Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 20

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IIIIZ til$l IIoiniuusr11111 1111 11 11111 1111111111 111 1111 11111 11111 111 1111111111 12111111 111 1111115111 l11111sliip just 11ut 1111c 1111 1111111 1111111 1111111 Reaching completion 1111 ground 111 111111 1111111 111 111p11 11 eight tIct 11 places his garage was washed 1111 11111111 fillItltllAitit sire1111 111 1111 IHItItII 1111111 IIII Itsliti s1 rr 111Jo 31 Property Gouged Out by Cloudburst water COOKSTOWN 1111 1111 11 lIhI ill 2111 1111 I1lt 111 01111 til 11 1111 111 1113111 11111191111111 MI 11111 MI 11111 1111 tlircc irci 111cl 111 poi came down Bayticw Drive from the 1111111 51111111 1111 1111 111111111111 111 12111 111111131 theatre and spread earth from his piopirty lor 11t111 hundred yards bchiud the house Expect Iig drainagc trouble 111 was building threetoot coiitictc 111 wall in 1111111 111 111 propcriy but it was only half titiilitl Hume 111 when the llttltl struck MI 11111 All 11 311111111111171 111111 1111111 11 111151111 MI lIdvthc 11111 Iuday 1111111 11 11 111 111111 Jan 1111 Iltl 111111 111 11111111 111 All 511111 Voncii 1111 liiisday Sepia1111111 11 11 11 1111 AL ilolwit 111111111 11111111111 11111111 1111 lliui1l1 111111 Illltl pcnduisi 1111 c1111111 Hi the 111 lll Al 1111111111l11 and Mrs Altman and 11111111111 pcni cd n1sday 1111 111111 1111113 11111 Mink 111111 Mis llllll 111111 1111 111 llllll 111 1111 the pint w1ck taken to Illllwllll 11111121 111 1111111 1111 Sun day liinity WMS will 111111 11 1111 home of Mir Iaiuc 111111nm 1111 Wednesdiy afternoon September III at lllltt Misses Marjoric Fry and Jean McQuziy who have been at Vasaga lleacli 1111 1111 StilillllT months have ltliilllttl 111111111 Mics Sylvia l1niic11n nursein Iraning 11 Toronto 2111111111 11115 pital is holidaying 11 her home here She spent in holiday week 1111 at Vasaga Beach Mrs Dorothy lliiii ltcg of Buick Motors Corp llllll Mich and laughter l11r1s IMIs Donald rrl also 111 Mini were thc guests of Mr and Mrs Sharpe and Mr and Mrs licton last week Mr and Mrs l111d Aiiiold Shin on 11111 Donald from lIctoIi Mr and Mis Murray McVaiicl and Brian Toronto and Mr and Mrs llnhhard iiid IZarl loioiito were weekend vi itois with Mr and Mrs lretl AilitIliijbtillllivm Mr and Mrs James lciiii11x Mr and Mrs 111cpli Lennox lncl and 19111 attended 11 family dinner 11 the home 111 111 liarlcs lcn 1111 and Mrs 111111111 in Tlarkson 1111 Saturday 111 honor of James Lennox birthday VI SchIcc in lownline liurch next Sunday afternoon September 17 will be their anniversary with 501 vices at 11 oclock and 730 Rev icurgis of Angus will be the speaker Music will he by the Unit cd Church choir assisted by Mer vyii Corbett of Toronto lteccnt visitors Mr and Mrs Stan Langley Mr and Mrs Vonch Sandra and Buddy Miss Barbara Mercer NeilEarnhardt Toronto Mrs Ler Ford Freddie 111111 Wilfred Of CIilLdOILWiih Mrf IndMrs George McDonald Miss Eleanor Jamicson and George Or HILLSDALE Septciiibcr Mrs Shortrccd 211111771801 have returned from Sparrow Lake Porter has improved his house by the addition of an attractive front porch and balcony The Presbyterian Church is be ing redecorated both insidcand 0111 by Mr Bowman of Midland Misses Lenore and Ruth Ganton of Sudbury visited Misses Alma and Violet Ganton recently Mr HlillblllLOl has built on ex tension to Ins garage and Bill Mor rison has begun his new house Mrs Fisher Ganton motored t0 Melton airport Sunday where she Ioutc to Saskatoon Siiiccrc sympathy is extended to from here were Mr and Mrs the bereaved friends of the late Mrs Warrincr who passed away 77TTreccntly afterviadentllhy illness Recent visitorswith MrsA Tur iicr wcrc Mr and Mrs Turner Collingwood Homer Turner and Mr aners Messieur of Toronto The United Church held their anniversaryscrvicc Sunday Sep tember with their minister Mr Buried in charge of both services Several of thc ladies attended the Presbyterian WMS meeting at Mrs Herb Goddards on Tuesday night Mrs Gaiiton gavca brief rcport ofthcir Missionwoik and conditions of the pcople of Brazil MIL Gendron and family have returned from months vacation faiid Mr Gonern is again occuDy ing the Presbyterian pulpitxlThh usual activities of the church are being held including Wednes day night meeting for Bible Study and prayer Rev James Austin has spent the past month in Western Provinces and is soon to return to his work which will now be at Houscys Rap ids and Cooper FallsTheg00d wishes of the community follow them in their new work and also to Mr Clinton Bright who has come to take over the Free Meth odist work here and at Wyevale We extend sincere welcome 111111 Detroit MI cltcgtc1c NEWS OF THORNTON oxcczomzxmmm 1l111 loioiito 11 11111111 llll1 111111111111 Mr and 511li John 8111111 11I1Iritulzitioiis oldest contcstant l11111c11n llitlt IILAI 1in Ann 111 loronio 1811111115 Miss Mary lin 1111 81 Itttlts will 111111 11 1111 dale 11 llalhcits Mrs Whiting MI 111 112111111 11 tur111 111 lIlnivnle IaIiIIIsuiis Mr 1111111115 MI Alis Mrs Jillil George and Mrs 11 NlI Moore was his ttl member which was 11 11111111111111 to 11111 iniaca 111 111111111 111 11111 11111 li111t1111I 111111 111 11111 111111311 111111 1111 1111 111 HI IllI t1t Mi 11111 tIan 111 111111111111 11111111 11 =111 1111 1111111111 11 511M IIH IIIU 311111111 v1111 lt spent 1121 1111111111 11=11ntl MI 11 loumu 111111 wii 111111111 p111 111111 at l11l111111 1iiiiI Itlitllt 11nd Alls llcit 111th 11 11111 IciatIyI 111 11111111111 1111 MI and T1r Sitwart tooii and 11111111111 111 auieion Fall 111111 mi IIV111 till 1111 111111111s 1111 31111 Mr and Allgt Stanley 111111 llilli llvw ltl who has been 1111111111111111 111 lir 11111111 1111 past tvui My lIrry WhitInz 11 loroiit111Weiks owing to heart condition LVHHEIIIIS resumed his duties Iginn MI and Mrs lI1lw1n VIiglit 111 11111111 lIdwind iltIt11l Mr and Misl taltsr Wright 1111 several days c1 t1ee of lottInhani 111 Mrix ll11tlllli 1mm MJIIHIUHIIH lililiiil 1111s Mr and Mrs llartnd Burns oi iZwart Iltltlh and No 111 Maple and 311s 111111 111 Toronto 11 Mrs Burns Wins OldTime Iiddlcrs ontcsti Sharpt being prize llliltl in 1111 old 111111 liddlcrs contest lhuisdziy in the 73 c11s and over class Mrs Nelson 111111111111111131 Mr Sharpe was the to compete at their annual c11111pctition III his youth he was Sharpe orchestra Miss Bertha owzui spent cent weekend in Toronto the gutgt1 1111 11f lcloacliins spent 11 few of Toronto were guests for few days with Rev and Mrs Leo is ltcccnt guests of Mr and Mrs Win Spindloc and Mr and Mrs lllhiilar 111111 supplied 1111 11111511 1111 liobcrt luiuzzlil were Mr and Mrs the parties in and about his comIl MCMHM ml Nllblln Sll munity in 1111 good old days Presentation to IIridctolic of Toronto The United hiiich Evening WI 70 mm nucndvd pl AlleliZIly will meet at Mrs Stew scntation of Miss 111inia Banting at illtlills Scltmbtl lI 111r home on lucsday evening The My wllls OHIEH is Clmlm Wm vmnm was Spout oi the meeting assisted by Mrs lr1 heniniing dustcrs der the direction of Mis bride Wilson and Mrs Bert Deriiiott There was very fine program 1111 Emmy ms 11ch Willis daughter Mrs Ionc Morris for 51111111 11111111 consisted of an instrin 11 lEUS Chester Morris was 111 mmml by Miss 111m MCMHSHH n1t1cnt III the Toronto General lIos vei suitable reading by Mrs Goo Illill 11 INNS 51 Week up mum 11111nf Nucheivnig treatment for hand iii 111g followed by mock wedding 1111 Miss Bessie Col ch1 as Guests 1111 Sunday 111 Mr and groomsman Mrs Carl Banting tthMlS WHCC 551 Illllitlltm groom Mrs lone 1111 bridc Mislmw MYS Illltl il Carr bridesmaid and Mrs Ivanl DImik BilllliI In 8115511 Maw gave the bride away Mrs tliwaitc of Toronto Mr and Mrs Black played tiic wedding music CW NW1 lid MY imd M1153 NIH llil Mrs 11 Black was the UH pmson Tm hmc Skit was com Among those who spent Wednes pidy Wt the me mum the day at the Toronto Exhibition local paper which was extremely VPICZ lYllISr Henson Mrs Wm funny Mrs Altman was soloist and R119 Shirley and 1301 Joan W11 sang Good Night Norma The son Ardith and Jimmy Ney Mrs bride was presented with beam10C MUTTISv Howard Cole Harry itul floor lamp with indirect lightR0551 M13 Lemon and GOIdOllI REIT ing handsome magazine table Bowman M13 and MW Lloyd piece of cornfloyvcr recipe book Hughes 11nd Children containing an autographed recipe WMS Meeting from all those present The ptc The August meeting of the WMS scntations were made by Mrs Ross of Cookstown United Church was Emms Mrs Art Cooper and Mrs held on Tuesday evening August 29 Bone Norma very graciously at the home of the president Mrs thande the ladies for their gifts Carr with 18 members present All joined in singing For Shes The presidentprcsidcd for the bus Jolly Good Fellow freshmcnts were served DALST ON Dainty rc iness period Mrs Lewis was pianist and Mrs Cousc secre tary It was decided to accept Mrs Cavcs invitation to meet at her home in Alliston for the September meeting Mrs Frank Fidler and Mrs Sept Corrigan were named commit lairy McKay has returned hon 1C to arrange quilting and at the after visiting at Browns next meeting each person is to bring MSRobelt Handy and Russo finished article or suggestion for and Gem are holidaying at Sault an article for the annual bazaar Ste Marie Mrs Sellers had charge of Mrs Munay Forbesand WaynC the v01sliippcriod andread inter are visiting her brother at Mid 951mg excerpts and Chapter hurst Station Mr and Mrs Fislicr and Joan Prayer This was followed by discussion on Answers to Prayer Mrs Fidlcr read the scripture of Barrie were Labor Day VISItors lesson and Mrs McFadden led at Browns in prayer Mrs Carr gave an in Congratulations to Mr and Mrs formal report of Kagawa1s Stan Watson on the arrivalpf message at Sundava service in 01 baby boy on Sunday MrsN Stranaghan and Sylvia pertaining to his address wcrc giv and Garry spent the weekendwitli joined her sisterMisEaganc1BEEBEE iparems here Among thoscattendingthc CNE TlaTl Wood and Joyce and Joan Handy Mr and Mrs Keith Miss arl LForbcsL of Donald of Windsor spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Brown TICDIOU Spent the hOIIdy hltF0 Nicholson of Toronto yisitcd atJ and MYS Forbes SYN returned With Strachans day this week Elaine Iiiem for visit large family gathcri rctiirned with them ng took Mr and Mrs Oscar Anderson place atthe home of Mrs Handy and children of Mount St Louis Sr on Sunday Those present were visited with Mr and Mrs Me Mr and Mrs Furlong and fam Lean on Sunday ily Mr and Mrs Handy and Mrs McCuaig of Guthrie Mrs family Mr and M1st Handy Rcid of Toronto Mr and Mrs and Jamily Mr and Mrs Donald Hickling and Mrs Addison of camelon and family Mr and Mrs Barrie visited at Mrs BxBonncys Drury and family Mr and Mrs this week Handyraiid family Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Brooks and Mrs Whates andJohn of Kemptvillc Slimmon of Collingwood and Mr EDGA Mr artd Mrs EHut and Mrs Slimmon of Dcarborn Mich spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs McAllister Among those from here who at tended the CNE were Mrs Mus SPPlembc grave Gwen and Barry Mr and Chmson Spent Mrs Lauder Mr and Mrs the weekend in Con With Johnson and Allan Mr and Mrs friends Miss Cockburn of Toronto visited with relatives here during the weekend School reopened Kerridge and Ross AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL Tuesday CAMPBELLTON NB CP1 with Miss Bowyey of Richmond The Dominion Agricultural School Hill in charge Mr and Mrs Duncan in Fredericton closed during the of war is to be reopened The school Thornhill are visiting with Mr aims to give practical schooling and Mrs Johnson in agriculture to boys of 16 and Mr and Mrs Russell Bell and overwho are returning to thetarm RICH PARA 11111 CHERRY VALLEY of her brother Wesley towan 1111I Mrs owan and attended the NII MI and Mrs Ilcrt llarnian and days visiting 11 Mr and Mrs Ilcrb ht ll1riii111s iiid Mrs Ianics Millers Mr 11111 Mrs liris Lewis and laughter Patricia and Mrs Nellch illia and other interesting items en by Mrs Sellers Mrs Lewis Misstersworth and Mrs Corri Loblan can bulli AIWAYS delicious huh ODmixing bfiouti Its quota nncllld Every poundrnuit eme up to LODIOwi 119111 panama OI quality to Ilavouv humIns sound normon Chained golden mum III Canadas finest immaculate 13111171 mumrneApotkcd Ior ampixio Beardnan Ighest quality OI moneymung prices nth Loblovi butter FIRST GRADE 53 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER LlBBYS 1111111 11111151111191 111111 31c SMITHS GRAPE JUICE 1111112 liYLiitlEii PATTY SPINACH 011111 15c LENNttx TthliTtJES choice 0211125c 11111111115111 Mliiittliliiiiil 1111 37c iiiiills GELliTiltE 111 17c Ntlcnli Millittlinllil 1111 37c TlLBiIST 3110111111115 1111 Te 35c Marrowfot T253 DOMESTIC StillliTENllit 111 32c SilPElitiitEiiiVlEn 11115120 1111 38c BENNET JilNitET TABLETS 23c OGILVIE 10111 1111111 111th 111 33c 0111611 01111111511 ttliTS E11191 34c AYLMER TlliliTtlJtllCE 11911 28c PINEAPPLE Jillt acetate 01911917 PlTTEll DATES $1111 11 28c 0x11 titlBlJS 15 11212 PEEK lliEliiN SHORTCAKE 1111 25c 1111111111 1010111601111 5111 cit1112 101111111 31111 1111111151 potassium 11132611 1111111115 10011 11110111111151 uiiiiiis Ptllllt 311111151111 20111111191 CLARIIS CIIILI SAUCE 019111 We CLARKS GOVERNOR SAUCE Ts11191 CLARKS IRISH STEW 1113 24c CLARIIS BIIILEII DINNER 111 29c CLARIIS CIIRNEII BEEFIIASII 11139c CLARIIS MEAT SPREADS 1111 14c Ctliillts StitleS 11521111121111111 01911117c OI IMr and Mrs Powers and SHOULDER mimem SPECIALCHOICE WHOLE Bum noasr NEW SEASON CHOICE FRESH CIIIIICELECS FLANIIS NECIIS LAMB PATDRESSED 0111111111 111691 ALSO SEE OUR SELECTION OF CHOICE CHICKEN CUTS BUY YOUR FAVOURITE PORTION 81 SERVE OFTEN SPECIAL CIItIICE 3111111111 11111111 11145 pIITIiiirssui 31111111111111 53 ALL WASTE PARTS REMOVEDREADY To COOK QiOlttv each sariAshamed Iiiiiiurt LOULAW BAKIII 11111 111111 III I1 p111 11 it 1111 III Nomi lri 141211 IIn 111 In In 1111111121111 1111 WESTONS 7c CIICIIANIIT SPECIAL ZRISCUIT IKGS iitl III Z90 CALIFORNIA CRISP SWEET 11111 11111111112111 FRESH DAILY ATTRACTIVELY PRICED ONTARIO FREESTONE wile111 111311 1112111111121 THE FAMOUS VARIETIES sow IS riu lIMIZ PRESERVE BANANAS 1111111 PATATAES This turn 1111111 SPECIAL SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN RIPE POUND 35 POUNDS NO GRADE ONTARIO bm BASKET SELECTED QUALITY GOLDEN FLESH ONTARIO GREEN PASCAL 1onhu FOOD PhonesTs ROSE BRANDMIXED SWEET PICIILE ROSE BRAND SWEET CNERAINS ROSE BRANDSPICED SWEET WAFER PICIILE ROSE BRAN DPURE RASPBERRY JAM ROSE BRANDPURE STRAWBERRY JAM ROSE BRANDPUREITFL OZ JAR PINEAPPLE MARMALAIIEl ROSE BRAND MARIAALAIIE McLARENS PIMENTO RUBEN 0111115 DR JACKSOIIS ROMAN NIEAL PLAIN OR PIMENTOVELVEETA KRAFT CHEESE 11111291 DINNER TOR IN MINUTES KRAFT 1111111211 EVAPORATED Stiiicrigsr MILK SOCIETY 0011 F001 NO RUBBING WAX 0L1 ENCLISII HAWES ILIIIIR CLUE SILVER POLISH NSUCII 11111er TOILET SOAP BIL 01 BOX JAR 47c 33c 320Z IbFL PKG OZ JAR 29c 39c 29c 29c 32c 1611 oz JAR lbFL 0211111 11 27c 25c M2 2111 21 59a 591 ior 23 211111 13c unknowns cakes15 BEAUTY SOAP primitive2 swimsuits 111111111155 1111 LIIX 12FL oz JAR 601 TINS I2FL OZ JAR 20TL oz TIN THREE FRUIT 24FL OZ JAR $5 PINT LITHIRST WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT UNsucmmL 24oz 122 13 gggfr ixijsnlmnomeae 111 595 111 69c 179 BLADE EMOVEI ROAST BONELEssi ROLLED ROASTSHORT CUT FIRST R135 Lw REGULAR CAKES 17 511 59 34 17c OXYDOI 355 sucm 2302 LOAF GIANT 11116 SOAP FLAKES GIANT REDEEM YOUR l0 LOBLAW pKG EXHIBITIONVTEA com COUPONS ON POUND 0FTHE FOLLOWING LOBLAw BEVERAGES FRESHLYTGROUND 1111111 or 1111113111 CAPT11111 CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE NECK OFF 1b 5c 11 1ch lARGE PKG Ilttt UARTEIIRIIA SPRING WHOLE 0R HALF LEANTSLICED IDEAL r011 BRAISING LIIBLAW CCUNTRY STYLE PURE PURE SAMMIE111553c VIIIOSIIID CHOICE REGULAR CAKES TOILET SOAP LARGE PKG GIANT PKG prism C00 FILLETS 11 32c CHOICE FILETS IIAIIIIIICII CHOICE FILLETS 01111111 PERU1111419 13 LOBLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE 111111 1111111 no 1byg7c liLB PKG TEA LOBLAW GROCETERIAS CO LIMITED PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT

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