Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1950, p. 24

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ziTHE BARRIE EXAMINER THIRSDAY OCTOBER 1950 1113 MIDHURST 15s 11 71 17 11 11 01 Modern New ClCStore wAA 11 it V11 1315 950 in 1115 iv CPI 3111 1111J The new Canadian illt torpviativi vlalalc store 1111 P1 office building at 9139811111bh 5111111 ls tizzieiid opeiz 11 111111 1111 11mg on Saturday October 1111 11 1111 Frallek owner 111111 1111111111 1111 prazizises 113 NV V1 11111 V1114 11 V1V11VV11 V1111 12 Vim 11111111 11i 11 15 1V1fe ml1 1111 1111 111 5111 Rf 1111 exuim Hl1 11 11 1111 Milli Liz11111111 111211 111 1111 111 11111 2213 151 111 finale Lock 1111 to 1111 11 1111111 Htunses between mn GU 131 1M 11 111 t111111w1iixf 111 111 st 11 Alli 1111111A11 31 111111111 Barrie 411 kW1 111k iI ltlUh Ull 13 Hi 1i 121 lll11111111 11 tins 1111151 111 is EkWvH its an attraction 111 11 Minimum 111 111111111 ViV if ifVVVVA 11 vl 11 In 111 1111 v11r 11 HT Vi SngkVllfkt 311 3111 My 11111l 11 111511 11 11t11 1131 1111i1111 11 Mrs il1111 11111 Mir $211 spent 11111511111 111111 Mi W111 Mm 711 LIMA li11111 1111 111111111 Mi 11111 31111141 111 11 11 11 11 311111111111 IP1 11111 siditdlizi 11 ms 771 Milfth 1f1 1r Vr1i1kiiig C11 111 eligibie or the 111112s 119 126w Store 11111 1111 12 111111 11d weil 113 1111 11 1lt 11 1111111 111111 zeli 112 Eiiilicx 113s 11 rlach move was 1111p expansion of iiic 111 st location was 111 311 11111111 and 111 late 13 11 rixabeth Street 1111 1111 lhe Home 01 Fine Furniture 81 Home furnishings 7111 main idea in 2121 itrifldligj JI mum rxf 1111 store was 11 pint 1111 11111 11 11111111 Uf 111111C or customers 111111 11115 11111 EM MMHL 11 adequate wave unimpm my 11111 111 1111 now rVV1111191111V VltVeglnald 2113111 111101111 Vttltthtlilil if the VVVV LIV Vt nmrcmVVdiV VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VV VVVUVV VVVVVV VV VVIVVV 1V VM My M111 111 1111 111 11111511 VininiiationLd iVllt11111tthVV 11111113 11111111 V13 HI 1111 11 1111 Le nuts expelled 11111 the 11111121 111111 1111111 Lon 11 11111 11 111111 llti 11l1gt1111 111 1111 311111111 11111 liuitl 1n 3111111111111 0111 of syyss V111111 111 111 111111 111w rviLtltU 1111 11111111114 111 unwind wt 111 11 111 liijlit lust 11111e11 himself near 11111 1111111511 15 1110 WIN 1131 171 1111 101111111 an 1121 and look 11111115 111 1111 plUJecd 1111 1111111111 111 CONGRATULATIONS 111 11111 1111 11i1111111111 iii il Silir It To 111111 1111119121111 1111 battery 1111111 1111 family 11111111111 11 Sfi111111 11111 111 111111 11 NEWS OF COOKSTOWN gt 1191 1311 oi about 11t years Mi Mrs Janim McMahon is spending 111 1111 newlyweds Mrs 801111 111 111 puumnnn 111111 at To 11 11 11111 111 Toronto visiting 1111s1111ed table 11111 of many VVlll1ytin 51111111 111111 then stop 11 111 ter lr Eldon Martin 311111111111 and useful gifts Douglas Vt and 11 1111111 1111111111 iiltingly Several speeclies 11111 Taylorserviceand paits 3111111 on M11131 9113 and 11111 made by 1111 friends 1111111 from iit11111111iigt 1h 111111 111an ml Mrs 11111111111 thanking ltiaii uid MN EM 11W WITH 11110111 111itm1 111 1111111121111 11111111111s 1111 11111 help they 111111 giv The new Canadian Tire Building is fine modern addition to Barrics main street In 31315 NVUAV ItSlVCVlEInl 11 511111115 mm Mums is Nomi 111 the community with their 1111 11111 1111 l1vl1ir 111111 1111111VWk5 mm 1111c the ehowe of tloor covering as 111 all materials the management were Wise in choos 111111 children llt has been with 1111 MW and VVl1V111111 V3111 V11 VHVUVHVIVVXf faltersDemon ing Dominion Murboleumna flue floor covering designed to give lasting service CCZ Ui Also of Shanty Ray laek lxen 11 UH lJcllhonGRt1 COOKS Upon the complehon of Mull clerk in sportme and aeeess Md 111W was the setting of an ailV orns 111111111111111nts was born 11 Mrs Leiniiion attended the tuinn wedding when Miss MarjorioI 11 the 18 new budding 5mm my 11011111 pnnnn 11111111 1111s11Me1111111 111111111111 on Satur NW1 Dermutt daughter of Mr ur lt ssg there and lllXl 111 served 11W 1411111 13111110 11111 llis Derniott became the and years in the army in World War II M155 L112 lihidfOrillia spent mit 3001110 Wdiltl Bum151 50111 est is es and tolheir popular manager MM and was wounded while 111111111 111 1nd 1V gum1 of MI and Mm AV of Mr and Mrs Batters on 1Cttiopc with the Lincoln and Vcll Kidd wwknnd Visitors 10 Saturday September 23 at and liegtiinznt Mr and Mrs Ken1111S Gladys Ankhuni Ewart Kidd clock with Rev Lewis 01fi 111111 have one 5011 of Toronto Molly Kidd ot Barrie diam 19 bllt 011 11 110an Bookkeeper for the tlrin iiOlKiV Mm DUImm MachamV sum 01 111thite satin embroidered at the 1111 Kirik arrived in Canada from he woman5 101112 1105mle and waist shoulder length veil and she Estonia about year ago lie and jmm Um WC Thursday visitors carried bouquet of red msnsV or his wife 11nd two children reside on Vof ML and MN Mumberson Sn sister Miss Audreyn Dermott of 0W0 5110011 Mr and Mrs Gordon Rutledge of Covkstown was the only attendant iicy student at BBC and Donald Denna wwde and spent helltllgillille and carried bouquet of Junior clerks are Billy lllcChesVwoodsmck attended the Batters and she wore gown of mauve Fialiclt son of the proprietor whoweknnd with Mr and M13 Rich yellow roses Ogle Batters bro Stu Intends King George School larq Couns 1113 of the groomV was groomsman mm General contractor for tho btiild MR and Mm Alfred Thompson1 reception of 74 guests was held mg was Dennis Slicard with lllklof Egbert were recent guests flill the home 0f MI Hid MFSV V0000001oooo4 following subeonirnetors StaiileylgmSS Sarah Slight EBZIILGIS 111 4Voc10ck The brides Exell and Son cement Harold ML and MN WV 1400an of mmth 1eC91VV10d1n mug smtV VV Forster plumbinggm AV SillimwGrand Bend visited friends on WY ilCCVCSEOIlCS mid WOICR C01 tltior covering Abercrombie Elcc Wednesday in mwmm route bysage of rm roses SlieVvasVassistedv tric Saijcilm C01 IIOOfingi motor coach to Brandon Man by the grooms motherVin grey TO Hump FIGth and The Canadldn Tue C01 Nichol imvlim 10011311113 011 where they expcd to visit relzlthleSS18YykCQCSSOIllVS 1an cor ilmrner and heater was installed tivos Sage pin roses or air hon orationw 17V William Sparling glass by the Mn and Mrs Jack Smith and eyinoon 11L northern parts 01 On fer our SlnCere CongratUlatlons Hobbs Glass Co Lumber was Cmde moved 131111510 1351121110 the llVC travelled in navy supplied by the Ball Planing Mill wwk where they are hiking up suit with Wine accessories and llpOn completlon Of lls fine new bulldlng cement blocks by Simcoe Block residence Jack is an employee of COFSBEE 0f 10th IOSCSV On their Ie 111 111 101 111 1111111111 Tlictuppei part of the building Mn and Mrs Coan of Toy Out Of town guests were from Tor entered through 21 1001 bESide the onto visited the ibimers sister onto Hamilton Goderich Wood main entrance will be occupied bYMjSS Bel111a Cowan in town m1stoek Barrie JBecton Connor and expandlng business seChon the Metropolitan Life Insurance Thursday Alliston VV C0 Mr and Mrs Jack Couse have lt taken up residenco at the home of the formers mother Mrs Henry Couse Mr and Mrs Harry Couse October We congratulate Hamp Fralick and the staff October have moved into 11112161111111 at BMI111nd Eigrs McDotnad and Rev and Mrs Mactaggart Six of theirstore eyeiyey enva spen unV as or panama Tlrecornoratlon upon the Open Toronto are visiting with their soni Congratulations to Mnand Mrs Vlth M1 all MP5 Joseph Sham ing or their new aSSOCiate Store at the parsonage Lowe on the birth of daughter Mrs William Colville returned 11 Mrs Lindeberry 0f Beamsville at Stevenson Memorial =Hospita1 home after holidaying with friends we are proud bf having supplied materials is Visiting with Mr and Mrs Har VAlliston On Monday September 18 in Toronto Vand Holland Landing 01d Moore 1950 Mrs Potts and Mrs Samuel Al for this nne ne buldmg Congratulations to three Dalston Home for the weekend 111101421111551 returned home after holidaying girls who were malliEd on 531111 John Leadlay1C01a 5111111110331 in Toronto Clareinont Uxbridge 1V gt ay afternoon Charlie Jevons 0f Toronto and Lindsa Mills Ed WOOd 0f Toronto is and Joe DaViS Barrie Mr and MIS 13 smith and Dunlap St D101 iting 1181 110111811 M151 J1 Jory M13 and M133 Fred FiShQI band Patsy Mrs Exsmith Spent Wed supplied by Mr and Mrs Brown and son children spent the weekend at nosday at the Gillen home n+1 warneJvMTVHsmumwrvsqwwam Daylipramilion Spejlt thLYS allacetgwn and attendei Mr and Mrs Andslson alt 1V end at Bv wn Miss Eloise Wallacetmm fair on Friday tended tie funeral of thell COUSln MMsssww Hlglll StlOE 71 n+ 110 7100 vwwflwt 7lTwK1mfamTV9rmy KW whang Thanksgiving service on Sunday guest of Miss Spence and called Sunday with 11 large crowd morn 7777 OClObEI 81 at 7330 on friends and acquaintances andJegenlllg uH th rs ami1 enry mi 51 HI Street Phone 2335 313115intzhztbdglledogn $113115 Shower in T91 all of Vigo Mrs Stewart BlainV or large crowd Of wenWISheIS Elmvale spent Sunday with and friends from the Cloverdale poms and Mrs Allen Cookstown and Ross communities Mn and Mrs James smithlVQVf gatherd in the town hall Cooks Eimvam spent Sunday with Mr town on Tuesday evening Sept and Mrs Ashton Lyons 26 for showerin honoruf Mr and Mrs William 11111111111 and MrS Douglas Jebb nee Joan rick and sons and Cottonkof Murphy The eVening was spent Barrie visited friends on Sunday in dancing until lunch timewwhen and attended the anniversary ser Mrs Ramsay read an address vices xocooooooo00 oe 7o1ioo1111111100Mo here 011 Samrday afternoon 111 mn 11111111 WV WEEXTEND HeartyCongratulations to Manager Frolick and Siatt loe 11 1111111111111 1111 111111111111111111 the Fan the 01111111119 1111111111 MainagementVandStaVV 5UponliteVOpeningloiThein Ing of Fl NEwsASSQVCIATESVTORE Cmdianfim1C0r hisPundmwodmmuqh at 96 EIizabetthtreet out15o docVidedvassetVtothee ASSOCIATESTORE business sechonof Burner and 41111511 isen1 pleasure 10gi1a11e 1111171 111111111 111 Supplyingmalerials and roofing for this fine building we are proud to add itto the growing list of stores and 01 lice buildings constructed by our firm we compliment You upon your finenw store and ofcebuilding and Tore pleased to have taken 151111 1x111 SONS VV gt l00iQOQ lllll SABIMNTCO=LIMITED onus 51111111 21MGIYiSlrBarrie Dial 2461 CEMENT CONTRACTORS GEIFRALCONTRACTQR lfii21fi3iliiiilifh

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