Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1950, p. 20

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CGE Nurse the new 61 tllllitli on September to bid her adieu Pat on are shown rbive receiving congratulalions from Mr Mltclnnson vs 3J till Iiilplion which follrnviltl Trisi Foster LINm WW and MW ere tllt with coisfige of white The Irlarriagc of Miss lilurcnce Iiirll Foster laughar oi MI and Laurence Iohir llnIriaz lmttl of Alexander llist1 son of Mrs Iitltlllltltl IIIst and mum mm mm Tummy Wham Mi Mi TIN wk Illiitiillilili Slllllillltlt Oshawa Stroll United SimMm hlirtll Ilarril on Saturday Sep suulun lillb0mugh and 00m reception was held at the home tcnlber 23 10311 at 2220 oclock 111 aftciiroon performed llt ttlllillt bride Mrs Barr ie plum UIHH ltev The marriage was given It father wore who try luI satin basque into fashioned and circular cloche arid Wiarton and the bridesmaids Miss ltiitli Dlctlclland Mis Margaret Stailwood of Hamilton were gown cdnalikc in bronze satin and wort Th Wedding musm was played jackets and miqu by Miss Ernestine Gardiner of Torn imdlibmnm sun and mu 10Chs onto accompanying the soloist Miss inn included Mr and Mm Sm Their flowers were round bouquets Iflkillm ANS or 10129114 in file and Mn and Mrs prime of Mean of cream and yellow assorted llow final Pf 80mm mid my Mm pmth Of Englchu Dilmmlw iand Mr and Mrs Leigh and Mrs William McCann of Sudbury wasl murmmc by he Mllcnnoivm of Toronto and the ushers vcrc 1C bridv WOT mmd CSCMODM of Toronto and bronze lacc groolnsrnan Donald Simpson Sloane both of Toronto The wedding music was pluyod Ilvr fingertip veil was held in place irou GET CASH 12 Months 15 Months 00 1800 3000 5287 19036 817 26 12849 19274 INSTALL AN OIL BURNIN SHURHEAT Miiiiflow Pilot Burns418hrson Gal 226 MORE HEAT PER GALLON of on MOdel A42 Saves You Worry Work Money at Electric Space Heaters at srovn OPIPES AND ELBOWS CLEAN CHIMNEY AND PIPES WITH Black or Galvanized Orders filledin 24 hours on Special Pipe Fittings Weather Strip Receives Silver Tea ServicelaVerdiere Illilii ll Illc was tIAlliti Iii lii lentil nylon illutctlil ll=ililit lti llltlt Illill were Mi Illici Caizlpiicit of thlllill Miss itllili llzown of Battle tlt inaliii trial vllltlu taffeta lll will nylon llil uiriil Iv Iliallli lloxi gsit va lclnr 1I Vlillarc nr pLIle liltle tiffta Willi ovt Dbl of nylon ILtI writ nmddrrsr To irritclr iltiiltisllinlt va ilu1n Sfiai IItIENDS Nlltli IAI IcILI gathered together irl 14bit brothvi Ii the WWII ml inv uslnis vll lilll In idiiii Iiixl iic and Donald Siluillghzirl of iod was married on September to Leighton Clark Manager Jack my in NW Mb Mitcliinsrm presented on behalf ol hcr Barrie Works friends In limit it similar tr of liltigilqi silver tea service with matching bread tray Pat and Leigh In 1hr Iiiwrrernnti lrsrluir and lo the irslills cuff links Organist rm Lloyd luftoru and FROOI CGE NEWSlilt soloist Vltlul ltno For the reception at tlrib 70 In 111mi rennin tilttilli oig1iiilllilgt ilntviilfl ll Um Mulch MBAIHIIIHIIIIIII llllliivluil Ultlllli Show tlil sollild wlrit filly6211111 rth liter and lizilrie The brides llltlllx cr was liessr In royal blue crepe vltli navy lctcssoilvstliri cor sage of red roses on white tgtllltll feather tip The grooms mother in Wore crepe and velvet burgundy at ltobindalclrin the mother of itlre Illltll received With the bridall IIQtlil wearing rose crepe Assist lng the inoorns Inolhci IosIs on pink ostrich leather tip lle litltlt and Iltitilti left on DUI Illt wedding tllp to loionto AT vxlvllrlinl tlip to Quebec and 1hr Vim Buffalo Niagara Falls lmm Nltm mm ivumiiilcndon and lodIrich the Iiiltli 111 taupe sun with brown access you mm mm pm Hm AWL7 UH llltll ltllllli WY lllltravelliiig dress with navy and red Inalte their home III Iolonto ncwsgmrips mm llllLmVl 4315 ill 11hc couple will reside in Barrie vmmvmp yuwhmin Toronto brother of the groom lli 0f the brides ilcnts following the li Lewis ceremony The mother of the bridcu receiving with the bridal party worc navy blue faillc and lace and midnight blue faillc and wore bridcs grandmother was 111 wine The marriage of Miss Norma lluth Crop and 53 C01 wedding trip to Toronto and other bcrt Lciuh son of Mr and Mrs points the bride tlavclling In Jamcs Leigh of llawkcstonc took lplacc ill the United Church at llawkcstonc on Wednesday Sept ember 20 1031 at four oclock in the afternoon Rev llugh Shannon performed the Ceremony wore navy sugar spoon hat and navy accessories with sun gold roscs On their return the couple will make their home in Toronto Ontoftown guests at the wedd nmi Donald basque gown with net yoke and full skirt of white net over taffeta by pointed cap and her gown had In long lily point sleeves She can lricd Better Times red roses and white mums Ruth of Barrie and the bridesmaids mt night at trousseau tea at hm and Miss Joyce Jermey of Hawkes of her daugmer Miss Peggy mt YOU REPW tone worc taffeta gowns fashioned Chic who will be married on Sept with full skirts fitted basqucs and 30 to Norman Johnston hats and mittens matched their an arrangement of pink and White 31000 1500 guys were 0f Talisman 10535 and Helen Bell of Gilford assisting 231repaymenrplansavailabte bronze and yellow mums 0therswho helped with the serv litelmuradatnoextracost Miss Nancy Jean Scott niece of mg and displaying of gifts were the bride was flower girl and was Mrs Lapp Mrs John Love gowned in lilac taffeta and lace sister of the bridetobe Mrs Ray and carried Small nosegay of Campbell Mrs James Coutts Miss Talisman roses and bronze and yel Joyce Ross and Miss Kay Bean low mums Eric Leigh of Hawkcstonc Wasl ELEPHANT SEALS groomsman for his brother and the Elephant seals once thought alt The Wilson 31111de ushers were Murray SCott brother most extinct are increasing in SQUARE BARBIE of the bride and Crawford Leigh of numbers off the coast Of Meiico xx $775 $795 CHIMNEY SWEEP 01 SOOTFOE Both Efficient Stove Furnace Cement Stove Lining MEN WIDE RANGE OF SHOTGUN AND AMMUNITION JOHNSTONS HARDWARE ESSA no3roowiiNsr GOOD PARKING PHONE 3997 corsage of Pink Dclulht roses Asi gown of clrnntilly lace over blush sisting tlie inoonls mother was in with fitted skirt extending corsage of Pink Deliht roscs The train The hlghWe nccklinc was linislrcd with point1 0d ulna huhlmumihl was Scott dilllllllfl of Mr and Mrs Farl or CHM NS held in place With satin and lace Sat invkcsmnoi ma The bride alld groom left on carried round bouquet of Johanna llill roscs and striped magnolia leaves Her matron of honor Mrs Alan Whichci drcss of navy blch sheet with high neckline and threetiered skirt She shortic coat and Corsage of red The maid of honor Miss Phyllis Mm Ritchie entertained Miss Irma Pmphet Norm Bay home 18 Parksidc Drive in honor sweetheart necklincs Their dutch The ma table was centred mphat gowns The maid 0f mm was in carnations and pink tapers Mrs lilac and the bridesmaids were in Carl poured tea with Mrs pale green and yellow The nose Beckstcad of Alliston and Miss Wed am12 ioon Fri 830 am ti pm ailTau urn rilliu MIX dttttttvta 23s 29 turns Alistair Mlilltillllllltl as 39 R5 IiliiilioiislliiiiliLiiLlLSIlillclis IBIlIIIISWtIK SIIIIOIIIES 25 ttiltlitilts Tali CllltES 22 till SALT Satirist SilllilllILs PIIIDE oi rlllililr SMOKED 51111111111 IN 17 lIILiiIlLLiliills iILiILTII Torinm noes tit 27c CLASSIC CLEIIIISEII ms 20c LOBLAWS FRESHLY GROUND rIiIIIi ol Iliiiiiiiii COFFEE 92c CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE SPECIAL LOBLAWS 1an Billtllttll unit Uiirtrtniir w33s IIilTillLI CDEIIM POUND UALITY PRICE CLEANLINESS these are more than mere claims with LobIaws Loblaw buyers are neversatisfied with anything but the best All our produc ers and growers know that And immacu late shining cleanliness is rigid Loblaw standard everywhere in stores and wore houses No wonder Loblaws foods are always so oppctizing so fresh so nourish ing REDEEM YOUR 10c LOBpW EXHIBITION COUPON ON POUND OF PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE orilliiizii IllIILIliiiiiiI cart 1222 29c Iliuiiililcii CHEESE L39c PIC rolili Loilr H33 46c SPECIAL SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN SWEET POTATOES 313519 Iliiniii lllmri rLlIlill at 47c ONTARIO GROWNANCY GRADE pkgs 14c WEALTH APPLES LBS 23= JEWEL SiloIITEilIIII as 34 EXCELLENT FOR EATING on COOKING 15 29C CALIFORNIA FLAME RED 32 LLB 49c LBS PARIS PATE THE KING or srnsaps 3+3 13c TRIMMED AND WASHEDJOTREADY Slllllltill ar 19c Jirri PIE Lllusr 1335 31 ONTARIO NOIGRDE 3ng 58c COOKIDD littltitl HIS10c Lrillls Burnt Trill its as 53 ONTARIO WASHED Alle GRADED cuittyigz 021 23c MARSH tiiiiiiiils 3113s 10 Kiln small CHEESE are at 29c ammo GREEN PASCAL IICILENT BRINGS our NATURAL FOODFLAVOURS 35 34c CELEIIY Silliiis 15c tillinum Pills Mass offth 29o CDLVERIIIIIISE PUMPKIN caorcs oarii no THE PERFECT CLEANSER COTTAGE BRAND SPICSPAN 25c W5 FAB 35c Simian 35c VIII are 34c sroni nouns Mon1ucs Thurs LIBBYS FANC TOMATO JOIOE 0le 230 BREAD WHITE VWHOLE when crucial WHEAT UNSLI to 240 LOAF sucro 2402 LOAF LOBLAWS SUPER CREAMED PASTE CASTLE BRAND Es GRADE PULLET Verity wtt 492 Eggs DI42 IIID room or CAKE AND PASTRY iiiaria rililiil at 35c am to pm YORK BRAND cliff 39 Sat 830 am pm LOBLAW QUALITY BEEF FULL VALUE OF DELICIOUS MELTlNYOURMOUTH QUALITY MEAT AWAITS YOU AT LOBLAWS MEAT COUNTER CUSTOMERS ARE DELIGHTED TO FIND ALL UNNECESSARY FAT AND BONE CUT AWAY BEFORE WEIGHING BONELESS RUONDSTEAK or ROAST LB 82c SIDLOIN STEAK 01 IIOIIST 82c PRIME BIB IIOIIST iiifORTstlls 13 79 SIIOIIT BIB IIOIIST LB 72 OIIOIOE OLIIOE BOOST has 13696 SEE OUR DISPLAY 0F cu0icii cuicucn curs SPECIALLY BRED AND RAISED FOR PREDRESSING UALITY CONTROLLED LTO LOBLAWS RIGID STANDARDOF PERFECTIOfoO YYOURltFAVOURITE PORTION AND SERVE OFTEN LEGS maze Iiiiiiilsrs uses wriirls H650 Dlltlllsz mzsc FRESH PORK CUTS SIIOIILDEII ROAST SPECIAL Jtttn LB 53c LEIIII DIITT IIOIIST SPECIAL LB 57c POIIII SDIISIIDE Eitttlitx 13 55 FROSIED Sila DIIOIDE DOD IILLEIS LB 35c ODEIIIHEIIDII IILLETS corcc 1341 IIIIOIIIE SMOKED FILLEIS LB 43c LillllltlS PICIILED DNIIIS ttlct oztiit 23c lT1 CROSIIEII PINEAPPLE CHOICE oitiia 31c llYLlIIEIt PEIIS 8i CIIIIIIOIS CHOICE 0192 12 ST WILLIIIIIIS lltllltllllltllllE 01132 oitih 31c HENLEY LOIIIDIlRD PLOMS CHOICE olflits 21c IIIISTIIIILIIIII RillSIIIS SEEDLEss Les 31c McLllltEIlS BilltDO BELISII oszir 29 BRUNSWICK Iiiiitiltlill IIIIDDIEU 5123 OLD ENGLISH IIO IIIIDBIIIII WIIX 022 59c Iliilrtli LLIIT snllr ILIIIIES are ale 62 as SIIIIWILllltlt Illvlllllilliil POWDER 17 IJIIIIIIIII WhTEItSIIITEIIEII AND CLEANER was We PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 28 29 30 LOBLAW GROCITERIAS CO LIMITED Lonmws

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