Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1950, p. 1

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and Htltlt contests conrpetitions holds its meetings Starting its second year the club will hold its inaugural fall session will bewelcomed The Home Newspaper County of Simcoo 57th Year No 73 Today is prepriration day or the Barrie Exhibition and there is hustle and bustle at the fair grounds as the lllltlltitl takeg shape and the commercial exhibitors and others set up their displays for the towns big show of the year lhir Hillthil tell that the cool di the ioolstci IUl ratttoiv iailzei it the weekend poizeirdx and saddle horses and ponies dau 1ti win te ionic and tlt cattle and nLlIlt ili lroii liidix rrlitl iilllltltilll see Also on Nttlltlli the wiiilw 01 tutti itltllilill thi riiLiiiyitoiiitt Iei luh Parish Stout eteit rand the Neuronal Yorkshire ixtlit l1erlii ttlttl rll ie iieifltrou II tilc plac llit only 14 it fair lli SunI thin tunetable of eveiiiu Mtnn feitiziis one of ittlililgttllttlll clmihu lIl thrills undue iii the pro ll total of about $7004 in to the fans various Fans Get Look Iiti 1t tllllllttll Hi It looked for It ttiiie Itilllllt livestock shows lne Illlillli Ililtlttlil leuional Show Sinrcoe oiiiity Ieiscy liib IIIIIIlI Show and the IIlilltllltl oiihiie Swine Show for Siiizcoe Duffeiin and York lrotiiiu and porno races will tiiillte the tiiicltV popular split for spectators and interest is expected to 11 llllllt the heavy and other IIit oi hoists go through their pacts Iltltll Ill Jiltljlih Tonight at llarrie lllti lttttli lions of this area call per llt rev till the Ilarrie Iunior Ilyeis la VllhilISI As starter for no even sive exhibition schedule the iliiiliill Tractor Rainier tiiil Cttllltlldlt institute liaiul uh ioailei includes running off of tltltmltttilitcririisszoiis the liiiil tl the North SI1irIUn IIIII IlllllllS coach ot the tcrii lor Illllll Irtdflol D1me has promisiii list of hockey talent Illlllt ttllitlS lll North sumorgcrshnvebcen oilriiioii reauloilx Also eneihiht2 ire aelnevcnieiit III IV Arena fol llt ll IA lciiance lub ilfltl tho srlxmututo schedule opening alf Iiib Following are the plitt trim The llariie Junior Fair Will be liiltl during the three days in cori junction with the main fair Live Stocli tchld crops urrls work and other intries trill be on display thIllllli of the Junior fair is the Barrie hiiiror Iair lntcrliib Iiv right Tm mm5 IN Nd ision vith eoinpctilioii limited tolm p0 and PM IIZIIIIIIT Ilmy Tull paJJnI Don ltlclieanney Donut Mohns Jerry Morton and Ililliary IMenard ii the whites side we find Lorrie Ilowes in goal leorrzc Stanulz Lloyd Pcarsall and IuckV McKnight defence Lionel larber center Reg Campbell left wing and Fred Ilctsch right wing lloundrnigt IIflvlt lily ill ll rlL nd WIN out the whites are Leo liabiiic Km MIIIIW Mano CtJImChuck Wood Danny McDonald Bud Drnlith will conduct tours of Halrum Ron CorlinsV DWKUHVVV Bi boys and cirls clubs and Ilomc making clubs The fairs ltlilllltl cattle sheep for fruit vegetables hay grains and other items will be in fiill lWIIIEIVWIlIl many entries Ilgplay TI fair 39 Hagan Dario Nicoli and Savage area planted in grasses and CIOVlt ers Sonic varieties in the plots are not et on the market The Dd You Ever Barrie Agricultural Society is the Name only group of its kind in Ontario to possess demonstration plots of It can be paying proposition this type The demonstration is to some people especially Mrs lf the result of close cooperation of MHSIEIILIII 96 CUUIIXIImld SI 51mm 1sz agricundml row recent winner of the $25 prize III the Wide Awake Shoe Store Name resentative with the board the Baby Contest Judging Tuesday Mrs Maglaughlin chose theI The grounds have been bcaiiti name TliomsoriCraig Shoe Store nd with several hundred trees of Although nearly 300 names wereE various kinds Covering of sand submitted in this contest the name Iiltal They may be ready for the for Barrie and District AUTHORIZED AS SECOND CLASS PM IV THE POST OFFICE DEVARIIDII OTTAWA Barrie Fair Groundslively Scenel As Midway and Exhibits lake Shape Expect Record Crowds at Big Showl Flyers Tonight ior champion Lediiighani VON Canvass Starts Oct $3000 Objective llic annual rains for funds for the Barrie branch Victorian riler ot Nurses coinmciiics III lonilay HI The oli jtlIIVt it szroon II Knight is campaign chairman and the tollimiiigt irc team xtpldllhl Ward Mn Sinclair Ward Mrs I1 rcaw Ward lrs Ray liv iiigstoii Ward Mr cll Laurie Ward Mrs John iorirla Md Hrs Ii Knight Ir Knight is Ill charge of clones II Iislicr out of town II ILiclireii Ilarric bllxlllixs district Frank DINO luiilile business llur ton municipal buildings Mrs Iiirnbiill special naiiim Complete list 0T canvasscrx will be llllIIIIintlI Thursday tNtXONI WINS GOLF TITLE Ink Nixon fie brtr wot tapioiiship at Iidllltl ltt lire iltrll Simone torsiily ciiipri had xllll battle in deposit ot Art iotuill rii tie ili trtt liiliri vi llllltlvsqltllfl IllilVllI wrll le plieil It ti JAMIH Cu and mu will be benefit for Barrie and Ii Hmmwm HMV pUVVH 1mm itXtrlt II the in one of the new event this year tractor VIII ltllllm IIIII Wm 111 ml Hail IIljttI iii local tltl Iiiloryl Ill tlltlttl ii roi Iitt live up and lttlt to Iill ould have quite larthc green on tie Illllllt Uretclt lhc itiatlu our Jltiltlttl with day of the ldenile Tractor Mum readyingI for the midetobii an ml MN HH wind Illftltlllttlllli the miller and it was tunaInt th lliillt they Ittlllitl III will coiiilirise the teams tittituld lunrlei the condition opener lleds Will have Marv llii er uoal liin Morrison ltaiiiiy Vniiic holes OConnor and Jack Snell defence hour Towers centre ltenl hevre holcs as he hit ioi ll lowcll one up alter the first Iltll born nalists carii HI ll Nixon was one up alter ltl Sparham Cup Match On Saturday in weather matching taliiidays IIIIIT blasts lift hardy men teed off in the animal Sparham Iiopliy match and the Winner wasl Illoward Iltiihidg last years jun urbidge hit for 0t gross 71 net George Dangerfield and Ilollis Robinson tied for second prize and must play off for the silver piiZe In the Battle Cup handicap match Nixon meets Jim Simpson and thoi winner goes against Major Dave in one semifinal this week Bill Dyment plays Capt Brian llennessy in the other semi with clay and the track with loam suggested by Mrs Maglaiighlin VJitlal Next Sunday has beenundertaken to eliminate was chosen as the one most appro priate for this Barrioowned shoe Tuesday at ain the judging store Only one other contestant starts in the fruit vegetable ficldlcnlercd the same name How crop and junior farmer divisions ever since the entry for Mrs Mag and judging of Clydesdale Perch laughlin was opened first it asl the dust nuisance eroVn Belgian and other horses sumed priority beef cattle and sheep will start at Ray Thomson and Lorne Craig pm The Regicmal Hereford proprietors of the ThomsonCraig Cattle Shciwwill be held on Tues Shoe Store wish to thank those day and the horse races are stated who took the time to make this for luesdayand Wednesday contest success SCENES LIKE THE ABOVE will bec0m vitlng players experts or amateurs or people monheCanadlan Legion Hall again this wishing to learn to attend the meetings fall and winter When the Barrie Chess Club Tom Kerr president last yearstates any one from the district or at Camp Borden on Tuesday Sept 26 Electionbf officers Wins LadIeS Iltlc Mrs Angus McNabh who left by plane today for twoweeks busts ness course in New York won the Barrie lad champipnshm 46 out Corps and by Major Antozzl QMC for the US Ishe defeated Mrs John Corbylllltl Armys Quartermaster Corps the US Army counterpart of rIllllll two up on Thursday McNabb is former Barrie and county champion find the Statement of Policy of As well as the races on Wednes On page Von this issue you will the ThomsonCraig Shop 5mm Chess Club Gets Moving Tuesday on even larger membership the club ls tn vep for tough luck ttllllinllllitlt optr to trump to parade before the tans lhe lly pmo rtrrriirriiizg several to Powells his left wing and lord Warner ill After lunch lowill squared the match by the illst hole only to have Nixon take tlirre iii row Then there tcre two split holes and Nix oii won the LTth to complete the third round four up Nixon opened the fourth rhuurl lIIl birdie three on the Zilth lowell won the next hole but Nixon took the 30th and they halved the next two which ended thc iriatch With 72 net Mrs the Service Corps In the game above are letLQr Has and plans for the coming season are on the lett right Cole Looking on are from agenda left George Longstaffe secretary The clutrstartedrlastfalfwtehceven mem Jackson Crosbiep JerryPearceyand bers ended the season with 20 With an eye George Young Tharrir Examiner Memorial Unveiled at Camp Borden mu mosoao womaawlm pm Mum czvSuwSkawt =wl7$ rAZZFZ5n2 Ihc RCASC War Memorial situated on the lawn of the RCASC School Officers Mess at Camp Borden was officially unveiled by the llonorable Walter Harris MP of Markdate Minister of Iiiiiiitgiatloii and Citizenship at ceremony on Saturday at pm Included in the Ministers party was 3010 ll Barrett OBIS ED Ilonorary CorpsColoncl Commandant of the RCASC As Soelatlori and other officers of the association who had just completedthe annual Corps Association conference and con vention In addition MajorGeiwsal Vokes CB CBE DSO GOO Central Command Col Douglas OBE Director of Supplies and Transport and Tel Brennan OBE Officer IC Administration Central Command Were in attendance at the unveiling The minister and his party arrived by plane at the Borden RCAF Station at 130 pm They weremet by guard of honor composed of RCASC School 23 Ipt Coy 54 Can Ipt Coy and Coy RCASC personnel under the command of Capt Brian Herincsrty RCASC Schobl At that time the guard of honor presented general salute Later this guard together with composite platoon drawn from the same units attended the unveiling and dedication ceremony Following the ceremony the guard of honor and the composlte platoon marched past and the salute was taken by the minister The parade was commanded by Major Brodie and Capt Pulleii acted as Parade 2IC Part of the dedication ceremony included the laying of wreaths by Major Lashmar RCASC on behalf of the par Scrga of Huronia UnfoldsiOver Years as Researchers Probe Old French Indian Sites in County Following is the talk on his the dramatic turn they have given cxptorations of Huroiiia given thehistory of the area And the by Wilfred Iriry archaeolo greatest of all of course was Park gist of the University of Western man himself Ontario to the Womens Cane Must Has adian CIUI Barrie 135 Tues But the archaeologist must get is day close to the facts as is possible For Pa Wars 09 Usually knowledge of the written 59 id SIX months In IIrecords aids him if the site is one Hummai III 50315 Of that Imp that existed at the time of the com has been dOIIbIC um IEOI married ling 0f the white man but some Htld my WIIC has Shared What Ill times they prove of little value or faculty members at Western call my even may mislead him Each one Imlidayli Up OWL of us will describe an event pr 21 During these five years we have scene in our own way Some stress lived and worked with you Huroni one aspect and overlook another airs Weliave learned to love the some write from biased point of people and the beauties of the land View and record only what they In no place in Ontario can one find wish to record and in manner the natural scenic spots to compare best suited to their point of view with it And certainly no placcVSometlmes simple mistakes on the has the historic backgroundgunlesthpart of the Writer 01 possibly the itbe the Ifained Niagara Peninsulam translator or even thcuprintermay Niagara Falls attracts more peopleaccouhttor attaches being passed on they tell me but Old Huronia islfor generations Example Fair not freakits rolling hills rambl field map iiig streams hidden lakes bounded Jesuit RelationsSte Marie by the rugged shores of Georgian The soil however does not lie Bay are pcithtips the most romaii and if the archaeologist can pro tic if we think of them as theper1y read it and interpret1d the home 011a vairishedracethe Huron truth willbe learned from it surely people Here When weexplore the and pdsitively From the soil gaps soil we read pages of history the in our history may be filled my most recent of which are three huii the location of lost villages may be determined and the small but all Six monthswe search in the soil importantdetailsstich as the exact dred years old and six months we search the writ measurement of buildings the man ten records when they exist in nrpf erecting the buildings the the halls of our University at Lon material used the method of cook don making notes of this descripv ing food the food itself and finally lions of explorers furtraders and the tools and implements that the missionaries who were the first people of the time used for procur white men to set eyes on Huronia in ing their food making their cloth its primitive state Source material ing going to war is meager and the novelist and his Probe Origin torian have made widely different The little written information interpretations or itA reader of that we have on ancient Huronla Francis Parkman for example will boils down to this In this area the be disappointed often as he follows Huron Indians liVed But who were up his reading by further study the Huron Indians Because of chimeric EraniLiSLPJarkmanJLNL theiruangimggjhishapeslofjhcic Dowell there have been some great heads the way they lived and made Prime Minister Louis St Laurent strikethe medal was reached writers to whom We owe much for their living we believe they were and Premier Leslie Frost who sent Photo by Tom Kerr the interest they have created and Turlp to page two please Iltt 1i 11 In tol ii ithat the itountul ty Ill lookiin after the prop itcrests in the arena This is pic It ix xt 3155 as tin tut vt tt Ivic Iii tit Itll Alli rilTliZtAtiI if It An llntiiwzi that ttillav ltZiilitI It Ala idit Sitsioi lj tlro lit ll art that ui in lodgetdr ii Ihe co the rule book tlli In illlle iilplii The eoiziitiitzr iL lllllirl itwi Ileeie tlirttin iL ton and Iieeiirrr In it Aid it 11 to tilt tour clerk tale tr iiake incuraiiy zilirinrs on th IOSslbllly of charm44 eoiiiiiassiotr chartii or election of the couch12 people Ald liilir tltllltlgtgtlttllil It ti ltllt foz ltll lii til terms llli rtl addition to be appointed by ttittllill Ctlllllllltll is appurtut of IiiV mayor Ald liiisie ltl ht Iil hv itltlislltill chiefly bioti Lieat airount of ltttthln IKt at the ltllllltlsslttll lioi trim My time Ilitlllli Ilsvtlstttli tt ll Paddioii eonoiiented that llt cil should him inort lm In pltStIlthlt on the coin felt that councrl had one way of passing thi oicic he said Aid llarrilton reportwt tun the special committee set up cout ly to investigate complaint on at totnieiit of rental houses III the mo ject here had met with izood li stilts He said Joseph Jewell presi dent of Barrie Canadian Itl4l who reviewed applications Illl the administrator reported that nine applications had been checked It appeared six local veterans would get houses In some cases the flllltl poitit seore were 50 per cent liieht ll said The traffic committee recon tiieitdeil that due to tholateness oil the season and also because budget fund are used up lttttlllllltlltlttt tions for traffic lights he rotorrm Tanada As part of the program to tho 193 council Tm 21Illlll1 have been provided for lover 43000 cadets in summer Tramps at RCAF stations The league has teamed with the llltAl and Royal Canadian Flying Clubs Association in teaching more rovcd petition signed by It property owners asked that properties lll Vespra Township bordering the north side of Highway 90 between Ann St and the new TorontoBar rie highway be included in the Town of Barrie After discussion council moved to acknowledge the letter and delegated the specral coriiiiiittee and the clerktoinvesti gate feasibility of taking in the pro perties COANNCi EVENTS Ruminagesale October Coll ier Street United Church recrea tion room Auspices Collier Street WA GroupE Doors open at am 7377b Rummage sale Sept 30 at Odd fcllows Hall Doors open at am Auspices Nurses Alumni RVII 72740 Old Tyme and Modern dance every Wednesday and Saturday night at Club 79 Tom Pattendens Mountaineers Admission 50c 52tfb Saws Wood At I003 wires liltbe A1121 thLAJ if ClkCAI LNS BARRiE ONTARIO CANADA MONDXP SEPTEMBER 25 toso TOWN COUNCIL gtiiirli or tttlitLln tor now lltllttmll14 zilozicaitte ciiipcii ltll tflw it In iz1 the cam ii wit isrllttle until 3113am aitii tag tlaj Hii lt lll It tt iiiiie Ymiicliav KIIII vtil lfltt itll roi Ronald CV Ivili ilo rectrvc shirt and ti lthc recent announcement by Dt new Minister Brooke laxton that thc estah ilirl l7 llli Suthiiltnfl Wilt ll of tile IIIAI lliitileli Tim Protestant lhnire sfartel il ii it tirv 1V iiiiio iiet IIIltt tint ll4 llciiziii JIIIIIIII ladtei til Eli chrit iiistitielo ol Iiil tiaiip Iirttlitl Alli all men til iclii xiiilililllt loivi iil tliiiiiitj Dr if titlx lhl or the Squadron Also lo rnt cadets Illl he Ili exvett 121 the pioeram adr vill be taking part III the rrctiiii and each cadet llllllllll ii 3i recruit will receive the illicial lxtitt eiest while the ca iet hziiie in the most recruits for tptitl Roost Establishment Ihe nntronal campaiin follows slirrent ceiling of the llttf would be raised from 13000 to 122500 Since its inception in1941 the nAii lich Leacue has instituted ltromain of aviation and youth trazning which is believed to be the rtlnt comuiliensrve of its kind before the review the lth rm ood citm irshrp have been lieoucht to more than 00000 young at Canadians vi dcvt toned Practical lessons The movement reached peak strength in I944 of over 30000 enA dots in 373 squadrons throughout than 1400 cadets to fly Educational scholarships valued at 334800 have been provided Un tder these 43 cadets are presently tzittending the Canadian Services Colleges at RMC Kingston and Royal Roads Victoria BC Another part of the work has been perfecting of an international get acquainted scheme whereby to Great Britain and the United States while return parties of Brit ish and American boys visited Can ada plied high percentage of all new lyenlisted recruits for the peace presented to eight policemen sented to qualified men after AT THE AGE OF 100 John young of Minesing frequently per toVuch was added to the award by forms the household task of sawing wood Hisforgnula for long hap py life is hard work and service to the community and church Dozens of friends and neighbors gathered at his home on hisbirthday on Sat urday Sept 16 to offer congratu tmstmguMeleishersdvere contacted before the decdsiouto Sept 21 awards at other centresivtw bridge lttlt Canadian cadetshavc travelled Also the cadet groups have sup lime regular and reserve air forces Receiving the awards here were District Inspector Cox Barrie soycais service Sgt ventilate Predlcied After 28 ycar1s18gt AHoath Cpl4 Hi VAllsopp PioyC0nSts FHVW VKiik and Poland all of Bar rie and Cpl DZ sarvis Brace In short talk the commissioner outlined the great consideration givenrthe designof the medal be fore it was struck recently Par mission had tobe obtained loose the Ontario Coat of Arms which is shown in great detail 6n one side of the medal Because the design could not conict With that of medals of the Varmed forces considerable thought was given the color scheme and nally red white and green colors predomin ant on the coat ofarms were chos enfor the ribbon personal ty MONDAY AND THURSDAY Sc Copy $3 00 Year Section Pages to Air CadetRecruiting Drive Seeks Boost Squadmn Strength Over II he Hallie iziicts No 102 ieii txitii the cur Lariattel by the Junior Ciriiiihrz ttiiierce local spon Stun on 38Ivlzlbel 18 tcteoir 24 when con Was Prominent Citizen IIlILIII IOIIN SARJEANT 12 tolv rioniaient rash it Ila tr ed at ltl toti llome Il Itiriii ay Septem Itll ftt short lliitss tll can one time comirtittec loen null and also ittt Library Board lion and Hospital prisidcnt of the Steal1 for eight 11 IT Ilti Of lily ling li of his life at lint tn Nays at llunts Hall In 1892 at BIZIIA partnership in thygoods business which was erlied lltiner Siijcant and Co The thin from Illl Mr Sarjeant tutti in I029 income Saijcant Smith in 1900 and Sarjeant Iiiir Ltd in 1900 member ofCollicr Church Barrie in active church steward for ving as sup tidhcr in the Siltritil IE later years he was Ill inbei of Codiet St Uni ted Church and on the Session for some years He also belonged to The Barrie Curling Club and Cor inthihn Iasonic Lodge Survi lug are daughter Mrs ill Western iOilvcl of Weston land four sorts Dr Sarjeant Toronto iied Barrie Stanley and Gordon Orillia He was predeceased by his wife Lizzie Lotiisa King in 1920 and later by his second wife Ruby Johnston Funeral services were held at Collier Street United Church on Saturday Sept 23 with Rev Lewis officiating Interment was at Barrie Union Cemetery Eight grandsons who acted as pallbearers were Jack Saijeant Cornwall Donald and Ross Sarjeant Toronto Hubert Western Weston Peter and David Sarjcaiit Orillia Rob ert and Altair Saijcant Barrie ICY icons The total area of the Arctic Ocean is estimated to be 5500000 square miles of which about 2300 000 are floating ice tBorrie Policemen Among First to Get New Long Thc Long service and Good COIIQIICE Medal first award of its kind in the history of the Ontario Provincial Police was Service Award of District No at an investi ture at headquarters here last Thursday The atvarcl is pre 20 years of service Presenting the medals was Com No Aurora with Hon Dana missioner William Stringer 013E Toronto who officiated at similar investitures at Peterbor ough Dundas North Bay and Haileybury and will make the Porter Minister of Education offi ciating Commissioner Stringer iwltllr37 years of service received the award at Toronto Warmer Weather Cool Weekend After several nice days the wea ther turned celd and the weekends presented cloudy skies rain on Sat urdayrafternoon and extremely cool winds Sunday morning By noon on Sunday there were sevl oralinstances of hail and heavy rain But there Was no frost on Saturday night Some limbs were knocked off trees by the wind Iryvas turning milder today and there were reports of warmer weather coming from the west In Edmonton the mercury was88 on Friday record for Sept 22 in that Temperatures recorded on The imprinting the nameV rank and Examiner thermometer were number of the recipient on the edge of the medal High Low Sept ia 56 33 The award had been under con Sept 17 67 33 sideration forsome time and Can Sept 18 63 40 adian American and UK police Sept 19 63 38 forces with similar awards were Sept 20 61 41 60 43 Sept 22 64 as Therst investitures were held Sept 23 2i at GHQ in Toronto and atV District Sept 24 7t Anna

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