Expect Record Entry lnlemalionall Plowing Match in Simcoe County Special Committee Clearing Details All indications point to record number of entries at the International PIOuing Match and Farm Machinery Demonlwwi 31n stration sponsored this year by the County of Sliiicoe IlMlHLlciung Ltlclflt Alliston on Tuesday Wedncsd iobcr 10111213 The county committee alon Plowiiieiis Association under matches are held met at Allis over final plans Reeve Wilbu chairman of the special coun ay Thursday and Friday 01 with directors of the Ontario whose auspices the animal ton 011 September 20 to check Reed of Oiillia Township ty plowing match committee presided Also present was Carroll of Toronto secretary inanagcr of the GPA His Worship Benson of Peiiuetanguishcne warden of the County of Siincoe attended the meeting and expressed his agreement with the prog committee lltporls were given by various Committee chairmen including Al bert Gilroy of Cookstown llcalthl and Sanitation Roy liickling of VcSplIl County Exhibits Normanl Clarke of Iiarric Huroniu Ills toric Exhibit Dr ii McKclvieyt of Ilccion Horse Show Fisher Gillil ton of Mcduntc Lunch Others present included Fred IIuiiter county clerk Jack Cole nian county assistant treasurer oncs county engineer Keith agricultural representative 111g lir ctors of the Ontario Flow incns sociation rClark Young Portc is Alex McKinney Jr and Floyd inslilcy Mr Carioll said the lurgcst out door dcnunstration in Canada was just 11 hit over two weeks away and it vs necessary to have all plans chc ed carefully He said big rcspoiis tiesrlajp with the chairmen and it vas vital 11 there he the utmost coopcralion lWLCll the various committees Ho old of attending national plowing match in Ohio several weeks ago 11 gave his impressions of how it as con ducted Teams Commit cc Blythe McConkcy of Slroud chairman of the Teams Committee stated that arrangements had been made to supply sufficient horses and accommodation and that sta bles were available for contestants who brought their own teams He said he would be at headquarters 011 the opening day and the follow ing days of the match to direct tliosebringing teams After some discussion it was agreed that any county entering team should pay the same entry fee as other contestants $500 motion was passed that any competitor who brings his team to the match will be supplied with free feed and stabling Tractors Committee Carl Stephens of Everett chair man of the Tractors Committee re ported that the various farm ma chincry companies had promised to supply all the tractors required for the match Mr Stephens said that arrangements had been made to have the tractor field well lighted public address system will be installed and the tractors will be identified by numbers motion was passd that those contestants bringing their own trac tors from outside the designated area be allowed 50 cents per mile return up to $20 for transportation but that those within the designated area of seven Counties pay their own transportation for tractors Lands Committee Herbert Hughes of Gilford chair man of the Lands Committee said it had been decided that the stubble on the land to be plowed should be mowed Owing to the excessive rain which had fallen recently it had been impossible to sow enough rye to be used for sod plowing but the wheat stubble where there was considerable grass and clover could be used for this purpose Hesaid there would be plenty of stakes on hand for staking out the land Billeting Committee Wood of Alliston chairman of the Billeting Committee reported that he had been promised accom modation for 300 people in the 10 cal area at reasonable rates Ads were placed in several county news papers from which most of the re plies had been received He felt sure there would be ample accom modation in the vicinity of the match for those wanting to remain overnight About 200 beds had been premis ed and the rate for those sharing bed plus breakfast was to be $250 per person and $3 per person for single bed Mr Wood has the names and addresses of the room owners carefullytabulated and filed in register mm Committee Mr Carroll said he would discour age payingany rental for land for parking but it Would be quitein order to pay for any damage done to field used for that purpose Mackenzie Beattie Herb Hughes and Alex McKinney Jr Were au thOrized to visit grounds and lay out that part ofthe field to be used for parking Mr Beattie and coun ty engineer W=Jones were aSked towork out the necessary repairs to roads in the area Mackenzie Health of Alliston chairman of the Traffic Committee reported that the tickets hadbeen arranged He agreed to collect the money from the ticket sellers and with police escort deliver it to the bank Mr Carroll reported that the De to ptit iipthe sTgns directing people to the match He saidthe OPA would take care of issuing passes and stickersfor cars Plans were discussed for arrang ing with machinery companies to provide tractors and wagons to 1111 Simcoc and the followl rose and plans made by the He was hoping specially for good weather Publicity Committee Walls of Barrie chairman of the Publicity Committee report ed that press releases had been sent to Silncoc County newspapers and radio stations following cach of the committee meetings Further reports would be intensified 11p to the opening day in addition the press were receiving regular rc lLIlStS from the secretarys office on special features of the match and he noted that the county papers were making good use of the ad vance publicity material Prior to the match there will be several speakers on the radio to give descriptions of the big iiiatch lluns arc being advanced for joint special plowing match edition by The Barrie Examiner and The Alliston Ilcruld Mr Walls stated that several dcspatches would also be sent to Canadian Press on local color or human interest stories Headquarters Committee Leonard Ransom of Ioitcnham chairman of Headquarters Commit tee reported that arrangements were in good shape Policing of the Tented City is under his jur isdiction Mr Carroll said the GPA was opposed to persons selling tickets on cars or any form of gambling or games of chance on the grounds Banquet Committee Dr McKelvcy of Beeton chairman of the Banquet Commit tee said that the caterers for the banquet on the evening of October 13 at Beetoii Community Hall would be guaranteed 1100 plates It was decided that if any tickets were left after all invitations had been issued they would be avail able to the public at $150 MIDHURST September 25 Mr and Mrs Hugh Andross and daughters motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday Mr and Mrs Walter Craig and Terry spent the week at their cot tage at Thunder Bay to Miss Rose Congratulations Marion Barrie and William Reilly who were married in Barrie last week The True Blues held district meeting in the township hall on Wednesday evening with visitors from Orillia Collihgwood and Bar lie The Harvest Home service will be held in the Anglican Church Sunday October at pm Special music by the choir The Rural Deah of North Simcoe will be in charge of the service The Home and School Associa tion will hold their October meet ing in the school house on Tuesday evening The roll call will be answ ered byrbringing visitor Special speaker will give an address on Education On Friday evening the Anglican congregation held social evening at the home of Mrs Fieldhouse Mr Greber was presented with travelling clock The presentation was made by Bowdery with Mrs Fieldhouse reading the address Mr Greber left for college in Tor onto after taking charge of the ser vices for the Summer Shower for Newlyweds large gathering of neighbors and friends of Mr and Mrs Will iam Poole newlyweds met in the hall on Friday evening and pre sented them with miscellaneous shower with Miss Doreen Smith reading theaddress Dancing and cards were the amusements of the evening MINESING September 20 Mr and Mrs Reg Wood Miss Beth and Alan of Aurora ad Miss Bertha Wood of Toronto visited Young on Sunday Young who was home for his fathers 100th birthday cele bration left by plane on Sunday night for his home in Nelson BC Minesing WomansJAssociation The Womans Associatiop of the United Church held their Septemi ber meeting at the home of Mrs Camack 19 ladies beingpresent tea and sale ofbaking and other notice Willv be given Mrs Clements led in the missionary and devotion ial period Thescripture lesson the story of the ten lepers was read by Mrs Muir and prayer was offered by Mrs Clements Mrs Morris read chapter from the study book Growing With the Years on Faith in Healing show ing how the nurses and doctors are overcoming the gan beliefs in their skill and wor with the na tivesin foreign fields Mrs Young partment of Highways had agreedAread an article The Lepers Are Calling gave the story of the advance of missions in Korea The Christians there are ready to endure anything for Christ and His church You cannot kill church which has Bible transport people from the distant meetingrwill be at Miss Mary Mc parking areas to the grounds Leahs home lWed in Toronto Thea president Mrs McDowell conducted the business period Plans wereimade for an afternoon articles on Nov of which further Mrs Gdigh JOliristOn 01 in its heart The October Elmvale Girl Efxlmtil e1 vi and fvigs Pinch Eildlc urinic lat bride of Haney and 31 Toronroii WW lii Ml ll xisited ilk Lodslll Miss Tracy1 WM UL 511 ilull if WALin ISM dN Vimois at Diirnfords includi ii Standards of gunk and slic gladiol Lcralcj Kingvui Hail tLxiei 11 Tonith Mi day Se laid tlivl liizcli daughter of Octob MINESlNG September 25 5115 Chap Visited Council of Chur to New York 11 cf lrv Builtr 1143211 itll rllZLi ed 11111 3112 Ted Fouinicr Ina 3515 has MW of and ly 31 111 Mrs Mo Um 35 Lrill John and Gerry Flanagan 111 31 kin 1111 111111111L1r by her father WW ru in Oil THERES LV the lllfic gouitul saiiii rasiiioziui Uri llkUdlilK IT lrti Urdu brilliants laid tulle veil and curried tltlilUll and 11gt ltbiv Lildkliod pt Ellis liockiidgc iiazitron Willi matching aiclt cesroins fitllbltigc sister of the groom was bridesmaid gowiicd in oicliid more with They carried niziichiiy accesso noscgaiys or pasta iiladioli florets and roses loiizniy Woods acted as grooms Ilillll for lll brother while Maurice Woods also brother of the groom and Eric Sizitclicr Were ushers Al the reception the brides iiioih cr received the gtlrsls wearing navy blue with navy and hitc1ctessor its and corsage of l1d roses iniioiizs inoihcr assisted Vcaring inoss green with black ilCCkSSUllLS ind 11 corsage of pink roses After the reception the young couple left on 11 motor trip through the United States the bride travel ling iii grey gahardine suit with mulberry accessories On their re turn they will make their home at 133 Silvorbirch vc Ioronlo illtSlS ci1 present from Mount Forest London Irimsby Mark lizini Southampton Collilli01l and Owen Sound Birch Bennett Wedding Held In Alliston Church St Andrews Anglican Church Alliston was the seene of an early autumn wedding on Friday Sept 1950 when Miss Nora Mabel Ben nett daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil liam Bennett of Allistop became the bride of Charles Birch son of Mr and Mrs Birch Barrie Rev Herbert ceremony and Willis Thompson was soloist Mrs James McKcllough played the wedding music Given in marriage by her father the bride wore gown oflwhite satin with long sleeves and net yoke surrounded by embroidery and pearl trim pcplum at the waist formed point down the back of the skirt Showore floor length embroidered veil with beaded halo of bird design and carried bouquet of red roses The bride was attended by maid of honor Miss Isobel Arthur of Alliston who wore lime green taf feta The smaid Miss Irene Jory of and the junior bridesmaid iss Joan Bennett of Alliston sister of the bride wore similar taffeta dresses of pink and blue The flower girls Miss Kathryn Nicol of Alliston and Miss Eleanol Bennett of Everett cousin of the lblidC were in matching long yel low taffeta dresses Ronald Birch of Barrie brother of the groom was groomsman and the ushers were Earl Bennett Al liston and Wayne Corbett the grooms cousin reception was held on the lawn at the home of the brides aunt Mrs Herbert Lemon Cooks town The brides mother received in gown of wine satin with black picturerhat and black acces sories and white roses The grooms mother assisted wearing pink sheer gown navy accessories and cor sage of pink carnations The bride and groom left on med hat and corsage of yellow roses On their return they plan to make their home in Barrie Relatives and friends from dis tance attending the wedding were rie Alliston Everett Dalston and Rosemount LL September 26 Anniversary services in the Bap tist Church will be held October The Swallow Nicol evangelistic party from the Peoples Church Toronto will have charge They will preach sing and play instru mental music Services at 11 am and 730 pm Cl DIAPER MOM KEP5 us may com wrm narrow An amazing new din pcrcovcrDRYFOLD trims an cndhto un sanitary irritating rubber pants which often causebabics to cry DRYEOLD pins fight op with diapers Tucks in around your babys legsuo stop see rise but isnt ugh or Hiding Baby stay cool and fresh 24 IOLD allows sirto circulate so diaper damp ness evaporates and baby doesnt get chafcd or diaper rash Easy to wssh and dry in seconds Made of Soft Transparent Plastic Made of nest softest plastic DRYFOLD never gets sud like rubber pants Has reinforced corners to protect from being tomb diaper pins Sizesto all babies fromun ants to Ask for unvrbibrday at TAMBLYN Drug Store BARRIE ONT wearing corsage of performed the Wedding trip to Montreal and Mich igan the bride travelling in brown gabardine suit with brown accessories green feathertrim from Michigan Collingwood Bar lt hours day DRY SPECIAL ENLARGEMENT For This Week From Your Fivwllo Negative To Site in Attractive DE LUXE MOUNT Emmas SLIP LENGTH What is the proper length to buy 1le so Hm it wont show when flff down and yet is best length for walking Dressmakers suggest one inch less than the length of the skin is the best length for slips CHRISTMAS GIFTS would like very much to make some Blvd of Paradise sets pins and 01 Have rings for Chriilmu lifts When no buy coloured plastic In small our quantities for this purpose The material you would need ls called Metallic Acetate and may Developed be purchased in any quantity necessary at most hobby shops and HIGH SCHOOL criterion Printed am seventeen and half years old and have gone to high school for time years took two yuu NEW manic and one year commercial but do not like school When could lumhro be 114 in Imqu or one minor This would love to do although cannot ride Why not contlct Mu Bladen or Mrs GRockwell of The Very the Eglinton Hunt Clubthew women are rlding instructors and Be no doubt would be able to assist in you But it were you and Im sure iOdUr mothler would agree with me compete our education FlNlSHlNG Please send your questions to KATE MTKcNt 225 mm 5m Clear Bright Toronto Ont Prim Listen to Your AMBLYN BROADCAST with Kate Aitken Over CFRB745Monday Through Friday For Hay Fever Sufferers DUKHINGARD Place Teaspoonful of Medication in the TrayPlug In Vaporixer 11mm and 111111 111 Soothing Fumes New Complete Li Innalalar and Full Battle of Medication PHYLLOSAN $795 some The New Sweeteningvdgent Eat to Your Hearts Desire of Food llattic Flesh Color NonIRavoling Edges DELIVERY Phone 2650 Wed uremic 110111 mailman BRYLREEM Abbotts SUCARYL Tablets For Well TABLETS 23x roamed JRebuild and Keep it Tone the in Any System Desired Position FQIVIMGE and omen $9 of All An iAns591 Sweetened With SUCARYL Without weaningvyagu Palatable Differs From Saccharin in That it 779 Can Be Used for Cooking No Bitter 109 TABLETS 75 AfterTaste FROSSTS RA KA NEGCHEMICAL FOR CONSTIPATION FOOD Avbiggizus Two rm and Vegetable Minml Ingredients Food Bassoran and silllllmml frangula 40 PROPHYLACTIC COMPRESSED BLOSSOM TOOTH BRUSHES Scientifically Designed Bristlcd With Prolon DrySkin Cleanser cleans and 49 109 219 BANDAID sror and PATCH ADHESIVE DRESSING Ideal for Dolls Blisters Puncture Wounds in STORE HOURSMom Tue Thur7Fri 830 mm 830 pm 830 am to 1230 pm Sch 830 am IO pm Sunl2 p79 pan YARDLEY Believiile 13 ll 111l LAVENDER SACH ET nu SKIN CLEANSERSALUN col when dry skin Salon Cold Cream softens your complexionkeeps it glowing fresh Half price for limited time only at your neighbourhood Iamhlyn store Daily livery To CAMP vBORDEN VLAND TO ANGUS Also Residences uh Highway 90 TAMBLYN DRUGS Phone Barrie 2650 Free Delivery on Orders of $100 or More ORDERS PHONEDBEFORE 900 aim DELIVERED SAME DAY For Relief of Hay Fever cum new $300 valve $159 31 Iiittirisl My JOSSTG 3231 al The list uiitr Bar In WI 11 Iniv Com th it till blich 1l Sunday School pic1 TM 151 DAYS SUPPLY OF SMOOTH BEARDSOFTENING SUPERLATHER SHAVING CREAM in the new JUMBO SIZE TUBE is yours for COLGATES RIBBON DENTAL DREAM Whitens the chth Combats Tooth Decay Leaves Mouth Refreshed LANTIOEll For Imnchial Asthma or Antrim Infections SHAVING BRUSHES SET IN RUBBER 79c Plutlc Handle Bleached bre 239 359 Plaid Green and White 1MandlolMixd Bristle with Simulated Badger Clllnl 299 Plastic Handle with Mixed Mu Pure Hog Brittle Ru 499 The Chewing Gum Laxative for Gentle Effective Relief of Constipation EAM for Eczema Itching and Smmlng NESTLES COLORINSE WITH LURIUM Adds Beautiful Rich Color and Lustrous Sheen to the Hair lEffective Protection Against UnderAnn Odor RAZOR BLADES Stay Sharp Longer In Three Sizes REGULAR SUPERO IUNIOR For YearRound Happy Healthy Children Give GOLD LABEL MALT EXTRACT with con LIVER OIL Contains the Finest Grade Malt and Canadian Cod Liver Oil Rich in Vitamins and Pleasant Tasting Easy to Digest 111169 bull09 411 139 34 MALI 2mm soccer Its Easy theep gels Fir wiihyniois Applicant FjrstThinrgrEvery for Painless Removal Morning hen of Corns Needed swear DAYLIGHT AT NIGHT Have Your HomeWell Lighted by Using Westinghouse Greater SecAbility Trusted lamps 11510 and 60ltWtk11l woman A1 It After Hours Phone 387