Class kTractcma or more furrowsOpcn than Dizrctcrs in lst priZe cash $22 it $3 litii $9 921 $3 WWW COMPLETE PRIZE LIST FOR PLOWING MATCH LOCAL COUNTIES DAY TUESDAY OCT 10 oiiiiittcchaiiziutzi lluimld Brown Clcu Huron Secretory Killll McRutr Allistou lrc tr 1t Litlemon Barrie liftcriiiA Hunter 3t ichtozr Claude Duffin Mdiisfield iloriis Jelly Slitibililx Geo iiide iiJnd Valley GILu eulow hungetiile itvYdldil Llclalitiu Hanover Andnw Betittie Oucn Sound 11 1t GeorgeJohimin Linen Sound it it Doug 110111111011er lloinbury Fred Scum Ayton OnttiiiovAibtrt rimm lenidgc it Mcllatter BLfivertuti gt07 55 WI Im 53 Nth 3i Down Oshawa bikhitlldil Setigiuye Mciirrltnie Blackwuttr lios 12v lmctuis twoor lflicr furrows Hr SinicoeDonald Brown Glen lluron Sutchffc ooLrtUWll II II IIII III TIId III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII by USIUIIII IIIU cctoi in LSinige lcn Lulli Meluilmm Jinns Darby tziierlcy mi Jeimiy llziwmstone iilmoie ReneQ WIT 3m ml SH Churchill Dr ll ZucK ey Revlon McCagtie Alliston UK YorkGeorge 1iw King If Itirtcliffe Stouflville JackiIIII III IIIII 3L III Wood Aurora Andrew McClure Wuodbridge Thomas Harding MllliI ken Mackhn Agiizcourt RILES All entries cuiifiiimi to the Counties of Dufferin Grey nturio SIHWN IUlk 1930 fissu Champions Horse llou Speclul Rules Ipglritilltill illch 4111 re of international IIL$1111DIJICII in HJMmu 01 knm mmugh ml mum HUNHWK ANN 1m 19 itl 131M Purrows not less cc drumI ly mansger appointed by the Ontario Plowrneua Anode 10w charge Doug liaitzrzriid Mons Jc Li xr blc 04th Bio 515 3rd 516 its $24 510 en October loth $5 fee 32 00 per tram Class Upcr to $808 ALLISTONBARRIE OCT 10 1959 IL cl idltf Stubee Plowing Jointer Pious liq lxi lo act Slo till $9 In Alliston its HILLIS aor tori Furrows Uprn Exxon itt less charge it liatciiffc Fltii Slut Ind $111 31d $10 411 iJ $lli 10th Titus lil 1nuii than UltcxItijs lst prixr Lu 7th $9 rut $3 Ilern llwliutlvm ruiriws burrow lo lcs liii 30 Nutitc class open to unyone who has lLLlL10d it plowing motel pret iotzi to 1130 Lltlviih in 1111 IIIhLLsILr Andrew McClure 1st lllc 2n1 SH 151d $10 411 SH 311 $10 co lie but on Hunt Ldnr 1J1rcigt 111 iiuzyc VIL FOR LADIES WEAR MENS WEAR 33 IA LLiiclixs in LI1 1i 11na Souk is littllj1llgtill Ltd 01111 33o ZlLI tn 543 3111 30 91th 01 $11 in sin 314 511512 loin Slit llth DRY lit SPECIALS 31 211 Stile liziwclc pc 121 litc 1511 IILU 1il I11 li nor guilt The fulhnving Sghtltilx 111 be minded one of ouch for titll of the Simviei ouiity ilyuiiclies Blue Moiiiitiiu Siiiscoe tintic uxt INLI Louiny Mulch ileUI in 19 ILIzi JILll leil Simcoe ital itlltl Silhtm South lnt llobcit Shop on Co 1lii1ophj out the fo luv the ilooert 511pmi Ltd nd 33 liid 30 111 S111 7112 $10 litli SH lilli $13 10th $10 llth Sit $9 gt Uln Iptn LII lroys rind Du Iuihl LlittliliilltiIJI Muttluv Lot 111 $10 liittoi 153 lim Crop good Illi iin tic it Ii151ititnl iIlli Kflult ii ll ll Hill Co Limited ALLISTON ONTARIO ilioii offers $1000 111 rush in sprcull prize to each oi the lov iiici1 Ibrunches as follows For best loud in Sod Classes horses onlyi plowed by it resident of the county in which the match is held No winner may receive more thun one lisso Lhuiiipzons Home Plow Special 11 brunch mulies gt II 1950 It The winner of this Special except lrip YililiclM Will he ilirllili 51f Sod Plowing Jointer Plows liictu Liiiuduui Bank of ormrurce 1is5 pen to 1L Lilelot ill Lliltlrl Dunne lllt iieiiii lliiin iii triiiiiiaircc kitltll Mild 1in 511530 tolmzving sh pitm bv the Canadian Bunk til oininerct Ztid siio tin $23 3m szu uh $11 7th $10 tth 5H 911 52 illzl l1 10th ll llth $10 1211 $10 MODERN SII I950 50 IIMIPIIII Tudor How spew ll llLitliJls it or more lltiirrois Furrows not less tlmii Till Imlllllill Illlllltll WOUND 1h lilll IIIIHVHHHI AVON 11 liii burden to 1IllllltlIiiigt lioiinrr liist thlti second prize in lion offers $1000 in cash is specitil prize to ezich of the llli nzimed in mm Md Umva uprmlunul ppm bllillfhi Its TOIIMYSI in hintili prior to 1930 not ligililr DilttLUlr Ill charge Iletcliirr For best plumd land in Triictor Sod Classes completed by resi Mm BULOVA WRIST WATCH Ient of the county in which the mulch is held No winner muy ju mm 111 Twp Wm Rogers Silver lhtte Entree Dish prc $30 IlllI the following 1in ccive more thtin one IIsso Champions Speciul it Brunch Mulclies iii 114 if 011 CU Ltd 311 530 53 530 1950 Genuine Corn Flower Cut glass hostess plate by HUGHES Class l11oiteswopenwDirectorsdn charge Gilmore Reire Hunter lst prize czisli $22 2nd 518 3rd 510 4th SH 5th $10 bill 899 7th 59 bill $0 mil $0 10th $9 uiiii it jt ill 10 enter the ifsso Champions liiiisAtliiitic Class 20 IIIUIMSI til the Class 2llursvsr 0in In lhusv who liqu WW WU xi iiiizv in this 1930 International Plotting Mliltll on Friday October 15 class or competed in Open Jointer Directors in charge James DurbyI McCallzm lst prize cash 7111 $9 tllh $9 901 89 11011 $9 Cluss 3lloisesOpeii to boys tfld girls who had not reached their 20111 birthdays on October 1950 Directors in charge it Lmvson it Mcliuttcr rst prize cash $22 2nd 518 3rd $16 4th $14 5th $10 llth $9 Zlglwsllikiltl $10 4111 $14 Sill $10 Hill 50 Till $9 llth $9 901 $0 10111 $0 011i 510 71h $10 0th SH lllli 812 10th 810 lllli 810 13th $10 IIIIIO WIIIIIUII If IIIISISIJICIII IIIWill Till WilllltlSl ill itElm 11 as prizes lll ibove cluss this company Vill providi zi food lo enter the Esso Ihuniiioiis lrzuisAtluntic Class 25 llrtictoisl git the Stubble Plowmg Jomtcr Plows pactmow for tittll Loiiipetitor entering class 11150 iillltllldlltllltll llottini Mulch on Illdil tobti 15 17 Tmtm myer 51mm Directors in charge Jock Wood Clziude 10 limit of Montreal Llthh Brilimil piiu Fur row Directors Furrows not less than in charge lelljmidcn ll tank of Month 21 liiiplry5301 and the following ttSIT lIlIr lluzih of Montreal 2ud $351lrd 830 4th 525 5th $20 0th Sit Class Ilorsespen Duffin lst prize cash $22 2nd Sltl 7th $9 8th $9 9th $9 10th 89 Class 5liorses0pen to those who have never won first prize in Directors in charge Down 1950 Suliidu Teri Company Special The Stiltidzi Tea Company through the Ontario llowniens Associa tion offers $1000 in cash uszi special pri1e to 011011 of the above named branches as follows For best lzind in Jointer Sod Class horses only plowed by boy under 20 years of Lige on Mulch date who is rLsident of the county in which the Match is held Sillildil Teu Special in 1950 3rd $10 4th $14 5111 $10 llth $9 JlVlZNIHC 30MllZllllNSllBBLIC lord Motor ompuny of Canada Limited Iusscs Iiiiir Girlsmover ill and Under 19 Years of Age llowinzr with any nuke of lructor Directors in charge Young Lindsay Cash prizes by Ford Motor Colst 525 2110 $20 3rd 315 lus l9 lloysver 11 and Under 10 Years of Age Plowing with any make of lrnctor Directors in charge Wilkins liullcr osh prizes by Ford Motor IISL 523 2nd 520 3rd 815 4th 810 511i this class or competed in Open Joiiitcr Sutcliffe lst prize cosh $22 2nd Sill 701 $9 llth $9 9th $9 1001 $9 Class 6llorses0pcii Milltui Andrew Beattie lst prize cash $22 7th $9 llth $9 9th $9 No competitor may receive more than one 3rd $16 4th $14 501 $10 6th $9 PRIZES FOR PLOWTEAMS AND EQUIPMENT Directors in charge Dr McKelvcy Mchigue Tennis and Equipment Team to plow and finish lnhd to plow lll harness they are to be shown in Quality ind conltnmntion 60 points manners 20 points equipment 20 points 1st prize cosh $22 2nd 818 3rd $10 401 814 501 $10 001 $9 701 $9 9th $9 9111 39 10th 89 Best Going Plow leuni Grunt Jermey Mzicklin lst prize cash $12 2nd $10 Directors in charge Mc No handling 2nd $18 100111 10th $9 3rd $16 4th $145th $10 601 $9 Sod Plowing Jointer Plows Class 7TractorsOpenTvo Furrow Directors in charge George Johnson Thomas llurding lst prize cash $22 2nd $18 3rd $16 4th $14 51h $10 61h $9 Some $40000000 worth of lllllrl huve been sold out if the provinccv II the first nine months of the year he said Beef and dairy cuttlel have been paying well Ontario Crops Greatest Ever Directors in charge Robert lldyes 3rd $9 4th $9 5th 37 61h $0 711159 8th $9 901 $9 10111 $9 Canadas IFirst MOBILE BANK wormschaxciizsiivaawm at the eiNTERNATIoNAL pLowisoMATcu When you attendltitieklnternatioual Plowing Matctron Wshe Nottawdsaga Valley Farm near Alliston Ontario October 10th to 13th you can do your bankingion the spciti without moving off the grounds The Canadian bank ogOommercc Will hivitfmo bile Banking UnitNo1 stationed next to theGncral Administrative Offices on the Farm for YOUR convenience Thiscompletebankdhminiature is housed in spav cially designed and fitted mqtortratler It will be under the management of Charlie Inglis mahager Of our branch at theTRoyal Winter Fair Tom Stothers who has been with The Comidrce for manyjears and is well known to formers everywhere willbe onhaud to giveyou any assistance he can Farmrs demonstratorsnmplment agents andother Visitors to this internationallyfamous plowing match tilted to make full use of thseconveutent banking ScrviCes unpthe spot The Canodlri Bank Of Commerce Trophy $50 2nd prize cash $35 3rd $30 4th $25 5th $20 6th $18 $3573rd $30r4thrs25 5th$20 6th$187th $10fr Sponsored by the Salada Te Company of Canada Ltd Toronto Direc cashjrrizesrby theMasseyHarrlsCorTjtdlifinSSS llth520 12th $1313th516 14th $I415ih$12 andfarm machinerydemonstrotiori arecordlally tnl I7th $5 under 18 years of age Directors in charge Henderson 1K Bawden llth $4 001 $4 10th $4 WEDNESDAY OCT 11 Stubble Plowing Jointer News Class 1IlorscsOpen The Eaton Company Liinited Class Directors in charge Poreous Quinn Alston Campbell lst prizeJlhe Eaton Co Ltd Trophy and cash $2500S5000 and the following cash prizes by the Eaton Co Ltd2nd $35 9rd $30 4th $25 5th $20 6th $18 7th $16 9th $14 9th $12 10th 810 llth $10 12th $10 Class 2llorscs Victory Mills Limited Class Open to those who had notwon first second or third prize at on International Plowing Match prior to 1950 Directors in charge Mark Waldic Soulcs lst prizeVict0ry Mills Limited Trophy$50 and the following cash prlzes by Victory Mills Limited 2nd $35 3rd $30 4th S25 5th $20 6111 $18 7th $16 8th $14 9th $12 10th $19 llth $10 12th $10 Class 3Horsos Open to all boys under 18 years of age Directors in charge Bullick Hall lst prizeMcLeod Young Weir Co Ltd Trophy $50 2nd prize cash $35 3nd $30 401 $25 5th $20 0111 $18 811 $14 9th $12 10th $10 Class 4TractorsOpen Fuller lst prizeSir Ellsworth Flavelle Trophy $50 2nd prize cash S35 3rd $304th $25 5th $20 601 $18 7th $16 8th $14 901 $12 10th $10 11th $10 12th $10 Class 54TractorsROWCr0p Style Tricycle Type Only Open to those who had not won first or second prize in this class at an Inter nationalaPlowing Match prior to 1950 Directors in charge Moses Young Fletcher lst prizeOntario Hydro Electric Power Commission Trophy $50 2nd cash $35 3rd King Edward Hotel cash $30 4th cash$25 5th $20 6th$18 7th $16 8th $14 9th $12 10th $10 llth $10 12th $10 Class GTiactors The Bank of Toronto Class Open to those who had notwon prize in Tractor Classes at an International Plowing Match prior to 1950 Directors in charge Barrie Hawkcy Gardiner lst prizeIThe Bank of Toronto Trophy $50 and the following cash prizes by the Bank Of Toronto2nd $35 3rd $30 4th $25 5th $20 6th $18 7th $16 8th $14 9th $12 10th $10 411th $10 12th $10 Class 7Tractors MasseyHarris Co Ltd Class Open to all boys 7iirsicI Directors in charge Black Hav WrrD Lindsay lst prizeMasseyHarris CO Ltdiphy $50 uhdtligillpimg 73313530 401 $25 5th $20 6111 $13 7111 $16 811 $14 9th $12 10111 $10 llth$lO 12th $10 frEGlassrrBTractorsOpehUtility Class3 or more Furrows Fur ws not lessthan 12 Time hours to acre touched by hand foot or stake Wilkins Robert Campbell Vlstu prizeOntario Retail Furrows must not be Directors in charge Clark Farm Equipment Dealers Association 7th $16 801914 9th $12 10th $10 11th $10 12th $101 Class 9TractorsOpenSingle Furrow Furrows hot less than 10 Directorsincharge RTBeilhartz DOwney lst prizeA HEckardt Memorial Trohpy $50 2ndErin cash THURSDAY OCTIZ Sod PIOwing JointerPIows Class 10IntgrCouut CompetitiOnHorses The JunimlourcClassh tors in charge SHa11TIR Henderson Moses Competition opento one tegm of two plowboys 1mm eachgcounty Teamsriiust bsselectdirby tliii agricultural representatives from resi dnts Oftheirtounties who had not reached their 20th birthdays on October 1950 Prizes will be awarded as folloiys to the highest ranking teams gt 1stprizeTriptwomembers 2nd prizeItrip two members and the 10110wing cash prizes by the Salada Tea COmpany of CanadaLtd 3rd $36 4th $34 5th $32 6th$30 7th$28 8th $26 9th $24 10th $22 Members oflst and 2nd prize winning teams will be awarded an ainicultuml andlconservatiou tour in the United States We iilwziys have about $100000 000 of pigs and this year it will be quite bit more he continued We have say 3000000 pigs zit $45 each it runs to lot of Taylors Jewellery Store Eggs and poultry will run to JOHN VDTAYLOR PROPRIETOR FREE Dimw TICKETS T0 EVERY CUSTOMER DRAW TO BE MADE SAT OCT 14 At $1250oooooo Ontarios forms this year will yield Li crop worth 81250000000 their greatest ever Olllilllu Agri culture Minister Col the Hon Thomas Kennedy suited last week This is about $200000000 more than the previous high about $80000000 to 5000001100 We IIIIIVL so many crops here thats the thing Ozits hay and posture have been Tobacco will be worth about particularly valuable said Mi350000000 Soy and white beans Kennedy The latter he said is will bring lot Then theres wheat one of the most important and fnol it big cropbut worth about valuable assets we have though it 827500000 Its great crop and lot of people dont realize it every one should be thankful International PlowingtMatch Alliston 62A Victoria Street West ml =7J ==== OCTOBER 101112413 0E from Simcoe District IooperativeSrViceS Barrie District ICoopergtive Services is growing organization owned ngrgted br1264btthe Simcoe Counlir farmtemiliesettensliugthegquwionqt and by delivery Idmgerving most Of SianOe County IthiOudh IthuCOOp Milldd store With SevEnColop ticks arid OOmmuhitYlivestoktransporlsi 77 Supplying Coop Brand Feeds Concentrates and Protein Supplements Seeds and Fertilizer Delivering Coop Gasolinegfu e1 Oils Lub Oils Anti Freeze Sellian most lines otlFarm and Building Supplies Custom FeedrMillingandrMiixirngSeedeleaningi5 Buying Clover Seed and Grain Sales to Members and PdtronsobputSlOOOO annuallyr COop assets about $250000 Veatin veiw Plowirig Match Headquarters 32 51 Timberib Laminated Rafter and steer Building All materials were supplied by Coop and erection completed in four days by three men Sevorc memberSDI our Batrib Cogp Esta will be at the Plowing Match revoryi day WelOOk forWdrd tOmeetind you atfaidisplcty of the companies whose products see Al to Dictiori attire IntOrnatiOhalMdth oo II gt we represent in Barrie Amongvthese are United CoJOperatives of Ontario Toronto CoopSupplies Beatty BrosFcrgus Gilchowder Ltd Prestonv Buehler MetatlProducts Hespeler 1305 00 Unionvllle Chipman Chemicals Ltd Winnipeg Otaco Limited Drillia IDow ChcmicalCo Shrnia spramotorlztdu London Eastern Steel Products LtdPrest0n WarwickHybiid Seed Com Blenheim JAFe110ws Co Lingomntford Wood Co Ltd queiph Forano Ltd PleSsisviIle and many others Coiop sell crud recommend the products Oiiihese firms If yOu live in Simcoe count is aiwwrmm n1 Donald McViuie ALLISTON If ONTARIO Your MassyHarris Dealer 600 Branches across Ciihda to 3ch you modcrii banking service When you visit these diSplayswill youplecrsemerition that your Doctthis CtrOp thank you SIMCOE