Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 3

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1111 IHRKII lkvlll It IIIIRSIMY 51 111 Driver Killed at Edenvale Car Races 1111ltt1i11 11 lllrsil eplt nzlui IIltlr s1t1111111r Ill intor llinrsiiix it lIuIrsdix mildmin Iiiu1 chomp gt11 11 Ii Iilllllstldw September 55 111 4111111111 lilif ilSllllilil 91 11 vi 121 AUCTION SALES gt hlt1 of ip on Bernard Has Round Tr IlliIIIAII Ii EED WHEAT Ill 111 1111 lilltiltl Yen 21 1121 to 51 tilltlllllill ll tuiblc Iltlt11tl rtiiiiizoi 11 ail inufria twru1uiiucoiiil 11111Itltl md Illltltlll 1111 mom1 arid lur 1111211tt1 rule1lso lune been governs 111 1Iiilll11til urd freedom from weeds and other Ill 110 1111111r1 iipozt ii1111ble lor your insperou 11 wt tior Ie who eleeto1 1o and clean ex e11 er wed purposes lttZS Reg No 2nd generation DARSONS Reg No 3rd generation 5340 $230 AUBURN Com No 3111 generation S2l0 CORNELL 595 ert No 2nd generation 240 CORNELL 595 Ottawa Selection 2nd generation CORNELL 595 Commercial No $210 Recleaned Sacks Included 12111111 and libido Selection of Cornell are the first sup plies 111ble from seed rwieasediby Ontario gricultural College and iatral Eviernncntal 111111 Ottawa after eliminating such irri 1111lltgt on Iute heads and bearded strains so prevalent in the ordinary seed oiiunally iiiiportcd from New York State JENNETT Ivy Seed Mill Ivy Ont gc11t for Georgian Ilay Seed Iroducers Association GTR It Ibed lhrsc adlcls Iluull jltllilttallull and one too to classify undrt laud sllrr r1 lair WANT ADLETS ings or day ft before do rrcchtd PROPERIY FOR RENT Ir 1111 ilcttii nzlelv POI tsie Carp SALE Sane Ill iI round Il1111111 sweeper pairs llrry spring lair Sljlllll III colored room liiekiiiaw pillow arm chair 230 librabeth Si 7031 2119 FOR ice building lttx20 wash room building from be luai SALE easily teis 711 luicha pply present converted with two sei to re site llllll ameioii gt11 SIl Deer 111 emu rev 11 ago good Alilgtt 1111 is 11111111 11111114 box 111111 eleyoiI 111119er tlll1 Stroud Phone 121 11 Stroud Illlr litlli Illll SALE Colin N11 19 seetI wheat ltltllli tr 11 bushels per aeie Continued before rairi came Apply Gordon Reynolds ti 111 Phone 33122 11111111 suit table sixe Shorts Oak lione storey off piece mov Could living Ellis Gibson Ltd 05 Bradford St llione 51213 ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN 100110 en canvas nesnurs 1111 YOU 11111 11111111111 We want anew for this 4v store We will pay you $2500 if your suggestion is Selected Fill III the entry blank below drop it in the suggest ion box at our door Nothing to buy make as many suggestions as you wish To helpYou Choose Appropriately Here Are Few Thoughts This is Barries only Barrie owned family shOe store This is Barries store of Better sh iJfOrmenlandwomen We are lOCated in the heartof Bar me on the Kings Highway FILL nv YOUR ENTRY NOW Av PHONE oes vvil Suggest Name Address 2414 atAlliston Damage was estimated as did trol by the firemen although it was not allowed to spread No persons 111ng Ifxtiljilfllidl IWO ROOMEI CABINS for lightl lioiisekeepriig Mcadowbrook Cab ms south of Ilarric No 11 High war 15081 ROOM IIOUSE furnished $65 per month Apply at office only outts Real Estate Broker 11 Owen 15081 LARGE RRIGIIT furnished roomi Breakfast and evening dinner opI tional Near DriveIn Theatre Phone 2111 15081 NO OFFICE ACCOMMODATION left One work shop only still vacl ant 51 Collier St Apply Cowarr arid Cowan 1565th HOUSE ON HIGHWAY 15 min 11105 to Barrie Bus Hydro ielcI phone Water inside Apply IloxI 10 Barrie Examiner 150111 BED SITTING ROOM and corri plctely equipped kitchen privat lbath and entrance Apply rear 22 Sampson St after p111 15081i AVAILABLE NOYVZV Furnishedl apartment rooms and bath ceri Itral Suitable for business couple Adults Abstaincrs Phone 4131 15681 IWILL RENT bed sitting room iii 1good home Light housekeeping tBusincss lady or two girls Ab staincrs Central Phone 5780 l568p FRONT BEDROOM main 11001 bOit Fr 5311 Li Machine 30 21 lrilliliil ARI lletmiiilnz an yeais itit SINGER SERVICEYour bonded Singer Sewing Machine representa tive Mr Eaton will he in Ilar 11 district every Tuesday and 11i 117 For quick service drop penny post card to Singer Sewing Machine General Delivery Barrie Repairs rentals new and used machines available Free pick up and delivery 5501fb SERVICE AND REPAIRS to all makes of sewing machines Singer Sewing Machines Portables Elec tric Rental by the week or month Free estimates on repairs in advance Apply Singer Sewing PO Box 168 or phone 4365 Barrie Ontario Mr Flint sales representative 5491fb FRUIT VEGETABLES FRESHBEANS beets cucumbers potatoes corn carrots and onions Windfall apples 20c 11 your basket Glads and Dahlias 50c doz 298 Bayticld SI Phone 2053 20681 Business Opportunities FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE needed Phone 2377 29671 STORE BUILDING for sale 50 by 20 ft Excellent location for any type Of business In Barrie Allan dalel Terms if desired Phone Barrie 4213 2968b ROOM NEW cottage for sale and board or kitchen privileges 1012 miles Off Highwa 11 at Lake respectable working 31 Innisl St woman or Phone 4353 15681 iFIVEROOM furnished house IShanIy Bay Heated frigidairc electric stove all conveniences for trout until June 15 Reasonable Phone Oro 4B11 15680911 wooo FOR SALE HARDWOOD Hardwood and soft wood slabs Dennis Moran Phone 2907 66768b SOFTWOOD SLABS iii 4foot lengths Apply Denis Slicard Phone 20122 Stroud 0087711 FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES good level land 100 workable 50 acres wood and posts Over four thousand dollars worth of lake front Orillia 14 miles Fair farm buildings Price only $9500 Apply Box 48 Barrie Examiner 8681 Fire GDTS CoQOp Store at Alliston Two fire departments Werefun able to quench flames which gutl ted the Farmers Cooperative store at $35000 withlittle equipment salvaged from the threestorey building Fire trucks from Camp BOrden helped local crews fight theblaze many civilian volunteers from the town Several buildings in the business section were threatened by the fire when sparks blew Over their roofs However the damage was confined lathe one building The blaze broke out in the feed department on the secondfloor of the Coop and in matter of mo ments had spread through the building Employees at worlc at the time fled into the street The fire raged several hours and was never once brought under eon were injured Late at night in vestigators were searching the still glowing embers of the building in inneffort to determine cause of the blaze Iop St Phone 4869 Simcoe Extra safe beach Price $4700 Barrie 15 miles Apply Box 47 Barrie Examiner 2868p The Barrie Public Livestock SALE MISCELLANEOUS FARM LQUIIMLN twist unissued 31 Announces Sale On FRIDAY SEPTEMBER at pm The Barrie Public Livestock Auc tion offers the finest faciliticsfor handling DAIRY COWS BUTCHERS FEEDERS STOCKERS CALVES HOGS HORSES SHEEP POULTRY good place to sell and good place to buy Bring your livestock to Simcoes leading and most mod noon September Stobling and Sales Ring Under One Roof The Location ls of Barrie Martin Manager 101 Dun The American flag has seven red and six white alternating stripes WWW roan llitltilt 11121 iiili hidl Turtle ii1i lilt 1I3i3I5IIHA HfIt ll uuoiee11 ltllll Ir1i gt lli1rt tui Vicsr 11 we is 1mm in saint iri 11 11 ges lfltilit Is 1a rAlhlllzl 11m ventral ilmniang 3111 1111115 11v lr 1111e Lyinriini alibpl i1cCUHUK rtm EU Nil tliill ioiipli 1c 111 11 Tl Illli CHIMNEY 111117 ltll iiittiiliiclil AI Ll Liv Ir NITiUIiI 3311 Illn 11 5111111 1111 our room in IC ditior Apply tIrlie 01 Rigel Shell 1121 not No 111 or diilfzoy 0111 Ioigtc llllilil lliinklc phonr II liititl IOIf SALT in 111 12 no Ilr 11 ITxitiiNlHlllill iooin llli vI mri 17 l111 11111 111 11 1111111 Exaililihl li IIIOSI Itxltl ind liiuivvl will top and shit ElilJIil it 11 154301 Irinvned by expiris Trees All abineao 11 l1 1111 111111 21 tlllHltl ilztl lLtl hull lmu luck 1111111 ii11trl lild tfxlSlliTll illlllltttlhl liicak it Harrie lzec Suigeons north1 Circtiot i1rir 11 p11d 1111 Put Si llitllllt inquiry nub Lymph 99 irnle from Simon Col 11 II it IllilliUAE lliirpiiie11mrii Ihoin 1011 Site1 no HUI lilyXIV 51 301 the past eir lllli 1113 1151 ilsioll lil 1211 1en lbone 1111 Mute pm mm mm LL 00p 1l1iiltltlll111111113 next spring Isi Walt Siice itilllivai iiIItNIdllrll 1115111111th1 Hiring 11 11 Iliumnatin tone eirir the prices oi VAL 11 0011 13 1o 1111 place Sept 713 it TlFw 1115 731 Lliilillii11312 IIIIIW II home with llc 1uti1y lillc raves iri11 11 tax 11 eotili Aiiilj 10 Marcus Si liarbtrV Htlllluli 08hr 15 00p lt 2111 111x1 BUILDING not 11 llNISIlIZl rotor Fliilille ltll Cliftlltlt for 24 body 11 cut rle ncieiieii eiitr11 111 111 dpiibe rooms Good deal it 11111 15 011p rde if taken 11 once Apga iW 37 Ilaiiie Examiner dealer in livestock announces IRXISIllil 110011 central 0111 My 5AM 51211111 anti evelillit illllllll op UV 1111 541 1111111 llioiie 151 tillp in ters irrrnersz into 1L ii oh 11 1111111 grading Ierracing 1pm pH 11 17 All 11312811121 rooms on 11 rse lines removed doer work of 111o loor Suitable for thllillltb Linds Reasonable rates large ouple Phone 13111 titlp11cline Contract or hourly vd reiiit service Phone Cookstownl wit 1391 LARGE 111lisiiiirziccixt liitllll 11 SLOHD my us affore wn and Rm stilldlile ror llllllt couple on 74 Iiilnisi ay ti rnoon Ir11 111141 1r IIHIH IlJL bIlblllSllNi Inside or 0111 Aliy MW in ffw Stories stumps IllCIlllllLLI I11I Unfurnished mom and bridges etc Blasting supt Hm RA EH lirtih nettc with siinrooin Apply for sale Authorized by Ext hmm HMNM Ilox 1351 llairie Examiner 15001 gritave Division Toronto 1111 mm 11 Almmmi exclusive operator Am lsxxssx my 1fl111111l FLAI and houses 31m Phone Aurora 200W 55174p Mn from Sept Select clientele thsen Shumr Bus Ontario=111MICOGRAPIIING Let Miss Jane yr 511 54 13 MIDIIIYI tlvlili attend to your duplicating mm dig Wm MW Evtlltllllllll problems She will in 31 LMI 15 mm 9911 no glad to help you Contact her at Hum lirruous Illil water bath Vprivatc 11 511001 otfp lmi0 Business Enhre Reglsfcred and mp 111111nce box 19 llairic lftllilllljcgp 5g pommo 51 pm er 15081 mg 536111 Grade Herd The undersigned has ilttlviti instruct ions from Howard Crawford Lot 24 Con Oro who was recently burned out to sell by Tuesday September 12 Iu blic Auction on AI TIIIC FARM OI MR ROSS Lot 21 Con Oro Mile South of Highway 11 rIIIE FOLLOWING REGISIIIREI CATTLE Holstein Cow Buttercup aniuy Segis No 524349 years old bred July 25 1950 Holstein berry Cow Blossom Joan Lilydale Straw years old vaccinated No 074231 bred March 1950 Holstein owu May lag Apple Progresscr years old No 750300 fresh weeks Holstein Heifer Rag Apple lint tercup Lass years old No 005331 Holstein 804187 1949 GRADE lvaccinatcd brcd May It 1950 Heifer IvDutchland Joan vaccinated CATTLE Rag Apple years old No bred Dec Ilolstcin Grade Cow years old full flow bred Aug 1950 vaccinated Hol stein Grade Cow years old 1111 flow bred July 1950 Holstein Grade Cow years old full flow Ibred June 12 1950 Holstein Grade Cow years old calf at foot vac ycars old old bred Grade Cow years old brcd Jan1 1950 Holstein fut Mar lcinated Holstein Grade Cow flow bred May 10 I950 Holstein Grade Cow years 1950 Holstein Grade Cow years old full ow bred July 13 1950 Holstein Grade Cow years old calf at foot vaccinated Jersey Grade Cow years old bred May 15 1950 Jersey Grade Cow years old bred June 30 1950 Jersey Grade Cow years old bred April 26 1950 vaccinated Holstein Heif er years old bred Dec 31 1950 vaccinated Holstein Heifer years old bred vaccinated REGISTERED YEARLINGS Yearling Reg Ridgoro Anthony Lass No 844471 vaccinated Reg Calf months Ridgoro Twinvale Anthony Lass No 894974 Reg Calf months Ridgoro Twinvale Anthony Peg No 894973 GRADE YEARLINGS H01 stein Heifer Yearlings vaccinated ern market Entries accepted until Holstein Heifera months old Jersey Heifer 8months old vac cinated Jersey Heifer months Holstein Calf year old Durham Steer fat year old Durham Heifer fat Here ford Steer 112 years fat 3Year Sale at 675 Thornton Auctioneer 11011111011111 We want 10 Rental Slor on Dunlap Street in good business location We will pay up to $20000 per month and put in new modern frontal no cOst to landlord State ex act location in first letter Box Barrie Examiner weeks vealing ling Steers Sow bred July th young Sow bred July 14 young lllghway 27 at Sputh Limits Sowsyjust bred 130 pm sharp Charles 681 ll 11 11 11 II Still Hit Tends row iii Ttplcfltbfr 33 1930 fr Icinor 111 In The gtrrsiu lluilding the Mufti111 Nuisrs Itrsltlriice v1 iluYI UN 1Iitttlw 1511111 lioeili Utiiai 1o llizlslvili Ctih eoiirlunli 111 021p uill be pleased to pick up dead or crlppltil farm anim als and ray highest prevail ing prices For immediate service telephone collect Bar rie 3017 YOU LOCAL IURRIEK MILISIIIN 299 Elizabeth St Phone 81122 llepaiis Remodelling QQQDQW FARMERS ATTENTION llellniii Storage and leaning Small repairs while you wait Gordon Young Ltd $73 Phone 2429 COOP BARRIE gt wccDWGWDDDDW 1111 included and delivered Ask for complete Loop Feed List IIIlt ION 00 EGGS WANTED Highest Prices Paid Contact MAPIE IODGE POUllRY FARM 10III thClJSSION INNISFII EAST OF SIROUD Under New Management Thos Fitzsimmins Phone Stroud 23R5 Au ilODODull0000OO The Aristocrat of SAUSAGE COPACO PURE 101111 SAUSAGE Copaco presents daily Monday through Friday tit9 am over CKBB John Charles IIIOMAS the internationally known baritone and the Kings Men in Hymns of the World 1100IOO n=lo=lo==ouo===o=lo====011 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from Pricehill Farm North Half Lot 10 Con Gwillimbury Miles West and 114 Miles North from Town of Bradford to sell by Public Auction on lhursday September 21 1151 The following Registered Farm Stock also full line of near new implements and other finecquipment Caiile Reg Ayrshire years Milking bredMay lReg Ayrshire 112 years bred March by Robson Farms Oshawa Reg Ayrshire Heifers born Holstein Heifar 15 months 40 Reg Oxford Sheep selected for breeding BlackGelding Horse 10 years Black Gelding Horse years Black Geldingfrorseyears Harness Set Double Harness Set Single Harness Power Equrpment Truck Ton Chevrolet 1946 alsoracks gt Tractor 102 Super Massey Harris Rubber Combine Case ft with motor Cultivator International Spring Tooth ft Side Delivery Rake Case new Double Disc International ft Manure Spreader Cockshutt Wheel Hay Loader McCormick Deering One Way Disc International ft Seed Drill Massey Harris Fertilizer 13 dies Plough Farrow TractOr Massey Harris Mower ft McCormick Oil Bath Warren Ileavy Rubber Tires and Rack ALSQ Sets Drag llarrows Fanning Mill Scales Sprayers Blacksmith Forge and Tools Power Lawn Mower Electric Rotary Pump Power Emery Planet Jr Seeder Rubber Tired Wheelbarrow Dairy Equipment Bob Sleighb Tanks Ladders Logging Chains Carpenter and Mechanics Tgols Dining Room Set and manyothcr items too numerous to mention No Rescrvg FarmSold TERMS CASH SALE AT 100 11m DST FRANK WEBB RUTLEDGE Clerk Auctioneer Phone 57R14 COOKSTOWN L0=0=0=0m0=0=10=9g II 7000091UUmt ltO00000 000 or=lo==lo=omo=o March ogo==o=o=050===ono=o=o=o=o===o=o==o=o=o=o It Cr It

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