The Enamincr Radio Column lnlll 141115 11 lltit to ltlv llll lt is lltlll lltl Illis llllllllll II ll1ilitv iitllllilltl Itxlll 11 I1 tvt 11 1111 lilkllIll 11 gt llit1 111 IIi II II to lllt llt ltlslori lll11 111 iolt vrtII 11 rue tlio1ttl1tl ll f1i1 II ItIt titan11 1111 l1iltl 111w 111 ll1tl1l111 111V 111 ll1111111f 4171111111 loln lli ttilil 111 ltllllllI iltiriiooii I113 1l1111t11 fa It 11 IIIl 1111111 1111 1I111l1 11 tlll 111011 2111 1113 11 ll lt 11st1l111v 111t vlllll 1115111 1w jIl llv 11 lloll 1hr 1li1tr1 111 11 lillllllt1 11n tlll1 tiillll 11 lt1 iZli Jll tlotti intuit ioli oios lititttii lat 1111 la 3114 Sunday 111911 1t11l 1111 lhlzliw 1olili 11111 pillalll 211 lilillt illitt 11111 I111 llillllt gt1 Zilltl otmc 1111 lit1211111111roilF lll hunch 111 3111 1in1 111 kr lttiitl 11 it tll tlilill li tii Ill it 211 title tittllllit tl lltt klltt ttzittw oi the 11uw llrm 1El lIx 1V1l741 11 1tv vttil liitt of 1111 l1li11l itioc1tw tt1nt t1ttl 1111 lLLtllkl z11 ct ltittl1 51 Ill l1Iol intrunv llttltNiltlli 111 lltllilt lllll1 lntwso ttdtllrgt 11111 Ilu 111 71731 tibillnl11ealotthe liliveislti of Itl ill the tlil illitarit and ololitl tuvii The local lir ntht 1llltlllilisl 31511111351ita 561 MARKET PRICES Iitl12 AS AT SEPT1350 11 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY lzlam Monday ltu Llay at 1171 llllll the local Squadron 12 to double Ag quoted by First Cooperatlvc 1010 US strength and lill the lil ill Packers of Ontario Rarrie tivitics planned toi the current Hogs nstlllttl year local lioys 111 111 tlti11l iii vesticate the 1tl1lt1l of Air EGGS adet ltilllllllL liltolmatioli on 11 put147 11 13 listlileitt will lw 111 arti on the 111m IIIM1m 47 lam 11111111 it Thumb Nail Sketch on Ntllltltlll born 11 London Ontario years ago allow11 to CHXCKENB llarrie at the ace ot sis She at 9er Gnu tended pulllic school litre and is imm now going to Barrie Collegiate lilr glad lily the afternoon For the rest of 11m the day sht works at KBB as llbISIu librarian Sllt limitti 1h KEBfiI station July 1030 and hopes to Iarade 11C continue here utter completing1 school 45 lbs Gitldc learintr The Sea Bed Two 1111 Gr IBII val wreck dispersal vessels HMSGmde Lindistzirlio and HMS lrolidra arcf II mums now orkiue ill the Blhltll ChaniCymdo nel disposing of wartime wrecks GTilllt Mum134 that are lying tiltre lliere aruicmd gt 21 Sill wrecks around the shores of FOWL Britain and llltJ are being disw posed of at the rate oi 100 year 10 53 29 llMS Litidistarnt has been on the4 to 27 job for some time and removes the WM wlccks with depth charges and The above are dressed DOUllll BBC repIorter Toni Thompson toldilices andare SUbjeCt to killing listeners just how the jol is don hidlarge Cents per bird on exploded all together this is called the llam DHCKS and geese are 40 MUN 1m wreck is curtail Unfinished poultry are not 15mm 1va can my gm it nIbelng accepted at the present Illll kcl liltl liilsii 12 Blow so that windows oil houses nearby are left intactl Thompson detailed the steps takeni in dispersing wreck rliirst tlizl September 12 Ships motor cutter runs over the SciViccs will be held in the Billlf sunken ships position fivith an 1051 Chum 51100314 SCDl 173101L1123Nlllillsul echo sounder This finds the With SUDday lSCllOUl 11 1030 alibi depth ot water and automatically and Church SQIVlCE lOllDWlng Mll makes tracing ot the sea bedIA JOhiisonwill be the Shcaktlt where the wreck sticks Lip The ges all round it and detonate them add Nicol Evangelist party from Thelast operation is to rimover Toronto will have charge of the the position again with an echo serviceatt 11 am and 730 pin sounder which should thenshow clear and even sea bed with no PUBLIC DEBT trace of wreckagotsticIking up Thel From 1939 to 1949 Canadas net fourth stage not strictly scheduled federal public debt per capita in as naval procedure is toscoIop up creased from $27900 to $80941 ikmxsxxsmmixn ListenTo Sunday Hymn Time 200230 pm Each Sunday OVER CKBB Sponsored for your pleasure by Cooke Cottage and Storage 43 ESSa Ed Phone 5575 Barrie II THE BARle itxniixru Tiiiiismr strrr it 19111 CKBB230 on you dial thlii 45 01v THE lilll WAVES Weih ll poit lotto lllllililll oflo 1ll lioz gt111 sll 5100 am it if $130 luoo 1120 illlltltlll 17 News gt i1 liiteillide 1111 illlllltlt Serenade Favorites Quilt forner 1s 111111 Workers Worker 1lilllt lt glorl lltlltol 111 111 Vwlncsday Sent 30 at 12 p111 Sunday Back to th lilillo 115 Soly Hymn lime This News InterlutloOf Music the lwirz is lillll l1tl lonlil1rr1o Lane 500 The Ave Maria llour 530 Chapel Chimes 543 llaxxaizan Harmonies 000 111 013 Till 800 830 900 Sllll 131151111 1030 News illll Sallimy Raj1 1100 News in Minute 21 11015 Sign Oil and Anthem News tlilritll Dinner hi Music Melodic Sunday Star News Corner tlltllt lilht GillUlCS Xllllllilll lHlllttll lm Serenade New Owner Of Forty are laid round wreck and ChiCkenS and EOWI delivered 311W Meat hAakaf New tilll of Adams Meat Mar llli llllulop St Haist who was formerly in is at loronto and operated llltil market at Niagara Mr and Mrs is El larrie llaist and their two oilug children are to takoup resi The kingdom of Belgium formodl Britishc coal output in 19491vas itSelf into an independent state 11113000000 torts IabOve 1948 and out 1830 havingfrom 1015 been parrot put per manshift was above the The Netherlands The anniversary services will bet second Istep is to sow depth chatlheld on October The Swallow 1938 WEI 1900 Wid0w of Police Chief Mrs Stewart Dies II fl lt vi gt1 12111 Hamilton 11141 sait lt lltl Std 11 113111 131 it ill Hal llrpt1lt1 33 Minkill 11 11 111 if oh 11 9152 it 11 II 111131t ti 11 30 411311111 ll 13 11 tltiltlt ll wk 111 til of 111113 11 Elll ly ltii 1ltl RH HNIA l1111 Ittii 1l 1L1 gt1 ELli Nllllilil 111lllv11 31 ll 11113131 11111 111 Structz hilt11111 111 lvlzlllfl lllttlli rll tile lltll anti no1 HI 10 ittltital ltt 1111 ll oi N10 that tlx 11 t1ii Alt3111111 IIII iIIIIIII III III II 11 MIN ll 11 li 1le iu gt1 1y litI1 Hollisi ll hum gt 111 lilitllosr lttt PHELPSTON 1m tints held iii Svllwiilei ll l1 on Stititlav ltli lillltllilll o1 llzom inkling pilt IN 11 11 Toilet ltllill liiirth lu 1m llliltlll ot ltltllt gt3 111 11 meeting llI tllllt holnla l11 1z tltt ltll 1llll Hood llI 11 liannll 11 lllllw li litlliilas 11111111111 11 11 gt ll 1111 ot loloiito llllll two 111 11 ll Viol llmll Wm 111 11 11111 11 1t imam 11111111111 llieli still IIO VIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIII IIIII IIII ilitl ltt ltlltllltil lll1 Iiltlltlllll 1111 toim llll lllllll 211114 1511 l1t sevtli 111 11115 llll l11 111111 11 11itotll unit ielativts 11111 litInlays illt o1t and 111 llilltlltll lllltl Monday Hlitllli gt in spite o1 lll the usual success Septeiiihcr 12 Hm tmlhw rll llllhlllll 91191 111 llllltlit are tltl and the 133 liillllrt ill 14 rather tlllil during school ll lls lalloii gt l11ll ll 110 llll Wk tilartu this tar and 11111111 Join 11 11 ham1111 isIIII IIIIII li llllllillllW lr and Mrs Quinn and tlr and =in ll Msw ml 111 Burnett and soil ol thieao ti Shildat with Mr and IIIh IIIH Mn SmriunI 11 imonitr ll ill 1141lil3ltlll xpwnt ten days llll Mr and 111 1111 111 1larrls U1 Barrie IIIIHIII ill littl lll 111 tillests lt llotcl llielilsion Z1r 11tr Mls hills llutcliilisoii IIIM TIMI MIIIINIII MI 11 lllkm Chm tttl Mrs irowr Reynold oi llill Ml ml land Mr and Mrs George teplp Slmdnl ltns of Toronto Ml and Mrs 1112 1llLl 151 rison nid lalilts Stone of Toronto Iiliimm Slllrdaf Mr ltlkitt and ll Stoilckinlt ot MMitln with litlsliuruli llt antl 11112 dltllxlin 11 Mimieo Mr and Mrs Lovelace ol lll tll tiariict h11l1slxiNL THWMHI JI III plulkvttI of WI 1191 11 Ml troit llorystoli ot llrzlnzpton molt of Barrie spent lain 1111 and Mrs lilils unanimity was saddened 11 the sudden pa lir lilllaiii Link llteiits 13 li ml The Sunday morning message at Vllh 1h huleitillCollier Street Baptist thurch llmlmi lllilflli September 10 was liased on the 1111 Hl imirl mllgrcat 27th lsalliil cllapltr otI 1ls ltliul lllilll llldnal of West 1111 1111 will meet in the Sunday 1111 rooliiIot the United Church holy longincs and anticipatioiis Pastor Mitchell referred to the IIII III II II IIIlshall strengthen thine heart as UHm words of encouragement for the mm VI ChllSllitn in this day and genera 111 llt taken from the innHR Monthly and ltiiicli will he tltllZ ill lpol hitk Members with birthdays1 SI pll miter are reminded or II is 11 lulthaay pennits oumgem gt dangers and difficulties were de clared to be the secret of the stea dy upward peaceful and strong life In The pastors text for the even ing gospel service was taken from lotato lilight is reported now inEZEkQIS prophecy Chapter 355 11 vral sections 01 the county and In Dimme GOd Vellum 1h 11 llllll is blight on your field youipmuli envmus mmdlmlmg Elm rhould he scriuusl Consideringit 0f the EdomlmR one 01 ways and means of harvesting yoiirhighlight5 0f the 1055ng 33 561 trop with least blight damage to1f01lh in theStalemenli TM 10 11M tubing lmany times and circumstances At the recent Potato Field DayIWhen W8 is lusliable in self lin Dutlcrin County top killing wasipreservalion in the dtftnCC 0f lib rtcoinmtsnded as an etfeetivcerleSl and in 10 protection of the means ol control Cyananid dtistlweak BUt GM will ever JUSllll ljllltl at the rate of about 75 lbswthe nation that is the aggressor in per acre will act as slow killerlrevenge or ambition 01 greed land will cause minimum of dam The spirit of the Edomites is the 2115c to tuber ie there will be little spirit of militarism Unfortunate or no darkening at the stem endeg that spirit is too often shown lot the potato Besides this therelagainst ChllSl SaTil possessch are products on the market by that spirit before his conversion 1811011 and other companies whichlBut day camehhis life when will give an effective kill 1he laid down his arms of rebell By killing these tops you rediiceion He surrendered to Christ the blight spores t0 Ia minimum and Both by eieatiOn and by redemp illllS lttlllCCIth blight damage to tion Christ has established every 130111 LIlDliIl SO lly and SVe thatlclaim upon our allegiance and lclop as muchIas you can love Every one who dees the authority of Christ is guilty 01 rebellion The wisest course 1510 yieldto Christ for His service is the guarantee of ourIfullest free dom 139 INSURANCE COMPANY 1950 NONI 0mm 10MB JAM Nixon Robt Peacock Brooks Ed Balfe 1111 11 11 to 11m 11111 1111111111 to tllltl pi to 1xl no ll1 lot 1111 1111151111 ill111 1111 1111 Ilillilltill lAggressors Rebuke sGods WordPastor Psalmists words Wait on 11101 Lord be of good courage and lid Waiting on the Lord by faith and prayer and mitaining in midst of 1950 TIax Bylaw Essg Tux Rafe Passeo by Oro Up in Alliston School Area II 1I it ll VI 111 11 ll It III III ll it 11 ll Hlli lli ll 11 11 1x 311 21 11 toll I1 72 iltllllc Sliltl est Iorliiito 11 11111 III 11 11 1lt11Iogt1ll dvrt III 11 1l1lll 1141 lintw 11 Steering 1l iii 31 11ltlt lil 11111llI llt 114111 illtllllllt1lt 111 and 1III 1lllllstll 1111 1ltlt1 insultlit ol liar 11 lmlv PM ESCmmWsz2mc llluilllllilsllllulill Get the most from your grain by using the Purina FeedingI Program From lqrrowing to market only $2600 worth of teed puts each pig to market up to eight weeks 01 age II weanino 10 pigs will takinv them hto approximately 100 pounds live weight Alter reaching 100 pounds live weight teed them your grain and Purina Hog Chow mixed ltllll$t approx imately 3000 pounds 01 chop and 400 pounds 01 Hog Chow from 100 pounds live weight to market weight What Does the Above Feed Cost Farrowing to Weaning F017 the 000 pounds of chop Sow only For the suck ling pig only Fed in Creep 150 pounds of Sow Pig Concentrate Weaning to 100 pounds in weight Feed for 10 pigs 2000 pounds of Complete Checkers Feed for 10 pigs 3000 pounds of chop 400 poundsof Hog Chow Concentrate LTotal feed costs for 10Ipigs right from tarrowing to market includin tlieIteed the sowate from Ifairowing to weaning IliaaiiilMilie are coming 010 Yes sir two pigs are being fed right hereln our store one of them on Purina and leather on feed Come in andseo the difference PURINA makes IWcall our pigs Ike and Mike illiiiiliii FARM stimuli Market Sq Barrie Phone 2982 lellllINlll SllllllJNU IllZIIXIIlli EICNY lllll 7110 KI 1012111 IPQZDczWDWzcccccccm 11 Dont Drive Public Menace II 111 111 For Saietys Sake Let Us Check Your Cor On These Important Points Lights II III Wheel Alignment llillilllil To til 11 We Specialize in Brake Service To All Makes 1111 promo 1111111 11111111111 ll DANGERFIELD MOTORS ll Nli 21117 lit HAGAN snitvui MANAGEIR BE CQURTEOUS TO THE TOURIST WI When your soul tarrows she will need approximately 750 pounds 11 feed for the week nursing period litter of 10 pigs will consume about 250 pounds 11 Sow and Pill Complete Ylieckers onsumc 2000 pounds of Sow and Pig Complete Checkers This will teed 10 pigs $1650 $950 250 pounds of Complete 88 Checkers $1235 $9900 ounds in Weight to market $9900 $2420 5326055 FEED cost PER PIC$2605