tea sale of Work from I206AUSDICS of WA 78b Old Tyme and Modern dance every Wednesday and Saturday night at Club 79 Tom Pattendens Mountaineers Admission 50c 52th Fowl supper draw and dame in Gearin Hall gPhelpston under auspices of StPatricks Church Phelpston and Our Lady of Eourdes Elmvale Wednesday Oc tober 18 Supper from 530 to 830 pm Admission Slipper $1 Dance 500 7678b Dance at Baxter Friday Oct 20 to the music of Paxtons or chestra Dancingirom 930 to 130 8tbT Dancing every Friday night Bee ton Community Memorial Recrea tion Hall to NormBeurling and his Kings Men pm to 1am15tfbl Rummage sale October28 in SI Andrews Church Lecture Hall Corner of Owen and Worsley St Auspices Doors open at Bm 7678bT Olde Tqu and modern dance Allandale Orange Hall every Fri day night Admission 50c Good music Lunch counterf 7be lion 52nd Anniversary October 15 ted Church WA in School Room Wednesday Dec Tea served 36 Tea 25C 78p All interested in organization of St John Ambulance division at Barrie are urged to attend meet ing for this purpOSe at pm Tues day0ct 17 at Community House 7879b Dance in New Louell Hall on Friday Oct 13 auspices LOL Creemore orchestra Admission 50c 78p An anniversary tea under the at the parsonage on the afternoon of Friday October 27Wme 3pm to pm Admission 25c 78b Hot Turkey anniversary dinner Burton Avenue United Church Wednesday Octobei 25 to pm Adults $135 children 85c Rummage Sale at SiiGeorges Parish Hall Doors open am Saturday October 14 781 Euchreu and dance Nantyr School Saturday October 14 Euchre to 10 pm dance 1012 Refreshments served Ladies 25c gentlemen 50c 78b Trinity United Church Thorn atll am and 730 pm ReyE Kent Guest Speaker Special music 78b Rummage Sale Burton Avenue United Church10ctober 28 Aus pices of 39 Club 781 Bingo tbnight at the Market Hall Mulcaster St 15 games for 25 plus excellent special prizes 815 pm No one under 16 78b Bingo at Legion Hall 26 Owen Stret Tuesday October 17 aus pices fLadies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legionl 15 games for25c Also door prize A781 Rummage Sale at Burton Avenue United Church on Spturday 0cto ber 21 Auspices Evening Auxiliary Doors ppen at 9am 781 IEIBER AUDIT BU CLASS IEEILIES 833 Visitors At Fire Hall By Wednesday Hrc hiel It II Ir in report ed total attendance of 833 vis ltcrs at the fire Station by noon hour yesterday The rriajorlty of the visitors had been school children who were brought In groups by their teachers It is hoped that parents will also compose large number of the visitors during Fire Ireven lion Wetk Iliicli continues Ull til Saturday The hall is open from nine 11 until 10 p111 for the convenience of those rate payers who can only attend In the evening total of 750 children from St Marys Separate School St icorgrs and Victoria pirblic schools and St Josephs High School visited the station Tucs day As the other schools have too great distance to transport any number of children the fire chief intends to lecture to them during the week and demon strate fire equipment Ilre drill vlll Ill held at ul the schools during the week LEarf Struck by Airman Killed LAC Lovlin about 30 of the RCAF arrp Borden was irr stanlly killed Saturday night Oct when struck ly car while walking on Highway 2A just south of Pickering Cab driver RrIert Hole 10 of Oshawa told police he was passing eastbound when he struck something which smashed the ven tilator window beside him He said Ihe stoppedimmediately and walk ed back to find man lying on the edge of the centre boulevard He was dressed in civilian clothes The left side of Hales face was mass of small nuts caused by the broken glass Sitting in the rear seat his mother Mrs RobertHale received minor face cuts It was believed that Lovlin re cently transferred from Trenton air force base was on his way to Camp Borden afterclearing up some business in his former loca tion He carried family group picture which evidently included his wife and two children His wifes address was given as Sioux Falls South Dakota DOG KILLED BY CAR Duchess purebred Great Dane owned by Neville Herald proprietor of Hoppys Cabins on Highway 11 was struck by car on Monday morning and was so seriously injured that she had t6 be destroyed Her ownervalued the animal at $150 Considerable damage was done to the cars grill do auspics of the WA of Collier 7gpStreet Unitedichurchiwilmehechl 73a POSTPONED FROM LAST WEEK because of bereavement in the family and operator PH FFralick the modern new Canadian The Corporation associate store fctal Dpeiiing at 96 Elizabeth St has its thls Saturday Oct 14 The public is invited to visit betWeen the hours or 830am and1030 pm special spot prize schemelhas been arranged fbr the occasion and throughout the dayvaluable items of merchandise will bevgiven away The opening Estimate Over 25000 Atte Plowing Match on Second Day MONDAY AND THURSDAY Cppy $3 00 Year RLAU CIRCULATION OF CANADA AND Ci Section lPoges to Official opening day Wednesday of the International Plow ing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration near Alllston attracted good crowd estirriated at over 25000 people Fine weather favored the Ontario Plowmens Assoclatton for their 37th annual show the greatest of its kind in the world until hire in the afternooon when rain began to fall But by their the nine classes in stubble plowing with jolnter plows using both horses and tractors had been completed There were over 200 entries including those from Ireland England and the United States as well as Canada RR Parade of Officials lLIrstaywas Local Counties Day illtli reported elsewhere in lllls rssne Yesterday the hzg litter Tilalrozinl lroiv was opede official ly by the lion Waiter ii llarirs Ml tor trey South Minister of Cltiltllrllll and Immigration The opening took pla ocloil when officials of lv and the Sirrzcoe County Count1 which sponsored this years event paraded with Alliston Itircns llarzd to the stand winre the Ceremony Avas held The chairirnrri was lloy Shaver of Finch Ilttltltlltwul the GPA Among those who spoke were Ills worship Warden ll Benson of wmicoe County lortcons of Owen Sound past preszdent of the and the lion Mr llarris it Banquet at Beetoii The match continues unless rain iritcifeis riritil Friday afternoon loslllti teatiire will be the annual banquet at Becton Memorial Hall when the lion Leslie III Frost Premier of Ontario will he the main speaker and prizes will be presented What irriprcsses the stranger to the international Plowing Match tfptttcllftt Bruce Marcel Marxitle Ohswckcn Pinter olrriotut RR ligtrrrre tiotierich RR Shoriglrriessy Angus RR Much interest was shown at the lozalo eritrrn where the judge was Warm AlchverI of Toronto chief arm Departnant of Agriculture Largest potato eiitcredto date is that brought by John Schlpner of Trout Creek lbs 12 ozs which is inletin big potato Second lIlligtl Is yist half an ounce lighter shown try Vernon Lamb also of llimit trwk Nipissing District lliec have been 33 entries so far First Day at The International By ROS Plowing got away to good sraiz Teams got theirlands struck out littore noon and after Ihe lunch were ready to make show ing The entries were not as large as expected but those who did compete were more apt to be in the money llrllic Hunter the 12 of Line In51 is mu Tented Cm Vhloliof lnnistil was one of the contest 10 10m 011 ants in the under 20 class of horse New CTC Store to Open rows of exhibits that is some two Inriles of tents with every conceiv ablc type of farm and home equip rncnt on display It i511 vast stretch of interest from every angle start ing at the lOOfoot television tower iat the entrance off the 10th line of lccuinseth Farm Welding new feature this year was the farm welding competition Opening day brought nine contestants who put on good demonstratioon but the judges decided they were not qualified for prizes However on Wediiesday there was fine competition and prizes were given in both classes Work was subject to bend and tensile tests and was judged on uniform ity of bead completeness of pene tration and freedom from under cutting Each competitor was re quired to complete butt weld of threesixteenths inch mild steel iplate in flat position Winners on Wednesday Class oxyacetylene open Shaughnessy Angus RR Law rence Fraser Shanty Bay RR Jack Hancey Alliston LeGres ley Newcastle Glass arcwelding open Glenn aw OffiCialIy Saturday drawn plowing Keri McDonald was another In lnislil contestant Watching the Fire Marshals de partment put on demonstration iof stopping tires at huge crowd was amazed at the quickness with which large pit of oil and gaso rline was extinguished This is the ltirst of training unit which the Ontario Department is establishing inbrdci to train local refighters iri the protectionbf property The Provincial Police have about 50 inenin the distret They are scattered over radius of some 20 miles and are in radio Contact through Barrie headquarters They have headquarters on the grounds and billet in Allislm life sized picture in their Lent Ion the grounds entitled What is the Matter With my Daddy is grim reminder of the results of an accident Jack McPherson director publicity for the International Match expressed theopinion that the local committee had done re markable jobin preparation and organization Everything was done and everyone worked very hard to accomplish their jobs he added t3 arks the third time the store has moved since it wgsstarted here by Mr Franck in 1938 The new store fearing ing bright attractive signed for convenience provide space for the ff Tress drivein servic Centre the rear of theibuildln where chandlSe will be Efciently tomers vehicles Born in VMlnesinguM Era 9k the East End Serytce flop before his storwhich he pom ed and OPeFieerhi ftclul connection WI has staff of the pl of the owner the premises ployees