Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1950, p. 26

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CVMW3LWi 34 IIII IltIiIEII IXAIIINIII IIIIRWIIH HI Ill MECHANIZED COWBOYS READY FOR ROADEO axmm tici7 Ititlcii Ior liairie twl lllll1tl tlIiIlII we if Ill Our prices are REASONABLE Our mechanics KNOW HOW Iouill sate liriie re riioiie tlttl it yourself it lot of tlll II you how you car iiitnil up their serticetl regularly Iry illll expert iriieliiiric Iilli IlltH Illu Illim Ituu Iii Illuva iepiiii ipiiekl and at iiioiiiVijn priee And the iic only factor ciigiiieereil pait IoiEiltV peliiliilrle IlltIIIV iiril4il reasonable cost ciiiiie ill or ltIltIIIItrlIl DANGERFIELD iiieie your nti pricing lilallli steadily of The 03 ollicr St Ilioiiellll IJHH itittlttltt iii ii service Manager Mt Sept WW MW WV OUR GUARANIIE Vw is unconditionally guaranteed to give you I00 SATISFAUION DOMINIONDELICIOUS PEANUT BUTTER HElNZFRUITSJMEATSVEGETABLES INFANT FOODS BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKFANCY PINK SAIMONr CLARKSIN CHILI SAUCE PORK BEANS LIBBYSWITH CHEESE IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI PANCAKE MIX AUNT IEMIMA RICHMELLOCANADIANTANGY on CHEESE RLEENEX TISSUES FEATUREIDEWKISTSIZE 455 CHOICE PEAS Ztt FEATURELYNN VALLEYSTDGOLDEN Cut Wax BEANS congestionchore Asparagus Cuttings OAKLEAFCHOICECREAM STYLE Golden CORN 325 AYLMERCHOICE Sliced PEACHES MISS CANADACHOICERED VAN DUSENIOMAIO Iuice Cocktail HORSEYSWEEIENED CAL SWEET RED ONT SNOW WHITE No MARYLAND WASIIEI WAXEI SELECT WASIIEI FRESH GREEN SPINACH Cel ONT NO SMALL ONT N0 WASHED To Owen Sound trinin vt tILIIll vii rowel lav Winll through about riiltl the lll ri Siitttl oiuials izis llllill ol Ic ltllllli who cl ttIillIIZlIlt ttlll ilt IIIIIHIII Sound tlllillhlt lll It 359 255 23 27 I3c The United Nations Securin Council has held 500 meetings since January 1940 but still has 21 ag iiig major problems on its locket The Korean question is tempor arily shelved but ready for new Eaction Immediate problems are 2r to 226 2a 19c 26c 15c 20 Ox Tins l5 20 Ol RASPBERRIESeI Lb Pkgs 35 We Catrr samplersring of Preserving Negds Grapefruit Iuic rwnonn on IIALI LAMB LEGS gtiamx nun MEATY CAULIFLOWER Zheads 250 LAMB FRONTS SIIiAKORROAST BLESS ROUND FRESH PORK SHOULDERS TOKAYV GRAPES Verbs 29c 311 79c lb 55c lb 89c lb 53c EGGS WANTED We pay highnl market prices for Shipping tags available at SWEET POTATOES lbs 25c bag 13 COOK ONIONS 10 lb bag 35C 31135 10c DOMININ srorr IIMI eggs our stores Sea manager Iorpar ticulari Reg grading station 029V VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SEPITZI if HITdTZIIfd Vaccine from New York to India IIilttIIZ SIII BOXES just unloaded in India from plane coming Prom New York contains hiesaving typhus acciiie for fighting lll outbreak in nearby Afchinislan Shipment of the vac cine first of large consignment Itorlil Ilealtli ligaiiilatioii WHO arranged by ltltl of the Inilccl Nations Specmliled Agency in Ii than week after tlttltlllll sent call for aid to ii lilt1 ILoieai rt 1iiv ic liti ill li 52w iiltit ti llittittl ll iii Illltllltgti it itrttiliris llll Zle llt tlilitttl li iciris tr kit rizti ii llliItltI ii lt iIlttlt sectors hummus but lier til Il IIilx Ilcils zr ii lilll LottI Uth iIlt Iittc airl IIltttl tiir ltllililt Mon ixtllitlilmll the IIA rcadr Illlt cootittiroii reputations ihr in tiin lltil llllltrt jittl iwcteii litir lltz tnl blow ttllll oni in taiiiiiliiiri rin hrl It at harbors lied ofticil liist route was endorsement of tecoznnzcitiioton to bar Iliiice lnu on Ittltti ol the ltttttlttman ltll and Sawmill lnion us ton naiuiist loi Itllltlltlll prir post the union Is now faced Illt the alternative of expellintz Altltl nitIon or liltllll Xlttllrilltll itself lrvo iiiuiiriiiiezts were made to Ithe constitution Organizations or IItltl iiniividiiah tllttlltlll lnthe eon 31 ILL tllllll ltl11iliiegt now ill denied selil on liii opeztirr iiii local council provincial federa IHIl Itittliitrii An oituiuixatzoii controlled elm ITIH iltt Ititl bv toiinniinrsts or an 19 WWI catirit overthrow ot government by inice iv hailed from the origrss Unless there is ii shakeup in in Internal organization at least St the IIt II Iays Its Way lt JItlli of lrritaiiis wide letenee rcommitments government econo lintsts show little concern for the Iplziiis effect on the British econ tttllVV iriiions could lace expulsion from layiiip her own way at last ll lbehiwed Britains tliiceycar E3 Ittltt0t000 lSl320000000t rcarma Intent program should be possible ivcithin her expanding economy rllll some lielp from the United lStates There is high expectation that increased industrial production it leill more than compensate for the womb of Fiold Marsha Jan Chrisr iurealcr part of the national Income lto be devoted to armaments The new plans call for defcnce spenling to take 10 per cent of the irrational income instead of seven per cent Financial experts say tthat British industry should be ltabletel continue Its annual tivc pcrcent increase in production No lspecial financial arrangements lhave been announced nor has an autumn budget Prime Minister Altlce opened the they vt vi tor the toni to re 1s lixllli of any iin iced minerals to livestock BETHESDA 51ml flnl Iililtl Ill llpt ITIIIIIAIU lrV II Itl III ili zin ii El iiin pun ltoti tailii tilt1i II li vvas vs yvvvvvzvlzxv GREEN FRONT STORES HARDWARE CHINA GIFTS TOYS Where You Buy More For Less ttilibv JAE ANT Wt it til IIICAI let $3130 SHth siftft that to Enst to 11415 yea APPLY IIIIAIIIIIIIHIIIII IItICICIA XIIII Iiioizie leli It ml Illltiiltl Iltll tlltl titxi IIII Strip Snail Yorl give or liel hf prozipt ictiozi lltrllhl4ii All KINDS llAIlC tlllllx ZS Allli lllllll 5310 53323 SIJIB Sit til lippcls Hilih lltl flirtiilrir it iiioi 2ch th Ali and vhx lt linii in wi llniol ited eve inl wtll Il IHiilst itlltl li ir our li lion Iimlsy eneigt mi oritliit pri on Sun II honor tI ll Ilodgei llll iIlltIt Copeland Ilruiz lltllltltl Ill and lis tr mined and leoizh Ialeie itd Il Ilillt Lites iiid Inibv Ali and iII tnltrii leth aiivoie Alis Sarah tIl ritl Sight Mrs ll tiibit IIi lo and lliltllii opt1 at It and llill iiilt inii tireennood llaziie rli calL It Illt cveninu er tutest Illll to the provincial Itllillllllllll lllllll tire tree certain aci tnIlIt for plan forthe proi lured on the prairie farm re ilitation administration he said farmer in the past have not rtl their land but turned ll As till they now find it necessary lie ilso advocated IlllIIlIlL furth oves by private capital to take resort areas iii the province tlt private tiiillliil lrotect London from Fluiqu icct the authorin has yet tackled Work is tkpiClril to commence within three necks London from the Thames Rivers spring rampages The city and London Iownship are bearing the tticiilly all the best spots in itherii Ulllltllt he said are now fillextzn lol 5303 OIINFLOWIJII IHSIWL Hlilll II3I RAKE3 5135 5335 Sillllilllil ILAIICS Sllllitlllilri The only kind to buy tor peiniazieziee IIWI SIl SIICMMILIJ litttrlll titllllJCITH lll YttU Uhlll illlttlJNlI TCNAMICI IIzi SI lositoeiy the best thrte Cllillllll It 5183 DAINTY FOOHIL HIIUIT SI ltNliiNll SAIAI lttlltlki 5450 SIItIiI slviix inows ix II up enmity rimvs WM 531 aliens 5075 riitrisiie vases $150 swig stair Itiies in hall an hour Lltlll colors 13qu 1gli1pt5 Am 3375 viciviioiir IilIAIICS IIICMTY Wm mm 0mm ml 11 Sham rriiizxriiur ovicx IIItill toines in Quarts $173 Gallons $000 DOUBLE BOILERS TI5 This soft Ithushcl liinish is very popular IlliRIOIAlOiIS 8335 5395 $333 Cup top and tr trip IOAI SUllllS or llods SAUCIIIANS 57395 5330 5300 the $115 $125 $150 sins sagas 32 in is on tllltl 01 or tltli lids ll PIECE OVEN IllllillltillllAlOll SIGIS BLACK niccxuii lllCNtll TOOLS 3395 In Red Yellow and Blue SW01 SAWS AM SIJASONABW iiiiisrri 20 BLADE niseicnsrzn SICIS ill 30 48 Brand New Item 3100 SILL $7375 $250 $295 $325 5150 HEAVY DUTY ti GAUGE WIRE i001 BUCK SAWS Ilt LOOMEX REMEMBER BARRIES BIG FAIR NEXT MONDAY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SEPT 25th 26th and 27th THIS IS NOT IUST PAIR TIS THE COUNTY FAIR 98104 Dunlap St Phone 2801 77 The Upper lhaiiics Valley Itllll iiity signed Sllftltlttlfrl coiitract with the lioiindatioii ompany of aitada this neck for construction of the Illllili Dani largest proI Reported at Midland Fall Fair The dam is designed to protect jmim mm paw Nmplwn second and two specials three best cows and best Ilolstein herd full c051 rm Droplet 75 pvl cunt Donald Gilson of Stayuer took of which will later be refunded by the provincial and federal govern merits Field Marshal Smuts Passes Bitter news for the Common wealth aiid other nations was the loan Smuts The 80yearold South African leader died from the crim ulative effects of pneumonia in fluenza and heart strain From around the world came ex pressions of sympathy and sorrow at the passing of the field marshal South African leader in thrCCr wars twice prime minister of the Union statesman philosopher counsellor of kings and air organ izcr of both the League of Nations and the United Nations 7m ldefcnce debate in parlrarnerrrbyi lsayiiig We have been working at full stretch and with good effect lBritain he said was paying her back ailThentTIOitcied thehos as he was known to bed May 28 His friends watched progress re ports for nearly month until he tway for the first time since some appeared 0f flange NOW ihCy Vyears before the Second World bowed their heads for the man who away She was in approxinmlc in 1917 first conceived the idea of ldollar balance and was making some increase in dollar reserves Full Docket Red Chinese charges that Older questions are that of in laggression in Azerbaidjan Conservation Work projects FOR RENT Here Is your opportunity In have tractor Vriglit when you need it Call in today and iii quire about this low rental service Market Sq Barrie Phone 5526 planes have strade China and that US Formosa policy is aggression ternational control of atomic arma mcnts and Iranian charges of Farurihar OliveiOntaiio Liberal leader said that private reforesta ltion is holdingr back provincial con servation work and called for fed eral government contrerl of large seale conservation andreforcstation Ml Oliver addressing members of Ontario conservation associations at Wiarton said farmers interested in reforestation shduld have morel government assistance and super Visi0n He said they should sign IRACIORS CORBY ironiisrir British Commonwealth as apart fromthe Empire Interested Patient In LILIOII England nonagencr ian awoke in hospital to listen with relish to radio account of the operation performed on him for broken thigh bone The interested patient was the durable George Bernard Shaw 94 Us who also demanded to see newer paper reports of his accident The garden of his wellknown home at nearby Ayot St Lawrence tal bulletin said his conditionwas two firsts and three scourids and the lepccial for best heifer calf Wood Marshall Midland RR won one third prize Elmvalewon fnur firsts three see omls and two third aivaidsplris Ispecials for best brill calf and for best heifer calf Oliver of Shanty Bay had two firsts three seconds third and special for tbcst Jersey herd MacNicol of Duntroon won first second and two third prizes Grade Dairy Tiny and Tidy saw three firsts and second going to Graham Jones Midland RR IWoodrow McConnell Midland IIR 2had one first prize Iorkers Wcrc Scarce Perry Adams had things all his own way in the svvihe division which for some reason failedto at tract as many entries as usual Adams who hails from RR Bar rie picked Lip nine firsts three seconds and number of lesser prizes He also took first and sec ond in the swine special Judge was Sproule of Stroud Good Sliowzng of Sheep As in other years each of the single breeder Murray and Son ClCSWeII Satisfactorybutremarkdthat Second srich fracture ina man of his age WC ELCrawford of Minesing scori ed another clean sweep in the ShroPShIres with six firsts andsix THE BARBIE EXAMINER CAN seconds Bob Coats Creemore FILL YOUR PRINTINGT NEEDSlwasV top man In the Oxfords with mtustbe regaidedxas serious 178 Essa Rd WE SPECIALIZE in automobile BODY and FENDER REPAIRS SPRAYING PAINTING WELDING Phone 2287 or 2220 fo CARTER Yr BODLANDlEENDERSHOB row McConnell Midland RR had 31 second and three thirds Everett In Jersey sections Bert French of sheep classes was dominated by swept all the prizes in the Cots Irish playwright and wit fractured Wows They won SIX firs andSIx his left thigh when he fell in the Seconds Ed Jones and Nathan Rumney had more of battle with their Leicesters Jones captured Following the Operation ahosphulour firstsand five seconds while Romney took two firsts and one four firsts and two seconds ll Mark and Sims Little Britain took two firsts three seconds and several lessrr prizes The Little Britain breeders hadl better luck with their Dorsets win ning five firsts six seconds andl more thirds and fourths Charles Lune akwood salvaged one first and number of thirds and fourths lt was all Iaskei deil in the Suffolk Downs The Stayncr breed er took Ironic six firsts three sec onds and three thirds In the pen classes Craw ford won firstprizc for his short wool animals Mark and Son was sccdhd and Taskcr Grant third In the long wools JM Murray and Son Cresiwell placed first Ed Jones of Midland took second In tho specials Murray and Sons had the bcst pair of ram lambs in long wool best pair of ewe lambs short wool were those of Crawford Best pair of market lambs went to Nathan Rum ney 60 feet ND Refrigerator Set Approx 5209 value Ilcii Uil ILIflvt to cut to know IYlll Iulltt IIItII tt HI gltilllltldIyIIIXIIt11ttl tntlltrlrigiiaiorilixlrcxwitb uct Imagine ti an lot only 99 Iorii IIIVLl us lttlld isc IIotiI Sets Iicce IIcni XIII Iliml Sets fl Iiccc Blur IJIJ vvw WA S$$$$$$ Graves Allen Morris Sales and Service USED CARS luridlcs hit ml Phone 1949 Morris Convertible 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Sedun 1947 Chrysler Sedan 1940 Chevrolet Pass enger Coupe 1938 Pontiac Sedan 1938 Buick heater radio 1937Desoto Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1935 Dodge Coupe TRUCKS 1946 Ford Ton Pickup 1940 International 12 ton Panel 1937 International 12 ton Panel Many more cars to choose from ssxsxmimcxxxsxuxx SPECIAL IlllDIllIm ll Millicent FREE FREE iVieVpound of colilwaterpastc Tree with cvcryi complete room lot forehase of wallpaper FREE SunTested andSunwOrthy Wallpapers Allpapei priced Over 480 per roll are washable ColorschemingllsVourSpecialty bring your problems to us for free advice Wespeciailize in decorating materials Be sure and see our new Feather Weight step lact dersin all sizes We also have extension ladders up to BOYD PAINT AND WALLPAPER NEXT TO THE BELL TELEPHONE BUSINESS OFFICE Phone 5206 TREEVDEHVERT Phoneszoo

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