Downtown Motors Toronto which they attended as club delegates Montreat Winnipeg delivered by 12 oclock noon if BARR 1illt 111 R51 FLPI 31 181119 stfcemed CIthn Passes gIICI1I ow Mo ch OBITUARY The EXOmInEf Radlo Column is I1 11in lltxirI Bert Roush Passes II II Quietly AI HIS it Home in Thornton WW II 1ll Hl=l1 lzii II Im ii1n lluti II II II 1I 1II Hist 15 lllvt 1I tlll l11 lt llix 111 II 17 ill cIIA 111 11 111 II hill 11 IIIII II IIIIII II III WVIIIII iI gt 111 1I II II II III ll xIl AH ILL II 1N IxI DIIII II IMIIII II III III III III II IIIIII II II IIIIIII III II II III III II El 111 it 11 I1 II II 1III on yOUl dli IIIII II III III II II 1Hlt1rl11ll 11 1111111IIIIIII 13 1115 1Il11 11I MM th 101311 11mm ll Min MI HUM ilill tll11111111Ihlltitl1ftillil III11II III III II IIII II IIII II II III HMM rm 1m 01 Uh III hi UI 5111 11i1 111 21 it ti= 1ti 11111411141111 iiitil H1 3H1 11 12 11 10 51gt 1y 111hug mm Mil=11 Will plant 11111 115 11 i1illltl 11 111 111 H11illit11t1l11 my 11 la lt 01141 1111I11 11 11i 11 1i1 1111 141 111111I1 t11L1ltii1 II 1tiit lt1 111 31 Im ttl 11 Ila13 art my 1It Active Church Worker IIIIIIIIIII III EI II II1 tI 1IIIIII 11 IliIr watch 11 1111 11 vat11 ll HI 121110 1111 wiltxx Illti tilf 11 11111M 1111 Hil ilzt MISS Cid JOHC FfOSCl it 101 an Iwui ilm uil II 11111 it 11Mh131t in him HM NW 11 Mi 1P055C5 lil YCOI 113lltlll 11 MV 1111iiiitl 11 t1li1 lt11 i1i is lli lliii 5111111 lliIis liirtl iii tun lltllil iI ii l= iiii Wlillltii 111111 and the nloi iIkIl MM 11 57 11 13 11 =I Willi 111 5110 1lill Iltltllltti ll 4tl1 91 11m III I1II III II III III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIII IIIIIIII III III IIIIII II II III viii11 ll 11 mi 111 15114 iiiiiiittrl 11 ltj 1111 1111 li 11 orld it II IImtaiu collar and liiiitilii so 1111 11121 =1 11i1illt ilulllfl 1011 Ll r1t limmlde 11 PW 11W itll1pm Rm immm WNW hmm 11 10111 11 ll11 11 19 iii1111t FUR rm lignuxn I1 rim 1111 iilit III 11 iiiiiili Ill IIII III IIIII II II I1 IIIIIII II ll 111 tint Muflc lltix it iitli1l 11tl Illitilll II 1IIItitlIl111t1lll111Iilillll lllll lIII IIIIjIIIII I=v =1 I= 11111 II II II II II II II I1 11 tin11111111121 iict IIilllit1ll llit 1llit 11111 11 1Lil 11111 0111 1ii gtlllillilllt ltllltlt1 llitl ii 11i 1gtHlll 1t filiaim II IIIII II II IIIII IIII IIIII III IIIII II lIIlIl IIIIIt IIilIlIIKlIIiilllllCi II 1111 1II1III1II IIIiIiI II IIIIIIIIIII IIIII II IIIIIIII IIIIII lens mean sI 1411 11 111 liiiiiti iU on 1I1II IXIIIII r34 1011 111 511 tit 111 itli 1llll1l latv Wli Howlhm Ht 11liik iiitl WINDOW ll1llt 1111 ln II II IIII III IIIII tIII III1 135 111 V311 vII I1rtt1ri 1111 ttllI 11 lI1i1i 11 9111 11i 111Itti Iii 1111111 11 21111 111 MI gt 111 IM1 11 011 1I Johanna 11111 1ttIis 11111 MWVWM vvvvvv II III II IIIIIII II II II IIII QIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIICIIII In IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIIII IIIII lt ii dd wH 11 11 v1111ll1iil iilllxtilr lliiii 11111 111111111111 lltlilil it i1lli tI In 11 11 1111 1111 11 II 11 111 II III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 Ikil 11 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IIIIIIIIIIII III III III IIIIII IIZIIII XIII IIIIII IIII IIIII III III IIIIIIIIII llintrnl rilliitistlt 111 1111 Hill 1111 we I1 vr IIIIIIIII rvIIII II III IIIIII IIIII III III ml 511an Il1tl llullitin Board 11 21tl K1111 lit Paint11 111l11111 walk II IIII MAUI II III III IIIIIIIII m1 111 with 1vni1 rimrim 11 1110 5dr ALIIHIILHM Reprggenta III IIII IIIIIHII IIIIII ll liiipiiiii IIIIII II FI anCIS arre gIIIIWIIIIII IIIIII IIIII II III II IIIIII II III IIII III IIIIIIII ImII WI 11 I111l1 11 1t l1ililli IVS1i Wm 1111 il1lll1 for iltlllti 1II11 IxItI Hump rim111m IIIII III TIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIf HIIIIIII mam IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII Sat llillsdaie Revrew Smith of Barrie luui Her 11 Mr pvt1 NW giIIIIIIII III1IIII 1m 1111IIs11t III mm 51 calmIV IIIIIIII IIHIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIII 111W Vva 1111111 111 790 TllLF Playhouse of lavorites IAliieita to Francis Barriti son of 131mm II II II 111111t1 11 R1111 Vl 11 inn 1111 Pitiii 11 mm III IIIIIII IIIII III IIIIIII IIII IIIII Ml IdeIMII Nfll1II 11 hi Jack lliltliit Ull the Special 31 MuirVietlFri Barll Ranch ltill 01iiii Kin Sliow mm 015 ling05 Idint AWHM fur my Mr HIVW will I1tgtri1llll Bailiara Wheeler sit litrlitn iiriitr 115L dclwm hSAtnulihms IFIEIIIIIEL Ill1h 1llliilit Lawrence linitiit an ac oiiiiiitiI 11IIII yI mo 11111 1110 i1 11 111 1111111111 It mm at 11mm up 1111 1111 121 1111 i110 rIvIIIIIII IEYIPhIIfhV mnhmxm 111111 points tll 1111 11y 41 II Four Stars 01 Week 01111 Eur WNW Ithlmomos The bride Vlll iii llllllllH bV mSttliiitliiidln11iiilkilili11iiiil 111 ea I1 lI II III II IS TIIIII 11II with Iii relative StretautI Milton ManicIn 111111 wow 1115 lon lhtuiti Quiz ion loolged low1y lit navy 11ll IHWWIIW CIIIIIPIItI IIIII1I lIHs vt1 111 11 11 Jui an MIDDLEFON 1ltuit and hat ll1l pink accessories palm 941 VI For DemonStIQtlon nor1 ind corsiut of pink roses She was Jul 93131 blaCk blue green and broxvn and Prices 639 Reglonal weather Report llll liliitI 111 1101 nddmssmg mo gmmnng WHL thltnde by 1111 sister lrs Dilton 13 01 lelCHHL JUL WM MonFri llziriit ricultuiil ttr Middleton president of itlos mm 13 013 1111mm 9201 DOW SIIIIIIIIII III II Isai laIrIatIlt ofIliIaudIs IIIIIHIIIICIIIIIIIIIRII SOCIIIIIIII SIIICI IIII IIIIIIIIEmms who wort Illl dress 1i1IIIIIvsluliI gm DIIII BOIIIIIIIII IIIIII Til lizuio Playhouse llttl lt00 more perfect lav iii grey accessmdts meg MHIY Greenlaw 904 John Mcl 110 on litriililt or Nothing pink and white rustbuds llham Street 11 Mum11 t11ll Air 111t1f his lltli Year as head of lulmvalt iatli 10 deld Bcitiani tlili 1130 itcl lo 1w aiiiiounctl II III II II II My 51 II II IIIII Immduu 1th WIIIIKIIIIII The hiooiiisiiiaii is on itlllltli Gltlllll 100 Baffle Ont II II II 1230 liil 111 11 lliliilllllCtLi II IIEmmSI IVIIAII iilitl Lillimiilllllilhliil ItlliradtcmnV mm mm VAIVQUTV smndu $10110 11111111133 tiiiiiiildlmlili1 After the reception which was PM FOR IMMIGRATION Barne Leadlng Shoe Store 3900 Sat ilavloft larty PI POQT OFFKF ttir held at the home 01 Mr and MlSJ 1101 31 UbOlli 110000 vacant 2397 sxsmmxmmuxxmxxsussnnunxnxs 530 Kim1min WC11 3$ Still ill1 lilili Diana Work In his remarks Warden Benson IPanglIITTiIillIiIIZlllpy$13010 Lm All5113111 rm or us ipti ieir Mm LISten To 1000 Sat 011111000 out for Dancing iiiifvlllllhilllhkillli 101111131021111ssnliiLi 1mm Ohlwuv lV aU001000n00t10 35 ll ll 11015 var Canada at Work 1him lle commented on the litfi 1030 Now cult 01 facing the udles duriui AllCanadian Shows presented 111111 N121 Veatliii Ithe tiue parade It was Just IGIIIS wheel mCIIIIOIIIIIIId kIddw 200230 pImrEach Sunday leinpemturtI Time Nears ago that he had first been in Id III fl 51011 Scores 81an Off 1mVli0 He com limenttd the din ins an gm ha my lmeS VFR KBB lliiiigo refreshment booths etc the Flos Agricultural SU Iv 34 131 There was good display of tiac Sponsored mr your pleasure by 90800232 JR CMY Organzmg SUCh good 1torS and farm equipment by Var sliow ous district firms 8015 Organ Interlude II 11 II 91 Morning Devotions Stewart Page agricultural The hall was we med wnh Inc I3381undiy Morning Serenade Ipresentative for North Simcoe adIdisplays of flowers grain roots ami Favorites dressed the pupils with samples aarden iodiice fruit dair 13Ess AMB Rd Phone 557 Barrie 1030 NW5 1t bl it on repair egt es 1tluce honey and domestic selence 1040 QulCi Corner II F1 d1 ft Th an nee ecra it as an rx 112113 lct by EliWale rage Club 10m Roasts 85 1b 1230 es aces ious booths and dining room Oper LwIIII PL Results of the races were as fol IIch by EIquIC Indieq bingo rograni as III II game was also in 10 ress th 10 JObeoiofloszvorkers Workers Boys and underGeorge Ellen funds for the new cdinngunity Clll Divie Campbell Harvey Smith l2i0 Recreation Report tre girls and underBetty Brownhill 100 Weekly News Editor IIIII MIIgIC III IIIII WRIIZ MLlllCl Nelson Shaion Ciowe Inmer Fa Feature Balancingtfefamlly budgets easy us add 130 Hi 530k FaceBerta Trace Caroline But the main feature on Tuesday in tw aia IIIII an we when you do your mar ZIIIII Sunday Hymn Time 0i es was the Junim Fan and the ball kpt 230 Back to the Bible Wheelbarrow raceGarry Crowe had fine showing There was 3g ere Not JUSt fancy WCCkend 330 ThIS IS My Story and Ronnie McAuley Peter Steele large showing of garden and farm 511901315 but EVERYDAY SAVINGS Check iiid Bill Schaefer Donald Forbes roduce with for instanc th 409 News chh III SI II er va ues Compare Youll discover that 40 Interlude of Music I0 11 ies in caiIio eets 38 in in the long run our prices mean moi 410 As the 1w1g lS Bent BOY5 11 yearsGarry IOWE onions 28 we pumpkins 19 430 Lombard Lane IJack Fleming Peter Steele girls corn and 38 in potatoes Flowers for you 500 The Ave Maria HouLrJl yearsMary Lou Ellery Berta were excellent with 27 aster entries 13QVChBDQ1IChlmBS Trace Judy Baker and35 dining room bouquets 04 Hawaiian Harmmes lhree1egged raceJack Fleming There was good display of Blue Bonnet Mara 600 News and Jack Tipping TomsCopeland pdultry and fair entrywith gdod rv of gvliC0Fner and Bill SehaeierI Donald Eorbes quality in the livestock Among if and BobFrench girlsBerta Trace the contests wvere weed nami ghsfoiu0grgislidcztstgi I11W dileagetilft strut leibyacandle Light and Lauieen Minty Anne Bertram darriing on sock for gillshaild1yg Cheese sun ayspeua aye 0m 51 830 83in $2205 and Lois McConnell Doris Dixon ing for boys recitations and public II Bondess Dork as today cars sold for cash on terms or With trade 900 News and Mary Lou Ellery speaking FISh Sea FOOd Shudder mm 65c ms QIIO Classics III Mdem Boys I810fDennis Turner IPeter Oneof the top displays was the dressmg 930 Sm III IbIICIIt Steele Joe Marley girls 810JuIdy girls garden club with excellent ar 1949cghegr3ed=fnsy 011003 fromIiiIIothI new 0311 1030 Newsg II Baker Shirley McKay Marie rangements by the Green Thumb Houand Melchers 1948 CrhI Ii ow mi eage an con ioning etc IMO SammyI KayeS SIIIII Serenade Crowe III Club of SaUIlTIlI the V11Club or II Breakf Bacon evro Fleetmaster Sedan blue low pressure 1100 News in Minute II Way War Mount StILOUS the Me Make eq tiresI Just like new 1103 Sign Off am Anthem IIIailzfmlnlItfltAggenmishaEDOPLEIZZeiIE Eiugtgtglijrosdand and the Craig nd on 59C lb nuow 1947mggzigolgoflgztmaster Sedan blue 22000 actual Gordon Spencer Bgcomes TOP QUALITYIVEALII II ember Kiwanis Club 1947d1I1IiIrrolIeZnSttyeItInasItcrIISedan grey excellent con II GRADE MILK mm ug ou Gordon Spencer was inducted as 1947 Chevrolet Passenger Sport Coupe Miami Sand ex membc mm the Kwams Club of Barrie at the dinner meeting on cellent condition onday at Community House Mr 1947 Ford Coach grey sun visor heater real bargain 510990913 native of Thommu is 1942 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Sedan black ismt sudiv or this Bnmh cam mm merican ompany ere now 1932 Model Cylinder Ford Coach excellent condition He has been with we company Dlrect Van Serwce to Eastern throughout some 26 years He was introduced by Craig and Western Canada and the President Fred Kelly and direct or Fred Smith related highlights UISIA of the recent Kiwanis Ontario QuebecMaritimes convention in one or Orders received up to 1100 am 75 Elizab Ith St Barrie Phone 3600 59 55WM thewwy IvBounties were paid oir 2727 wolves in Ontario in 1949 BARRIE IQQQQ IQs Orders received up to delivered same day Free Delivery Dial 3119 Ipii0ot lIOI000OO00100