Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 9

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THE BARR lXillNFll TlllllSDAY SEPT 19310 bcing built piiyatc industry 1111 tillllilllll 11 of www iilrl ll 5er AT ectlluialt1c lniurtJ 2n 111141111 llrlmttinm ct 13111 iznl 1111l haltQ 111 KllllHl 111111 Lin ltov um3 la Numms 11 II 16 This not ass5 my 1luil1 51 1111 Lvlv 11 1111 Ly ll 11 i1 11 I1 111 Lf 11 121 11 1A 11 lrU 111 112 111m illlitlttlltri 11 int II 11 111111 imoli JV ll It iltllt it 111 1751 III lr 11111 1112 lxt1zlhil 1111 18 11 11 11 v1 l1 ll 1l Y1 ll 11pin ltr 11111 ll lost 1111 lo nl1lligti 11 wl11111 11 11 131111114 11 11 Aliltltt118 l1hlllC gt 1111 III lI 11111 11 III candy 1ll 11 11 l111 1II vII1 13 11151111 11111 11 1111 only 11111 1110 ti 111111111141 111111l1 oi 111lllgt111lti1 11111111 1g1 111x 8t 11 11 1111 1111 our 1II1111 III erg 11111111sl 1w ll 1111 1111111 111 111141 X111l1il1111r111 1111111d 11111 111 11111111 11 lmlim JIW ll zm 11111l111111 15 111111 111 131111 11 11 11 11111 111 I1I 111 1111 111111111 111 111 1111 IllUH1I11llfM31 gt1 Hll111145 11111 1t11 tl 111 lI1111 11 lehruoi Ii 1111111111111111llmlr II II II1II 11m 111r gt 1ltll 111 1111111 li 1111kiniglli1 lllllll 111 l= Ii 111 1111 111 ll lit11 111lll1111111 1111111111 111 111 111 111 111 111 IIIlHIIhIIIIII SJIM 1111111 11ll111k 1111111 11 11 311111 11 Noilzi 11 11 11 111 411l11 11111111c11 III II 31111 lii111 111111 1111 II II IrIndl lllll il 11111 11Il 111 111 111 II 11111 111111 lil 11111111i LU ht 91 111 111 II il11 wlnl 11 1111 I1l llll1ixi 214111911111 111 111 lcst Lid111111111 lltull in WI ii 11 III 11111111 llu Anonymous Donor II 11 III II II hm 11 lm 111 11 111 111111 Gives Town Clock 111 =1 In 11111ll 111111 1ilh11 1111 11111 11111 111 1i 11211 lil 1111111 11 III II1 11111 111 11 11 If II W00 5111 THE EXAMINER FOR PRIN llNG NEEDS KIIII III IIII 1111 1111 pzm lllll 11lc 110311112 21111111 11l ill I1l11 11 III II II III 1111111gt1111i1111111l 1111 ilzr 111 15 11 11 111 II II II II 111 lltltlllll 26 11 do tityihillllvlil 11 tour 111 11 1I 11 1111 IIIII IIIIII III III II 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11111tlllt 3111111 r1 1111 1I II IIIIIIII IIIIIIHIHUIIMH III tilW01fHIcinwhut 1I1 VAnUUM ensturns iisAiiNG ruins II 11 1111111111 11x ill irac 111 111 now mow wo 111 1uccon1 III mm IIIIIIIIIIjIIIIIIIIIII III III 111111 3111 POLISHERS ELIL111 BLANKIzl mm 11 1th Impliw 4Fl llh milhi pic1allcd ttcluiitptcs oi liic llllll Slhmllm Sill FANS PIeosuntl Perfumed if liwniwm din Ml 1151 W11 WNW Midlhtw JUlm 1111 the use of cquipnnnt 1111111111 Mllkm Swt 11 11111 11111 111111111011 11 11si1 11 Inrrv Suit AND Airnr 11111111 11550111 MlNl oi IAlllb ioluutc leaves your WV Ii 111111 and lllilltlltll basis as rc IllwllH 30111 skin with 11 dclicatc lllur lhwmm mm mm 11111111111111111 by 1111 architect 111$ 01ml llllllll Ely5 5mm StI 333 Dunlop 51 Phone in IMIIICC 111111lt pirwr Aitu iIl 11 r1 uIIHI ltlt far too early to 11ll 1111 com tookstmxn Oct 34 11 ICIAN AND qFRVIcEMAN ymt to Holllt 1111 111 lHF1 1111111 ovcr 711 years 11110 tht 10W phtc story yct but ticnlists of 1111 Mcnloitl Oct 57 TRAINEE RADIO PECI creamy lmher llilllVi ill 11 hall was constructed so that 11 clock Ontario dcpnrtnunt of 1111111 mini11111 Vll we 11111 1111 lltllit on ncw 01 11111111 b1 addcd later but this part lipy 1111 1111 1li rilliscriln 1111 11 11ill Onyrnfcd 11 or 91LIIL15LU Jill Xbahtr 1111111c1rc but borrow llll iin tillllllS owe llilSlHHllllllll mm ym HtlLllll lllt Itlll 11 I11htion to their town hall to the llllUllll and cold cream l11r11ily 111111 111111111111111ly 111k1 I1I1I11 111 1111111 who is lltllllllll Will1011 IVWllllHl PillVl 011111 pill on tho uiidcrstaiidinc that day oiic of tin111 put 11 11111111 his mm pmqu squelch lll liLlLl 111111 1l1111111nc1111 111 nitc leaves your 1111 local 111111111 111111111nily It is iiclicvcd that th clock will is skin really clean when his 111111l1111r 1111111111l 111 tlic dooi around 381100 or Ull Woll you 111111 11Ii111111I 11 11111111 and will be complete Willi 11111 11 1111111111 111111 11111 1111 111M 1110111111 1111111 You could hardly serve them more nourish 1t11itinucd 111t 111111 11113111 111g lunch than Libbys DcepBrowncd Beans And how cars it is to rciarcuust heat and servethat all Its ready in few uninites grog532112 FOR ST VINCENT RANGE 111 Libbys Dccpllrowncd Beans nrc Miller 111 BUYSWHYS WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE BMW MONTREALLemon pie is not only extra delicious its extracasv to malo whiiiyou make it 1111111i111111 CORN Slllll lior the iiiiikcrs of this 111111111111 orii Flitllli know that handy to 1111111111 pacltagc lit11H make cooking pleasure So llilIlhf lllllllll package lll1l$ pleasure 10 opt11 lust pinch the top and roll brickno fumbling with 11111112111 otlnr sharp instrument to 0llll it lti11lo youll finl Durham carefully piotmtml in paper 111 llun litll youri linihcd ultiiic it replace 1111 1111 and your Iorii much will in piouctcd completely from dust til the next time you usc 11 A1111 for tho litst lcinoii pic youve Hct instnl just follow the 11111 111111111 rccipc on your Durham Corn Starch packagcl Come To The Fruit Cellar and see the jams rind jellies put down in bricf incday meeting ltil cral and provincial autliorilnri August 24 at Ottawa lllzlplhl broad program of preparation lor criciny attack Fpoiisibility 11111011 fcchral provin c111 and municipal povcrniiiciits and thus launched Series 111 mov ready for thc worst that may conic Eventually spokesman at 1111 coiifcrcncc said the master plan will involve just about cvcry T2111 adiari although it will be sonic months yct bctorc training can 111 started The lirs job will be to train key civilian personnel and then build around them loczil organizationsf this suiiiiiierl Andiwbon your guests exclniin over the tcinpting array youll fch puffed with pride llrrcs Ll Why you can be Colliltll iit your 1111115111111 IlClllCSlllll be is 110111510115 to cat 15 they are to sec lakc 1111111 with IZRTO FRUIT PlitllIN match the leip trite flavor of the fruit at the peak 01 deliciousnlss Certo supplies the pectin 111111lllf1l1y lully ripe fruits hick making more flavorful jams or jlllllltlll llil the time of the long boil method The results are Hire when you follow exactly the cosy directions under the label of carh Cirtoiioltle nd get up to 130 more 311111 or jelly from the some amount of fruit tool Fresh RosyRed Tomatoes spe My This Is 60011 Coeg What cially grown for kind is it The Heinz are picked answer to this 1tlcainlng1011 mid question is more Vallaccburg0nt often than not nrio every year lit RED ROSE llllll time So take COIIE 31 its advantage now of xcollcc that can the New Pack of I0 mine n11 HEINZ TOMATO heartily to you PRODUCTS HIcine Cream for neverIin several years of panda Sawy Heinz Tmnm USng it have had aeoffce fail Juice Heinz Ketchup and Heinz Chili Sauce Im busy stocking 711p on these 1111110115 fourfor count onithem to liven up meals ifronrtlris September to nextl The roup so delicious as first course or in meat and vegetable dishes the juice as tasty cock tail tlic ketchup and chili sauce to add avour to main dishes Pick the pick of the Helm tomato crop from your grocers shelves nowl makcsIltselfl Because its qualin collcc its very difcult to spoil it no matter 110W hurried you may be when youre making it lirc aIcoffee canrely on for faithful good taste thats why Red Rose is my choice And youll find that the same Red Rose qual ity makes Red Rose Tea tops in taste tool Because Red Rose Tea is good teait actually givss more cups to the pound its vour goes long long wnyl Dont YOHIFITHI your young daughter always feels proud when shes helping prepare for guests Heres dish she Cilll make all by herself Its one of those delicious JELLO desserts Simply make up shallow pan of Strawberry Jell0Wlicn rm break into bits with fork and mix with wlii ed cream File in glasses lined With lady ngers course 11 one of JellLOs seven sparkling lockedin flavours may be used l2 and enjbyed like to keep severalpnclmges of lellO Jelly Powders on hand it everyday and company dinners JellO is year round favourite lirel Red Rose CoffevptcticallyV LKFFADAY Lz has 1511 vecouldaffom avoting IVTtiinCllihcSO We wouldnt have tc go to the pollsI Direct Van Ser OFFICE 4803 Montreal They agrccd on division of reg cs designed to get all Canadiansl largesoul tllthelllv and Western Canada and the USA 101 Dunlop St BARRIE lniiiitliatc steps will be cstab nicnt within the next few weeks oil special school on atomic warI larc either at Camp Borden or il1ll Mcaford to train doctors and others liefence Minister Brooke Clzix 11in who set the background for the moves in his address to the 11p ciiing sessions of the conference today stressed that Canada is go ing through weeks of great crisis which may well show whether llussia will touch off 21 Third world War Mr Claxton issued statement aftcr the conference in which he said there was no disagreement on any riirijtii issue Continuing Committee lie said too that continuing dominionprovincial advisory com mittee on civilIdefenceis being 05 tablishcd and that theFederal Government will issue manual of instruction on civil defence pro blcins The question ot responsibility for civil defence in emergency will be further studied as will the ques tion oftinancial responsibility for key personnel and equipmentf The resulting organizations will also be able toncope withsuch dis asters 11s the Manitoba floods this spring One principle recognized at the conference was that all the organizations should come under the civilian authority The plans involve Ia division of the nation into areaslikely tar get areas cushion area sur roundingbem and reception ar eas into which casualties could be evacuated 921183756 vice to Eastern NIGHT Irmm avm emer because theyre cooked the exclusive DeepBrowncd way Libbys patented cooking method surrounds eachbean with even heat gives liralg mr bra1341tenderness which no other beans can equal Theneach plump tender bean is smothered in Libbys own tangy tomato sauce brimful of appetizing flavour Try llbbyi DeepBrowned Beans taste beans at their best 11 111111111111 11511 nitric iouR roon runner Serve Libbys DepBrowned Beans in place of meat course regularly once or twice Week Like Imeat Libbys DeepBrowned Beans with pork and tomato sauce are high protein food which provide the food energy and nourishment your family needs Start serving Libbys Deep 3044 Winnipeg QQQQQQQQS3 Browned Beanstodaykeep several cans on hand at all times mm==mn=mJ gnomeWW4 wamwrwgmqo 1m Wazthng

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