Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Sep 1950, p. 13

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MAJOR BARR NEW COMMANDANTRCAMC 14 THE BARRIE EXAMINER TlllRRDAY SEPT 38 1950 Fraser River Salmon ITabbed By Scientist xt1Lllt 311 1mm xx 111 ESMTleETiS F01 sI1I1I1I mm 5011 111 From IllicI 411th Bordon 111111111 l5an FANJVE SLN lt1 12 Iii 111 Hi Lit 1111 lmit yuwmb 111 llLA MC l1 ilttl it Shah 111 ta 311111 cti Eli Spcclall Written for 111 11 11 1i1 $911 11II1I IIIII The nllflt Eumlnrr 11191 11 111111 of N111 txstinin By 1011 PliPPlIlt 111 11 the tichum tllLtlF P112 11 mun15111111 11 llllJZli km in Himaqml 111111 1112111 do 111111111ll11 In 11 151 A11111c11 lAfttlL 111 11gt 11111111111 111111 111 11 11w 811 ALLEY KOTE III I11I11I1I 1111I11 1111 11 1111II1IIIIIII SIIIIIIIIII FIIIIIIIICII IIIIIIIIIII hle LS fIIII1II5 1111 111 111 111 11111 111 1r 1111 11 1111 11 11111111 1121 111111 lthJLirl tin11 1111111 1111151111I III II 11 that 111112 Allltllclll 1111 11141IIITlIII II II II II IIII II 111 11 11 mgiLmo 1th lliim if 1111111 illdllilnulil in 11 111 1111 11 111 mitt F1 II IAII II UIII III III ALNTMINNES 70 QYWUNER 555 WMOJ5E1 iltnniil 11 gm the liaiLue 11311 11 lMW mum thtgRRcmwafzovmg IWVEWWTO 1111uuriuliv 111111 1111 111111 11111111 IE smug To ow1HER5IHE TREMDLECHINCWH 11111111 10$ IIII NLL Rx111 MEET WELL GOMTHERE HIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII III IIIIII III II1IIIII III AV III WUHEEATERTHE 1M You l1111111 11111111411111111 11 HAHI NW MW WEIII LUCKYKIDSI 111 1111 11 1111 211111 and 1111111 1111111 1111 ImygtUGOwIm ILlltiii1l 1111 1111 11111111 11111 IIIIII 111II1II1i11 11n 1111111111111111 Inltlullgf New Ykilk Yiltiltttx ltltlllI I1 IIIQIIIIlIIcI III WIHI II IIIdIIIIh 114113 and 111141111 11111 Sax 1s ii1 III III II 1h 11I1I 11 11l1 1111111111111ei 111 the lltlltil III IIIIII III drum II II THIN Itlltlltl stilci 11111h the 111111111111 II 11 MIMI IIIId 0111 In 1A 53 litmton limits in 1111 11111111 1111 11 IIII1I III 1nIfIII1IIII1IIAI IIIII1 IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII NV YIII1I 1111111 lltllll 11111111 121 11111 111111 tnuughtnbouttinA11n11i1ni LintonII JV 101 dlIld 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mEsrUbsIImIIIT 111 1111111 was Rudy Yotks 111111111 11 1341 1111 111 pull 1111 11111111111 11111 WINDOW CLEANERS les EMUHFmMAGUY lHl bould 111 13111011 mil11 You dont eutch the next nearl lphoto tinish 1111111 11 the Tigers III 111111111 this 111111 111111 St 1111113 Browns 11 was 1111 year for the Su ortin 101111 ihw on Guaranteed 1111111 series 11111 Ntw York on 1111 111111 151111 3111 111111 112111 1111211 thrce days 111 111 the first 11131 11 1I1I1 1111 1I Amtricnn 117111111 111111113111 11V 11 1911911 In 1111111111111 111l 11 Ill in b1 Lotus III 811 II 111 ltlltr IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII 1551 1I11IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII Hf II Wm 01 11 on I1III IIIII II II I1 III IIIIII IIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII FIIIIIIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1945 llaittlc 1111 11x11g111111111111111111mtnpiinripul 311111 11111 II mln WW IllV I0llIIIlILll 1111111111111s1 lintred 1111111118111uile1l 10 II II 11111111111 Jilgllt ans 111 1n Hid111111111 Arm 1w 1111111 in 111111111111 1111151111 of tin uaincl 31111 1111131111 111 11111111 1111 it has 110111 111 1i1111111t 111111 hasnt Jil 1mm duI llm howl 11111 11 11111 111 111 1111111111111vi 111 the filth 111L Fiver II 1111111111 may lie allow11 111 11iuinulatc at bums ilxkcd pa any dmhd to um my 1t llillki 11111 ItW WI IINHIlId 111111111111111pulled151111111sc1nov1 111111It1111 11191111101511 11511 NI 111111 11 was chap now in the litts mmlmm 51 11 WNW 11 11 1111 11151111111 1111111 Lackie into the lb 1r1 If II II 3823 1111 1111 b1 Ltlll 11111111 to 111111 1111 lid 15 1111111 1111111 111 An ideal Investment for 11141gt 11111I1111Z1111 111111 11111111118 111 11111111 111 liltI the Brampton but 111 11111111111511 divian SUI 311111111111111 who in Detroit ligor GOOD Wt 111 1111 111111 lI 11111 1111 1111 runs 111 LlltNilllL 1111 Inmc backfired ln 1111s lancts etc 1111111111111 broke 111 the race that Exeum Indvduals Admlmsmm PARKING DELIVER lll if 15 mm cf WWII Willk 11 ll llll NW 110 tcuchcs 1111 Air Cadets 116111 to Kim liitcis the 1111 Going Committees Corporations Trustee 111 111Ml 11 111111 111111111 11111 unearthd runs and the K1111111111111 officch and instructors 3into the 111st half of 1111 ninth De cemeiery Boards HosPilql Board 77 111111 11111 nithie Sillltll out the 1111111111 business and 1111olessional 1mm IlIlilld by 111 1111111Si Si Imlc 11111111 chmA11 1mm and mum Lonis when Gitcribnig hove one THE Bitlllt 111111 taken the lead in 111 Questions Answerrd willing to servo on voluntary 10111 0f the Dark 10 will the game I1IIII11II Wm 11 1111 11 11111111115011 Fonmving III IIIIINIIUIIII Ind IIII basis IWashington would have taken the Isucrtuci and 1111 111111 scored one gm 511pp11111 111 11111111110II 01I How arc the squadrons financcd ptilnant hind Detrort bccn unablc to 11111 111111111 ziciiin rctired thc stdc1 11 lnyntent for training 11nd associated 111111 0110 out of finalday 1o CORPOR TION p1011llt 11111 11111 111111 p11 1111 1111 gt1x111 on strikes but ran 11mg 11111111111111 is 1111 IISIIISI1I1IIIV Immune series with IUBIIIWIISI I9 111111 trouble 111 1111 seventh hll How old must bov be to joinmt RCAV All other Clltlcl lCliV Circus scries occurred in the omrl jonmct walk and two successive errors11111 11031111 Canadian 3m Cadet 11115 and flure are 1111ny1nust lt 148 racc too when on Sept Barrie Oice l3 Dunlap Street 1mm III IIIII SWIM II inch AII Cadm IIIIIIIIIIII IS available III 1111p1n1etl by funds raised through gamblch were going mad trying to lIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII T1 mum was mum buys who hum pussCd thoII 1111I111111111c subscription pick winner out 111 the levelinnt 1111 111111111155 11 the end of seven birthday but haw not attained thoir l11111 fanned eight out of ninc 91h birthday 11 the con11nencenie11i II II II noru coxcrsstox tNNlSlll EAST or Sttlthl LIII IlIW inw 1de 0f Plain19111 1501 tun and NHL up do many hits Do All Cadits nidkt any comnnt mm II IIII Suuhum 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIICI IIIII BIIIImpIon IIIIIIIII men IICIIIIIIdIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH II ThOS FllZSlmmlnS Phone SerUd 111II llllIltI 11111 up scattcitd I0 011 mimiIOf 1111111 I111 thII 111111 hits 111 111111 complcte mast Cldt ldkl KlVdmgt 01 111111 ltl Emlynairlin by voluntaril lst 11ooo0001000 IlyhvtiicnluliL 111iiiL1cf 11ioiliicc1i8 ing in thc RECAP 11111111 oi pice t111t completely After graduation can Air Ctdltqt c1IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII III III III 111 11 IIm1 111 II IIM 1m 1mm WWII 01 them utstunding graduate cadets 11111I IIII IIII IIIICIfIIninut ialkcd qualify for commissions 111 Mini 1111 1II1 1m um MEL RCAE 1A11 Cadet DoUS Air CadI naming CIIII1IIIIIIII1I ollcctingthc Brampton hits were 111111111 11c1gt111u1111n Merritt and 0m boys ho vI gt The Ail Cadet SVIIabm II LIIIIIIIIIIIIII II1111I FlVlI1L1I1uthIIhIlln thtIistud Id 1y deSIgned to supplement IIII III doublt lot 1111111 Robutson was 11111 mun 1111111 11111 and Sanderson 00 culmuum lcollccted 11111 Wh Sponsors formation of Blilmmml 000 020 13 Squadron them is Civilian 011111 ElW dlVlng aha Barrie 0111 101 01 mittce madc up of community 1011 of GYROMATIC TRANSMISSION IS IIIIIIIII III TIC Tm II Olin11115 plnlc Barber b11593 qI now available1on Custom Dodo melt 02 II Carpenter Brampton only oiextra equipment rutr ers occerttes mols fcctul smartly 5111111 011 hi HARD LABOR MAYBEII bum as the 10 ms 50 From The Camp Borden itizem III bII HALIFAX1GP Because the The local socceritcs walked into ion your 1ea 111 111 in II candid111 had worked two years the final round of the Oitario Pro bee these n8I 1011018 10dle for tho fcdcral government and vinc181 maydowns 1am Smurdy II SPECIAL SEPTI PRICE VIdSI suitablc 1n IoIhIcr ways the afternoon when they knockcd off Canadian 11 my fig ied he would the Trenton AII Force FIveIS III INSTALLED make 11 fine recruit for the Korean 32 scoreI IO come OIII 5ha III WITH YEAR campaign But checkI reVealed the two game homo and home mund OIL CONTRACT that When the hopeful said he had by to score worked for the government he The win puts IIIC IOCIIIIS III III This price in effect as long as there 15 no rise in cost of p1 isonei 1n Domhester other home and home SEIIIISIIIIIIIIIIsI the component parts 0f the burner the Winner 0f the P0191430 Kinc CI FIT THE FEET ston series thatis still uncompletLId Footwear should Be made to fit tk one lead II llhofcetnot the other way round the mt half When Smlthlk 10tlirwise thev can prove painful pass from REM and unmed 118 DUNLOP SI BARBIE PHONE 2059 and 11111111 111111 may cause Corns 1ggierfogiggoagfI111 1301 II III1mIIII1LII1VIIoIII IIIoIIIIIltI1o 011111111 Iand bumom as the first ha1f ended Ah Force evened the count at the 15 minute 11 mark when Silver beat McKay in Ho the Army nets from close in and Smith picked up hissecond and tOIfeiIlefhewiggzniaalhn 11d VYaIVi win tike th WinneIltof th 0gab seri Gnosaturda 30 $028 on Elhe RCEME pitch with 8121 time slated for 1430 hrs IDIII EFORE you buy new car its smart to test it McKay seed Brantine nishes seal in the beauty1 of Dick RB White drive it to prove the value Gore LB K191111319 very 10V1y SurfaCCPmiect outSl 001 May RH Hughes II and WindOWvSillS with IBIrIantme Spar zgllglrim ilvor Your I5 PPV unlY Ve le new arv1s VamIShI Intenor oors and mm with ID Harm 0R1 WaII Dodge find out for yourself 11s eqse of handling Ir Branfme to Hour Floor and Intefw 3521 11312 outstanding performance and safetythe smooth Varnish Ask your dealer about 0th Reed 11L Boyerl to dl 11 hes forton latinglovetiness Smith on oregnon es cm e1velweenl eqx es de car Varms TI ltgt In Your home GloImach Waterfall 1370 feet in Thales dePendllle Dd9 KneelYmr needs RossShire Scotland is1thehi EST waterfall 1n the British 13195 the Wide range of Dodge modelsfrom the Dodge 1877 Deluxe 1n the lowestprice class tothe luxurious Enamels THESARlEANTI co LIMITED Wlllliin Patterson Shanty Bay Assoclate Dealers Varnishes Paints Wax Distributors Taylors Used Furniture Botrte For Eavetroughing Sheet Metal Work Warm Air Heating Remember MORAN Ross Street PHONE 2297 OUR mucus Anti REASONABLE 11111111111111 11111131111111 1111111 11311111 1111111 Custom Dodge lowestpriced car withFluid Drive also available withIIGyroMatic Transmission as extra equipment lOWESTPRlCiD 6211 WlTH nun paw DANGERFIELD Morons LIMITEIII 65 COLLIER CST PHON MONKMANS GARAGE Cookstownrhone 68W

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