Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1950, p. 2

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Downham Nursery To Visit Angus WA The regular meeting of Angus Westinghouse 100 WATT 200 280 30c IEPLET THE BARRIE EXAMINER TlllltSDAY SEPT 38 1950 SUPPORT THE Victorian Order of Nurses Barrie Branch Annual Membership Campaign COMMENCES MONDAY OCTOBER Welcome Your Volunteer Canvasser OBJECTIVE $300000 home of Mrs Wednesday tlgllll oclock in the evening meetingr theme Mrs McMaster led in pray er and hymn Thomas Wilkinson September at The opened with the No 140 was sung lrsull UI critwwtay tclll xtiit ltl1l ulitil llll timid zitl lrc IJIIUlJltll lirlnit Ill tiiiir ltity xiitl tpptar iii lotitlay thc of llic lill llirr liortliurlis iiitvzi 111 Itl litxl it 1511 Ittc and So tia livid ll It and St Il Siuzioi 11 iiii Scit lt lt il ltlld lilitirla 1il Soil If it and Sol Section iiioi vtililllli Iti lil ltlxlt Nttv iaxtloio iu Soin llll111t if and Suzi if liaafoiil Stclioii Ill tiiior all ficpl lfllit to ltL Ill 1111 IC tiitui id Stirs If iaafnid and Sons tiiatuic iiiti Sui William va littlllllt and on Section 11 tlllltl calf Jan 111311 to Sept 1030 tiiiwfoid 1th Sons William New Section lItl lltlfl lI iiiw lord and Sons Ituinney and Son It It Lee and Son William New Scilion Ill jlillltlt l11llj Craw ford and Sons New ll It Lee and Son Section ll progeny of tlitmwlt Lfiawlord and Sons 13 Lee and Continued from Page Ohio and WMS was field at the Mrs Hodgins had charge of the llltll ml lililis in tin Canadian LAMPS ARE nit BEST 25 40 60 WATT 15c URRYS 36 BAYFIELD ST With all the extra space available inst this beamitul refrig you can buy food in Quantity save extra trips to the store and keep the food fresh much longer COME IN SOON AND SEE The Night Watchmanevery midnight it automatically defrosts for you The greatest single improvement since the days of theIce BOX The giant Bide freezer The Handefrosterits exclusive The Iiltabin for staple food storage See all these and malty more exclusive bum in the great new AddisonNome nklzerator The AddisonNora ltd the Rollotor Coldmakoionly itiru moving pourtor completle trovbl rstLECTRI 3721 whiten Kingdom of ltymn was No God The Church Barrie letter Downham Nursery was read saying that they would be in Angus on November Arrangements were made to en tertain bum ministers or the anni dominant characteristic In the last versary services The October from Convenient budget term costly ange efroo devotions taken from Matthew 13 Slimlilid 01 llVliitt Cliiidii verses 31 to 35 The topic was the 1949 50d lOllglilY 320000 bniltls second per day or about 300 gallons per 526 Devotions for CRpita per year equivalent to il Octobci will be taken by Mrs West Mm Kirby gm splendid energy which is withdrawn by WOW mommg She had at Canada from Niagara Falls In tended in Burton Avenue United CUiiiPiiliSOH llit US has 500 gallonS per capitu per year and the U1 most gallon day per person TIIIS is equivalent to 36 times the about 85 The oil industry is young 1634 pits its 100 years the speaker as serted Growth is still its pre 10 years Canadas requirements of meeting 1311 be petroleum products the source of held on Wednesday October 18 at roughly Oiiclllaltel Of our total the home of Mrs Arthur Wilkin leneigy requirements have more son The meeting closed with bene reflection of our higher standard of diction than doubled This increase is living over ten years ago and the level of prosperity which we enjoy The selfstarter for automobiles today was invented by FJKettering Thus it is of the greatest im of Dayton Ohio in 1911 portance that weL should have not Ilhere could be no greater develop ment for the Canadian economy than the finding of an important sotuCe of petroleum within its bor ders which would make 011 avail able cheaply in country which has established dependence on this type of energy Mr Fairlie pointed out the fre mendous factor of oil imports be extent that these can be reduced balance of payment position im proved Oil in Alberta The search for oil had been car Turner Valley than months LedueFoundVIn 1947 been raised to about 500 million barrels by recent extensions In 1949 other important discoveries were made at Golden Spike and Stettler Various other discoveries have increased Canadas Prairie oil re serves in the space of three years from 44 million to roughly 11 billion barrels or 25 times what Prairie reserves were when Leduc was brought in There is reason to 1101 that the vast sedimentary area of Canadas wesrggn basin may ultimately BARRIE EXHIBITION RESULTS t11 iit lltltllllll lItl tlrciiici and Sons Ii Ill rnicu and Son llrntst tiiltnorc lllllttl tillliltitt on or alter Jan 1030 ittllllt Itotlziiiz Ii 13 Wariiica and Son IId tircincr and Sons liriiest Gilmore 13 Wiuniea and Son t1corge Rodanx mi wm anion of Lanai Private Investment This Year Speakerat InterClub Meet nenl speaker said The reason for the only adequate but cheap supplies ing paid inUS dollars and the by our own production and the Mr Fairlie continued to illus vtrate how at the time of theLeduc discovery more than 90 per cent of the countrys petroleum require ments wereimported from the Un ited States and the Caribbean area ried outover long period in A1 berta but aside from few small distillate wells and some wet gas production no success was experi enced until 1936 when important crude production was obtained in Turner developed rapidlyto peak of 30000 barrels per day but by 1947 produetion had shrunk to between 12 and 14 thousand bar Jrels about enough for veper cent ofiCanadaslneeds Remaining re serves were estimated at about 25 million barrels or sufficient to meet todays requirements for less In February 1947 after drilling 133 dry wells overSO years and after spending some 23 million dollars Imperial Oil foundeeduc about 20 miles from Edmonton This eldproved to have reserves of some 250000000 barrels and was one of the worlds major discov eries It was followed in 1948 by Redwater whose reserves have Ontario Regional llrrrtord Elton iliu tviitioil 1in Itlt1tlliliiltlll ltliti ttlttl Sept ii iatr ii iteuier thULtJJ minim firm 10 little ttlttl Sept 1811 to in 11 ms iaiiusi iii5 Iiiili tIai ll litin czilittl Ian 1y rum Aug 11 iltllt nonu nodf it Italian Iliiicl lilyil ncrc lllltl tillilltilt lid tiiciiieig and Sons It Ii laiiiicii and Sons Class ntoi lit itci call culverts Scot ltlfl to Doc ill Ithl ittl 51 laaoliii Italic lioiialtt Iii Class 13 Junior Iicifcr calf culvctl floss li senior champion fcinttlc II Circuitr and 50th 15 jtllllttt champion female buii lksl Litm 1141 gt11t41 II Ital lit viii o3 lltliilltl ttoi lsiii WIT lit lilt iliiitv litllill ll uttiui in tlliitl at ltllll lit lilil itllttlt t1 jtllllttl liniic Iiiti11 TUNA VllIKll ttlion il xllltli liiZIIltl Ii 35 ti tlltll it iuiiot at loin it litizild Ii fltii uctioii II Iiltlttl 11 Ill Icolii il liotiltl Ii Alififtil rtlitltl 115 Ittiiioi Iltltl lllvIIl vi It ltl 74 lioimltl Martini Section ltliiill oi Iiil Ial llaiIty lloiiald Ii iii1is wtlion incl oi slnlcolin olcydtuiialtt KilllltliIFllllt1llli liailty ltoiiiiid Martini tlydcsdiilcs Iass No Section More or liltlll llilLi itais or Utl vllxtrll ISttlt liicllli Wilson Monies Ilztlliday Charles itailiday Charles Ilullitluy Stritioii Ioyetirold filly or tlllll liciiltie 311 Section Brood Allllt with Foul Icattic Bros hiirlcrt 19 llalli tili Charles Ilttllidliy Percheron and Belgian tiltill Mine or izcldingz three ltlll or over Graham Mr linirlie said This compares Iwitli it to 11 billion for Venezuela and 25 billion for the US In terms of years of supply Canada in three years has reserve posi fion now comparable to that oi inn CliilCS 5130mm the United States in terms or nai ional consumption Peacock Altx Itltrtcliei Murders Section Iwoyeznwld filly or tickling Alex lltlCI1Ll Grin bani section Yearling filly or geld Scction Fun of 15130 Bob istroud winnerof first second and The speaker said that currentlyIthlld there are 125 geophysical nartics in Alberta Only Texas with lllw BOD Smud th um um surpasses Alberta where the major 5030 oil companies of the world are pur licipiiting This year it is expeettd hzu 150 million dollars will be pent on exploration and devc1op Potential Production With potential production of 142 thousand barrels per day only It thousand are being used the disparity isthat despite the urgent need for this oil it cannot be gotten to Canadian refining capacity lie ause of high rail costs Another factor was that 60 per cent of the requirements and the population and the refinery capa city is in the OntarioQuebec area It was soon apparent that pipeline facilities would be requir ed To enter the eastern market Prairie crude oil would have to be delivered to eastern reneries at the same cost as their optimal sup plies from Venezuela and Texas via tanker and US pipeline Price in Prairies Present price of oil in the Prair es is determined by its value in the various Prairie rening centres which is higher than the value in the east The Alberta producer to get into the Ontatiio market must take lower price for his crude However he feels justified because of the larger market The value it Ontario will then determine the price in the Prairies This has obvious benefits to the consumers adjacent to the crude production Mr Fairlie said which is as it should be because they obtain their supplies at the eld price plusa relatively small transportation cost The people of Ontario will receive crude at the same cost as it was when it came from the US This is because it is unreasonable to expect the A1 berta producer having made concession inthe priceof his crude to getit into the Ontario market to accept ailower value than what it is worth in the market LowerPrice In Ontario Looking into the future it is quite possible thatAin his efforts to expand his market as larger supplies of oil become available the producerwill reduce his price in developing new market and that this will result in lower priceof crude in Ontario The speaker described the Inter provincial pipeline which is 1150 from 20 to 16 inches Storage is being provided at the lakehead Superior Wisconsin to accumulate million barrels of crude in winter which will be movedin the succeeding open season of naviga tion Large tankers are being con structed 620 feet long capable of moving 112000 barrels ofcrude or about nine trainloads from Super ior in single trip to Ontario re neries at Sarnia and Toronto Presentplans meet only half the requirements of the latter But additional storage will be provided prove to have reserves of fat Superior and with six more flVe billion barrels Or even more Dipeline StatIOHS deliveries could it miles long and varies in diameterdUStrles Section lirood mare with call Agricultural Open Section Marc or gelding three ibe increased to 90000 barrels day With more tankers Ontario refining requirements could be met Summary of Benefits Summarizing some of the bene ts to Alberta Mr Fairlie said per cent of the mineral rights be long to the Province and the gov ernment receives most of the roy alties about one barrel iii every eight Then another important source of wealth to Alberta is through the sale 01 leases The government and the people of Alberta are sharing substan tially and directly in the wealth which is being created the speakI er pointed outThis year some 33 million dollars has been ob tained from the sale of leases which together with fees rentals and royalties will amount to per haps $40 per capita The gOVern ment is following the principle that oil income is revenuefrom the de pletion of provihcial assetsyand should be used for capital expend itures and the creation of new as sets These take the formof new highways hospitals university fa cilities and conservation projects Mr Fairlie pointed out that many new businesses have been attracted to Alberta new towns built Edmontons population has increased from 1520 per cent since Leduc Lower oil prices have re sulted from the development last year about $30 million was cut from their oil bills These reduc tions will permit the Prairie farm er who depends on mechanization to compete more successfully in world markets Great Significance To Canada the signicance of thenew industry in the Prairies is great Mr Fairlie concluded The value of production in 1950 will be some 85 million dollars Hovvever this will permit reduc tion in US dollar requirements of roughly $100 million Byj1951 this should be $145 million Four years after Leduc oil production will be contributing to Canadas wealth and to the solution of our US dollar problem an amount comparable to the long established andimportant nickel and gold in In conjunction with the iron ore of Labrador and the more inten stve development of our forestry and manufacturingjndUStries solution to the exchange problems may be expected in the not too dis tant future The contribution which the oil industry is making to the siblume of capital expenditure may notbe appreciated In addition to the $150 million for exploration and development there will be $90 million for the pipeline $8 million for new tankers $30 million for new reneylee and many other ex penditureslto expand other indus triesmaking steel pipe and equip merit Shift iiilt lit llll IJII in iiiL iltl gtl it li l1l tn ll llliIi ziaiIw tritil llii ii Hittite Iltl linativ ilslttv ltl tntfI tiinllittit tiillt ltt SttWtrll is Fix liovw ltllt 11 li1 If Ull lilll ha littltttldy rift llltil Iiziiir lilt iiiv pir man llltl and IU run litallu IliJll Brain and Small Seeds iIiil lifelicl Itiyct itltttll Klimt litll tittl tilltroii lt llllili Ioliii tocIilns litlitllt iittti Haiti liv lliilllltli Iiiycu IIiiiy imam Iolin vicI lltl Mcivyn Martin Siiiitli 124 III UAV Sonics Ilcavti iiiil 151 tats ockliiL irtltllllill Frank Itiiplnck llllfll liiytc ittltlll Ajax lzilv MtArtInii Icar Itrycc illlll tockliii IitIl tttl tlll Smith lliycc Siiiilli timothy 1iicc Shiitli Iilxlnbition gtI1ttf ltilcStiiiIts Section Yearling Iilly or tltl lki li Ilcuson sitnon Al Itoiil or ittiti tliarleslGlUitli Sonics IIallitIity itorge Wriizlif llcatl to llios lccl oats lilsltltltl wheat Gibson Slicuf llhlltlgit corn fivc stalksV Special Muster litst iiibit ol Ltltllllllilltl Iiiycc StayE Feeds Wmv Hr 50 inuirtmnnwnt was equal to he 00 Ars 2t ii it DM ONLERT mg pJnbtnl1dll Llhlttll Miss IN ltIlmHIUWD 511 ZnCCrmc Gaga == == Time featuring Al MVCY in Lylt lfflwrlmnq Allmllule dcrlund pleasing entertainer person as Mr 0f CBC lid Willlkl Willllsmlv 2v Baillm excelled in Iier readings and gave September 23 Special Ilay Show Date iillalfn hay first cultliar llickliiipl libel Ilickling Gordon Charles lIicinuu Bale mixed hay first Clllrlltll Itickling Ificklinizl Gordon Hicklirig alfalfa Harold Ilickling Charles llltltllllLL Gordon lfickling Roy Hicklinig Charles Bale hay second cute5 Vegetables Beets table sixeM Ii Chant ler Allen cabbagc headElwood Jerry Frank IllpliE early Li Savoy AOV balll iek cabbage Chantlcr 2nd cabbage Mrs Schuly cabbagi Gordon MeArthtir cauliflower Chantler Elphiek carrots Max wcll Craig Charitler cornChantI l1 Craig onions Yellow Duri VETSMCAlllllll Elphick parsnips Citiig Chantlcr peppers green sweet AllenChantlerpeppers red hotQChantler pumpkinMrs Squash green Craig Chantler squash pepper tomatoGarfield Coul son Chantlei collection Chantw ltr Mrs Schaly years or over Bcattic Bros BeatI Schaly Hubbard Chantler Fruit Apples Alexander or Wolfe River Flook Humphreys McIntosh IIuniphreys lelfer Snow MC Greeningi Tolman Aiilitti Humphrtrys Humphreys Cocklin Exhibit Records Broken at Openingi Of the Great Northern Exhibitioni AX exhibit reocrtis twit teed Fruit Exhibit 1L He Niilliiilil Siziait iizos rspl foi the first ilgt gates to Le 111 LtiAc xii to tannin fruits suit to its xl ttliiiy ii Earl lii Munich 13 in gt Ftdltlll of the tiltinny In cric ltAtiiti ito on HAHN has the parade of 202111 Mr Iti 711 ltd ttc ttillii no and Douglas ichiilair Colliigwood wontth erar gtilltulirs as umgt3 one RM the cleaned up il iiior lillltb for iii litfi Mutts lltltcligi iii luffllilllllitil item illtl many other 111 inn ofrtht ciiis ha iwgtiiitlii 14 11 lllmmlm stllfl tainiai llrovi ol vltleltlyrinll it ElliWWl llillli AltllllllltH It ltl =li top Iiuiiozs Klllt Kelly WW ill ilitllll Ill IRMA his 11 1ng 111 ii The Muiferd lioiw itctivttli5itil ililllltl 21 thouJ tltlllflllh in lllln Om 14 IL Emmi It llttp jiitltic limkc Bios of slyly Miss liiiritts VIittllj of Mid Vi if M1 ld Pmkitfinancial tool 111 mayor award Lllt3miliiullqnil lions irllttl Work ltti her Tfli Uwi WUIl lmflo the 111th strand year 111 Sotttli girllj RAVI xy111 fill Vtlltll Hi Esli If II 1111 MM mmm dwltnnna tizti Mu itn Sufiuik Nm to zztrtitiztatein ii iiiex llllld Ilm an illown l1lgtltitl ream dominat slwr ztitivc of the Itolv liinitv I1 vl lsit ilziriy lll owned by Mont may Sputum Mth lire Orthodox Church in Mont fxi if at ill tonici of Barrie Ilugli McLean otlmlthm khmymuy MHLHHK up refit Iffdtti A1 ili lslt ii Pint 121cm tllillllttl iouith money mm Shhubmflo ll with Brownie lt licgtt tinzt of Min and Mix Page VaittUW llit day was ltllllitl in by the vini Splendid Flower Show vci Mrs Little of Toronto vcii tltl in the econtl litat with lllllKi of the IrrS lllstl shows 1r September 13 1411091 if Mr and All Iolin Arn it TOWN AGENCIES My ilt ltilltllttl by the bcaultt Inll lIticiiilt llllllsll LIiuzclt Rogers of Stayiicr vioii libii ll Ificlilinii is spending ml Ilit grand award for the most points illfillllyt Th Mml lit Iltllliwv iii lltlll rttVHih Ia couple of Ltlli ninth litv and t1 dumnm Hum Wm 13311 ltlp iy or llh srst llltbsit of itsj tll tie tibilcc Atltin e1ri first in hm mm mme Alexander of Collingwotid won the llll lllm slllllil Til llllhlllv ttl tin MiiitoliIlltklitll vtltlillll linkney Stiiyiici icmcnts conducted the gttlftt hop or fit mot point 111 LLmqmmuhmh BM us modtllinh of old clothing Jim Huh mm lvthlnilt llvtvl wt itll yrins th hold WM my and liniiwoott ltiIiiiiililS Wild tliil if mini mom the blankct rivcn awav by file WI WWg3y HM WW 1h mum mme itllllttltlltt reading in loioiito1wH mm mv is two sermons vcie full of in Dunlol3 StreEt xllml liuufmmm bmphudf spiisition and llttl He called up Alli liiiii Mr Fitiliii Sliiltlv price for bcst basket of cut flowers my um Kn was won by Irs 12 Fdwurtis Stav 11 ISM lmmmm mm Hmu mun MN It lw Inl whoZulujummj mt Youd lrctiucntly their trust Ill God and iiillnity IiiSl Witk II Vi 141 74 Elizabeth Street wood Horticultural Society trophy hlllllllll lhm Ml Mt 10mm ljlxi lcart articles there if more convenient for the plllt I111111i basket of Illllnlf0 nu 313811 JV 191 llilllillymt 3191 MI gt and is horgc tiniiis nmdllwn md mds Illc rcvcaled to us in Jesus Christ My md Twp and 111ii AWLWMLW WWW nu Siioui and Lord Inset11cm 10f 53mm mm Emmi EIT Hilllflfd by my lush home in Toronto Id nu mm WW Mr and Mrs Knipe Torontoi gt ii or on OllS in t11iitlt1Tilllgtlhlelt Janus Rtllltll 51 wwkcml mu he 111an ant llt tilt liairie tllli 15 1mm My mm Mm Bwa rin and Dorothy Mchabb sang ltttl Grcmbunk or and thc members of the quartet RW Ml memh St Mhnili iilin Communlty 1lllllama11113 RUM United Church was the guest speaker at the unnivorsaiy serwcc rend minim Im Plum at Crown 11111 on Sunday FOIIOWIHLI 10 111 mullumo Mommy at Mr and Mrs Raymond McFadltlit REGARDLESS OF CAUSE i5 joined the BillliwiKCtldttS since illi Jilliiltc toul supper and enter do plum mmmmcu the iiltllll BOX ll BARR EXAMINER IOlt l4 the recruiting campaign started ililliiiillil txttctlud chilLlliliUiih mm of my pllgim Shhply ililllt Wk it Tl Cim Imms hmywviymd llitzlxlwd Mac at the Royal Victoria Ilos twig ummmps mm bniurday molt than triumph for tie ottaslon pm BANE on Thursday Sept 211 lOct lt Unit Strength is now well MUN Uiiiii 00 pelililt were fed Ilic HONEYWOOD October 1819 Wed Oct 18 Ix IILOMIT SERVICE his Concert Troupe We CiIult cumberlaud number of encorcs Page Visitors With Mr and Mrs Hill bert Golds 53 Clapperton St Mr II SILVLRTON TRIO R0 dillt accoinpanie is old mtdcn on Satuiray wcit Before Slorlng screens pCl Men Bruce Soprano R053 JnekllIIorris 011 Gunii St William inson 0mm was we received and Mrs Grcmmw Mr and Mrs III the IllelCll Wllh screen en Bertram Magician Tex Boyle Giliilty 53 UHPIWHU 51w Jth and gave number of songs which Gordon Smith Smith Mrs Gunlty 98 Clappormn DonaldHVOde 10111 iipliliillse The 1101i Mary Brand and Gordie all of Oughlmb 45 Maple AV Brothers Stayner accompanied by Midimuy ll Patrick McLinden 93 Gtinn St Harry HkalHS Sting mil PiOVldLC Mr and Mrs Cowan Hunts Lloyd Warner 104 Gunn St Bruce mStlUmenlil WSW hldl Slitwl ville are spending fey days With Dibble 124 Essa Road James Lang the feet of many as they played Mr and Mrs Harold Cowden 10 Comm St Alexander Yuchy some popular tunes The gathering Mr and Mm Russ McFarland menko Elizabeth St Box 205 35 highlight mm the Presence visited Mr and Mrs Artie Wheth Peter Straetmans RR Barrie 0f CKBBS Upon For Y9 am Orr Lake on Sunday Ferndalei Douglas Ford Tiffin St ThOUhlSwPiOgmm It Was 20 mil Miss Lauran Edwards and Har Box 30 Robert Mason 58 Bald 05 0f laughter and Foil lun This iy Alliston Toronto spent the 18 win St Edda Elwelrsmy 11ch 1231013 weekend with Mr and Mrs Mer ercr wr peasure an gr iu Vin Edwards by the church people for long M1 and Fred Edwqrds ahif ert McKenzie 70 Parkside Drive me to Come daughters visned With friends uric yodelling Cowboy and his guitar lllNEY DANCING to Alvin Dermotts Orchestra Three dances for 25c Admission to Concert Adults 50 Children 25c Thur Oct 19 DANCING at pm Stand ard Time to music of The Rainbow Rhythm Boys of Collingwood DRAW for 1950 Ford DeLuxe Coach at 1130 oclock Admission Adults 50c Children 250 MIDWAY or GAMES AND BINGO WITH SPECIAL rmzns BOTH NIGIITS LUNCH BOOTH New Storm Sash need wood primer it iiig lllllisll First apply Wax Remover and Cleaner For WinterWecrr DURAWALL WASHABLE PAPER for Kitchens and Bathrooms in nice variety of patterns Gyptex The Texture Point In Powder Form Five Soft colors LET US SHOW YOU Everything in Paint OATES PAINT SHOP run HOME or FLOGLAZE Pictures Paintings 82 Dunlop St Dial 3270 amtabszmzmm Ronald Porter Sunnidale Road Victoria Harbour on Sunday Fred Brown 19 Main St Ray Biis 170 um 42 unon Donald Mrs King of British Columbia Essa Road who has been visiting with Mr Brian Mtlcalfc COdrmgtfm ti and Mrs Frank Patterson for the 530k BMW 80 Henly SL213 past two months left Sunday night Newton RR Banded Wllhag and will stop off at Sudbury for Cowie RR BallWIKenneld few days Mr and Mrs Alvin Greenlnw OCmmorv 13 Bemy mila On Thursday evening last week Elmvale visited with Mr and Mrslb HCTSCY 126 ElizabethSl wn 18$ serious accident took place one Nathan Edwards Sunday ld Chown 73 Maple We Dona mile east of Everett involving three Sunday visitors with Mr and McdhulSl Miners Pomt ltrucks in collision halfton Mrs Verne Todd were Mr and Mrs Brown and family Barrie Mrs Cadeau John and Judy Victoria Harbour Mr and Mrs Earl Edwards Mrs Mr and Mrs Lewis Todd visited p2 friends in Victoria Harbour on Sunday Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ormal Edwards were Mr to and Mrs Earl Fox Orillia Mr and Mrs Fox and David Toronto it ouo 00 ouogoohg trtick driven by Jack Shephard of Everett was badly damaged and Mr Shephard had to be taken to Alliston hospital It is understood Morgan Edwards and Miss Emme Mr Shephard had broken leg and broken ShOUldel and exmmal 10 line Edwards attended the funeral progressing favpurably The truck on Thursday driven by Orvle Grant an em Mr and Mrs Orval Edwardsvis ployee 9f the Hydro camp here ited friends in Barrie on Sunday WW oomymmngd POnflO00IQ000000100 Lamb Chops and Loinsz Top Quality Beef SIRLOIN STEAKS 87c LB PRIME RIB ROLL ssoLB BLADE ROAST Blade removed 65eLB BOUNDsTEAKBoASL riseLB IOrclerSTCiken For ThahkSgiiingTurkeys CHOICE PORKNCUIS SIDEV PORK LB SUNDAY SPECIAL LB Boneless pork shoulderWith dressing SAUSAGE 49 LB Adams MeatMarket 143 DUNLOPSTREET BARRIE Free Delivery lflOtl00tttlt1000t0900 orders received up to 1100 am was not damaged badly The other truck an Ontario Hydro truck driven by Jack Curry was only slightly damaged WVV vii we THORNTON Mr ahd Mrs Albert Gibbs of September 27 Toronto spent the weekend with pleasant evening was Spent at Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson the home of Mr and Mrs Dalton MI and Mrs Lakllg 0i To Banting on September 23 when the onto spent Sunday With James members of St Judes Church Laking gathered and presented Di and Mlr and Mrs Allan Atkinson of Mm Cameron Hm nee Norma Hamilton spent the weekend at Banting with lovely silver their parental home here cream and sugar set and tray Sharper 0f Simcoe Spent Fred Arnold ver abl acted as the weekend at his parental home chairman for Salon piogmm af QUite an excitement was caused ter which the presentation was here Sunday mommg When Small made by Mrs George Watson Dr deer 35 599 mammg about the and Mrs Hill both replied in their yng of village reSidenls usual pleasant manner after which anmversmy selvlces the ladies served refreshments the Anglican Church on Sunday morning and Sunday night were largely attended spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Anniversary services will be Wallwin held in the Everett United Church Tobacco growers in this district on Sunday October Afternoon are almostfinished picking their and evening services will be con tobacco While there was acouple ducted by Rev Doggett of of frosts it did not hurt the crop Thornton any and all report good season Miss June Haddock of Alliston Mr and Mrs James Peacock ac spent Saturday with Mrs John companied by Mr and Mrs Blanchard Thompson left Saturday morning Mrs Harris Miller of Sheridan by motor for trip out West juries Latest reports are that he sf Mrs Wesley Collins in Stayner o=OI==ono in your shopping sket with less out of your purse wen you shop at Adams Meat Marke in Barrie mvwurvwsvmww 5M HHHLJII BOIOQHCI FIRST QUALITY 3hC VEAL Cutlets 99clb Rolled Veal 65c 000000 43 GRADE fA MILK FED Boiling Fowl and Chickens itttho00ooo0000 vBarriey Business LTIJOSE COM viemciissis will be hech Monday and Thursdo Commencing Monday October BOOKKEEPING IYPEWRIIING There will be both Beginners Classes am Classes in Shorthand and Typewri AskrUs how youcanfcomplete your service in any ofthese patterns 63c LB HoIIad Melchers matey$215 Fresh Smoked Fish =o=ox===o=ox=o=on==o=o 00000000 It is advisable to register ahead of the opening Fen FURTHER INFORMATI JEWVELLERS Contact the School Office 66 Toronto St Aomonomouogonowm0ootititiotiooooa on===bx=o g0 0000000OOt0ltl delivered by12 oclock noon Orders received up to 4pm delivered same day ir Vii av

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