41an WM mom IIIIF 111111111 Eixsnixrn riunsmr OCTOBER 1951121 Danger To Everyone Scotland to Visit West Indies BRIG FRANK FLEURY NOW AT IMcARTHURS HQ Ifrom The amp Borden itiunl The fouith officer was W51 INDEX Iirom lir 4111p Burden iilmo 1111fr 15 gum112 QIIAws LII 1714 Gardner of Calgary III will lIIuii 11 11 1111171 Other rant2s 1n the party yvcre ranss oi lln 11 21 is 111 1A Sgiw flouston of 30 15 lILleltc 111 NH 11121 Ottawa Cpl slinistei 1311 111 e11 1u11lc 29 Duiociiei St East rdtrrtlnffr 77 ukiw on now 11 llutltfiilxll Theo Tne group VIII LL 33 dozc Sask and Ottawa Pie tatLed to 11 11Amuuus Woods 1513 loeedsmuir Ave Hen 111111111 11 much by 11 Westboro 111 and Pie it Wednesday 311 1mm liandiey of Toronto and 112 Frank Ottawa Brig Henry graduate of Loy ola College llolillclll strved dur ing the war in Italy and 111 Can adian Military Headquarters in London England Following his 11411 to Canada he was statioan Japan Is 11111i111 by Col 11911111111 lleury 31131 1111 111 111 Mung rank biIgaoier llrig Henry his beer ottites 1l charge of adiniiiisuatiazi 11 Iriand lit 11111I1 With Brie Fleuiy Went l1Coi of sum VIMAIwnlE 1111151011 lzioric Coni 11m SIIII st IIM LCUL in Ottawa until his appointment 111111 110111 11 H111 111 Army 01111111ZJIUIM Lift II 11 uw Sare and 11 rue aie crown ve111 filoznuti illoiiliiigfll Veterans of the Second World 111111 111 mummy The former will be 11 111111 adni Wm 11113011311110 pm Iant general 1111 the latter has khm 1111 been named assustant miaztermust ll IHOMAS lvsmcm ISPROMOTED itll 111111 liit 11111 TO LIEUTCOL 11 From The Camp Borden itirent HI OTIAWA Sept 12Major 1X111151I11111 II aVc 43 formerly of Winnipeg has new 11 1111 been promoted to the rank of iII 111111 Iitutenantcolonel Army llcad INNIrv lltItIdiIi quarters announced today lie is 411 below 1111 ii11 111111 serving on the general staff in the Directorate of Military Training at Ottawa now in grade one ap pointinent LtlCol Cave was second in com chst Tribute II II Inand of the Sherbrookc Fusiliers Funeral 5Lth me the Illegnnent part of Canadian Arin STAFF CHANGE AT THE BANK OF COMMERCE Ilroni liie iiinp llorden ilieIII New analysis high quality 11111111 II 1111 All Il 1111 ballot vow eyen more 11IIptaiiiii1y lo yarious soil wow 111l11 lilSt trlbllll t0 the depart ourcd Brigade which went into td See us for understand Normandy on 0Day wag 111111 11 the II 3121 3111 types is now mailabie to bring Inoie mg aggigmni no matter wounded three weeks later and 1mm IIIIlZ lltlti tobacco growers high yields of top quality subsmwmly returned to Canada 11 tel 11 hat The new lllenn formula means 1111111 Wliftt inll lCQtlllCmClltS and sonH1 at Camp Home llr on lil 51111 lie 11111 11111 11th lands Wm1mliLludm0rcm 31111112111111 TERMS amended Staff Conego in 1945 ItoI hov 11 litIlItIS them properly tobacco will be grown in Ontario this Funerals complete Since the war he held staff ap 159 jI ml II hfil CIminll Wilr ltlYUIISUIPI from Sl00 and up pointnient at Regina before being NM 111 111 name 111 llIllllll yourmm flkllltr 110 osted to Ott1V 1111 1111111 ladies are Miss liar ll 11111111 lwh whose father 1s vifn lve doubledmy order or 819ml OVERFATIGUE 1111 11121111 111111 1115 11111111 so Mr Bord1 and rt1iin rwmr Iggy SIomach enemy NOI IS ova IIIIIUIEIIII1IIU mpmbm nicnil 11 highly to other binicoc growers fatigue Hurry and toss at the be 1111 are recent 127 BAYlHPD ST ginning of the day can upset the The recently recondlmoned 261000t0n 90015 11 leo Itlk 01 Silllbllmmg Slmwn 11L il HOMO Btisf Ive eller 1310an 111 1i ARth stomach Persons returning from Canadian Pacific luxury liner Empress of top and buffet meals served on the glass1 Mot Mum Moore Iw de 131 NH GEE imagjoclkgh 1021 53 dunk Scotland Will rccntcr the cruise field this enclosed promenade dcck lower right IbfI lIl 1n II 51 S0$1155535fifv winter with series of seven voyages from The ship will call at Kingston Jamaica jfjifff 131Iflittlmhlgr MY I950 Ml Bier ing 1110111 New York IOWII 1111011131 Caribbean 11011501 LIIGiliIa Venezuela and Havanaon the gel11 111 the 111511111 and 11111 illfililhrlllsikfimm ll Emumm Cb if MK lllt il the storied Spanish Main beginning Dcc two 12day cruises and 111 addition villliiusud ilim recently ll ember 22 all at Willcmstad Curacao and the Paii For 1111 11111111111 11 111er arrived ReSUIlSl959 59 The flagship of the Canadian Pacific 1111111 Canal on her 11day cruises which be mm Tltll 51 lmlh Ml wth Empress pet Shown in lower 19 gm JunI 19I tout that 1111 baIIIik IIs elosedIIfoII Icid was exceptional and paIiIIeu 10 II td II Iluneh between 1001100 hrs his iariy liked The qualiiyaud colour lie 11 001 111 Oil 001 SWlmmlDI 1111111g1111111l Is necessary due tof Wthe limited time during which lunch is available atthe mess ini take yourtroublesto yOIurIBARRETT DEALER Is the weather getting the best of you Rain coming thrOugh the roof Basementooding Gutters rusting Take your troubles to your Barrett dealer He carries complete line of weatherproofing materialsas well as shingles roll roofings and insulation Expen sive No Practically nothing when you add up the results Here are few Barrett weatherproofing produgs IYour dealer has these and many more LBAKSPlastic Elastigurn Cement Seals leaks Cemeumifsh ings thin coating of Liquid Elastigum Cementrcseiils old roofs SEE PAG EHydronog Paiut An ideal foundation coating STJrstiet Print 1211135915110 hardbaskixlossrsuace 79 thatseals out the weather WOOD RQTI Cnbomrrrmsm Oil FOrfOuddiitiodtiih bers fence postsabove or below ground level ALUMINUM PAINT Its Barrett Silvex Aluminum Paint Need no mixing Tough protective nish reflects light and beat up to 75 resists moisture corrosive fumes salt spray gt13qu Barrettcicaler sells Motion Hestocks complete lineof roong insui latide and weatherproofing materials Hes got what it takes to stop almost any weather Whetherydur problem isvleakage seepage rust oriqtgsiee YourBarrett dealer rst THE BARRETT COMIANJQLINIIIIEO Montreal II Teronte Winnipeg 3Vanqeuver row Tug Map 111 511111111111 1111 BUILDERS SUPPLIES FUELS Mary St BARRIE Phone 2461 Iandalev lumber 81 Fuel Co LUMBER Burtons sorenes mmts 411 Essa Ra 11111111111 IlIhone 55111 his purchases In The Army 77 SoldicrswstatienedratiW 1111142131111 NEWAUPURPOSEVALLWEATHER READYTOUSE Of business rms existed Prepared by the Directorate of Public Relations National Defence HQ Ottawa In 111111 the Navy While the men in the three Can adiandestiOyCrs operating in the Korean tlicatrcHMC Ships Ciiy uga Sioux and Athabaskanput Iiii long and ardubus hours atsca they also manage to find time for recreation sightseeing and shop ping trips ashore at their base in South Japan Going ashore to purchase gift pick up few necessities at the American post exchange or visit British or Australian canteen for bit of refreshment may seem like casual and uncomplicated busi ness Suchis not thecasc how evur To be well prepared for making Canadian sailor must provide himself with Cana dian currency for the canteen on board his own ship American oc cupation dollarsGI scriptfor the post exchange and the Ameri can clubs Hong Kong dollars for BritishII canteens and glubs Japan se yen for purchases indvntown stores and British Armed Forces currency for the Australian can teen Barracks Estltiimalt literally lost eirshirtsrecentlyto copfidence The man showed up at the camp with an offer of bargain in dry cleaning from the rm he repre with more than $60 worth of cloth ing and uniforms and the man fti Then feeling the offer little too good to be true the army men checked withthe City Hall registry No such firm Police are Ilookingrfor theiman soldiers fantry udits will not Wear the mar borne troops despite the fact that their lst Battalions are airborne+13 airtranspbrted ArmylrHeadquart rg lled this week The right to wear the maroon headdrgsses will be retained only by personnel and units who have completed parachute training and still are called upon to jump Only the lst Battalions of the Royal Canadian Regiment the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry and the Royal 22e Regi bornc units It is understoodthe 2nd Battalions of the three regi ments will not undergo airborne training Therefore they will con tomato wear the regulation khaki beret pr steel helmets lnihe Airliorce While Dominion prepare for the advent IN ARMS of another winter by stOcking fuel hardy band of airmen in Can adas pcacctimd Air Force find themselves already embroiled in the annual struggle with drifting Snow frigid ttmpcraturcs and high winds I11 the far north where the RCAF quietly operates its aircraft against temperatures of 6070 degrees be low zero small parties of mainten5 ancc men must keep runways open and provide essential servicing for aircraft mand At Frobishcr Bay Baffin Island there are tciirairmcn one officer and 22 civilians aided by the local Eskimo popiflatiOn At Resolute on Cornwallis Island eight airmen and one officer aided by the local population look after Air Force needs man whohasnt been seen since sented The soldiers thought the offe1very attractive and parted and for that Tinatter so are the PetsonnelOf the I2rid Battalions of Canadas three jActive Foreclo Oon berct proud symbol of air merit are fully qualied as air Canadians acrdss the In spite of the apparent disad vantages of their jobs most of the airmen arc qtiick to volunteer for another year pf dutyoat the re moie posts Airmen of Rockcliffcs414 111101910m150d their coopermionv Squadron have found fosurvey out how to putrrintime whenwea ther keeps them grounded during their long survey seasons Spent in the far north To combat the iso lation and boredom which results vIvhcn bad weather holds up opera11 tions the Squadron commanded by Wing Commander WB M11151 turned to hobby of leather work SincthBdthobby has been developed with new tools being bougbtbut of the Squadrons can teen profits After each season the airmen arrive back in Rockcliffc with handmade leather goods which draw envious glances from relatives and friends Among items manufacturedarc carved shoulder bags purses fine wallets belts shoes bookends trookmoversrbrietcaserdcsirpads and trays On display this week in an Ot tawadepartment store an exhibit of their work has attracted thous ands None of the items displayed however are for sale of Air Transport Conn lGermcn Children Of Negro Fathers PostWar Problem itllAleliUltl Germany Sept 28 titeuters1 lied tape is thwarting childless United States negro cou ples wishing to adopt children born German girls Mrs Ethel Louis Butler Negro school teacher from Chicago said hundreds American Negro couples are eager to adopt the children But army and state department rcd 11111111 has prevented them she said Mrs Butler came here to arrange for the adoption of such children by families in the ignited States She was interdstcd in adopting two iof the children herself After conferring with American high commission and army author lilies Mrs Butler said she would return to Chicago to raise funds for her scheme She cdiscusscd tiic problem with ILLC01 Marcus Ray army Ode VISCI on Negroaffairs in Germany iconsular offic1als at Stuttgart and lFrankfurt and high commissie Ircsidcnt officers at Heidelberg and Stuttgart Discussed with Germans She visited Negro children in Gcrman orphanages and discussed the scheme with German officials Army officials discouraged the idea Mrs Butler reported saying it would be objected to by the GerI mans German officials however she said German sources estimated there were about 2000 childrcnain the American zone with Negro fathers including 175111 Heidelberg and Mannheim areas where several Negro units are stationed Mrs Butler said she would seek to have the children classed as dis placed persons The army prohibits mariiagebe lsergeant and German nationals German officials said some Negro fathers attempted to remainjn Ger may after being ordered back to the UnitedIatcs on rotation SUPPORTS 10 PER CENT It has been estimated that Bo Waters huge pulp and paper mill ttheTworldsdargestlocatedfat Corner Brook supports 10 per Cent of Newfoundlands wage earners when the service and supply indus tries created by its establishment increased newsprint and recnt production are considered EITHEERIENDEY TiA Ivmwg 1w 11I1611Mv TMOSPHERETI WHEN asked whatsheiiked about Sterling Trusts depositor in our Savings Depart merit said if like the friendly atmosphere This pleased us greatly for inpurdeaiings with clients in every departmentxsiivings estatesmortgaggswc luive aimed at spirit of friendly coopcration Efficiency combined with personiil interest in thosewe areprivilegedto servet TH ES UN GTIUSTS CORPORATION ST ER Head Office Tomiilo Barrie Office II 3IDunlop ISIrIeet in Germany to Negro soldiers andl tween troopsbelow the giadebf which they eat staff would be of batterymak1pg experience Exide dealers know batterielheir stocks icing Depend on the ExidedealrforgoaN Toronto IIMOMOOI WiImtpen Vemwerr tinder normal cir cumstances the lunch hours for the PlANT FOOD DIVISION P0 Box 39 New Toronto OniI staggered How 1111 1111111 IfOTARTINO POWER IONOER LIFE than ever more MORE BAttERY FORYOIIR MONEY NTiTcncerxideBatteryierhelresuitofidcvelI opulent bythe largest researchengineering staff in thebzittery industry plus 62 years And in addition remote battery for your money Exide has everydng in servrcetoo arevlfactoryfresh Their scientific Equipment takes all guesswork out of testingandsegv producti good tenice EXIOE BATTERIES or ANAOA 11mm gt