Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1950, p. 10

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If fan urges lne folluuing nutrrlsl is from the memoirs of tln lair Mr lllirrt Ssrjraut tjxill We peaso nally serve all who call us as theyd expect To SERVE Al WOULD BE WED Vltrr lo 4111113 NuVLlJLXl luTl tin lamb 11 ll tllll1tl 21 llit lt to be served by trusted friend Cl loitI 11 visit 15 12i1i 11i1 111 tilinli 111 1t11 trt1 III III VVI IIVIIIII III III Atr1c 111 2i ti 12 lipunl llultccrs Il iilivl NH 5111 $1111 tho tit 1v amt ilI vicinitvi 1x pm 51019 uva Mic 1141 111v cum um ll titc I1vktic 1ili cl1 NONHIRI FUNERAL HOM worsmuumnronl 111 111 lrl ring 11111 111 tine 121itiiv ctr11 11511 1nd Iitt 31 um tiny snaful up liar lvltli tiny arid in ring 111111 11 S11x1t uppcttitctl tin 1114111 3o 11t1titc to 131v llllzl 1tt dunto tin111 21 llll tu1111t 1ch Signuni 5535 llll VICTORIAN ORDER llSll goes Inot Thc Barrie Branch of the VON is curl rcntly cngagcd in the Annual mlmbcrship Vi ji 11 gtlll lilLRI SAKJICANI rl lolt 111111 llllltlcl was Illilxlllu lxl up Ulll hiltll lnv Ivout11 0111 lllil of lot 11 owl only illllllltlll CW7 llml litWI VllOD Itomu by Milllltl illl til 11an lltornc and Wiliirnn Byram ipurtlIasId thc ncw lnttcrson ironic imwnhurst to nizmauc tltc dry Shine of the past week 3m II II right into thc homc to providc iltly carc lIlllllIlHl itll l11i 11111111 1c II III In In W11 IiVIIlI in IIIIEfIiIIIjIIIII18IIlitijJ and aid sctvtcc undcr the dircctton of thc campaign 5300013 required to carry on thc IIV II IIIIlylllllth IIIIIIllIHHIIIVguIII can tnmilv physicianwhcthcr it can bc paid or work in Barrie ll 11 llll llln tlrltlitlm tt killlli 11 li rw ui1VtyI l1lt tot lllxlll conu twin 1ch Old lomttr and til NIHl nutspout in 11 11 121 cm ahAI33$X33$$xx3sv It Lpou itlltl llltil lrown Canada 9m lancer Ies lilmI lIl WY WW WU Allltll John Salsrant attendcd Wldow Formerly ol 00 QmUber Mum 1v ncuzr ltv gt llllllltllllx rtrnnillllllt itllllmllif ill mildlull MM 11111 1il crviccs Vtlt hcid lllt Mk WNW thank 510 mm kmllm mm II Ih it Ktlll lioNllll EU tll mime IV PR A55 ill it lIHUSc mold no llll1l on 11m ch to tln tinnit 111 Sch Oncmn llnitcd Church Obcron IIII mmGSSIIIIIirtIIStiring buIyIlhI all II Armrrw ww mayo 10 IS on oyinr rc uchv VI mull lIll111Tfhm in HI J3 Ml 71 IlllllIIlImIUInI 1lllI ll hcnlllt and his dog last night mm wmmm Ml Shaving mm LUNCH AT V1 1111 lk lc llItgtl IhlllIthIltlS 11 that 1c1mty Jr lgtil= MW ll tront forget thc IruViIogui by having min it during hf mm IllnlllLll ot llll 111mi nntc to sock admissnxn tn lngtlt school lxllsltll 15 Ul Ullttll lUINl lUOli Humble md mug by My lllmi 15 lbw Allcr ltlll you it in tllp Illtt 1n the tnntlv plot in NccpiwaiLI RH mm I9 in April liill thr Sarjczmt fnnt ntar school Witch 11 ll llpplirt lcivictcrv licv Osborne MI 1Lllm 111191 211115111 lhc WA wrll incct at Mrs 11y lllkltl to inn1n in on iown was principni 11c acctpurl 31 Nll pawn and Itcv Gordon Daly of TWH PW rusidmm Shanty 10W llllllhlw flllllllllllll Ice Cremn illll lllll 51mm llll lililll llotl in Midland llll ll Ilmrvll llrookdalzS OlllLlillttl The pulll Ility arc Dr David Garrick ct ROV and Mrg Amt all mm was situatcd oncltall lllllt north ofr11cl11 In ichint il if 1h Mlllllllll lllllll mt mm lm mm mom Hmllm mmm mmly 1m and Hunk lllllllllll lid l0 Billlll ltrlkilllz for Strong sculpts and itionds oi the lcccusod 131m Unit WI Ow 13mm 99 m0 IllllSL llllllll lunch 13 we hate to Iul ELIZABETH an gIlIllcllll IochItnIilc north in Lnkc SInn Vllottncll and WI iizty 111 lliilll gnid includctl Frank May Neil Mc II 510m 110115 and Km RW Hm lll lullll kit dl tltttlttl ol bush ho was cngatzcd to no to llnntsrillc lionit trsnic11ciI Lloyd BakerVIIIth WmCdI Ur Tummy who hns 15 mil It tth grand sun goods departman of his storc thcrc licturncd to Barrio 111 1892 but rcturnod to llzirric IJoining pztrtticrship with luuics Vair nnd llttntcr known as lluntcr Sarjcunt Co and 1896 Imovcd to Mildntay to innitauca itcnctai storc but rcturmtl to Bar 119 111 1900 to form thc dryuoods partnership of SilljtulllSlllllll In the your 1909 llt orpanizcd with Mr lliltkclson had bccn in pOOIIlll 31195 SW lltilllll for scvcrnl yours and passed away in lox Mcmorial Iluspilai Lmbcrry on Sunday Scplcmbor 24 alttr short final iiincss llorn ln IJcmnark he came to the Cnrbcrry district in 1894 and in llltlll with his brothcr McColl mov cd to farms at Obcron where he lliltlIiiVLtl cvcr since Mr Mikkclson was one of the inninbcrs is nccdcdgA largo quilt iitc St lltontas iiurch Vorncns Auxiliary met at thc ironic of Mrs Ituikcs Ihtrc Vcrc 12 mcmbcrs pliHlll and onc visitor lcntativo plans rcrc discusscd tor packing the halo which must bc away this month lhcrc is quite bit of work to lu donc so the hpr of all WA nccds to bc linishcd for the ball TlllS is to bc quiitcd at Thc Lar EDENVALE Ociobcr Owing to annivcrsary scrviccs at Antcn Mills next Sunday Sunday School and church scrviccswili be withdrawn and will bc rcsumcd Octobcr 15 Sympathy is cxtcndcd to thu faintly of thc lalc Murray Ronald who passed away Saturday Mr and Mrs Sommcrlcid 3115 will soon be gone and youll be needing your topcoat every day Now while the weather is not tOO brisk is the time to have Cottys Cleaners get your coat ready for wear Their cleaning service is un surpassed your coat will return sparkling clean ready to wear Phone Cottys Cleaners today Bymn King the mm Sm In lust of 1111 Original pionccr scttlcrsi km COlllel UlllleCl CllUlCll KIIII VIIII VIII III Vl II III dISIIIIcII IS 3th severed is VIc chVt ltIITlttins thc da con Visttcd wnh Mr md Mrs Re LemsVI MVAII BVDII Vt Li in 1d iddtcs II VII It HI ItIOf tlu 119111 muting so the mcct Bonscr last week Minister and mcnsi wear and homo lurn It inguill be in thc aftcrnoon instead Mr and MrSI Donald Chalk King Llovd Tufmrd tshincs and continucd succcssfully lllhlds lll510rml10ll Challge of the wenng we were 30 to gpvm Sum with MI 1nd Orgamt Imd Choirmastor in that business until his rctiro mm 1111 Rod ltrvcr caIIVlS llavelllIllB lcarn that Mrs Sutton was sick hunk mcnt in 1929 He was their ablc to 01d Mmledos all Vthl and could not Itavc thc meeting as II Mr Hanl zczlit SUNDAY OCTOBER 1950 ill blllplac rlllldv Jill mil ll lmto To Il51lt=l his mail tillllcvlbdllilllrublllll which occasion he grcatlv tllthCCl Illllev Vllltl db bllll 1902 sltc is better by now Mrs Viau THANKSGIVING SERVICES Albert Saljeam was amed in The village of Oberon was located cm charge of the 1310 laid up or three weeks 11 rimMORNING SERVICE all 1891 to Lizzie Louisa King who his lillldt In Villllmo llle Obelkc1Wc arc sorry indccd to hear Gods Uncxpcctcd Stnpluscs Elicd in Barrie in 1928 and their lLlltl All 13011 l00k 50910 0f lIlSltliat Mrs Thomas Atkinson had Mr and M15 Mawv Fem family consisted of lour boys and fields id ill 1110 present time Erabccn takcn to hospital in Toronto borough called lends how THE CHURCH SCHOOL two girls one of thc lattcr passing vol roads run pastIinnd transcontinlzilso Mrs Roy Partridge We miss Smlay 945 aImIJuioV Intermediate and away in 1909 HL was agalnnhapV cntal planes followihir route over her from our meetings but look In 1ll1IIIS H9303 EImll Ponl my married in 1931 to Ruby Ann head Edward to the time when she will 1C 5531 l9 Coll MR 14 BUTCHER N831 geIFanems Johnston who 1ch in November Until rcccnl ycars Mr Mikkclson back with usWc arc informed Slllsv and Mls Milwv laSlI Everyone Wclcomc buM mall and 1935 While attending BCI in 1880 had takcn prominent part in all that Mrs Partring is 1091 fairly WOR ginners Departments Mr and Mrs Webber and Wy fl pinAdult Biblc Class ona Hanover and Miss Monica my Lindsay Glcn Iluron and Missl PICKUP 700 pm EVENING SERVICE Lorraine Evans StaynerI spam me up OSSCSbmt Our Possessions weekend at Bowscrs mm Church ll 200 Hayfield St Perigd H0 95 member 0f COIY years three daughters Mrs AnneIJ Dunn is well enough to be out Phone4572 ImmanrMaSQmC LOdge and 3150 Oilvcr Oberon Mrs Laura Dock 01 lite llospill REV AND MRS CHASE comer St BopllSllChurCh pilbllcl was filmle Chairman int Ncetmwa and Mrs Jean Mur HIolly UnitchChurch are holding Ministers Independent Bame town Counm member 0f ray Brandon Three brothers Lu lhelt 50111 anniversary services on REV MITCHELL Minister the Library Board Board Of Educa of Brookdale $0qu of Ingciow and Sunday October 8111 am withI gt rvI m7 lion and Hospital Board as well as Re id El 11 11111 cyno mva an Eight years as presrdent of the Chii COO 0f wmmpeg speaker At 730 pm Rev NKSGWING llllrEY Tune in 900 CHML 830 am for SUNDAY OCTOBER 1950 drenvs Aid Society He enjoyed Carder will Vbc InchngeI There Light and Life Gospd program 11 aimMORNING WORSHIP Curling Imd 011 and took great will be special music by tthchoitl pinSUNDAY SCHOOL Give Thanks Unto the Logan interest in Current events until Formerly Of Flos TWSp Corporal and MIIS Lloyd SWIIWI AlpimPWEACHING 245 pmBIBLE SCHOOL fewweeks before he passed away Mrs John Mahoney Dies ey and Janice of Edmonton Alta from To pm3f$ggm rimGOSPEL SERVICE on September 20 1950 visited recently Wm WI and Thanks be unto God for his un Mrs John Mahoney passed away AW Graham FROSTED Speakablevgifh suddenly at the home of her daugh Several members of HollySun Come and join with us in these ser ler Mrs Hector 76 Bedford day School attended Buiton Ave vices of Thanksgiving kSQIVIng park AvenueI Tommq MondayI Sunday School Sunday to heaIIV At Cuhdles Essa Road Presbyterian Church REV MUIR BA Minister SerDAY OCTOBERn 1950 ll 11111IORNING WORSHIP Sacrament ofLords Spppcri to MILSUNDAY SCIIOOL norEVENING WORSHIP tSpccial Installation Service of Young Peoples Society Choirmaster and Organist he became member of Collicr St community activities and had been Well 110W Methodist Church and was active an ardent curler 47 until CW years ago H0 W215 10 Besides his widow the lorch cording Slewald 0r tilt board lOl Bella McCuaig of Guthrie Ontario over 20 years as well as superin he is survived by one son Lornc October tendent of the Sunday School for who has operated the farm for some We are pleased to report Mrs DELIVERY 333mm $WXMVSSW3W SUNDAY OCTOBER 1950 children also survive him Central UnitedChurch Weds pmIntermediate Boys former Louisa Grant Left to mourn her loss are her nine children Edward of Barrie Sept 18 1950 Rev Fredrlco Calombo Mussili of Minister WedI pImIMdweek Prayer SerVIce The deceased had lived most of the Christian Church in Africa tell REVI III BEWELL BA Thum pImIAwV tst her life in F105 Township where of his work there BayheldVSt organISI and ChOIImSVIerI meIYV pVISocIeIYI rews res yterIQnV she was held inhigh esteem by 1111 Highway 27 WARREN MacLEAN Warm Welcome Awaits You Here ChurCh mos who knew hel She was the Owen Sound and James of Wind 501 She is also survived by threel III brothers William Grant of Minel 5mg GeorgeG1ant of Stayner ande REV GRANT MUIR Speaker fsbrlfaeeaggctgmg gironigogg Charles Cram of Barrie and 13 AUSpiCES Barrie DiSlrlCl Mrs CalhounA1ice ofBarric grandcmldren She Vwas predeceasi MinlSterlal ASSOClalion Thomas of Vancouver Irene of To Ed by her hushand the late JohnI YI ronto Mrs Kathleen Spearin of Mahoney Thefuneral service was held at First Baptist Church Rev Luck BA BD Minister Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY OCTOBER 1950 MONDAY OCTOBER THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 11amMORNING WORSHIP Thanks be to God pairEVENING WORSHIP whatsoever Man Soweth CHURCH SCHOOL 11V aimBeginners and Primary Chice birdsiqrown on our farm Bred formore meatFed for flavour Young Toms 18 lbs and up YoungIVHens 10 to 16 leIHcrlf whole orVIquarter 17 0V PHONE 821r2 BARRIE FREE DELIVERY xx St Patricks Romarr Catholic SUNDAY OCTOBER 1950 Church in Phel ston on Thursda WAIvi 230 pmThe General 5911001 THANKSGIVING SUNDAY Sept 21 Requiem high mass wals WWW Wiri 777747 77 un Fath wu Monday Oct 3m hm SUNDAY SCHOOL er kin The pallbearers were Daniel Sexton Joseph Sexton and John Sexton and two grandsons Gerald Iand Lawrence Mahoney and Joseph ONeill of Phelpston Interment was in St Patricks Cemetery Phelpston Roadside Ba keshop Pays Big ProlirIs Classes for all ages Thanksgiving Servme 11 amMORNING WORSHIP St Andrews Church 11 am Church REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR KEFFEROrganist andIChoirmaster SubjectTHE CLIMAX 11 amNURSERY CLASS Mrs Brett in charge pmEVENING SERVICE Mon 877pmlYPVU Wed pmPrayer and Bible Gospel Hall Study 19 Parkide Drive Coat Fashions VofOllt3tandmg SUNDAY OCTOBERIS 1950 IIHANKSGIVING SERVICES 11amand leim THE MINISTER AT BOTH SERVICES Anniversary Services Oct 13 SpeakereDeanH Stewart ITHE FRIENDLY CHURCH SUNDAY OCTOBER 1950 Chair Leader ductIs from Mrs Tracyls kitchen litarted tomake their lappranceI ona roaglsider stand From this small beginning she worked up booming businesstith tourists and customers from the surrounding district It was with good deal of 11amBREAKING OF BREAD ImSUNDAY SCHOOL Thanksgiving Music By The Choir GEDAR SPRINGS Ont ch IV CWCulinary ability hastaid off II mggsilggz Mt 11 amALL DEPARTMENTS OFTHE CHURCH SCHOOL for Mrs Garnet Tracypwrfe of the VIIVVoV Thus pmIprayeiMeetingV Burtbn Avenuellnited II II ignorinmaster in this Kent County iL1llnegalLEreeNoCDlleltimLl Church II WW WW 77W 647777 if JUSt year after Mr ndiM VV RelL came BA MSer Tracy andtir Itwdsorgmovgl Mr Dempsey Organist and IV here from Fredriton NB pm 60 CQLLIER ST The Home Of Friendly Worship Sr Captain and Mrs EStrachan SIUNDAY OCTOBER 1959 11am THANKSGIVING SERVICE Speaker1Mr Frank Dobsou BEGINNERS and PRIMARY at 11 am IFull Gospel Tabernacle 18Muicastertstre3 Afliated with Pentcdstal II IASSetnbiiesof Canada SERVICES SUNDAY IOCTOBER 1950 Services 15V aIgnPsuhax Sch erm tron Semebelassk scepticism that Mrs Tracy carried 11 amMom lny HOLLYA FIFTIETH small batch of homemade bread Wm ANNIVERSARY SERVICES th J1 Bf 730 pmEvangeustic Service Conducted by an ear are ill amIRIv Reynolds it had time to cool it was snatched IBRIGADIER BRACEY VFrindlyI Wech AVVwaitg You 730 proshay CarderI3A up by passig motoristsI ILI The Yenlure Went ahedby leaps of Toronto and bounds and on Laborpay 80 loaves were sold tbgether with buns cookies tarts and pies which had been added to the list ofgqod les to sale IMuch of 1the cooking wentto cdftagers at nearby lake Cost of the venture isnt too great Fuel for cooking and heat lng comesztnol natural gas well Im the backyard of the Tracy home When the summer tourist season ended Tracy cloned Iher road 11 amHOLINESS MEETING 230 tamSUNDAY SCHOOL 7pm+EvANGELISTIc SERVICE to Choose from linlty AOhu Anxlloany am noncommerauism VI 31 MI ThuTdOYF Oct 1211 800 pm Ilellgious Moving Film ThTsgtHow IT HAPPENED Monumeva AND SERMON ammonium AND SERMON sranpr Inn buliThclant Store fr2IsournVsnIotMitsonnorrm forOvegqsVVChristmassParcelswi Estb 1876 Shcwer MOTOR side 5116 but she plans to keep mead customers suppued

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