It Hill NllNHi 151311 MIDHURST Ii Illl ltlnl lll ll ll II TililliIM lllflttl 11 it IV 5s ss NEWS OF ELMVALE xxss scxsss Mzi ii rliiza Al lxrr ll ttili it in tils ii vi il llllilllt ioz is llolnll Mn ll lltlll tiT It and Mrs il Mzss Ii It Iliillli lllt Hi liarl ll lillllll Mr and MT it bridge Spent niotlici Mis Mrs talvcrl onto spelil Mrs Ii slut WNW Mi and My lI tin llislilili pein SiEILtl Il aiigiivmqp on motor illtl lSA tin Mls It insd1 nun tlltl HUI tIil II ilj lion iu blt are spending lew rims ill finial Iilliltls lziiiii intruding Toronto isitii whim Miis Tiltiiirl Ill ento spent lll Thompson In tousliieil Miss Murcairt nlmn o1 Torfol Toronto Illil lil= lid lllltllstitlll Ill iilllltl Illl Iiil iwm 4H sliinon llei iiiisbaiir nitlllltl Mrs iiilILllll prcdcclscd be rigid ILLI Mrs Shinile ilt Klttlltllllsllzillbciiil tatlo iolm Kori Wpl couple oi week with friends lll gilii iiigwpp 11 iil WWW Toronto Itleinine Oscar hay and Ilowarti Mr and Mrs If ltiiil and fiiii wmu lmrm HM lll sin illt llIlIl of Sull lldrnlirnil ii ilgt at Iris ily of Toronto spent the weekeli with Mr and Mis 12 Archer Rev Kenneth Itooiiis of New l1 Brunswick spent lev days lastli week with Mr and Mrs IIwait lhurlow and other friends Mi and Mrs Walter Diaper is tied last wcekwith their daughter Mrs llierett and Mr Everett at Whitby Mr and AIITS Altred Booth Car and Jackie Mr and Mrs ry with Mr and Mrs lohn Arnold Mr and Mrs Fred Kilig1etili na and Dennis of Toronto spent hero the weekend with the lattcrs par1 ents Mr and Mrs Ilean Ferg Rowat of Sudbury vlas borne for the w7ickend lie alid Mrs Rowat spent Labour Day iliToron to On Sept Earl IIioiiipson and Lloyd McKnight took over the dairy business of the late Don rrey Mr arid Mrs Douglas McIntyre and family of Mount Albert for merly of 0kotoksFATTfvisited at the lltllllt of Mr and Mrs Gordon Giffcn on Sunday Mr and Mrs llobl Manning of London Mr and Mrs Rex Man ning Marilyn and Ronnie of Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Manning Miss Violet Wade of the Siniuic County Health Unit of Barrie of lice and Miss Eileen Kilton of the Collingwood office are enjoying motor trip to JHaiiley and Saskal toon Sask Guests at the home of Mr midi 7TMrsIlelvin Ritchie were Mr andg Mrs xnfwiccaiuotgii of Prer cott Miss Margaret CtTopeie of Hamilton Mr and Mrs Mui phy Buffalo NLY Willard Cooperl KC and Mrs Cooper and Jim ofi SudburyyMr and Mrs James Law son and Jean of WallaeeburglV1r and Mrstean and Peggy of Wind1 sor and Miss Murphy of Buffalo September Meeting ofWMS StuJohns United ChurchWMS met at the home of Mrs James Bowman on Tuesday Sept with 13 members present The meeting opened by singing the themehymn Worlds Sunday School con vention Fairest Lord Jesus The two new study books iJapan Be gins Again and The United RENT NEW CAR and Drive It Yourself Ca112772 BARBIE Sudbilry ing fTiends last weekend D21V1lllilltl0m LTTl lltlll lltl son Fred and taliiily am Mr and Mrs llusto were in Toronto at the weekend owing to lgtiests of the CNII board of direct Tliuisday when the Womens lnsti ing The eonvener ot Agriculture yteriaii tlll lllllll ruin llnldlltl ntnliiiiliz included Mlsi loleliee ouszliizlu and ll Ilawi tins Ioioiilii Mrs 11 llawkiiis MINESING Septeiiibei 11 Gordon aiiiplieil visited Minesl Mrs 11 Pearson of Toronto is Ruth Adams of Ottawa is spend ng ii couple of weeks at her homei Mr and Mrs It ilowriglitl isited friends in Iluntsville and Toronto last weck 8111 Young of Nelson BC iS visiting his lather Young and sister Mrs George Johnston Mr and Mrs MeNay Chris and Sandy 01 Port Colborne were vis1 illllS at Adams last veekend There will he no service in the United Church Sunday Sept lTl SundaySclipol will be held at lift the serious illness of the farmers brother Mrs it Downey and Maguire Mrs W1 Mrs Dusto were hrs at teas and Iuncheons during the week Mrs Justice Miss Mildredi Justice Mrs Carter Mr and Mrs Nolan of Barrie and Mrs Allen of Ozikland Califlvisitcd at Dustos on Monday most enjoyable afternoon was spent at Mrs Percv Muirs on tutemct for their September meetl Mrs Haight was in chargeofi merited on the motto Plant hate and hate will spring Plantlove and love will grow Wecarry the fate of the world in ourhands in the plain little seed that we sow MrsHaight gave splendid report on Mrs Saires address at Guelph conference also paper on the planting and care of bulbs Mrs Muir read poem in keeping with the topic and Mrs Johnston also gave paper on Agriculture The flowers were judged by Rev Clements who also gavea talk on floral arrangement Prizes went to Mrs Luck Mrs Foyston and Mrs Wilson During the busi ness period plans were made for 25 At the close of the meeting ldelicious lunch was served by Luck and Mrs Davis Next meeting will be at Mrs Foy stons DRIVEACAR the program Mrs Dusto com1 TQWLijDCl in thegyeelr of October mmmxrxmux umzxxmummi vvv ysv vvv xv Week End Opportunities THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SHOP AND SAVE At ABarries Busy Store ll llttt till XE CORSET DEPT BARGAIN IIIIlll tidrmlt 1iit lll lllltl New ler PRETTY COTTON PRINTS 112 Ll2 urne WEIGHTY COLORED TOWELS in Elitt girl1 ls llraiiiIoiveai lack mostly and suits illiarir Scoop of Bargains for You SALE OF YARDAGE REMNANTS zsit Walkers second floor this busy weekend ltir bur gains in pwee goods remnants MISSES STRIPED RAYON PANTIES Usual We value these snow this low prne WHITE FLANNELETTE iliitc lltliiielelte 27 inches vlde iii nire erei quality Its sure bargain at our low price BARGAIN BATH TOWELS llliti tailin 5208 rlniiee prol 3198 wiper al1lilj lllZLI Isii wuul ltltlilil colt leii liie vii 43C 1tllil lllilli this rnd and it our beautiful buy inches by Illiili Iii 39 GA BACK OF DRESSES llizs busy weekend youll Ill liltilllgt on our llltlll izlLT to Oil while large For Beautiful Draperies Regular $303 simply adore 3i Sttlll ytll VISIT WALKERS SECOND FLOOR Walkers feature perfectly wonderful lot of Drapery Fahrics See some of these in our windows then visit the Second Floor or if you wish phone for appoint PREIIY CANOPY CURTAINS We have only 18 pair lcft Youll The price includes the rods as well at half price we suggest you shop early to tIll PRETTY CELASUEDE GOWNS beautiful iiitilitgowns of quality rayon daiiiiily finished and trimmed Sizes medium and large Youll find these at our IlllgOtlCCOIllltOl this busy 177 lec bath towels Would be good value at $150 weekend bargain $795i1595 pair 5100 are bargain 59 YD 29 till pi bright tangerine color Ill 99 meni Wellshow youin your home in price THIS WEEKEND WALKERS FEATURE MAGESTIC NEW DRESSES squisite new materials Time now to make up those winter sleeping garments This fancy figured Woolettc is very good quality and low ew Dresses Hill LOVELY LADY Wilt LOOKING TO FALL etty new styles FALL SIAltl WITH NEW llAl Walkers have pleasing new styles waiting for you $395 $595 PRETTY WOOLETTE Very Special 3Cyd NYLONS Substaiidards of higher priced nylons pleasing fall colors and the price is TOWELS Size 27x15 theyre such handy easy to quh towels weekend vi worth your buying several pair GAY NEW TABLE OILCLOTH Its Walkers second floor for pretty table oilcloths hand picked 54 width youll like the designs theyre is width 85c 69c RAYON TABLECLOTH BEAUTIESV REG $2450 $1633 These are large cloths We have heel selling them for $505 See them now at Walkers The price is bargain An unusuallyipretty spread solid color with sten cilled design Youll adore them See these on the second floor Thick Axminsterlrugsu pretty colors and designs size 27 51Ygull have tohayca couple of these the price is so low Krone that well known best quality plastic offered here for halfpripefYoull never buy good quality plastic so cheap again SIZE 52 68 INCHES inen counter $398 FAEL OCOATS FOR GIRLS Coats that girls will wear all through fall and again next spring Weve cut the price you save plenty REG $2250 iiTiG $1500 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS ENGLISH AXMTNSTER RUGSF 595 GuALiTY YARDAGEPILBIIC 49 $1395 930 $795 riiis flosr is GREAT pair BARGAIN BUY THEM FOR GIFTS OR FOR YOURSELF colored grounds and stripes See these for surer its grand opporz tunity to buy ev ea erydqy towels Pay dollar now and small om ount each week We will hold the blanket for you THESE ALUXURIOUS KENWOOD BLANKETS are grand Christmas gifts Now is your opportunity Layaside yoUr blanket and start buying it dollar now and small de posit each weekunlil Christmas the rang The US public health seivice MILK MOST IMPORTANT lsays that of all the factors of mans Company Limited HEBTZ DENm8 LICENSEE 09Collier St environment none is more import lant to his welfare than foodOf all food none is more important than milk m$ss DIAL 5539 sssssmmWys wmmsus MQW QQQQ QQ Walker Stores Limited Q55$ KENWOOD RAMCREST Many beautiful colors in these Ken woodrBlankts and the following is of prices KENWOODVICEROY Priced $1595 CKENWOODFAMOUS Priced $1400 Priced $1195 IQOQOQ00QDUC DIAL 5539 ww as h85QQQQQQQQQS