Flash Hood Effect at lllli ltlllillti oi tcdiicsdajx iI nun iiliii 1ict 5ch Maiticzilj IE1 tic iii at Illt pithi=i Ill rd the Worst tiood thcrc ir zlii iitiii ltl coltaccs ictc zitlccicd viatcr slx Lli1i iillld the Hours licfiirc Aflilth iiniu litillt 1mm wall Kciiipcixtclt Iiiijt lliiilii li over biii tinti tcct iii pii ics Some Popular Summer Activities ln Barrie Over 70 Years Ago itin Hill It iii iii mitt ii iiou l1lt toli iii 111 that tool in Ittli 11in1 tric ll littiillii tillt iliiii ii=iii id Ilifi 41HI iiiwiIi night Atiit 21 Ifii itiilvllllil tltrlitiairi dai ziii int tl Italian and l11 it iltll H1 as an orgaiiazi Iiizii anti I11UIIIi And who iiiiii litre1 oltl Maw Slimt iiiIIllt iiti iot riniiittbii llIltIL lilil niazzx 2i IIIIIIIH IIIIII ltilliiviIi curl tl it IIllixt coiin liniaiions Itiill tltl ii illtl oi lllt strch and izianv liliii ocr con4 rltltIaliI lilliitl tciiitoiy lliat iiltttl Illill iiieancrini cr With his lliillt1 tlltlslt Igto inil illlllil illtl iinninL lit tlc monkey vstaratu diuky litl cap 1th an clastic hand under thc chm pl tliai ll t1IlI always it hack iiiin it place litll littcd Hi thanks It IIlt tinich placed in the IlIII tiii ciip inc taiiicd after it had climbed up crandah posr and iiiiiicd IlllltttLLli tlic tllHlUW illllllbt into hcr lap and scarinti 50111 t1lll rlllllli reading or wiring or limiting in rocking $50 to $1000 Plenty gt134 time for individual privute attention OThercs no masspro duction here even though we handle thou sands of people each year Your require ments are considered in dividually Repayments are geared to your in come and protected for you with life insurance at no extra cost No en IOISEIS are required If you have nancial groblern consul iagara finance today Big Enough for Experience Small Enough for Frlbndlinou IllI NIAGARA FINANCE Campnnultd cm in HMK iiThe Son PHONE 5533 Square Minets Point Il Illill liiult Hill Llll iliicrin Illllt liiIiI Illiitlllilt cvtinit as llll iloil=i or llli iiaai inil thi coniliictcd organ tIllllII Indian lio store roodcn linprcsario has niaIIc tor the phono Iiiodiin llll provcniciils and has turned Iii clforts to running fruit stand It as one ol IIIII toinivr or tlIlKrllltlllN iliu HII arrested sltccts for Iicggiii asked inat he did tor liiiim that lie musician Iiut lIll motich ilicili nil in il1itl graph and odor Ii lttllli oroiito iIIIlI lien 35 replied llsttl And iliin you had to tancc Itiltll cciiti ii iiiii Ii ti v1 held in Icah by chain ll Ilttk ivith twin twilc it manipulate like it Lulumite er tlilli liii 1tit Italian vxax his own tlI1gttlt wallIll aiiiiind tltc Iiiilc llltl lhcn soincisaiilt Iioi takc ercat Itill tiiil of boys in those old days innit it did IIHIIII tJIIIi illill Itii iiiai tiiincd tIIl IIIIIIIP llIlI IltlNtlltlililt thrc thc lilac l1lt1t Itll ncatzi their hood of purple liloonis Whore thc robin sinus his ditty Illa thc biL illllllItIit honiiis Oowthcniold Sltlt in Illl arrtcnl am zittitii one again Listening to an oreauuiintlcr as crinns ith lilILLIll and main Grinds and grinds old iiicniorics rousing those sleeping lain In the dim iiniiScd icccsscsnt busy caccr brain Grinds Inc back to happy spring laughterhaiintcd that long have time less days Grinds me back to childhood pleaI sures all His works and all its crease from one year to 18 months service for conscripts in order to1 Grindspie out of mistv Sunshine William 20 dIVISIOnS 115 1101 CODl ftribntionio the defence of Western CIIIL plays faces young and faces old loved and vanished grinds my iircy locks into gold organgrinder Faces o1 Kittie vizcncd mighty necroinanccr lo From vonr boxof magic music you have recalch the long ago Barrict Sept 14 1930 FRED GRANT ca LAFFA 33 VA llttllll rillrn For Illt Bimi Iiniinrr Ii ltt2 lltItIl Ili Itiit Iltti ia lil iiai oi Ilcliiir rial Ili is into iix til tcrvo that iricii iic iioiii liilipitv Il It liiii out iizorccii iu thioiiizii adoption itiidi III1HiII IIILLHIYIIHI iii liviicai iiiiliasiuiiii Iiii tlitiii to the council la lint 31alilcoiiltl illjti Ilw iiid ittlil111 tiii illllt iii illt on than to 51 111 iIlIt ii hiirri said on ti initia innii liiwiil Is Allillit ii Ion iraiiglc to Itll ILtlpilll 111tlitl alo Iiiii hillttil and llit coiiiicil Hun Itlllgtl I11 tin xicits aIicaii thinly tiid tiii tiillllt iindci Sir Glad LS iitixidviit Il may he jtl tiu icacfioii to lIlt Alalil lLLilllit iui tltiltllll Iltilliltvls xvill proliabiv iilii ncicr than ever Iiifoli just to iiiizmc bitter Illgtit iit llltll tinnitus Strengthen Iorccs IIilllilt towards dcticncc proii Im it claried in lIuropcas thc Iliiitcd Kingdom Irancc HcIi tiltilil anti lancniboiiru dccidcd to lililtih ipcriiids of compulsory iiiiiitai gttilt Alain iiHMills given or the iii were the lack of ttcltltlgt forms and increased military icsponsibilitics both to tlic ar iliorca and closcr to Iltlllit lii iaitaiii more vclconic move to liic ariiicd services vas coin crai raise in pay Thclovly priv atc both recruit and conscript coti 73pcrcent boost Under thcg new scach Jit nets49s $760 icck compared with the old 265 Officers also benefit from lllc in crease with 33 pcr cent boost for junior officers sliding down to 10 per cent for brigadiergcnerals The pay raises are expected to add about 530830111100 to Britains annu al defense bill lrescnt compulsory training per iod of 18 months iirBritain is boosted to two years Frances plans call for an in Europe The Belgan draftees haw their hitches stretchch from one toi two ears New Luxembourg plans call for an increase from six months to year Em Shipping Strike Hard on the heels of the end of the Canadian railway strike cami ncws of the settlement of the sea mens strike on the west coast The Seafarers International Un ion iAFLi called off their wages Ihours strike against the three big coastal shipping companies putting tall British Columbia travcllacili tics back into operation for the busy Labor Dayweekend The SIU called out workers on the Union Steamship Lines Aug 25 and on the Canadian National and Canadian Pacic Lines as soon as the rail strike ended The SIU sought $30amonth wage boost union security and reduction in the 46hour week think we could get better Idea of the condition of your as provided for in the legislation teeth if just took you Out to dinner Miss Phone 5533 Want Coal Or EMT hardwood oors Or library to borrow book VIIMW PASdont sell em or stock em Tor you But tell you Where quickly to look Settlement was reached based on the government bill which brought an end to the railway strike The 850 Seamen involved returned to work joint statement said the union and companies were agreeable to the sanTchonditionS of settlement passed Aug 30namcly four cents an hour increase effective immedi lately and whatever changes in THE EXAMINER CAN FILL Tom iworking conditions which may tol IRINTING NEEDS PHONE 2414 ilow from the negotiations pursu RCEME Cadets5 WW Inspect Ship 75gt buy at our prices or anywhere near $12915 CLIFF AIR 00t Hlltllt00i iU iziiiiicl of Western lillltlll lorciw iion cleats iiticliiti to in twin Iltlilll taking walk on the lIIllII glauci Nlt HI it ii itini ltiaatx llie lltll filillrllltl is on holiday Lit Clianiuuts ncar the ltltl HELD MARSHAL LORI IIIIEH IitlIIIlI itllllllllllttlll This mon BOND celebrates itsy ilrom modest licginnings BOND Silver IuIiiIcO with timely seasonal has grown steadily into huge enter promolion which prioves once 8g8III prise Our plant cmploys hundreds of that IIOND isilhc leader in style quallityl people and BOND TaliIorcdloMcusurc and value that BOND Tailoredto Clothes arc nationally advertised and Mcasurc Ilolhcs the nest you can Isold direct to you through chain of Imore than 70 stores from coast to coast lheni For limited time only you can Llhatis why our prices are lower Thats have EXTRA TROUSERS FOR ONLYi iwhy it will pay you to visit yourncarcst SILVER QIARTER with every suit Bond Clothes Shopand joiuwin out you buy at our regular low prices Silver ubilcc celebration EVERY EW SHADE AND PATTER or new Full line is one of the most beautiful weve ever shown Come in and see the new Jubilee Colours the new patterns weaves and fabrics frorn the nest English and lanadinu Woollen mills There iuc hundreds to cheese from but come curly ifor best selection TAILORED To MEAsURE Well tailor twopiece suit to your individual measure with all the skill craftsman ship and detailed needlework for which Bond is famous In the style you prefer And you can have an extra pair of trousers for only silver quarter Hero is quality and value that cant be matched MORE VALUE iN EVERY PRICE RANGE AYillIlllyttl worsted sergest gabardmes nnncls tweeds wLndOannes plaids checks lioundtoolhpic pics chukshlns plains The ChOIIengEr TheCommOnder The Royal The AntbuBsodOr $3975 $4975 $5975 Oversizes OT saute low prices gt EXTRA TROUSEle HttWN thlTEll Good Clthes for Dad andhis Lad354r 13731 lavage mm imwaloifWAmRT llti Seed Your Lawn Now Fall IS The Ideal Time To Start New Lawn or Renovate The Old One Weeds do not 1iic much trouble and lll cool nights varni days and illtii oz unlistinc you nrc sine ot good start WIZ IIAHI SEVERAL AWN GRASS MIXTURES Itagtvlt ttlHU Daronwaanmwcm BOND SILVER JUBILE Elizabeth 5L Barrie AND IlIIlIIIJZIIItS ON HAND IlllilINNlAl llttlilt SEEDS SUW NOW FOR NIIXI YEARS BLOOM HOLLAND BULBS EXPECTED SOON WATCH FOR ADVT FARM IICItIIIIZICItS LOIIIRS TIMOTHY OTHER iItASSlIS AND RAPE FOR FALL SOWINO BROWN CO LTD SICIIDSMIZN SINHI 187 am CLOTHES It IIII IHIIIIII III It IIIIItNIIY SLIT II 1930 Iww IIIIIIIIIXII IUIi II gt it lit 335 1000 ooooowlt