GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY 001 II 1050 NINAJAPAN LINK Ultlixin rimmingI in lav xi iit Culiifiiltd The telegraph link between india rid of and Japan was reopened August 103i aflrl nearly nine years PLOWISSLE ALLISTODLBARBIE lIRSl SETTLEMENT Sir Frederick Banting MOHOW CBE llit ii the its pin virr lilT lll lltAl NS CllwAlg Zitlt till ifi profit star Pumpkins Pumpkins PUMPKINS at Ini Inonrsoss TENTH ITY at or tall great or small 11e Sept 1900 when times rm hints Quality Markets 111 llr lill tltxlt the sluli firlulL llii bin tit113killi3 Le lltillislitl Ti ris of lrztdiri uan ii Mi Tlilllitlgt in il in Human rented to them Loblow pp pmn iptnt germai it 21 In Wham wt lintd it the illlllllg iniltislt hr lml lu accept llrll in pay WW hqgmi rimn ind iiiIr ta an yd hm kpr gty itin FA 14 2d inking carc of gytzal gtltlj plaid VJ and pi Ntkllzf Hail llldliitli 11m igtl1l Jl tlm lil Matt Eu Mild xpvcl iitntcl torit iu lowing ll lnuit ind Ulliii Ollllii lU liil ll ir Tld lyiiy iritpoitant Ll tinpvttiu iilaich plowing lfltiv pigtli ml lino Job No Vtilkt run in hnpn gilllt hc trying to do his li ircal Britain ii iudy lilitli hy iii liixynl Agricultural Society of Errcl ind Si itmii Welcome Visitors To the Plowing Match FREE PRIZE given every day for the per On ll0 submits the most ac curate gutxs of PETER llMlKlNS Wtllll For entry in this contcst simply purchzisc one pump kill in case or am wziincr wle he decided by guessing weight of lilliilt PUMPKINS little lnotlicr different Peter urtS on the scales czich day at time to be announced Also at liIn llioinpsons McIntosh ripples grapes and other fruit Sandwiches and cithr NOTE pumpkins or any thing heavy taken to your car free of charge IN COOPERATION ciccicd and Lqlilppcil er STREET PARIS with lhiorruw CHE the litit law native of the Burns liSlllti Slty cnson Memorial Hospital in Allis lion and contributed larin to the lhc cost of paving the strch in 192511 Mr Loblziw died in April lililii lllil Hllllilil WICSI 5X$$3333SS OUR LOCATION WILL SAVE YOU MONEY See Our Interesting Display re LINOLEUM Educational and beneficial to all WATSON 8i son ClTYTOYOU lluSMll llirtloi of liilllilitl Sliil Experimental Station publisin cs thc folloyiif illillillltilll latt5 Urit lliliiii irvnnir to the Will producctl cciil of it food Since that time the pct cent produced has lrttn only Lift pcr bluxhnh IAME ccnt if llltllltiil cousiiinid licif llml ll 131 Klimt UV11 Ul Al Is liil iii Ihc lend lin coiiminptior Rt b0 llJ lllWiSWl itll ll lricdirzck limiting toilmvrnr his to Tl ills pci llrilil Consumption ll iiVLlV ililiiltltilil pct ori linciaclt loi llantnn came lihtlllli ilc ciycii LDlllk has likcwnuc incicubed from 424 to Mill lbs per head in dairy gproducis the consumption of criticsii Milli iilzlilltt has Incrcascd almost onc pounzi pc plum Lheard Ullgtlllllllllllli of eggs has also N1Wmilund lliltltlitll from lll per ciprti pci inniiizi lo llti llm wrili llit Jiii iinzuiizin ll crash in Woi ll plxmc ind ll5 it ill on Fillltliil 21K The consumption of fruit has increased llliIlt than all other food shill in 1930 it amounts zlittigtttl ilcinznid for food Hit the cd to Iniiiiy llii lllgt per head litl limit if irczit Britain inczips wnicr illllltllli of the population of Great upprti tiny ior their production in llritziin as against TO is in lJLi llliS cunniy which in taiin dc All of use points conccrning the pininds more cffcctivo LorkinJ of Armv ilic land now in cultivation v0 uv Vs M4 lnitvd at Ii odd to this some iiiidiiius licis ill the country of our neigh lio lixtcnsiyi sludics show tlctlillc in the Cnilgtilillpiliiti of wheat from liiishcls pci capita in lUiltltll to ill hushcls in lllliillil The con sumption of corn has likewise dc illllttl hut thc consumption of pro pilllil flour macaroni and like pro ducts have inarltcdly increased The consumption of fruit has incrcnscd grviilly cspccially grapes and cli Ius fruits The consumption of po lintocs has remained about constant but that of olhcr food quciziblcs has incrcasLl itlcast 15 pcr ccnt There is also Inarkcd incrcasc in the consumption of sugar In 1901 Ill was ippitiximzitcly i7 lbs per pcrsuil in 1931 it was slightly Vci 100 lbs per person in mcal pro duction thc consumption has iii crcascd materially especially with rcfcrcncv to pork products Effect in anada All of those changes while they larc not within our own bordcrs are lhound to have distinct bearing upon the agriculture of this country in that thcsc forciin markets should bicomc export avenues for Ontario products The ultimatc meaning of these changes both within the Em oiid llirll Work twin tuzlli rn It llitlt tl lt liitOlllf drudgery rridc in it ilUlllUH 50 lllill ALLISION war fr ind yidi lli ii Rior Kziig tli lic titlc onlt li lltilcl lll llit lllilhii With lui Lull titllilililllttl and iipiip livinoiinl lim il inland the Zlc luv llli dull Practical Help viiuiziutxi lliill pun rung iim li oi lllil oincctlycs is to him in idiint md uw llllil plogt Wit It tiny iiic lilllliil tlllS llll tiny null not hr gtitigtlii wth nth uiw up his which arc rusty llilu dull tall or are out or il jilfltilvlll LLLl llic turn to gitittr liltllllllllYI iiion tillllililllgt ilii importance of hatinzz lltllliliigt in good shin and mini tinin properly it is sir niticaidtlnit during the war when ihi iuiicultiiic oi Britain was put to lllt ipicine iist plowing Innt clns ncrc urgzinilcd licrc thcy had not llttll coniiuctcd for thirty yciiis Too much lucl and lilil wcrc lltllli wasicd due to improp ci itiJUSliiillll ol plows and iinplc nicnts PLOWMliN who lliin taken part in match plowing it import from the farms if this country Ontario lililtlS will be well 21d lStil to give incrcnsing study not only iwilic lirccdini of their live slock and ihc manufacture of the livestock productsiiut still further back to thc managpmcntof the for tility of the soil the plowing and tillinu tlicrcof lCillSt it is with lhc soil that farming shirts All of these pliasos oil the subject of actiiciilturc are kept constantly in mind in our courses at the On tario Agricultural College Latcst scioniific advancements are studied nor Be Sure to See the Disployol the lNTERNATlONAL HARVEST Co at the INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH Oct 10 11112 and 18 Theyhalso Offer $l000 in Prize Money YOUR BARRIE AND DISTRICT DEALERS DOUGHERTY BROTHERS 35 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONE 4963 pflUUOU As long as our present stock lasts stock purchasrtl prior to the imposition of the new tax do iii Watches WILL BE SOLD TAX FREE All purchases will be engraved ireeoi charge Silverware Jewellery Briceos Jewellery Store BRICCO Proprietor lpirc and among nations with whom ans ree we can trade is that there is reasonable assurance of increasing demand for high grade products and approved methods are illus trated and taught in everything pc1 taming to management of crop andi VCSlOCl pllCi Phil0000oIioot tt00OUO ALLISToN l00gt0000i1ilUltIi btlO00tlOOl h0000UO 100 00 Backbone of Blind Farming ownKayla Efficient Farming OntarioDepart em ofA grlculture doodi i+ My 7777777 extends warm welcoiiiealolall tompeliitirs exhibitors and Visitors Farm Machinery Demonslialion Woewiserioiiwso attendinglheflllll lniernaiionlPIoWirig illalCli an 94 Form machinery is labor saving cindwheri the much inerygbesi adopted tor thexjob is used properly iarm Work is done mostlciently There oremany new den Good plowingisorn essential part of the management 500 ld00i00 of our soils necessary lobest maintain qnd improve its femle lhe Imernqnonal lowmg Match therejls lheoppmtuniiy toseeplo ing qu its bests Therplovv= ichesoffskillDemoristrcrtibn veIOpmnlsiri mochinery and the Farm Machinery De monsiiortionr cit this event is the opportunity of seein grid comparing the manylkinds qndlypes now being Toiferod iorziorrm usegAyisil to Machinery How will pay dividends ingcompetiiioris error plots and other poi tsofisoilmanagementwill dlso pro erest cindinfyormdiionfihe trip to Allis whole family will provide on outing lcrnd stillpgy or itself it the things learned ex ai Iculture LKENNEDYi 00000 000 obooooo 0000 MINISTER