CRAIGHURST xtl tar ll lhli III pI III no III Izrt Dion Eli liriId ItI id iI 31min Hum lull riiiL ili ll li Iliown III Maria MI My II Illlllltlill gtll IIz IIIIXEIhlIAJIIII ilk1i Add will llnfmd Hi My PM hi Hm Idolatry Illltlll 51 out Ilis Md MI liIeIv ltrtd vtli If Her up mi iIIuIviIIIlliIivIrr Ilrti 1in Ii rind Iir lIII Johnston IIr Hx UIHLU Ilttlll Ilr Id on Mr iiiti Sydney uv hr Iid Marion fid liiitloigix Ill It Lisluw Mrs II riitl hit llltl IiIIItltltl ilI ftlivt Iiiuwii III lozruiilii iII WIIIII lIlliIsl Gil Ir Kind IIitiil tll Ilillllslll It II Hi rtiiii IIIIIIIJII III Iiiiiip urn ltltliltli IIlllIt to Sitl thildrtiis llospi Iirlriltm IIIIIII stoic IIIunnzi linsl Its Dodds You May Need incc infancy She was itttiithd system Iiitlrarhes licatlatlics Ind that Ill Toronto on Alli 11 Iliuoinrr If lItzllltilllll 11 or Midland male Ill rooil itiotIIrv loiii iii rllnl2 livcd in Midland itli lltI llillltl BECAUSE aulty ltlllltt lit errris III WPMML tiredout lreliiig oltcii lollow Ilodils FPHIIR SCHOOL HONORS Ir polioiiivtlitis IIauIIhIIr of Mrs IIIIIIIltl llis Williiiiii ranvloid acids and potsoiious Mules slay iii the Kidney lills liclpltustutc your kidneys to lltlMlll HUI III luIIIIhIIi of nornul action help you lccl licller work 11 MHI MIN iilllld IIHU better play better Be sure you get the lung Mtiini student ill Midland genuine Dodds Kidney lills lavourite llislrrct lltjtli School iltlll HI remedy for more than hall cnluI You liists in uppcr school cxriiiis this can depend on lloddsl 157 Dodds Kidnev Pills yIui lIlI father is on the stuff of tho Ontario Hospital Miss ltiiildl is planning to become iucdicril doctor Whatever the Weather Storm King R011 RoOng Holdsithf Summer or winterrugged Barrett STORM KINGS Roll Roong takes the weather in its stride Easy to apply once onit stays put 19 overlap provides complete double coverage with no nails exposed You seal it with Barrett SIS Roofing Cement cold cement that uses the sheets together It takes powerful lot of weather to rufe this Barrett Rant Ask about Barrett Roll Rdongs at your Barrett dealers He has wide variety of styles and colours to choose from NEW ROOFSIor homes cost Icts than youd guess Ask about lBarlrcttAspbalt Shingles with their whole new range of colour styles INSULATE your home and barns with Barrett Rock Wool Avail able in Bans Blankets and Granulated blownin forms STOP RUST with Evcrjct Paint For any exposed metal Dries fast too hard black glossysurfacc that seals out thc weather STOP WOOD ROT with cafbosota Crcosotc Oil Protects fence posts building foundations timberabove or below ground gout and weatherproong materials Hes got what it takes to stop almost any weather Whether your prbblcm is leakage scepaigfusf or rot Barrett dealersdls Protection Helistocks complete line of rooting insulation thc at Mrs at It Hlt IIIIIU Dr12itarf titiil Itd It Im Ar was III II lv Wilt Mn WWII iv flti= liI er llll Ililll Iltilll pt IIEII LII Irons Il Iricii WIN czi III II IAII Irratiozis InIII tram For Demonstration in ciowiul if flllltctttIU ll triIIIr my 72 Ifi lte Itd vm gt Cllld pIICGS litJilllitI Ut IXnI child Atniiizizstoii IIltIry iitrii and Thai ltilll IM Wllham Street iclitiI Ii Il twinl diwoac ii ground lzi Vzww ro WlithI cxpclm Bartlel or lion If It Ir III tun coiitttri lcducc It rzty rl tiIIIs litr how wa IIII lllll 85 Ill 1I ii if LITTLE MEDICATION in the Ir venereal disease team set up in but Health Organization produces grc or sufferers Here patient shows his sliouldcr THORNTON Ill plcinlIIi ll MINI Iilliuriii ol Iluiiic Ioj rcncwiiri rttllltllltllllltl licic cl cciitly Mrs DownIt vii in liiiI onto last Ictiiovcd Fred Nixon has llttll juilcinsz iti Irill fuirs It Iluntsvrllc llltlt Biacchridgc rcccntly Miss Jcssic iricc til licxixclIIiizii lort trcdit hos littll holidaying with Mrs Iuriicll Ciiir MI and Mrs Angus nniplicil visited Dr and Mrs Illtitllllt of Niagara Frills lzist Sunday vcck llltlll hci lHllSll Mr and Mrs Norman IIioniproii returned home last ch rltci spending thc sununcr at Iasziggir Beach Hziivestniidthicshinii are pretty well ovcr Mzuiy ol LIHLILIIIZIlls celebrated the cvcnt by llllltllllllt the CNE Rev andMis II Blake Jud ith Dawn and Ilcuthcr Iradloid Mr and Mis Hurry BciIiirtt Joan and Norma Schomhcig visitcd on Sunday with Mr and Mrs George McDonald Holy Communion scrvicc will be observod next Sunday morning in St Judes Anglican Church As sisting Rev McGoncgal will Rcv Ilaughton Trinity Church Barrie Townliiic annivrrsnry next Sunv lay Sept 17 Scrviccs rit ll oclock and 730 pun Rcv chrgis will preach Music will be providedI by the United Church choir sisted by Mcrvyii orbcttof Tor onto The Womens Institute will meet Reids on Thursday evening Sept 21 at 815 Roll call Countyof Simcoe Industry Program will be under the leader ship of Mrs Simpsoii convenon of Canadian Industries l$ Trinity Womans Association very pleasant iiiceting was held at Mrs MeClcans last Wednesday afternoon Mrs James Lennox had charge of the meet ing The devotional part was tak en by Mrs Peacock the scripture reading and Mrs Harris the les son thoughts partnership with God through faith Considerable work had been done since last month Plans were made for quilt ing of the quilt designs donated by Mrs Charles Beelby of Barrie The church flowerbed work was dis cussed as to landscaping etc Elev eral pieces 0f work done for the fall bazaar were shown During the social hour lunch was served Death of Andrew Corbett rOn Thursday linorninggAugust 24 1950 Andrew Corbett Thorn tons oldest resident died atgthe home of his daughterinlaw MrsI Harvey Corbett Barrie He had see your Barrett dealer first THE BARRETT COMPANY LIMITED MODEOOI TDIODIO Wlnnlpog 17Vnhcouvu Regd Trade Mari Allandale lumber Fuel LUMBER BUILDERS SUPPLIES FUELS 49 Essa Rd BARBIE gt Phone 5581 RJEANICO llD BUILDERS SUPPLIES FUELS Mary St BARBIE Phone 2461 great been in poor health on only short time Mr Corbett was born June 17 1859 the Sectmd son of the late David and Isabel Corbett of Essa Township He farmed west of Ivy for moreJthan 60 years moving to Thornton in 1924 He and the late Mrs Corbett celebrat ed their diamond wedding anni versary in September 1947 He was loyal member of Ivy Pres byterian Church for many years taking an active part in the affairs of the church Mr Corbett was sportsman He followed baseball with keen interest and was member of the Ivy Hunt Club for number of years greati 1y enjoying their annual trips to the north MrSf Corbettccprdeceased her husband in 1948 Two sons John and Harvey also predeceased him Only one brother David of Thornton survives There were also We sisters Mrs Charles Mc Knight Toronto Mrs William MJT 5993 UNs Attack on Disease uuls of iii airti iii by thc World tl dciil of results Driver Weeps As ThreeYear Term levied oiy nos Wc stood rloiigsidc Lloyd Wrill icc vliilc lic phoiicd to litr that lIc had just Illltttlt sciitciicc slrnifzhtcr hirlow at the Assizes rit Barrie When the sentence was pronounc cd hc lclllttl over on the rail and wept This ciisc was first tried in Bri iic lrist tall and jury then dis agreed and it had to be retried The jury this time brought in aiI crdict ot guilty but added that the sciitcncc should be with lcn tcncy llltl Lordship Vin pronounc ing scntriicc said that one of thA most disagreeable parts of judges duty was having to pass sentence However have dirty to perform both to you and to the public mustdo my part to protect the lives of people rid iiig on our highways have tak en iiito consideration the recoup mondation of the jury that you bc given lenient sentence and it llittl not been for that would have been much more severe lsci tciicc you to three years Council Murphy KC who had put up strong battle in both trials immcr diiitcly entered an appeal against sentence This will mean that the Spcers and Mrs Richard Pearson Ivy Mrs Wilson Alliston and Mrs Charles Wilson Egbert and two brothers William and John of Essa Township The funeral was held on Saturday August 26 from the family resid ence to the Ivy Presbyterian Church Rearib$Ddggett of Trinity United Church hornton preached the sermon ev Mr Geurgis of Ivy Presbyterian Church was in charge of the ser vice with Rev Maitland of Alliston Presbyterian Church and Rev McGonegal Christ Church Ivy assisting There was united choir of Christ Church Anglican and Presbyterian members Miss Maud McKeown was organist There were many lovely oral tri butes Williain Sharpe James Lennox Allllul Halbert Fred Arnold George Davis and Bant ing Active pallbearers were Dr Horton Stewart Albert worth andWilliam Boake Inter ment was in IIvy Presbyterian lCemetery Many relatives and friends from distanCeLattendcd the funeral it gt In Itltlhsullsh tlll in oionto ltrlv llt ntwshhvsk may ht mummy rcccivcd for manl llt nid apprarrd tor months 01 his sccoitd trizil lllIlt Mr lusticc for the accused Honorary pallbearers were Irwin Art McQuay Norman COX mm II til totitclil iIII liItIII curti iI In iI NIn ii tozti III Shines brighter than ever and II Ink turiv i7 II oftt It pom li II Shines longer than cvcr and IIIIii Il ti IIII IrIlI II It lIitlIi III tliIc riIl Wlih less IJOluhngl lll poi lir isr nI iri Itti ll filllttftslll 8t tr II II fll UI till rt rltt gt 1mm Branod Canada ltll III Irrl IIIIII tcs III lln Illlltt plutrt ckprih inc within of tho drllicul leltl WW coIl scllllg tuslL livpciini cll Ill Ilrss IIrc horn yous oi tot rr coupII II In llt ro Is to piotiucc lIIllt II It tlv which had been covcrcd by running sore only thret all Vidal SSH SH months IM0r he runs Tums Shaw In the liolw Illll tll IItIoic lllI ll sorc had healed Ittcr oiin ont pciiicilliii iiijcctionmz MM lmy yr supplrtrl by the liirttd Nations bpcciarrzcd Agurcy ML mtth Inml chcimczil ilt cillId inalcic IIydiil idc lIIlll ill lic lltltl lll litlllll loans to IIIII III III In II ml rhjgjoLW jlltamg Your Headquarters for Iohnson Products III riniiud luv lIIrctIllllIl of fruit ticcs hc iowii ttoiinv IhoinI HM MW 1h Mlllld MW mm duh Iappiitoii ht Ilium illtr IIIlitiirls ltci tln scntrncc that In had mentioned to IIIc judge that it was vcry scvcic siiitcncc lhc judge had rcplrcd that he tell that was tlic Il lcrist that would the public demand that Wallgicc has ti wife and twol mall childrcii onr lcss than three lie is about 27 ycziis of ride and ii tyne o1 youin IIIIIII who might tiisily lIc trikcii for sIICCcssful busincss man The Accident In December lost just before Christmas Wallace was the driver of truck He had delivery route which includcd towns in the western part iilthrlptFQiigcc and Ircquired his rctuiirstoflliIiottttI vial Shoiiibcrg Illtlldtlwn 27 Higlnyayd On the day in question he claim ch he pickcd up two riders This was contrary to his companys itrles However the first one an elderly Iarmcr left him bottle of liquor it was claimed Later he picked tip Votan chap and these two commenced to have drinks of the liquor having stoppcd to bin lsome bottles of pop to put with it gcvidence showed When the point was reached Where their direct route should have taken them south they in stead continued cast and turnch near Bond Head There it was said by the pass enger that the truck was being driven vcry carelessly and as theyI topped hill just south of the vill age they were over the centre line Cars coming in the opposite dir ection were endangered The rst car coming over the hill towards them was missed but the second one was struck The truck veer ed across the road and ended up turned over in field Kenneth Andrews Bradford passenger in the car hit by the truck was to see the Santa Claus Parade at Toronto He was killed instantly Other passengers were shaken up and their car was wrecked In his address to the jury the ijudge said thatszin his estimation it was one of the worst type of accidents he had tried and was result of mixing drink with driv ingn Aftervthe first trial whenIthe jury disagreed we talked to some of the jurymen after they were dismissed three of these had held out f0r an acquittal One of the officers on the casel commented that the sentence was justied When ones sees the ac cidents that happen every day there can said Plant Experts Still Improve wild tillllIllI rind crabgrrtss and to north on 27 Highway coming later It was ascertained that be ulittle sympathy he TIIF RIRRIF YKIIIINER TIIIRSDAY SEPT 14 150 IS enuran orn Hybrids 73 lt IIII1 newliigh In suture rower IONGER tllE ithan averbefore more BAIIERY FORYOIIR mover The new Exide Battery is the result of devel opment by the largest researcliehgincering staE in the battery industry plus 62 years of battery making experience an And in additionto more battery for your money Exide has everything in service too Bride dealers know batteries TIICIISIOCkS are factoryfresh Their scientic equipment takes all guesswork out of testing and serv icing Depend on the Exide dealer for good productr good redice ExinEnAnEmEs or CANADA lIMITED Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vancouver