Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1950, p. 14

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BOZO The Aa II II GCxacDa tgtccolt1cccv 1111 1111 111 11 in 11 s11 11 111 11 11mm Mono11 thrn lrtdzn 913 MIL 1II1 II11I1I1 IH 511171 53131 11 112 II III 111 111111111 Haw1 511111 Wuhfl 91 cmcm IIIII II II II II II III II Ju Um S11 If 211111i1il11l 11 111 Sliai U11tu opp351111 112 Viit 001 Ml tilM T411 lsv Nu 11 IIIIIII II SIIIIIIIII III III IIIII III IIIIIIII 11211115 from 11le CrYIbgm 11 1111 3tilS School 1111111 11 111111114 11 111 III LII III III II 1111111 11111111 191115 SSI 31 11 11 $5 T1111 11 4111 111 itt111t IlIiII iliNHlH Ilillllllns Ntu 13 lIw SS 11 11x 11 11 mi 19311 1111 11111 11 11111111 II II kg II IIII 85 III 111 1111111 111111 11111 1111 II Uiae1mu11ed gt11111111 111111 tlilI Hutu1K1 11111 1111111131 11111111 lzlh Hm P11111151 11111111111 11 11111111 111 pinI 31 llltl 11 giltvltlillin II1 51111 311111 Mlzl 1151111 131 N11 111 $5 1111 111 11 111111 1111111 11 I1I1 Scott Spirit at 111111 11 gt11 1x 11 it 11 Nu tit ll11gt SS N1 1l1 E18 N11 11 ml 111 111111111 l111 iii1111 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illmfrllmi 81mm Ilam many or our everyday golds mph 35 II Itin Connie Courtney Rumney Midland Iain Aged lLItAIIIllt1ltll1IlL InuitU clothing and food IIIIIIIIIC raw IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Judging COIIIGSII Vegetabhs 13qu yearI wI JI B1111 1111I1I1Iv Lamb lot 1111 1111 SonsI 111111411110ng turd Minesing Ilor lot 01 our products Cow years and over Oxford Downs 17 are brought tous by International Trade gJ Bell Heifer years 151 and 2nd 122 Ith lIIILjlII OIIlvh in every buying and selling transaction IJI31I11 ShoaIIIIIIg Ram III GI IEIIIIIIIIII III between Canada and aIIoIIICI COIIIIIIIIWII hank 31 zilledlrsgrils231jt SOns 1211111111 01211175 like The Bankol Toronto is involved Harry RumneyI IIIIIIi John LambIII II RtaltlszLlgb II ts1IInltlI1IlIITIIBrI acting in the intercqu of 11 MIMIg IIIIIIIeSI SonS Phelpston Cams mi and to the benet of Canadians gcnctally Hem calf Be SW51 2nd and 3rd Rumney IIIAIgEId SEW EdIJC CE BIH T111915 one of our indircct services 011 11 lo er oa cs gulldcdalf Bell Ia 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Lamb James AI 4111151111 6111 Reynolds Sons Lambie Phelpslm WW7 Be sure LHeifer years oldTBrGrFagzin Dutcher Special for host eifer nd en LawfodT Grant MONEY ORDER Clear WWCt ragah 311ea11 iiiynoifits 32 Sims EwSmith 12 rain limbs in 111 insteadof cash and complete Heifer Calf 1st 3rd Fa and 17 Harry Rumney II gangI 2ndI 4th Reynolds Sons Smith ewe lambs in 18 13111611111355111 bebrokcn ortorn and moniyslip r1111 name street address Post Ofce Box Bull Calf Reynolds Sons 1920121 Crawford and safer douse 0513 number or Rural Route number and return Eaton Specral pen ewe payoll out It wiser Money 011 Ollice You can get them at your Post address should always be included Wrap PARCELS carefully Avoid damage by using strongcontainers stiffen ingboards etc Tie securely OUR Post Ofce will help with your postal problems Ask about services availableAir Mail Canada Air Letters specinLdelivery registration Rural Directories insurance on parcel post C0D gift parcels for ovrseasII iriterustionalnd Imperialreply coupons Post Ofce Sayings Bank 1113 IP PT gfj ISSUED BY AUTHORITY HON EDOUARD RINFRET ICC1 MP POSTMASTER GENERAL 81 F00 Reardon Beef Grade Heifer or Steerz Fagan PURE In Buyers MQQ Dogggonc Sailor lambs IW Crawford Containers IBARRIEIWELOUR MILLS ssssss 5sss 11 ssssssmsssssss mwMWW 1151111110 Moussu 40c Per Gallon THE BARRIE EXAMINER THIRSDAY SEPT 28 1950 15 nnrn 1L0 GlIlIett General 13131169211

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