Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1950, p. 1

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The Home Newspaper for Barrie and District County of Simcoo 87Ih YearNo 77 llllEll MONDAY AND THURSDAY 5C Copy $3 00 Year Section leoges to nircirsiiins roori local Counties in first Contests Opening Ceremony on Wednesday Host this week to the 37th International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration Sinlcoe County is ex tending cordial welcome to the thousands of competitors exhibiiors and visliprs expected from the home province it Examiner 950 Uh liar AUINORIIED AS SECOND 1SS IIle IV THE POSYOFFICE DEARIIEHT OHAWA EIBER AUOII BUREAU OF CIRCULAHONI CLASS Iiiltits OF CANADA AhD IRA HMBAnRIE ONT7RIO CANADA TUESDAY OCTOBER I0 MINIMUM 1938 Traffic On Highway 26 Carroll serves Public At the Ontario County Plowing Match onsidering the traffic prob lem at these big international plowing matches 11 is inter esting to look back on the 1938 souvenir edition of The Barrie Examiner when the match viui field near VlinesirigErlcnvale John Carroll tttltllllllle11l agcr of the Ontario llowrncns Asi stitlillitltl under whose lllrrieislup the International IIUWHIL Match ix being held has itItlll numerous itillVlllt nto his llll serving titci public In various Ilorn Ll Elgar the turn of tlu hp tended the Mt Guelph illl in the year 1914 received liszSA lbi Llce front the University of IorI illllii He was agricultural representa llvc lcel oulrtv lIIiy 19H tol April 10131 asshtaiat director of agl Ircriltural ttgtlttltltlli$ Aprili Itlli Decembtr 1018 director crops and irrililoits branch Ontario Department of llltllllltt Ilttllli ber 1928 to February lllflll seciiur taiy iltalio Marketing Iloardl intrrrty century lliitote to April 1931 member and vicechair lllllll Hoard 1935 Agricultural Development January liliil to August llc served as superintendent The Examiner stated tlirn All through trafficon Kings Highway No 20 will lie divert ed between Midliurst and Sun nidzile orners drlrlni the days of the International Plowing Match Oct 1111 Routes to lll Used In lieu of this stretch of highway will be Sunnidalc orncrs Angus Barrie or via Wasle Beach to High way No 27 at lilnivale Hours for diversion will lir front run to pm Through Traffic signs will be displayed in proinirlcnt places to guide travellers lllc mileage on each of these alter native routes is combination of Provincial Highway and ouiity road At the present tlmrulrotli are In good shape CARROLL of Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Branch of the department for number of years War Service GaLettcd lieutenant he saw active in service from 1915 1915 in the Imperial Army where ser vice was given as an officer ill the Royal Horse Artillery iii Belgium France and Germany He was member of the senate University of Toronto from 1926 to 1932 and is Fellow Of the AgriJ cultural Institute of Canada of which is charter member Mr troll is secretary of methyl to 1919 first in the car and Intel organi tions including the follow ing societies Ontario Plowmens Association Ontario Horticultural Association and secretary and man agor of International Plowing Match He has lived in Brampton Peell County since1914 and been active in community affairs Reds inter ested in golf and served as chairman of greens committee pf the Bramp ton Club He is member of the board of governors Peel Memorial Hospital chairman Brampton Plan lolin Grant staff inspec tor in charge of the Motorcycle Patrol of the Provincial Pol ice informed The Examiner that all indications point to the largest attendance yet seen at the International Plowing Match The official estimate for last years crowd was 125000 lly About neck auo when on the by the site of the plow match Across field leading south froml the twelfth litre of Iecilmsctli we saw double llllt of poles withl hydro their working on most of1 them line oftelcphdiic poles and votes was being placed Down about the centre was large block of tlluisformers These were thci only indications that something was going to happen in that field The farm house nearby was the scene of some activity with several machines stationed near it Across the road service station was being rcadicd las Pumps were installed Past Presidents Of Ontario Plowmens Assn lQllSimpson Rennie Agincoult 1912Siinpson Ronnie Agincouit 1913Frank Weir Agincourt 1914James McLean Richmond Hill 1915A Pollard Port Hope 1916Willlam Dolierty Toronto 1917I Smith Millbrook 1918W Barrie Gait RR 1919W Barrie Gait RR 1920A Wilson Perrytown 1921D Gray Ottawa l922A Rose Echo Place 1923Col George Little Agin court 1924W HPillll50n Agincourt 1925Roy Abraham Chatham 1926C01 the Hon JDuffus Peterboro 1927M Bingeman VS Water 100 1928J Tierney Algonquin 1929J Tierney Algonquin i930L Winslow Millbrook 1931D McIntyre Alvinston 19323Nci1 Calder Holstein 1933Elliott Moses Ohsweken 1934F Fuller London RR 1935J Lockie Wilson Toronto 1936George Waldie Stratford 1937J McRae Kemptville 1938J MCRae Kemptville 1939J Henderson Portsmouth IMOAlex McKinney J1 Bramp ton RR 1941JL Blair Ketchen Fergus 1942Gordon McGavin Walton 1943Gordon McGavin Walton 194iGordon McGavin WarIto IMOGordon McGavin Walton 1946Gordon McGavin Walton 1947W Clark Gormley IsisWaiter DowneyMin esind Plowing Vim thrcdvsiog High Quality NecessaryioHold Markets the plow within the It isltheinterest everyiOn may develop picture of the imme like rtinueof unfamiliar produCtS fhmgTBOaFd and past master in Masonry Info Wlsrifiirsidenr Emeritus of the Ontario Agricul tural College Guelph Pldwgig the most ancient art connect with soil management is ata11 es the primary step in agriculturexgid you ever consider that every ac of the milliOn acres of crop Nntariolast year was in all probab lgty turned with cute months tarlo farmer that tlieSe acres be Plowed in the best manner ossible Indeed the primary object Ontario Plowmens Associatio to promote the art of turning soil With economic conditions chang ing as they are throughout the world it may beLinstmctive and beneficial to visualize the change in our own province SOthat we diate future of land tillage in On tario Science is centinually throw lng new light on Vnutrition few months ago wespoke only of the balance Of carbohydrates arid pro teins We expressed values of SlalChy and sugar foods in calories We believed the problem of nutri tion both in man and the lower animals was pretty well solved whensoience came forward from its deeper research with its study of amino acids vitamins and Recognition of these unfamiliar wsubstarliiels is not so easy as it was in the case Of carbohydrates and pgoteins but evidence Of the lack of certain vitamins In the ration of livestock and the diet of man is clear and definite Calves borneyof cows fed on certain grail which 1949VC Porteous Owen Sound fDeceased ridnl FaCiori accprding to old standards was pro perly balanced have shown weak nesses of bone structure and mortal lack of vitality When the grain mixtures were chtnged normal healthy calves were produced Sim ilar cases of malnutrition are in creasingly common in the human family My point is that contributions of science in the fielLL offnutritipn inrriliipictureffthatiChanges in crop production are imminent Anotherfactor enters whether we like it or notwe are all more or less slaves to fashion Time was when the corpulent type was ih fa VOI Today our newspapers and gazinesyportray the merits of the sli car llavevgogghl such challenge and muscular our radio prohlhappened gramsven suggestrdiets to this and other preparations tirade for the coming of litany On Saturday and again over the holiday we were back to these grounds city was ill the making Ionts of every size and shape were erected or being erected Towers and signs were coming into being Tilt Headquarters Building which is carouseltype structure was up lrpd inside number Council committee men were on hand some of them work YEN11h hammers and SAWS The Many great menhavt come from interior of the building was being arranged Next to this the Hydro liadolts demonstration tent and cabintrailcr for thehelpWhi1e we stoodthcre portable unit of the Bank of Commerce and in charge of Manager Foster of Barrie was hauled in This the latest in mobilc units was complete bank with tellers wicket and desk for the custom place right on the grounds Around the corner we came across Provincial Police erecting headquarters and Sign while across the street the Bond Head Community women were serving turkey and chicken sandwiches and hot coffee On Sunday although signs had been erected saying No Visitors Please there were hundreds of people milling through the grounds and the exhibits Many of the Work men were still finishing the last of their tasks before the big opening The side road in front of the Tent City was jammed with cars The parking areas are to the north of road and will cover many acres Newspapcr Depot The Barrie Examiner will be on the grounds also Just near the dreadquarrcrsron hastesideathe Examiner will have House on Wheels where anyservice that can be rendered their readers will be available Visitors andespecially those of the fourth estate are cordially in vited to make use of this office lThis paper will be on sale there as also will be the regular edition on Thursday We passed field on the road south ofithe Tented Cityihst many new tractors were being giv en test This was only fraction of the hundreds of tractors that have been assembled in order that contestants will have tho tools Wherewith to work There are the manufacturers of machinery of every type there are the refreshment stands spotted throughout the area there are the various government and municipal displays which are there to educate of County 01 ers Banking transactions may trikeISQIVlng Sllldenls 0f the town and munity was enlarged by another way to the Ilccton Farr we passcdi arm rm urmx competing areas or Nottawasaga alley Farms site of the Inter national Plowing Match will take on the ap pearance of the above scenes with Dobbins mechanical counterpart the tractor sharing largely in the contests Photos were made at week large County in co is Local Corrn Allislon Rose from Log Cabin Builiin l847 Native Sons Reached Fame in Varied Fields The history ofAlliston is the history of hundreds of little Ontario towns In its more than 100 years of existence it has had its ups and downs Its struggles and its good fortune 1n the earlypart of April 1848 other small towns but Alliston isitlle rest of the family settled here especially proud of its own ilativelDurlng the summer this ambitious sons and of the generous help it has had from them over the years Sir Frederick Banting discoverer of Insulin is famous north side of the river and estab lished the first industry of the probably the mostjtw In tribute to his memory Oldest Home Erecled In 1849 there IS being erected in Alliston In 1849 line this year one of the finest rurahwas erected and still stands at 18 Llli JlltilliO UUitlltiy llOWlllg l1dlCll lllel pioneer erected sawmill on the frame resideilcc last entry is expected front Ontario mpetitions on Tuesday which tics Day rvlhotos Courtesy Oshawa TittiesGazette Visitor Amazed At Size of Machinery Display On short Visit to the site of the International Plowing Match Mon day Rual Fables an official of the Cockshutt Plow Co in Chile ex presscd amazement at the size of the machinery display He said it was surely the great est exhibit of its kind he had ever seen Mr Fabres expressed regret at not being able to stay longer was first published in 1862 the edi tor being Malcolm McCarthy The summer of 1862 saw the liopes of the Plcsbyterians growing into liighschools in the province ThcFletcher Crescent 32mlan TMCmOllal High SChOOl Shortly after thistilne the com the surrounding area lbusiness establishment William Loblaw founderof the fam Turnbull of West Essa decided to nus chain of super markets was lopen general store about 1856 another Alliston boy who with Morrow CBE one of Torontos most prominent financiers also an community by building grist mill A11i5l0n 91d boy have been great Special interest in this coniiction benefactors of this community as is the fact that the first miller was the following account will Show Itla Mr Grant the father of the first is excerpts from the history of A1 White childborh in Alliston liston compiled by Cum This first white child Margaret berland for the Alliston Centennial Grant was born April 21 1854 She Celebrations held in 1947 In 1791 The history of Alliston harks back to the birth or boy named erick Banting William HFletcher in Yorkshire lrll854 the Methodists who had England April 1791 He and his been holding services in the differ twp brothers John and Dickson ent homes decided to build hall became dissatisfied with life in Alliston Gets Name England after some years and set The next year an Orange Lodgel out for Toronto They arrived in was formed pith James Bantingl Tolgtglzll Illcgprlucelyfscumygf Master During themextyearrm pence fbetween them EVenluaUy Iii was suggested that village be In 1821 William was able to take UP formed undergthe name of Alliston land ill Tecumseth TOWUShip The origin of this name is partly In the fall of lt1847Mr FEtcher in doubt but the one that is mostl and his eldest son John Fletcher commonly heard is that Mr Fletchl set outin search of mill site but er named this little villag after his after exploring the streams of Ad birthplace in Yorkshire England Jala Mulmur and Tossorontio they post office was opened in 1857 crossed over into Essa and on lot in the Fletcher home and Mr concession 1I discovered the Site Fletchers second son George was upon which Alliston now stands appointed postmaster position First Dwelling Erected which hr held until he resigned iEarlyiinr November ofinhei same someeyearsrlater torcontestranrelec year he and his son erected log shanty the first building in Allis First White Child Born grew up married William Banting and became the proud mother of tion in the county in the interest of temperance newspaper The Alliston Siarl tan To Open Match andhlp the visitingfarmrsAll these have theirvarious abodes in field that only few days ago was quiet farm site The dust was blowirligthickly on the weekend and rainjtnot too much would beaghelp Prhaps be fore this is read that will have Lets hope the lovely fall weather end Again whether or not you or We have had We laSt 6W slamme agree with the trend of the times llsWhen thlS 15 belng read lens rmayrI briefly call toyour attention 0T thousands 0f PGOQIE Willbe mill certain changes that are coming ingllllough theCity 0f Tents lillnd overth cropping habits of this lheblg Internatlonal Plow WiCh continent for these changes have W111 1390 for 1950 distinct bearing on the very arttlaeo Eleven million people with pre the art of plowing Plowmens Associationris promoting vow Matches Crop area and meat production are predicted ilpon consumption It is the change in demand asit pro mises to change Ontario agriculture that shall discuss briefly For its ability to produce Cana da is sparsely populated country ponderance of the population on the land in country larger than the United States leaves wide margin between production and consumption But prospects for an increasing market within the Bri tish Empire are promising if an Turn to page five please es have definite value in Will Furnishf Practich Help Pointing out that plowing match im DIOVing standards of agriculture and in raising standards of fame ing and from production Carroll secretarymanager of the Ontario Plowmens AssociatiOn says there are two main objectives of plowingmatches Turn to page ve please HON WALTER uAulus 30 Minister or Citizenship and Immigration Fill Ceremony Wednesday October 11 at pm the Match willbe officially opened by Hon EHarrls In 1853 Mr Fletcher extended the oneof our famous sons Sir Fredt Banquet Speaker fine Church which was opened in September First School Up rrntil this time classes for school children Were conducted iii rlhe Methodist Hall birt ill 1862 or hill the Buyers brothers William and John built school at the Scotch Line corner Foundry Built In 1868 Messrs Aitken Knight and Crossley established foundry and agricultural works In the 70s there was period of active progress In 1871 the Allis ton Star became the Alliston Herald In 1872 the Wesley Meth odist Church was erected at the corneiyol Victoria and Centre Sis and the Opening service was held the next winter The Fletchers were closely connected with this church supplying the land and the brick as well as many other neces whims all nl823t11e Masonic seen StarLodge NO 283 waseStab ey Plantations Whichils yearcom lished with Thomas Sargent the filjstrMasterk AllistonTBecomesaTVillage The next year 1874 proved one of the highlights in the history of our town for it was first incorpor ated as village The first council took charge in January 1875 with Reeve George Fletcher son of the pioneer presiding The councillors weroPcDKelly JanleLAitken lRichard Chappell John Strachan with John Gilbert as clerk Turn to page six please acres other points in Caniida and The International Match will be ilflltlall opened at pm Vtdlirw day by lion VrWr Harris of Alliioi no Sillll Cali sltt of Citizenship and Ilnluigra ion lllv lizatch aid iiirmllsllaiiolis coiltzmre through rciinrsday Illursxldy and Friday wrth the clos iIIJ bariuuc to be held at llcetotl Memorial llall on Friday cvclllni Ille speaker lil be llilll Leslie lltlllltl of Ontario Ioilio locil Tutorials Day with colnpetztzons open to plowliicn of slmcm Erry lluflerio Ontario and lorli counties only Site Near Alliston Site of4tlle match is Nottawlt Valley Plantations Ltd property sit uated on the county road running north and south between Alliston Ind lleelon It is sponsored bv the Orltzrrzo Ilowmens jointly With the Council of the County of Simcoc Iii addition to be main features each day oquod ind stubble plowing with horses or tractors the matchlras the largest utdooi exhibition of farm machin try in the world Focal point will be the vast tented city wrth the numerous Association exhibits by leading marlufacturcrs The site Offers an abundance of room and spectators are assuer that not only will thcy heablc to enjoy worthwhile outing meet hundreds of friends and witness the great farm machinery spectacle but hey will also be able to watch ac tual plowing competitions without walking long distance from the exhibits Expect Record Entry It is expected there will be record entry although it has been necessary to restrict competitors Roy Shaver of Finch president of the Ontario Plowmens Association has announced Only plowniell who have won prize at local 01 orlrily match at some time will be ligiblc to compete in the Inter national These restrictions how ver apply only to Ontario plow menThe match is open to thel world and in fact it is expected here will be competitors front the United States and the United King Cattle Breeding Tobacco Thrive other countries Here From Distant Points Besldr the many topnotch On Iiillltl plowlncn in the tractor classes at Illt International Plowing Match lllrllitliillillp calibre plownielr from illnt points will be competing Among the latter will be Len lob Edmonton champion plowman of Alberta and Grahame Stewart of Ilailisvlllt Illinois former US champion Mr Job arrived here Monday and intends to compete in the trac tor classes on all three days He will also corzipeie iii the 550 Over seas Class Mr Stewart also arrived at the weekend bringing with him his stracior and equipment His wife iand family are planning to fly here gto watch the competitions dom as well as other provinces of gthe Dominion Raise Plowing standards Mr Shaver explains that the Chief aim of the match is to raise stand ards of plowing Leading agricullt turlsis of Ontario have long maili tarned that good plowing is the lfollllduthll of successful farming Tllele is also the important Object Tractor Champs of teaching farmers particularly iyounger men how to set and ad ljrlst their plows By competition lthey are encouraged in how to uSe pIOWS to get the desired type of fullOVVWl10ll1Ll it be narrow or Iwide straight or contoured When young man has mastered the plow the will not be satisfied with other implements that are not properly adjusted The prize list totals poorly 15000 lSome $1800 in prize money has Lbeen set for Local Counties Day lTuesday Big prizeis allexpense paid trip to the British 15105 for the winners in both the horse and trac tor Esso Champions TransAtlan tic classes The four winners get gold medals in addition to their fourwceks trip Fox Farms nSo uth Si mcoe Prosperous Mixed Farming Area Mixed farming at its specialized best Thats the story of South Slrncoe localerof the OPAs 37th annual Interna tional Plowmg Match Outstanding purebred livestockand championship quality eld cro son for the progress and prosperity of the area Tlre plowing match tainechalmost 700acres of tobacco Record Tobacco Crop comparative newcomer to this district tobacco was first planted here by Wales in 1945 Last fallMr Wales was elected dir ector of the Ontario FlueCured lobacco Association It was the rst time grower ofSouth Sim oe had been so honored ps combine to provide the rea Dairyrand Beef Cattle One Of this districts mast out standing claims to fame is the Isuperb quality of its registered Holstein cattle Leading in this eld is Glenaflon Farm of MOCague who exports prize anim als to all parts of the world There are about ten registered Holstein Localijtobaccoihjstgrrmrasewfi IleraSIIIZLIllEdlSt1lCtAbTE ten in 1948 when Bowling operating one of the plantation falmsjploducd crop which yielded 99450 pounds from 56 This is not usual occur renFe In addition to being arcr lainrecord for this district it may well be record in the province for farm of this size The20 tobacco farms imthis dis trict contain about 1750 acres and will yieldtbis rear almost 100000 pounds Potato Championship Another eld crap of rst im portarlce in South Siche is pota toes In 19513 Alliston district growers with the aid of Lashley then agricultural repre Sentative for the district organized the provinces rst500 Bushel Po tato Club In that year the award for the highest yield Went to Dunn whoproduced 516 bush els per acre By 1948 the record yield had jumped to 733 bushels per acre This was the record of Eric Gallaugher who wefon to win the Ontario Potato Champion ship Award at the Royal Winter Fair gt So specialized has vthe growing of potatoes become that up to 100 acres on individual farms are turns Ied over to potato growing Its de LESLIE Fuosr Premier Ontario Hon Leslie Frost will be theMtn Speaker at the pride presentation ban quet to be held in Beeton Community Arenaon Friday October 13 velopment in South Simone has resulted in this district becoming one of the leading producers in the province new farm implement the st of its kind inCiiacla was intro ced in this district this fall By mechanically removing the po tato plant topslt protects the tube ers against blight and facilitates digging in the harvest season The presence of Potato Centre at this years plowing match is centluy introduced in this district is registered Guernsey of the herd being devegped by William AHunter An estimated 25 per cent of the districts revenue is derived from the sale of dairy cattle and dairy products An indicationof the growing im portance of beef cattle in South Simcoe is the organizationlast year of the Joint Beef Breeders Club through which thehighest quality stock in the district is offered at the annual sale inTCreemorerPrin cipalbreedsin the registered beet herds are Hereford Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus Registered Yorkshire pigs are another specialty around Alliston Two breedersin the district Sam Gallaugher and Son andGeorge Wilkinson are leaders their eld having consistently entered champ ionship animals not only in rev gional shows but also at the Royal Winter Fair and the Canadian Na tional Exhibition Fox Ranches Fur farming hasbeen an estab iShed occupation in the district for many years During World War the rst fox farms hefe were started by Ruthven and Earl Brett Production rapidlrlns creasd untilSouth Simcoe became one of the largest fox ranching dis tricts in the province Early iiitho 1940s revenue from furs was com parable in amount to thatot any other commodity in the distrch Meanwhile the trend fashi brought shorthaired in prominencla is branch trim farming grew steadily in ance untilthe period of 11 following which dropped off wxcwrwki

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