in madetomeasure suits to your fit and specifications Regular Price Your Sale Price Measure steds and gabardittes featured iii this group Regular Price Special Thank You Sale Price EXTRA PANTS We Ilauont forgotten IIIE BOYS Boys DoubleBreasted II TWEED SUITS EXTRA II PANTS REE colors ideal for school 01 Sunday best 595 it gt BoysII DoubleBreasted POWER IN OUR Bovine MEANS IMONEY lNI your gt POCKETIV ym AT THE FIVE POINTS our friends and customers IHIS IS BETTER SUIII iaharilincs and lloisteils iii new fall styles and colors cut issiroliiiiiii Phone 5025 To show appreciation of your patronage during our first four months of business and through the cooperation of an old es tablished clothing house we offer to you wterrific values $5295 Special ThankYou $4495 Top quality materials and styling Various materials including wor I$7l50 $5995 FREE Barries Largest Mens and BOys Clothing Store Dunlop St ItItlll1l corrected this situation willi IfatherandSon Ball Game II he tPennanl to St Marys Playground ZlLlIl Illiitlt Il itIII brother oitt Illtl II Itr Li Klt Quiz IIItvI ll tlc Itlt iit Itl It it Edi gtt vv It ttil lt Intuit It ti itiii lltltt is in IIllltlItIilllIil ln llivlill tlld of izll aliens lul in dtlliV to lllll limit it ltr lttlill dark and at lll tioiects made In tlzi It ii ll luvs illI lr iiztt my Iiilt iitiLust Ltzippil ttul td Iltl to itiiceile the awards by Altitnr lair It lllil play well tlll lltlllt Ill llertiiii is tlttiii iltiii Elie cc Wily ittcltiiieii Wt tlI liltt la or 431 dilul ltlli pgtio awards to Jackie Mullb Phiizp hlorits Litill lIZlc iili for lie ltcw titci day camp to ltd It the Iid It lpiiio fl lliI ilt IIIltlli and Bios iil lltfllll tl llllllililIttZ lu Iii ii II viii tIll Ill pixt an iil lzt IIIIEK Kei IItIzl IllltlIlilll Iilllltllo liltl IL Its iimlv wt illll tete it cti=tt of initiate lt Ildlltt of the on the llli the lilllltl iiic ltl lllli iuits illlltIl IttIi ti In li dzah iii In cll clzil lllil inlet iiiiied titii llilrli iiiitD iii lllz lillltl and final iiuitoi lozin lltlt and Gerald Icll tile lilid ltai two runs tot lite tILiilctgt iml John ill like hay and Re in tilts et of his iiimtc has not been lliltgtltl each were wzlh one Hut The filthcis vete lctl by ltltl titan liit McBride with two iiiitsl and John lobsoit Mr Blake Mi Ihotttzts iiid llllltgt loppletoit with lltl Aldctliiittl Mrs Mer Hm mm5 Hart iltoii lllll hall to be ciiit TI 11 mpmhrw WV HHL he along with it llitllll of intqu iIlct daik because of blown lilillll$ llobson lclh ide llltll littfoitiittatcly ltllttlt lllake lhotnas Moore Robinson lo llI tiiiciophoitc tiui pio iiy and loppletoii til gztaitd awaid of the even SONS lotttt Mollie Me ll playground pennant foi Bridc lllake Mike tray DilltMlll lest town ltlilittllllll was tc lltobiitsoit lalotiey and Keith EMMS TIE SENIOR FINALS BUT CGE PROTEST FAVERO By BOB COPELAND discard pile Iloiiied attd twothirds clearedtthe tagsof Entitis players iii the first llllllll of Tuesday niizhts perform is llopper and Cook scored tot an error tt gtecotid llicltard Iot lollowed iii the patlt that they littl worn as ltlctfartney and tar It py lttllltiktl out singles itt order to put liittms well on llteir way itl lhe bottotti half of that opening Ittll players outlastittg llall who istarted on llte linms pitching chore passing out five free tickets to first base This procedure eventu ally accounted for two runs attd four more rounded the base paths from Sittithsons single at error to left field and flyout to centre Entins pulled closer to the rival electricians iii tlte second inning Iwitlt two runs scoring from McCart neys double witlt two away The game proceeded ittider pro test front the bottom of the sec ond as Poland came into the game to replace Hall on the mound The poitit that irked CGE lay not iii this but rather that Hall who was now the ninth available Enims play er did not replace Favero iii the field At any rate CGE were held iii the second inninc They pulled away from EmmsIby one run in the third however as Gribbling singled and crossed home plate on Aikcns second error out in left field Neither team could do more than threaten inI the fourth but Emms got their chance iii the fifth as Raycraft who had started oii the mound for CGE began to weaken In disastrous half inning he gave up four singles and free pass and ended by yielding triple to Mc Cartney who scored on the play clearing the bases and making the sixth Emms counter in that inning That was the turning point in the game Although Turnbull came in to re tire one batterrandithe side in the top of the fifth and held the Emms batters to no runs and two hits in the last two innings Poland proved his match and held the CGE squad with almost equal success 17 MARY ST oooooo Alter two volanic eruptions iii recctit weeks Emms and ll would seem to have gotten over the wort of the ex plosioiis and last night vcre content to let the powers that he settle another of their interminable arguments That an taitziunent was bound to ensue from the business of replace Iniciit players see Sportangles should have been foreseen It wasnt and so the fourth came of the finals may go into the lap loses Bike Race the British Empire MV GOODNESJALL SAID w49 warw BE 851m IF WERE WAS Mop5 WEIGHT HARRY MURDOCK WheelIIIAlignment Wheel Balancing Wheel Straightening short CGE began rally iii the last on the seventh It was short lived mug affair however and netted biil one run four slittitiilittie mark Thc not The decision will he an int porlattt one no matter how it goes and no iitalter what the outcome of the series will leave certain ele ment of bad feeling lliuilow led the CGE hitters with three safeties while McCartney bested all players with four hits two of them for extra bases Fuwro came itp with three ltits to make matters titore difficult for Etinns to Penetang Surprise Vasey in Rural auatttst team that was determined at but took no tttcic fill their ll als tltllltlll sale hits itito every hole in ltllll III the Vase lniec infield errors in rowl Willi darkness cutting the came triples enabled Eweitlyittie butters IIIIII III IIII III III ISIIIII to conic to the plate in an mums wliiclt l1lgtlttltlI under hullhour sets record ill the rural league for Victoria llarbour lClmvalc iii the elehth playoff game it does ttot break it record estziblisltid four years ago in regular scheduled Illlllt when not usually recognized as game in lIlliI ll liltll lllflt llllIlilItV ll owId rtcoac SALA Final by 205 General Council Of United Church Convenes Sept In ItirlHdlil i1llittlltl lIie Itttltt ti tl if iodiu lid lillul Itiwoio IIxfltllt oi tit IIllltil tIs oIHlt lIli lllIll lliill ll II the ll mot It Into litiiiit of tittll tot tiiiil ttv Kleiin li tliiI to er ll oiici poeuiltd It 1i ti Iitelltttiu It cut liiltlli lllUlI ll Ii lit trip izuu it lttl it tIIill to =ittp It It Itlltllr llatttpn lti do 204i Hill on il ltllllll ll ttti tt It ltliiie cale ltitll ol itiiitcs to 11 oi tI= ltI hell lItiipttc litt lIIttt iiiilitul tll tan tt ja oi tti of The Iilllll poided tia ltttlc IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII II IIIIII lll uttlt mote ittiLiIeiii lzl dtalt IIIIIIII IIIiII III IIIIII IIIII tnv olnii cattle llt cii tot iiIIIII IIIIIIIIIII lltiIic lllll5l thc Iloi to ce IIIIII III 1lIIII VI1KUH yummy HH Hi In iil iitll It iii lulldtld illIl itiilceti illdil ltil lIIIltIJFL elect ti II I1 II IIIIII JIII ed to tint thc lioc 1tit tilt tltc III III IIIII IIII IIIII II lIItittale iltittnoiui IIIIIIIII IIII IVIIIIIIIII II IIII 11 mm licsitjclciicx izro llt ltltt Iltt but had wc ito titaikcti tttti and IIIII IIIlte ltttlltltllle lItIllt ttotttttit gotten ll tlllll on paper It doubt tul lttlllt we would ltiviil it Hit hunk ii the sheet this lluItI iespct lio lotttiiiid it pit licit2ai council lleuell innitei moitt ill tttllllllllttl the fact that 1l ttideid lllLlllYliilll but an ltlllillll lunch Illll asey with ttiixedup Ititciipi due to IIhtlllttf simply came up iliiolc ioytety not ll will tllllt to make the most at zoldcn op titllllllll and which always strong ol Vancouver the niet west of ill Ito glory ol the ciiurcti Iivc stiiizlcs two doultlcs iiitd two Score by ltrtllllf Vasey ll Although lti tiitis itt otic humid lcljttdtlfi scored It lltttes on litttillti four and half llltllllL same is OFFl he rural ltilic bitl due to the IIXIHIIIII IIWIIII circumstances Vasey icktioledI Tuna SW11 I1 IllIIHRS II ed the loss and the fifth and final IIIIIlmI 330 060 II II Iii game will he played in asey to PP col tlttl ooit it my Bacl Break in Tast ll tough break in ltte last lap of motor clubs motorcycle race at Edcnvale Sitti day costlorontos Eddie Stidolf win Holder of the Canadian record for the fastest speed on satid Stidolf was leading the field when he muf fed gear change Len DuckJ worth Toronto raced past to taki the Edcitvalc trophy Upwards of 1000 people canto iit cars atid oti motorcycles to the former RCAF airfield where run ways now make mile and six tenths track Entries totalling 39 represented Montreal Kingston Hamilton Toronto and other cen tres Lonn Bowlers Ploy PreHolidoIJitney Thirtyone bowlers participated in mixed proholiday jitney at the Barrie lawn bowling club last Friday evening First prize was won by Mr Gregory and Taylor and second honors were won by Perkins Mrs Poland and Mrs Dick Steele Spencer and Mrs Amy Vair were the third winners ON 7M7 END Grassick for Macleans Magazine Persecution by theCBC thats what the Liberals called it were St Attiant and Scott with one tourbauucr apiece both coming in the second inning with no one onI The heavy hitters for lettetaitt lid Gibson and Joe llale with mu tioiis ltoitt IIIcIt ll tvtltit their is ilttl lIl llic llllt conttitisxtotici to ltllltlllv lltt ctztt It it So ci tIlt IIlllllxl llltil llit chic la lilHlNllldlch tton rin IItes llt lilltt tlu coitic itet til the city it lllttt it lll iii the his IlItt tlllt it has lll lilll CE Loca LY ll Iltl FOR RENT tion ti ll Newly Completed Dangereld Motors PHONE 2487 Replace That Worn Battery BeforeWinter withIo IMORPOWERI STORAGE BATTERY For performance For durability For lasting satisfaction APPLICATION PRICE LIST Group our Select front N0 No Type To its Group Number Heavy Dun arnuldn 3332 lM N15 super Service Pck iiiix N23 Super Service Chevrolet all 49 Chrysler Armor Glass nesoto 2L 1224 Super Service Dodge 2L N25 Super Service Ford all cyl IM or 1H II Ford 334 2L 21 Nsl Armor Glass Ford 404 75m Zlj Nftl Super Service grgsnnhlaomn ZE N32 Super Service smo toui Oldsmobile ins4c or II IIII Armor GII myme am rm NZl Supcr Service Pontiac 3040 Nail Arinor Glass Pontiac 3538 In or III 2p p33 Super SalVice Studebaker 2l71l8 25M 2FH N35 Studenauer 910 1510 ltl IIIIIIII IIIVII win i1 N53 Armor Glass actory List 1485 1775 2035 2545 1775 2050 2335 2185 24195 2795 2455 2975 2755 2405 2975 23 Engineered Types for Every Vehicle 200 Allowance for Your Old Battery Regardless of Condition Our Price SUPER aunt who 1180 gt 1200 1625 1110 1305 1475 1350 1450 1530 1398 1595 1580 1400 1595 Barrie Ont MARY ELIZABETH I515 fielil lihd by not lllti cast ot lotittcal lost ol III III Im the titcctittts have lttcii licld ltt lite asey cros llltl cities of ttlgi to which when combined llllI triple apiece lntl lll the Mltdlil time at Ital III the til iiiiiitii Ii it