Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 4

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aiile Examin HELP WANTED CLEANING 11 II at 1111 blot Later llSl ioz= 411 SALIISLADY rzin Stead fiiie Ydlrhe 11min iAlllllJ Moi HILLIAIILE it illil CULIH tolzic alll cl 11111 31 GRAY tUAfil rnt1irit 41111 2211 1111111 11111 mi 11i11re Appzy in person to c1331 llNti 21111 18 you illill to Ililell for chink igniptts llllvllt Stroud GOOD RIILIAIllJl Globe Mair route in Good profits iniz lliuiit 3le YOUNG MAN 1i 1013 tor clerk Opportunity to learn siroc business Apply 1115111 pars Slioi Stores 011p nor 111 liiiiiali ioiii 11gt int WOMAN for lltillMkttlillljt around Sept 15 NIw bungalow 15 adults and boy Live 111 ceend free Apply 51 Collier St 011p SllINOGRAIIIEIIS two years experience ideal working Box 53 Bariu lt13l my Write bill with at Good ttlllflllltllll Examiner ltElLITIONlSlSleiiogiaphei for local office Apply in IIll1 slal ing age education and tktttl1 if any Box 29 llariie Exanunei 015031 MALE ClEIIKCaretaker at once leiniaiient employment to supervise and care for large rooming house Apply 1ox 30 liar iie Examiner tltlbl wanted CLOTHING SALESMAN lean XOIL Nevililciwfor Classified Adlels EIIIIlt IIYL JILY 31 1939 OIILR IIl haw ASH RATE 2c nord minimum 50c IIISl 111 PM lllll ORDER All coigstcuJH insertions llg ll Ilillllllli OR II CHARGED 3e nerd minimum 75c Any consecutive liittttluii 21 word minimum 50 ROX NIMRIIRS or replies directed to this office 251 extra Iiix COMING EVENTS LOCALS le word iiiiiiiiiium Any consecutive insertions 2111 word minimum 501 EL MEMORIAM CARI OI IIIANKS lingageiiicnt Notices 1711 word iiiiii Lifr 13L ii 91 The liltllLt Examiner wll not 1gttliile iesporisbiliiy 1111Illt11illll adrcrtisenients taken over the telephone nor for errors in copy unless notified after the first insertion nesday and Saturday WANTED CHILDS DRESSER to match nat ural finished Junior bed If 1121 soiiable will take lied also lhoiic IHJilll 011p FOR SALE UIINlill tliliIUAIil Wiriiliti Itl HUN tiiitvtl 11111111111111 iiro 111111 iltlltllt Phone 1112 rational IIniu 21111 cap Illlli LNAAIICI ce 11113 Sli oi lltlllSlIS 1d oi itnuiid Suit best offer Phone 32311 1311211 able for trunk lei1 llroire 4190 tiTIlilpl l11 111 1r tour 1513 clubs with bar Ilione 100 Iiiip NEED TWO 1in register Na tioiml liltltllttl llox 115 lliiiiic 11111711111 lllil complete llllllt xaimner 010011 11111 lleaiiiiaiilt for quiet 211 llioitt 3223 tillbl IOIIXIIIY Live Dressed Good cash prices llaiwiir RR DAITYS LARGE 1l eirb ol Stiticr 7113 Will pick up blondc maple $11 1911ch 3190 tiiviLpl 03b condition lltllx STOVE medium 5111 in good lhonc lIrl tooksloun lillp BOYS WAGON nearly new Ap er Classifng Ads word ninninain 151 Deadlines for Copy Jednesday 12 noon for IIuirsday 115111 Saturday 11 am for Monday issue Adleis will be received but not classified until 530 pin Wed Intern111v FOR SALE 111 11 13 if Lmi llllilt li router to li 1111 it 1111 bxl oigti111iit 111 11 t111lr th LT Ill1l 11131 1lllllllz tltltll 1111 con 5111 21111 13111 and urntiller 12 1i11e13 Iiu be e1 11 Wm l1 St rli 11 11 Jim Satin 111p LTlth 11ch 1111 1111 111 he 111 lleasoir ude piur lhonv tpt IlincirJ Ill Ap ti1 LLll tanzp loititn 011p 211115 BICYCLII lidltrltl also Itoiuis 111111cl 1211112 1dio lloth in good condition 1t11onrble Contact 111 Siigley liiesiiig Ilione 21 0111 illllll IlrlIl electic rant POULI it cnt aggressive young man experi RE tfd hlflit Ill 11 UH hum Ail 1111 red maple omit1 mole zoo p1il1ithii aliu or hissid 11111 0111 enced preferred but not tSStllllitl 0m ruck MCIMHI c1111 mahogany chest of drawers With some knowledge of typing IL Aim hm 773 yTWPLNNGHYHC Smmmw 111e1ng iahl c1111 vme mirrors and office routine Apply in person WM HlldlliulL mlm Mum llrone 2203 0011 Im5 010 110 Whpiiui POULTRY 1111ltl any 3111 on quantity also scrap metals hides Hul ALII IllMR 1mmd MIDDLE AGED WOMAN ttdtd wool litlllitIs etc murmur of SlitIIOYS GREY IWEEI SlTll1 Im1 Im IM look fm Sk km New Hampshire and Barred Rock 1115 years almost new llion mm Ill Igti5lliiltt ladys man Please write stating vwagesdpullmg rm mp pmmmff 2734 UMR1Iotlung 11 next to new large Mrs Link Edgar Ontario Iioxlpomm 5L mm mm Huh LIius Phone 11311111 0811 3I Hm MIIIIIISIUWV 1981 Staviier 91112 2117111 SOLID OAK china cabinet oultii CH Mk 1inlso be used as book case lhonevl LIEU Hull luilii1 agcr woman mp piere home it 1111 suite ec wishing to go to Toronto to work as general in good home Private room Must be fond of children Apply Mrs 11 Mugford 17 Brae mar Ave Toronto 16011 ENERGETIC AND experienced incrchaiidiser for sales work in re tail hardware and building stip plics store Give IllilllllcillltlllS age and expected earnings by let POSITION IlAllY SITTING DONE Phone 51183 011p PRACTICAL NURSE available Plume 3210 200p DAY WORK children minded Box 10 Ilarric Examiner 2011p for to Post Office Box 191 Barrie 1081 YOUNG WOMAN to perform sten ograpltic andgeneral office duties with financial institution in Bar rie Permanent position under ideal conditions Apply to Ster ling Trusts Corporation Dunlop St 1681 YOUNG MAN with commercial training as junior clerk Junior matric and business college educa tion or its equivalent Good salary and working conditions Excellent opportunity for advancement Write Box 52 Barrie Examiner 168b YOUNG GIRL or woman for gerr eral housework as helper on farm borne NO outside work All con veniences Must be fond of child rcn Good home for the right per son Close to Barrie and bus ser vice Apply Boxm44 Barrie Exam lner 168p CAN YOU START work next week Prefer smart active mar ried man ageg28 or Over with good education and appearance For special detail sales work in Barrie and Simcoe County also Colling wood Good car necessary Write District Manager 466 Bolivar St Peterborough 168b LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES Full or part1 timeearn high commiss ion selling an accounting and in come tax service in your district This is real opportunity to in crease your earning power Our service guaranteed branch offices throughout Ontario Write or call Personal Tax Services 1331 Church Street Toronto Elgin 8495 l68b EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY 1n creascd sales make it necessary for the famous fast selling Filter Queen Bagless Vacuum Cleaner Co to place another man on our sales and service staff in Barrie Collingwood andOrillia Districts We offer you permanent position high earnings free training Pre fer active smart elderly man Car necessary Phone 3482 Barrie or write Filter Queen Co Office 386 Water St Peterborough 16869b HIDDEN OPPORTUNITIES High er wages and protable spare time extra income for men who can re pair Refrigerators Fast Freezers Oil Burners Stokers and all kinds of Electrical Appliances Learn in your spare time and qualify for clean steady interesting employ ment Many report earning $20 to =$30weekly while training Scores of graduates say the Service In structions are easy to follow and report new highly paid employ ment Write for free information Standard Engineering institute 1655 Bloor Toronto 16769b PROPERTY WANTED WANTEDHouse to rent central about rooms or will buy if suit able Phone 5209L 336815 Accommodation Wanted Partially furnished apartment Or duplex Small family Phoni1 ROOM AND BOARD for elderly lady Apply PO Box 71 Barrie or 298 Elizabeth St Barrie 1168 COUPLE WOULD LIKE roomng unfurnished selfcontained apart ment Abstalners Phone11315431 AIRFORCE OFFICER with children requires or rooms by Sept 25 Box 38 Barrie Examin 81 Ell68b OR MORE ROOMED unfurnish ed apartment wanted by army off lcer wife and daughter Box 19 Barrie Examiner 1168 DRESSMAKING alterations also childrens clothing Phone 2955 2081 LADY WOULD LIKE work by the 11ay housework or practical nurs ing Phone 5703 201111 REFINEI YOUNG woman son desires housework Total abstain lor State salary Box 50 Barrie Examiner 208p IYOUIII DESIRES WORK clerking in store on Saturdays Has had ve years experience Reference available if necessary Apply to Box 41 Barrie Examiner 2081 WANTED BY Middleaged man day job Active and in good health Handy with tools and have donc some pipe fitting Second hand furniture store or caretaker WH Sornrncrs RR Stroud Ont 268711 AGENTS WANTED AMBITIOUS MAN who needs to earn at least $75 weekly Long needed reprotection invention Every home store farm factory prospect Full time and few part time representatives wdinted Na tional organization permanent Write Department Red Comet of Eastern Canada Limited 4363 Drolet Quebec 46869b Street Montreal ROOM BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for men 181 Elizabeth St 1268p ROOM AND BOARD very central Man preferred Phone 2337 1268x COMFORTABLE bedroom with breakfast in private home Busi ness person abstaincr Arena dis trict Phone 3424 12681 ROOM AND BOARD as remunera tion in return for caring for school boy weekends Suit pensioner middleaged wom an Phone 5664 1268p SUMMER COTTAGES COMPLETELY Furnished house keeping cotta es by the month or shorter pcrio James Hughes Shanty Bay Phone Oro 74132384 l3 DOGS PET STOCK COLLIE PUPS for sale Earl Lau der Edgar Phone 848r41 CANARIES Roller and Border Fancy Cages and stands African Violets 40 colors 75c each Mrs Wm Agar Phone 386569pr FOR SALE Registered Scotch Collie pups sable and white brc from champion stock also regis teredYOrkshire boars and gills serviceable age also sow carrying second litter due Sept 21 Phone 26112rCookstown Son Bradford 386770p POULTRY MUSCOVYi DUCKS for sale Phone 55211 1468p I70 LEGHORNS year old laying well Phone Oro 52 after pm 1468p 100 HYBRID Yearling hens for sale Hamp Sussex laying well Isaac Spring Stroud Phone4 11614 PULLETSHamp Rock or ROP Sired Barred Rocks months old $125 eachL and months old $1 each if taken this week Kelly Chick Hatchery 65 Clapperton St Phone 2320 14681 Evening meals Bil6811 84 Beeton Chantler QUEBEC Circulator able condition QUEBEC RNillll good condi lric iaiiztetti set of Wear t1 alu uinuni ware Everything cxecllcnt my 515 Apply umbwkmd condition Phone 53321 081 Stnt iil 1rriiiiwrunaiis office Iiiilicliiiits BLUELANI 1011 5111le brocadepmtnhlcs adding riiuelnncs cash drapes pair Phone 3200 REMINGTON Used very little Bought last 11111 Phone 4021 litlp IIEAIIIR coal Phone 21198 BABY CARRIAGE Gendron good blue with chrome trim Phone 2rll Lefroy 77001 IlEIiRIGIIRAIOR Electric NOilge medium size Perfect condition Phone 4114 Stroud El used only few sonable Phone 4059 electric grate Reasonithtili 09535 77081 Phone 31112 or come andsce them llliel lloorleirgtlrtregisters Sales and service 11 lIlilx lostiey Ihonc 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona portable typewriter 101 17 Francis St Harrie 724111 11 YOU ARE thinking of Venetian blinds check these numbers as we b111m1litie these blinds on hand to sell 7030 eggshell at 117 Maple 70111 SOFA RED and two arm chairs III 708091 Camp llordcii tinrcs Suitable for RC1 student Very rea Side 708b vllli good quality ligured velour wine and green in excellent condition 9150 Mrs ODonnell 050 Apt Ll RCAMC Camp Borden Phone 401 itillpl McCLAllY HEAVY DUTY Range oven dropback davenport mattress brown metal bed and SI111S extension table aiio WASHING MACHINE Biiiociilarsfoiir chairs Reasonable for quick Walnut dining room suite in good salc Phone 3747 condition 708b 111 Maple Ave CHILDRENS Snow suits blue11y Fall planting can be obtained size and pink size In good condition Phone 3197 760p BABYS PLAYPEN swing 310 Mrs Yarrnill Gowan St Phone 2840 768b EXTENSION LADDERS 32 ft and 30 ft kitchen stove 915 also bid1814 fet Apply 54 Collier St COAL AND WOOD Stove Empire Stella in AI condition Apply 72 Campbell or phone 3010 16811 $150 BUYS 15 ft 16 ins sloop rig sail boat Apply 42 Maple AVe or phone 3661 Ed Elliston 76769pT 768p carseat Ecdcn 5420 Barrie 23 St East ONEMAN POWER SAW best of condition good cutting Spare parts Maple Ave Barrie 768p CHEAPBeach electric range burner with elevated oven in good working order Phone 2701 768b BARN 34x50egood steel roof tim ber sound Ernest Kneeshaw Gil ford Phone 40r41 Bradford 768p BEATTY ELECRIC washing ma chine in good running order wood en tub $15 Phone Stroud 9rll 768p STOVEMcClary white enamel ed annex with waterfront Good condition Apply 37 Brock St 768p GIRLS CLOTHING winter coat skirts dresses etc 1214 Young mans sport jacket 4042 Phone 5131 768p STEEL WHITE ENAMEL bath tub 46rcomplete with all ttings in good condition Phone 15r11 Le froy 708p $5 EACH OUTFIT Girls coat hat leggings one size green one blue Harris tweed size Phone 3316 768p GILSON 22 pipeless coal furnace with wood grates good condition Apply Higgins 54 Owen St Barrie 768p 11lt GILSON ELECTRIC refrigerator 412 cubic ft and 4burner electric stove Phone 3587 or call at 65 Tiffin St 768b DROPHEAD Singer sewing mach order Mrs Hines 259 Eliz abeth St 768p ADDING MACHINES and type writers for sale or rent at Barrie Business College 66 Toronto St Phone 4824 769th ELECTRIC FURNACE Blower complete with motor and controls $25 Mrs Wilson Bradford St Phone 5151 768p TWO QUEBEC HEATERS one small and one medium in excell ent condition Phone 4797 or apply 11 Frances St 768p GURNEY ELECTRIC stove with annex Owner now in apartment with stove supplied Phone 3996 euenmgs to inc treadle style perfect running 768p 70I1pl IARRIVEDHolland Tulips for cat 3350 after pm by Lee Voogd and Slinger RR Clcef Midhurst Minesing or and Frank Van 76574pf KITCHEN SINK white heavy cast 30 capacity 22 gal $10 polished nickel plated taps used 7681 hard to get at places Phone 3482 phone Van iron roll rim back size 15x25 Queen then see it demonstrated in ful N0 bakclitc parts to break or Stroud 22131 7681 81 Wellington Galvanized hot water tank No weeks 95 Furnace cell 32 Phone CHECK THESE features of ram your own home Quiet Power No dirty bag to empty Cleans HONEYAsk your grocer for nat ures purest sweet If he cannot supply write or phone 34J Alliston 4le finest clover $1 lbs nest clover $190 40 lbs milk pail tin est clover $875 Harris Allis tonOnt 767681 DINING room suite walnut pic ccs 2living room tables alike wicker rocking chairs Walnut tea wagon Walnut dresser rug 9x12 Other pieces dishes etc to be seen at the house anytime Mrs Coombs Box 45 Bradford 76768b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SOW AND seven pigs weeks Cid Phone 81615 968b PIGS 11 WEEKS OLD Harvey Cripps Crown Hill 9681 DURHAM CALVESand yearling Howard French Elmvalc 9081 HEIFER CALF months old Jer seyHolstein 845142 Geo Sheffield Barrie RR N0 908b BLACK COW due to rreshn purebred Suffolk lamb Bill Cronii RR Elmvale Ont 9+68p PUREBREDAYRSHIRE cows due in September and October Edward Ritchie Elmvale Phone 53124 96769pT 2v REGISTERED Holstein heifers one due Sept 11 the other Oct18 Harold Robertson phone 4212 Stroud 9681 DURHAM HEIFER Hereford call at foot Durham heifer yearling Apply Ed Starr Guthrie Phone Oro 827 968p COWS pure bred Jersey due Oct JerseyShorthorn freshen ed Gazley Con Innisl west of No 11Highway 96813 YORKSHIRE SOWS bred and open from show stock also weeksold registred sows and boars Jermey RR No Bar rie 9681 HORSES FOR SALE saddle 0r drivmg also general purpose or let out for winter for their feed We will deliver Bells Riding School Phone Wasaga Beach 9676811 Jim1r II 11 11 111 H1 tr 111 lli 111 31 Ill lllItl It lltl111 111 lr 11Irr trilcll 11111 11 zoou coltuiit Itdl from lllrtld 11111 tiil 111 111111 it LIITil IIIIIAI lltli1ttl tol11 Zoiir Sonic tuiirtiic 2n liiiltic lltlll 1111111 by oil lilllil1lt price 11111 lleirltoi lappcztou 12111 10 011p Al Ila VICTORIA Sl Alliston 11 111111 storey brick lutia iisilllt air furnace hydro garden 111 1111 111ble or tlrlgt Illsst11111 11 11 Terms e1h Apply lmribull liaxtcr On It tiTTtlpl tllt ltli llllIWAli iriotleiii bed room bungalow oak lloois doors and 111111 sumoom Irot water iltdl 111 Itrlill fireplace attac 411 SEMI lll balance arrzi 111 Apioiliriciil ov11er2010 It tiTTJp 111111 ACRES 11 miles norli of 111111 22 miles from ianzliuish 43 acres hush Ilfr acres lllltltl cul tivauon llalanee pictine Good hour new barn hen house garage Apply to Roy Iamicson llillsilal Iti 01173phl LAKE IllONlAGE home 11 large lOtIlllr hath rooms fire places hot air heating beautifully land scaped illl beach priced for iin metiizrie sale Marshall tep resentalive oiilts Real Es tate Ilroker 151 Owen 10 011p ROOMED lgt storey stucco rooms down up Oak and maple floors modern kilclieii and bath hi1 heating unit large garage and blezevay $2000 down payment will handle Contact Boyd itealtor 22 Ilaytrcld Si Phone 32113 10081 SUMMER COITAGE coinpletclyt furnished ro Hench lot 200x100 mom to build another cottage Buy now for next year at low price of $2800 or make reasonable offer Exclusive listing WiICs Real tor 15 Clappcrton Street Phone llarrie 4942 1008b 12 STOREY oil heating city conveniences living room lacre land more available miles to town Low taxes Marshall representa tive Coutts Real Estate Bro ker 15 Owen Dial 2377 16681 NINE ROOM BRICK house locav ted in good residential area near new school Hot air heating hard wood lloors large lotU garage Suitable for rooming house Harry Michie Realtor Agent for Bar ries Finest Homes Clapperton St Barrie Phone 3551 1608p ROOM hardwood floors all Birch panelling dwelling ROOMED STUCCO house year Old Oak and tile floors full size basement airconditioned heating unit pieceiibath Imme dratc possession $2700 cash will handle Contact Fred Miles Salesman representing Boyd Realtor 22 Bayfield St Phone off 113 and PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE in 11 1113111 131 i1 1111 Il 11v 11111 21111 oi Ittv lr rlo11 1111 11 1111111 ilia gitthtl lt1 11l 111 Ir Ittlxllr 1111111111il c1111 111111114 Noel 11 lit 11 i11l1 111411111 lilr only Si 11 Apply lllliIlJlt I1i111ii AUTOMOBILES 1910 lllIIIIIII 1111erit 1111 urton Irozit Litlill 11 117 IIY1lt1ll IHrxtll Iloaazo lilllllli lllf No 1311111 131 1111 SACllllIC 1931111111 37 11 HIl 1121s t1l Ilittin i311 11 11111 15112ciiirvsiii1 11rtl11ltll iiot Apply Illl tunlreilanti III 111 I31 llIA SIIIIAN ani gt1111n pply than 11111 ltllti1ll1 11 111 2151 tlll DELUXE coach lo mileage excellent Illlltllltlll Plume 1052 will 011p Private Itiadfoid St llrvrrc Phone 41117 iii 512 DESUIO in good running con lllltlll for quick ale Iligiicst oilej Phone 3314 11 701111 19115 IONIIAC COUPE in perfect shape 191 motor and new paint job Phone 32111 13A 700p Good shape good tires Sll5tlpply Iccl St Ilarric 11 11771111 119111 DODGE NtttlS some repairs $1100 or best offer llill Johnston Lefroy Phone ITITI Ill rtillp 1930 MODEL Ford oiipe Alttltll rcbnretl and tilycs new In good shape Phone 11151313 13 0701111 lircs body and engine Good run 41111 order $110 22 llenry Street 13411 RENAULT CAR good Plume 2317 Bar 136869b Ideal second car He 1949 STUDEBAKEerStitltldniles Inn an pupmic owned Apply 189 Bradford St or phone 10bit istakeand dump body Apply Albert vale 130708p 1946 PONTIAC SIX four new tireS radio slip covers and iindcrscat limiter Body perfect Plioim 2953 after pm 1368p 1937 FORD SEDAN good body new V8 engine and new battery llntcrior in good condition 3385 Phone 2610 1368p tipn radio heater fog flight back up light and oil filter Phone 5203 after p111 Ill68b 30MODEL FORD Seal beams lllltl IiISSICNUICII illitliit 111111 Iii11 1940 HUDSON SEDAN loi salel condition reasonably priced Cash or termsl Him Results Low In Cost 1111 111111111 EXAMINER iiiiiisoir SEII LOST FOUND 1910 DRY SOFTWOOD SLABS 17 12 1111 or It Lengths l1ltt 1111011 LJIJKI 1939 DURANI deluxe sedan good 1946 MERCURY 2ton combination Archer Elmvalc Phone 7115 Elm Barrie 15 og Finisher 1946CHEV SEDAN good condi 1111111111 rioiiii 11111 ice 3283 Residence 5200 1653p1new tire and tube In good run ning condition Youngs Generall ROOM FULLY modern Ruglsmrcv SIIOUd 13939 rick bungalow with attached ar age situated on corner lotbon 1941 CHEV COACH 11151l quiet street room Stucco older COVCIS heme goo condmm type home in excellent condition throughout reasonable down pay ment and terms arranged Phone 3752 Rogers representative Henry Elrick Realtors Barrie 1668p $4200 LOVELY INSULBRIC house ve rooms three piece bath builtin cupboards nice sunroOms hot water heating thermostat con trol nicebasement First class con dition inside and out Double gar age ExcellcntIocation Creemore Estate Broker 166872p Immediate possession Terms Pollard Real New Lowell ROOM STUCCO house rooms spotless condition road Quantity farm perton Street It TELEPHONE THE BELL TELEPHONE CO bed septic tank 20 acres basement barn 30x 50 brooder house implementshed V4 acre strawberries nice orchard few minutes south of Barrieml mile east No11 IIighvvay good implements included at sacrice price of $5000 This is prewar Value Exclusive listing Wiles Realtor 15 Clap Phonc Barrie 4942 1068b north of Edgar Phone 1368p 1931 CHEVROLET good tires mo tor in good condition Any rea sonable offer accepted Howard Ritchic Elmvale Phone 53124 136769pT 1930 DURANT cylinder sedan new tires new rings and rods very solid car Apply Bob Mac Donald 28 Louisa St after 730 pm 1950 FORD CUSTOM Sedan mar oon white wall tires tioning low mileage Apply Sgt Camp Borden Ont WE SELL CARS that will meet with your approval Buieks Repairs of the lowest rates Dont delay Have can BarrieBorden Garage 90 831rl3 OPERATING neoprnnsornmrroits FOR PERMANENT WORK NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE gtNECESSARY COME IN AND DISCUSS THE OPPORTUNITIES WITH CHIEF OPERATOR THE BELL TELEPHONE co Lyfnarmnr 21 ELIZABETH ST throughout Maurice Hayes mile 848115 Iii68p air condi Major Forgave Sgts Mess RCAC 1368Ab ness has been operated asga going concern since the Fords Chevs5 11 kinds done in the shortest time possible at your brakes xed and be surey0u stop Drive safely Welding done at your home or our garage Highway 1308p GIRLS To LEARN MA RICE MILLER Phone 571 Business Opportunities tnroierx snark lltr TOOTH 11 11 11111111 henrral store post olllu 11 ti tu rid111 Business Opportunities Properties for Sale gt stimuli 4121 lloonicil Iirlek house 1111 11 hp EMU 1illll tuttr1 311 11111 1111 Ftv 11 Lunch counter full 11ippr1l PM 71 Ilit NJIII 11iu Hm 51 low rxnt inl It lllllt Rooms attached garage iul 11 111 ill 111E 111111 Half 1111 11 if lllliil 112111ec Il Len 1111 li Iii riot 1311 c1 Iti 1Ii 5151111 11 cloa to liori atrctt Price station 2111111111 011111 ex 11111 1l1rr t1 products II looms situated on lligliyiay 11L1s Tins Will soon c1oe to llairie large 1111 name s1 ll 11 snow properi urelud c1 mcnt foundation 11111 930011 ed $1111 terns IIxeliisne llgtl lilli in Kl WILLS Realtor Rooinetl lioiisc gl station 15 lappcrtini Street Itrtlllt three cabins acres 11111 Situated on Highway Price 5301 Terrie BARR PHONE 1942 Slessor LICENSED AUCTIONEER HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS FARM STOCK AND Beach lllliL Situated lllltl at Wasaga Ironic bedroom room kitchen cellar 11111 air heating piece bath Close to main street lriee $2500 Icrms ltoorneil house tinge 30x12 service station snack bar all new fully tilllppttl Gray Coach lliis stop Taxi Service Corner location 21 acres of land built up Intn trade Situated on Highway 5301111 will give pos ltlll HARVEY co IMPLEMENTS 53 oIlier St Barrie 1v Sllil is Agent mm 3926 Phone 2577 Born Business Or Sale For personal reasons the business of Dave Latours Meat Pies BARRIE is offered for quick cash sale Regular customers established in Barrie and District Bradford oldwater rillia lidlanil and surrounding areas Apply Box Barrie Examiner 10 Hog Grower $6800 Per Tort Barri Per Ton $680 Buyer to Supply Bags SALE BLrEnnEe Tenders will be received by the undersigned Trustee at its office 372 Bay Street Toronto up to Oclock in the afternoon IfSTgt of the 15th day of September 1950 for the purchase of all the right title and interest of the Trustee in the business carried on at 15 Dunlop St Barrie Ontario under the name of Jacobi and Graham in and to Parcel No lzLcase of ground floor and part basement of premises known as No 15 Dunlop St Barrie heated by land lord rental of $25000 per month and real estate taxes having aboutnine years to run Parcel No2iStockintrade ground floor 15 Dunlop St Barrie con sisting of womens and childrens wear price goods notions etc subject to shorts and longs as per in ventory $2246550 Note In order to maintain the goodwill the busi taking of inventory vhidh has been reduced by ap proximately $1200000 Parcel No3IFixed assents consisting of fixtures and equipment as per inventory $447841 Tenders will be received for the three parcels en bloc Parccl No twill be sold at flat price and besubjcct to landlords ap proval of new lessee value thereofwithOutregard to abatcmcnts except as regards shorts and longs on the quantities which Varcto be adjusted at inventory prices be foresettlernent of purchaser The purchaser must assume responsibility for consigned pattern stock and loaned cabinets All taxesginsurancc water rates rental and similar items to be ad justed to date of the sale gt All tenders must be accompanied by marked cheque payable to The Sterling Trusts Corporation Trustee for ten per cent Of the amount tendered which will be returned if lender is not accepted and forfeited if lender is accepted and purchase not completed by tenderer gt The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted and inventories inspected uponapplication to the undersigned DATED at Toronto this 7th dayof September 1950 THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 312 Bay Street Toronto Trustee Parcels Nos and will be sold at rate on the dollar of theinventOry Further particulars terms and conditions Of sale etc may be obtained

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