Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 8

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it lLtI itttl111 11 playing iil1l iiiiini and lvll ln illtilnlih ltlll 211111 youd SZILI Ill llien 11otly 111111eil gt1X cht 1niini l1 on lrinlop Strict topjnin at c1 eiy itllt llicll llilni on buy lsihll istlt ligtiltllllil ilul Thitnrial ling of the Titanic Examinrr BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY 3111th Fred Grant Reminisces Some Popular Summer Activities in Barrie Over 70 Years Ago it town incl lilllll 11tl 411111 11 oi two 111 111 liii 11 spun tntVlLKil 11 gland tciy 1111 111 town al followed that ll band 111 lilltlgtlil iiiiiitcd ill it knm the way ieiidci 1111t iicenbly 1111111 oi lllitl iiax lull 111 but ii though oniciunzs liut 11111 oiir lo proffer lll pi 11 t1v1lionn an unexpected lliIll llic leach with the comet was ill clninwiiisitered cilmx While tiltizilty ticltiicekcil litt 111mm 3111 Hm chip nizuic thirst111111 rocn 11111 bellow lltc slidetioiniioiic plagcr 11 line legged lllllt iiiiit To reach sonn notes would l1lgtlllthn dmwmwi in Ti mr you Unfit pail Sow mini haiku111111 in hunt Hm my Hp 1A Willa ill 27111111 221 Make the fair for the low N1 llmmlt llluriaii ioi lllt 1111111 Filth lWl liH ill ltllilll 19 Chi added to the kicli Sun HM 11mm vhm11ltl laid 1111 the 1ttillil livai flail 11gt liltl HUN Mm 11 vpm in Editorial Iiimarks tie Liberal ill 1le IEk lilit in ll1111ll ltl1 211w the 11111111 11 lt1thde 01011 lNWi Bill 1111 link llU ltlil ktulWHMh mm thump 111i llenncit will realize after the next drum ho taught his foot tzii mu ll 1mm 11 iwi election day that he has bitten off knack To work has 1111111 and tlllllljll held 111 harness on his back their resting hour tool retreat iicn came some shady 1111 Under lll spreading 1111111111 lllilljIIHWNM Mllllillt MW alt lint homemade lunch theyd cal Im ll lshawa liniesGaxetle Someone had i1ilierl can of ll fwlml lzi Sit general is the present appeal conic ol cool and foirininu Fm Pl of all sorts of plans for the got bccr My Vwlw mm distributing money to Front one of llllisc oldtime town tl151 Hm 1mm on any 1OSSilJIC Ohms that bars then located iar and 11cn Bologna 1oll chunk of bread andL ripe iimhurgei cheese Made rcpast lefrrshiniz would any leiman please Then they resumed their travels reaching ciciy part of town Sliuffling and ploughing 111 this street the next one down And so in their long rambling they visited iacli spot With serenade selections desirtd or not Ilieir audience of course 11 most made up of girls and 1111le Who followed after lliem all lav to enjoy music and noise The returns from their handoulJ never made the millionaires But that never seemed to troubl or add any serious cares whether IItlfl illl lc lill1 of here about 11111 Vii1 1gtdi morning eiiizsini zooil ltdl of damage to trees from 1i 11u in 11 11 ml in 11 wind Dining the storm the biio plan in root nletir mink an inch Iltl lwhinl hint mid to tltilli 11 Mrs nilrrw Quinlan and baby llttl 111 11 11s 11 21111 1e 1r Illuzilltt have left for 1111 extended lcd tlirii lll llilti gold 1lcliv and 1311 lllllliillp night crowds of From Examiner File 111 Ill 11 111 Iuiriiay kxfliillililH 5211111 111113 llt1lllLll lllc gloves 111 Iiltlllll Officers to tilt Illlcliii gtgtitli 1o11 oi ln Fart Riding of Slitltotl follow 1111 0111 August ll oil liii ir Iliuisdiiy 1111 tlllllIL on land tlili1 11111j toiiiv 1111 11Clltllllll 11 Mair itltlitl iziglisi iiazii 111111111 Ilcarty cheers for tin candidate Sii Willi id 111111111 Hill the Doninioii imerninent and lltl liigcsty the Queen and the the National Anthem closed the collHlillill The storm 111 which 11 111uy llt iii ltlil 111 Texas iaJ Satur uay leachinl ntaiio Tuesday 1ven 11 The 111111 of the gttoini pass id till tly over Ilarric or 12111111111 allllllll of visit to Mrs umlans brother Dr Nicholson of Sandusky Ohio win lttlliiMll this tlinil 1vel1nni Io in II pplii land on the station gon inliiic more than he can Chew he post oilice lllilltllll 2111 c111 ivloy Force Small All Proportion Of People oliltliniis til lillltllliltl that it must have taken good deal of courage for Mr MaeNamara De puty Minister of Labor to point otit publicly as he did that the tend ncy to pension men at earlier ages verbs which would 111illlill an 11111 that had you 111 21 grip lill cwelrv neddlcrs who vlltl phony and many cs and their ariou llllrltllu ol itlicrs ltlllllltlll eveiyone held them inch llltll proincpadei lso llilllilN tion 111 which as he put it small always attractedl whole nation One of the most interesting jobs for the small boy cacti Full was harvesting liccelnnitsj andl butterniits by the saekliil and then spreading them out on the floor of the house attic wooll slied or barn in dry for the winters supply But have not secii eillicr variety on display these days our thinking It is fine thing that the Canadian people should feel that there should be better educational opportunities for youth to the point sit which every young man is given reasonable chalice to linprove his future earning power but trying to compel or to bribe young men to stay in school when they want to leave is siinplyto keep him out of Ilcichnuls were lllllllllllll in llil llltl ill itlllCdu Ilillml Lovers lianc district but the best llltldUCllOll mun VlSllln Village butternut tree in town was the one In just lhl 5111110 Villi ll 15 W0 on large vacant lot one block llt1llll illtil l0 SCL that Old 11 And wherever night might find the id 313 31111 C111 wont starve to tleatli but to pay iliem why thats Where thy 11mm 111311111113 111 11111 11y Mg man more money as an old age Willi lUVnr Iolin MacWatt and it was prettv DCHSIOH 50 115 to induce him t0 With certainty of plenty ZIIIII freedom from earthly strife They lived each summer season that careless gypsy life There are many oldtime practices now vanished fromthe land And not the least regrettch is that little German band But none of those summer attractions probably were as popular as the travelling brass bands composed of half doz en or so German musicians and who travelled the country each summer like gypsics They systematically covered the whole town duringr their stay of couple of days and gavc really pleasing pro gram of band musicaw The real artist of the troupe to the regular boy was the man who played the kettle drim the bigl drum and the cymbals and some times evena mouth organ at the quiijements from his always prol Work Now Finished HE WAS ALEFADY much the private butternut rescrv tire when he would otherwise be for the Mary Street Gang for Mr willing to go on working is tode MacWatt was resident of that prch the nation of productive street next door our own home and he was real friend to every The idea of curing poverty by as kid on the street and did his beg sistance to the poor the idea of us to see that we had first chance each ing the power of the state to im Fall in filling up our harvest re prove the condition of the life of the peoplethese are splendid Mr lific tree Barrie Sept 15130 FIlEI GRANT they may be carried too far HYDRAULIC CONTROLS are making it easier for farmers to On No189 HighWay mont has recently been Completed and the road construction crews are damp 01 dry wmdlows busy moving their heavy equipment to Stayner where they will resur From The Press of canada face approximately 13 miles of highway The work in the Stayner district is expected to be completed in the early part of November Mockenzie Kings Estote Surprised Many Pembroke Bulletin It must have come as great sur prise to many to learn that William Lyon Mackenzie King left an estate of some $750000 indeed close friend has said that Mr King was himself surprised to find some months ago that he had so much lwealth Men do not seek public life for its financial awards Many of them lbave died poorrbut Mr King was more fortunate than most in that lduring his lifetime he received sub stantial gifts from friends who real ized that his remuneration as prime minister or leader ofthe opposr tion would not be comparable to lwhat he would have earned had he used his gifts in private pursuits The distribution of the estate un der his win indicates that Mr King felt that he held his money and property in trust for his lifetime after which most of it should be returned to his country selenium Free Enterprise Creemore Star Recently gasoline vendor at Barrierwas hailed into court and fined for selling petrol to tourist during restricted hours Evidence brought out the information that tourists driving during the night frequently run out of gas and have to park outside service station awaiting the regulated morning hour for opening notwithstanding that the vendor may be at hand and would be glad to oblige but fears fine baker in Detroit increased the OVERLOADED wire of his loaves by four inches Grassick for FinanclalPosierithoutltmereajng the selling 11 Illiklt til ililitiS I5 Illiilltit 1d kml mi in Schml Vet sion took place at tho liceton June 11 Wlill WWI fllltlle tl later is bound to lead to contli mm of NW Imp proportion of the people will have mm mum mum and mt mm to carry the load of keeping the hmdcd ml Hllllmtmdv Mm 13 cars loaded with freight were de mm mm um um molished and also one of the en hands MacNamara is only warning us that cars lrace meet there Hydraformatic hydraulic controlslthc boys escaped fortunately ithough the car turned over The harvest more uniform bales of hay1 The units automatically adjust baleway Jv lavmf NO 89 hlghmly ROPL tension controls for light or heavyl djidtm Seems To Be Mockery wt lli lordship 311 liix Zicliioi pitnoiiie lililc lllll lllllII tliil BAND v111111i 11cc ozi lllt llli li1lhip gn 11 pair of 11 ill lil Ni 45 id ite kid and coinpiiinctitrl ucli 41434 L311 1110 and pnpitlnir coi1l on ttn Fl Alili Nibtil will 111111111 11 11111 ciiiue thus liltiitntctl 1111 3111 3111 11 211111 WAR WILI Iill illIl Examiner Feature Article RAILWA Ily lltHlluItI llltil Ilic dcspattii rlziicil licetoii Illlilltl September ltitll It reads as follows lhi etching about live oclock cr1ous colli llll lll lllifxttl llillll tillt lltllll glues The leltttlapli oiviator ili lien ncdy and young lady school teacher Miss Viiitesidcs whose parents reside at llm Grove Township of IlsSZl receivtd seiiousl injuries Miss Vliitcsides win waiting in the junction station for the Barrie train to take her to Beeton and Mr Kennedy ran to help her as deraile ear invaded the small station building and lc tltieed it to splinters The young ladys head was badly cut and lltl body seriously injured Mr Kent nedys neck was severely ll1llii and quantity of vitriol out of battery got into his eyes 11 thought that he will retain eyesight The engineer Theme and tire man Hutchinson of the Colling wood tiaingotbrokcn ankles but escaped otherwise One of the contained the racer King George and the boys on their wayl to Alliston to take part in the fall The horse and 211 1lt llis Colllngwood train had the right of personally remember hardy sold pioneer engineer Bill Theme price His competitors took him to court and he lost the case The public lost out also because they were benefitting by cheaper bread Similar cases to those mentioned come to light frequently and it frequently brings to light that lot mockery Free enterprise is be coming more riddled with all too many controls imposed by itself The two Cases mentioned refer to bread and gasoline The technique is permeating our whole modern life make sense All anticombine laws have been aimed at restraint of trade Every regulation or restric tion incorporated in our laws is against public interest In our dc mocracy we have the governing of our own destiny Somehow We ap pear to be abusing the privilege lPrlceiControlf iOr Labor Choos North Bay Nugget Niagara Falls alderman seems to have hit the root of all labor troubles when he blames the high cost of living dont blame any working man who has to pay $125 per pound for beef for goingouton striketo get wages commensurate with the high cost of living says Aid George Inglis of Niagara Falls7 But the trouble is Ald Inglis that as soon as the working man gets his raise in pay prices take another jump so he has to strike again And so the vicious circle goes But Ald Inglis goes further It is the fault of the government for allowing the high cost of living to reach its present stage he says It is the duty of the government 10 step in and not let this thing of our soealled free enterprise is and it doesnM Regina LezicleiQPostI in 1111 xsizcs r11 no III It llllilll Nlllll Financiol Iivf 11 WRECK li 1111 now iiiaiiiig 111 snot on ml 1lliltl incining Lucas face and waited to ill l1 after 11 nights ltgtllllli to ogicn the line altlr snow toii lid locomotive lllLillitlgt v1ll it 11cnihcr the tune vshnn in ci 11 lab llillt better than steam bath as the line snow cann 11p lllliltl lllc iloor drifted 111 be lltllli lin mutants and throttin ill cab window and incited from the lliillil lltill liveiytlung including llic ocitiptinls cic dripping wet Sometimes it as difficult for lie engineer and fireman to i1 caclil other through lllc log number of employees llll their Ines having contracted severe colds do not r1 nicmbcr llllltlllllsiilld the llietnllu fine wonders what became of All fliilesidcs of 111 Grove in IIssa Township do not see this placconthemapsoftnday but old ones Slur it as near Allisl ion on the road from Angus located Iieeton yeiii lifflns iline Bccton Junction short distance north of ago During ll 1i 21 ithe line from ollingwood was ex tended to Beeton station and Bee ton Junction was abolished The vitriol mentioned in the despatchl would come from the battery used at telegraph stations 11 those days to operate the sounders that step ped up the sound from the generl ally weak relay lllllllllltlll am of the opinion that Operai tor Kennedy became an agent and was located at King and Stayncrt in lath years Recently the junction has been ieStored to where it was in 1880 but there is now no station get the country chaos Ald lnglis has something therel Why lid the government listen to big business and remove price con trols All during World War 11 we were told that there would be no in tflation after the war ceased What have we now but inflation which is spiralling ever upward Wages lprices wages prices As soon asl 1lhe controls were removed the jspiral started and the governinenti 1stood by and watched this country lspin into inflation Everything went up The top fin aneial wizards in the country appar ently could not stop the situation It is freely admitted that people twere better off making half the money they are making now when prices Were reasonable Now it is icosting every cent to live Controls distasteful as they may have been to seine would be better ithan chaos Summoning Parliament tServes Usual Purpose 1T0 Woken Canadians fhe summoning of Parliament shouldscrveuthe useful purpose of emphasizing for the benet of the 124000 misled strikers what 14 000000 Canadians think of their ir responsible action The sooner the railway unions discover that they are not inviolable the better it will be for future bargaining relations For small section of the com munity to possess the power and yopportunlty toplace in serious jeopardythe welfare of the entire nation is utterly wrong and rmust not be permitted to prevail or happen again PLueKiNo CHAMP Weyburn Sask CPlDr Mainprize of Midalc Sask has been declared champion South Saskatchewan chicken plucker His opponent D13 Eaglesham Ulllli tutti tlilillltli tiklll this centre of attraction at ro And iron tltci uitzl Oct nor in Simcoc Cons be back to school lucsday 11o111 you he 1411311 bvcwna will itillilnitli to And what beautiful day 11 win For 11w Tlii ihillLc 111 tiie1 live 1111 then there vcrai wetks ot the vacation there had been ize 11111 ithn to school c1lc1g kiiider 21 111111111111111ot sunshine 1111111111111111 of 1111 t1c liiere must have been tears in the So the natural sorrow or returning to school must have been diminished somewhat by lovely warm sunshine winch iloodiii down on the first day of school in marked 1Jii trust to the frigid blasis of the ctkclid becomes the most important item in tlic lllt3 of our boys and girls anti recreation Scouting and Guiding music that are important 111 keeping the youngsters in contact with the rest of the world is balance to be found that is fundamental to it wellroiindcd life the bestknown figures 111 Canadian lltl tising circles and founder of the agency hear ing his name lied recently in his 08th year Ills was striking personality of The Examiner had been personal friend was both full and varied into complete iaminer in five parts The third installment appears today on pa ten scC nan JVVVPoges to to 11s Fall llli lithiitllttll iiilii llxlililmli tltlgt mother great ycar at llloldt on Saturday old now the int1x is 1111111 Falls 1111111311 tr1111 Fair Time Again llnrc 111v it What 112 1il 111111311 io triti in Lick of in oi the coun wndrrtul op ir opt11s llilltltitl iigriitl ti1j11dSi irtlziy Next Jacsti night and or iediic port to Mt t1 iziiong the lay Sept 12111 The Worlds Fair is 111 piciie 111d llly and it is the il Loam11intodispliiy the 1c 11 lalZl iiid home ii ii lobe all tXliltllltil in this dis trict 11o111 hr i1li excellent patronage in ic mx iiioiil place in 111 when ookstowi ltiilr trill bi 1cld again this year there will be an cxlnbu Barrios own lair 1111 Tuesday Vctlicslijt Scpt on Monday was Dear Old Golden Rule Days taking their children time marks the parent and child the the first time away cjm of many motl Zi school 1121 lite frst art11k iiitween 111s l11t oi crowing from home llcrvin llarric two new pttbllt schools are llcdllltL olllltlllll it is 11 mosi important year with the Illiiilti and Totlriiigton sciioois due to open in the near future Re cently chairman 11 table and Ilillcrcst principal Bell lave 11 comprehensive outline of the public school situation in Bar rie and the liiiportiint features of curriculum changes This was printed in The Examiner of August 28111111 was worthy of careful study by 111 parents with children of school age ll From now until the end 111 June education But they will find lllllt for those lltltllllltlliltl activities sports llicic lliose returning to school iven after one Dean of Advertising Men for many years one of Robert Smith and managing the hristmas Globe publi cation patterned after the then extrenwly popular British Christmas annuals Mr Smith was partly responsible for the creation of the Ontario HydroElectric Power Commission One of his brain storms result ed in setting forth the wealth of water power in Ontario and Quebec in such manner that the active interest of 11011 Adam Beck then Minister of Power in the Ontario Gov ernment was instantly sectired In 1913 found new outlet for his energies by founding the advertising agency of Smith and Son Ltd an organization he headed until year ago when he retired front active work his place as president of the company being taken by his son Adam As an advertising man Mt Smith introduced to Toronto the system of having newspapers make sworn statements of their circulation The editor for some years Mr Smith lived long life and his record His picturesque person clad in cutaway coat broad hat and flowing bow tie moving scdately and unbur riedly for so long inyIoronto will be missed by many Born in Scotland he was brought to Cain ada as an infant and knew the hardships of pioneer farm life As boy he worked in foundry later to become salesman and later still bookseller Contact with literaV lure took him to The Toronto Globe where he did notable work 111 launching editing New Deed For The Old Swamp his swamp and hell tell you it affords cover for many kinds of animals and birds Wild life nests in its shrubbcry and grassland and the young birds and animals later find their way to other parts of the countryside When stream flows through the swamp there is often good fishing The water that fills the swamp in the sprlngand provides setting for bullfrog choruSmdistens surrounding forests and fields during the period of most rapid growth stream that runs through swamp has its own flood control system Its waters checked by the tangled growth along its banks are unlikely to sweep down in spring freshct to carry away valuabletopsoil The soil of most swamps stillis rich black and silty But it doesnt tempt the farmer any more He knows that the 01d swamp can serve him best it kept the way it was left by nature When pioneers started to clear land they usually sought right away to drain any Sillamp they found on their property clear away the shrubbery that coveredwit and turn the reclaimed land into field They argued that from farming stand point the swamp in its natural state was waste land They said too that often the swamp had formed part of an ancient river bed and its black earth was capable of pro ducing good crops The farmers of today are coming to deal differently with the swamp land that re mains They preserve it as an asset to their property The new attitude toward the swamp stems from recent interest in c011servpt1011 which includes protection of wild life checking of soil erosiomthe prevention of damaging spring floods Ask an uptodate farmer how he regards Editorial Notes The attention of our readers is directed again to the series entitled The Country Correspondent by Kathleen Nouch of SaskatcheWan which isrunnlng in The Ex about paying dollar and higher for pound of beef and she can boycott the succulent roast and the tender steak if she likes but thats where the price of beef is going to stay for some time to come Korea the general upward trend in commodity prices and good feed crop this year are blamed general upward trend in commodity prices according to the Post which says that stock raisers are tempted to keep cattlecn the lush grassfand off the market in anticipation of still higher prices later in the Fall orpext year Not so many years ago fears were expressed that beaver were ontheir way to extinction in Ontario but reports from many parts of the province indicate that their numbers have increased in some places to such an extent that they are becoming nuisance by persisting in building dams across culverts and ooding roads and railway traCKS As in war it must be apparent to all that strike has no winner The question usually According to The Financial Post the Can is who is the greaterfloser adian housewife can grumble all she wants origami Examiner Class Weekly of Conodo Published EveryModay and Thursday at The Wilson Building Post Office SquareLBarrie Ontario Canada by THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED Walls VicePresident PAE SimietaryTreasureri of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario and the Audit Bureau of Circulations= Subscriber to GP Service AVERAGE PRESS RUN 7800 COPIES MacLAnsNrriesideni Member of Class Weeklies Quebec Division of CWNA 7096 Average Net Paid ABC Circulation Six months ending March 31 1950 MacLaren Managing Editor VFarr NewsEditor Walls Busiiiess Manager Chittick Advertising Manager Tomlinson Printing Manager Cooper plant Superintendent AwF Rive Office Manager Stubbings Printing Foreman Authorized as second Pclass mail by the Post Office Department Ottawa Subscriptions payable in advance of Weyburn was disqualified dur ing the contest for damaging his chickens skin $300 yearly in Canada months $175 monthav$l00 cents single copyz$350 yearly outside Chanda

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