Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 2

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r111 12111111 lXtlllt lltiitiinl filitl 111111 BAXTER rxr ituli ch e13 or lit 1113111 of 11li 1ll lr1 1tIlllillt 1t itt Illl 111111 1111 itiltiII LLICW HIIAVIKJt president of the Barrie Art Club gt1lit1ttiilt or illtlift1tllllliitgltltldth in the pipecleaner contest as disptayed recently 111 the window 111 trargs tloth 1111 Store Entries in tire liors Clubsponsored contest came Iqu 1111111 the six town playgrounds and were displayed at themmu WW 11 Lb ptayurouird closing l11id11y ttllltlfl in Queens lark511111111111111 1111 111 111111 the warning models 11 1111111 playing1 violin is seen at lililrlnirrr l11 11 111 1131 centre ittilit ol the picture The senior top award was wongclLfTf by Patsy Salter ot i111ys Playground for her model MITme Donald Imek 1111 4111 hr l1ttt 1=1l 111v ll1 ll ill1 11111111 11 ziris1ti11ir11 1s1111ts111ctl by each 111er1gt 11 $271 11 pites tllt Irrrpertal ll 11 Iweli 1111111i11l iii Ill IIIIIII t11i1 111l1l 11111 111 HOLLY SeptIIrilrcr Iliuts lialraiu ylrrle Iltiilt 111 1111 tell and broke lat1111111 1111T11i1 1IIr other 111 ll l1t 111111 111 l11111 I11 1II1I11 l1 3111 illi lill llie tractor cotiipelrtror 1111131 to all liso lrirrrrpit111s lr1111i lstltttlu winners 111 lirtazro 91111 IirtIr Ullttl litartrh 1111111l111 Pm HI tlll and all plo1rireii from 1111111 prov il mph irrees Iieviou lr1111l111111 1111 lis tiiovei 11f lPerurers will not he 1Iri1lil1 rzrlun llll her mother Trinity Sunday School Pupils Take Honors Sunday $1l1ooi pupil at l1111 titti 11I1 111 Ii Ioi llayo 11111I1i of 111 1111 tIi v1 11 1tlllt1l The 1111111111s111e l11111 difficulty 11111 rrd lr ii1111 Chicago STORY OF Inrluaii tinrrch took oi the 111111 pzixe to but tlttrltti11ttl 1d lhIgt 111 the lho1111ot Tor 111111 111 coriipetitroii with over tltttl rhridre 11 in 111I1l111on iriuity scholars took three top pines 111 the Sunday1 School 11rirrrr1rtioru tried in June 111 the Itlllt iloiiirir1111 of 11111d1 it11 1l 1t1l11111111 Wright has been l1ll 11111 is not very well The ttltt iii the United lrureli at liolly will continue at pm until September Bl whier wrll Ut ltally Sunday corrrbiired service starts at Iitl pin ii laxw1li had his barn 111111 contents burned on Saturday while I11 and family were away The neighbors tired to save it but could 11s plov1111ti who qualied rt hr111I t1lltlp1l1 In the l1ore1lr1r1n plow 1l11s111i matches after tetohei 11 ilitt iold 11111i11l ttrrr1r lthrs tl In previous Iriot b1 elierlrle This class 11 open to plownieii from other prov intes in Canada llui 1111 their lll 111 lll iIItt years 111111111111111111111 trips to the Iirttrsli Isle as the WAVERLEY S1 t1l1l1ilt1t ltlltl Iicd IIl l111r111 Henri i1111i 11311 lillill 11lill 111 11111e1i tatw Mn llrl1i1 IIIIII1 Woodbitditr sp1 111 th1 1111l111111 with Mrs V1111l 1111l rttrtr1lr1i the Wordl Iltl YOUR HOLIDAYS In Pictures For REP HOME PERMANENT 696cm WITH THE 32 Ycur Friend RINTS OF Vacation Snapshots By TELVlStON Wanawryfzz arrests of imperial til the gold Ililttlillllsls will attend 11 number of old country plowing riiatehes rstt outstanding farms and livestock LENTHERIC COLOGNES rwrrn ABIENTOT NEW SPIN CURLERS FASTER PROCESS Some Conllc Toni Formul rim I111 given man than Adam1 1111i1i11111 Aster Vood spent 1l he rriotlrei Air and 11s ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL From Your Favourite Negative TO SIZE 1111111 med not The cause of the tire was spon t1rrr111us coiirbustlotr It is believed PW UK lhe l111l1 horrors ttl loronto lli 11111 went to Ruth ioslirrei who won the sterling medal for the HH Ilmh ed to the sewing machine in place iiis1 paper submitted in any Srin day School grade latsy Salter 1Il1r1 won the award tor the best paperl lllIll in the junior urtrfornri tttlllStl tirade six 111oiy11 liltltl for the best paper 111 the junior graded course grade eight Barbara Jacobs for the best paper in the1 senior graded course grade nine and Helen Swan for the best paper In the senior graded course grade II irrrd11 itobiiisoti won the junior 111111121 award for the entire l11 iiiiriiori 111 Canada aird ltutli Gosling tool the highest honors in the Do minion 1n the senior course number nine The award for the senior course rirrrnber one went to Helen Swan another Trinity student Sunday School commences at Trinity this Sunday at 230 oclock 1n the afternoon and it is to he hoped that the pupils this year will do as well as those enrolled in last years classes 77 BELLE EWART Septeinberi Mrs Art Chappcll the week in Toronto Mr and Mrs Gordon Ruffctt and daughters of Chzrtham NB are spending month with Mr Huffctts parents Miss Harrison and Lorne Bax ter of Toronto spent the holiday 1tllll with his parents Mr and Mrs Earl Brown and tanrily and Mrs Atkinson of Tor onto spent the weekend at their cottage Mr and Mrs lIames Parkhurst are leaving this week for their winter home in Niagara Falls NY Mr and Mrs Alfred Maore of Toronto are holidaying with his mother is Spending SECOND HUSBAND Empress Josephine married Napoleon in 1796 two years after her first husband was guillotined during the Reign of Terror lnvrsrble Hemmrng THE NEW SINGER Blind Stitch tttachment eliminates tedious hein line stitching by hand It produces invisible hinming Lwith perfect blind stitches savinghours of la borious work The Blind Stitch Attachment can be quickly attach Of the presser foot CROSSLAND September larney Wright Barrie spent the weekend at his home here ieorce Archer Mutton spent few days at his home here Miss Perry Stayner the weekend with Mr aird Joseph Strzith Miss Agnes Hopkins spent the weekend with her sister Mis Mellwairi and Mr Mcllwain Jack iai of Cookstown spent Wednesdaywith Mr and Mrs Ash ton Lyons Miss atherine llunter of Tor onto has been holidaying gtt her home here Quite 11 number of people have been on the sick list in this com riiuriity Mr and Mrs Wendali Mchwairi and Mr and Mrs Lon Handy visit ed Niagara Falls one day last week Mr and Mrs Creighton Murdock spent irtrd family of Kitchener holiday cd with Mr arid Mrs John Bea cock Wc welcome Mr and Mrs Law rciicc Whitton to the community Theyfnzrvc purchased the Currie larm Weekend visitors with Mrs Potts and Mrs Sam Allen were Mr and Mrs Victor Smith Toronto Mr and Mrs Harold Doddcmcadc East lembrookc NY Many residents around have started sowing their fall wheat The heavy rain liaSprovidcd plen ty of moisture for gaicns and started the spring grains in Stock to sprout Weekend visitors at the Barnes home were Misses Jean and Glen na Barnes Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Cooper and children Mrs Ray Evans and baby Preston Mr and Mrs Melbourn Barnes Edwarc and James of Stayner Septembers Mr and Mrs Graham and Ern est Parker and Mr and Mrs Roulston spent day of last week at theCNE in Toronto Ronnie and LBziul Quesnelle of Penetang spent the past week with Mr and Mrs Pearson School reponed on Tuesday Sep tember with Mrs Goheen ot Craighurst in charge Miss Marjorie Eldridge returned to Toronto on Monday of this week to resume her teaching on the stat of the Givens public school Mr and Mrs Fronte and son De troit Mr and Mrs Bud Palmer and son Barrie Mr and Mrs Viau and son of Shanty Bay spent the holi day weekend with their mother Mrs Carrie Bates Mr and Mrs Cecil Gallaugher Everett visited on Sunday witl the farmers brothenRod and Mrs Gallaugher Several ladies of this community attended party and presentatior in Thornton on Tuesday evening at last week in honor of Miss Norma Banting abride of this Saturday The party was put1on by the Thornton lddies Mr and Mrs McMaster and Miss Irene Mrs Maude Copeland and Mrs Don Rogers attended ar athome party atthe home of Mr 1and Mrs Gough Aliandale or Friday evening September it honor of Mr Gough who has re tiredfrom the railroad Congratulations to Herman Mc Master Toronto formerly of thi community and Miss Dorothy Hill Beeton who were married on Sat urday September in Beeton Mr and Mrs Couttsend fam ily visited on Sunday with Mr an Mrs Miller Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs McMaster ant children George and Milt Better idgc Clarence Munro Mr and Mrs Sharpe and Mr and Mrs McMastcr and Miss Irene were mong the guests at the McMaster Hill wedding at Beeton on Satur day September Miss Etth Roulston Barrie spent the past weekend at her home here Mr and Mrs Goodfellow am baby of Brampton and Mr am heludes short stay in New York Mrs litlttrlts and see many histoi 1e sites They tIll he aceoriipanied by 11 Iinanaitcr appointed by the Ontario Ilowmens Association The tour will take about four weeks and in city VASEY September 11 Mr and Mrs Vasey visited friends in Angus on Sunday Mr and Mrs John Jones spent tew lays in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Ross Faint spent few days in Toronto 11111 week Mr and Mrs Cecil Sykes ril Sunday Mr and Mrs Cadeau and family visited with Mr and Mrs Verne Todd Monday Mr and Mrs ll Evans and Beth returned to Toroito alter spend ing 11 weeks holidays Mr and Mrs Gerald Snider Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Reynolds Miss Diane Jones spent last week at the District Junior Farm rs Camp Luke Sirncoe Mr and Mrs McKcown Wiar ton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs McKcown Mr and Mrs Orval Edwards atl tcndcd thc AdamsWood wedding it Waverley on Saturday Mr and Mrs Swales and fam ly Ajax visited with Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards Monday Mr and Mrs Gordon Smith Mid Aland visited with Mr and Mrs Harold Cowden last week Mr and Mrs Ross McFarland visited with Mr anders Arlie Whetham Orr LakefsmrctayTM Mr and Mrs Dick Brown 1Vic Lorin Harbor visited with Mr and Mrs Fred Edwards Sunday Mr and Mrs Nathan Edwards and Gary visited with Mr and Mrs lack Rumble Hilisdale Sunday Mr and Mrs Malcolm McDon Jld Wyevale visited with Mr and VIrs Lloyd McDonald on Sunday Mr and Mrs Frank Smitharn and family visited with Mr and Mrs Ed Potter Orillia on Sunday glayj last week in Bradford at the hourly spent Sunday August 37 with l1lilllr1 111 lleayerton Mrs relrer has the sympathy ot lll1tIIttlttltltlll 111 l11 loSs of her huslrntrd Mr and Mrs tariirly spent ltlltlHr liaily Day Service llI he observ 1d 111 United liurch 1111 Sunday Septeiiilrer ill with 11 joint scr l1 at It oclock Mr and Mrs lI1rs11111 Brock of Toronto Visited at Ii Searletts Mrs tora McWalttrs 111 Penn broke Is isitrrrg with relatives Mr and Mrs olonel McWattcrs 11111oru Mills and the 111Itrtltl with liylrs Ward and Hill Mrs Dren irnn arid Ilud MeWatters and Ken I111 Visited with Mrs ll hltLIlltltt Snider spent the weekend with rel 1rties Mr 41111LM1s Morris Darby and Marie sp1niSutida with friends in Iettcrlaw number of people from here 11tteridcd the NE in Toronto Longrattriations to lean Wood and Bill Adams who were married in the United Church on Saturday Septemla Mr and Mrs Morris l1icWattergt and girls of Smith Falls returned home afterhoiidayinc with rela lives Mr and Mrs Truman are iting with Mr and Mrs Ban nister Mr and Mrs Charles Johnson and family of iinlsaL are with Mrs Norman Drinkle 1o STEELES CORNERS September Doris Griffiths spent sevrai home of her grandparents Mr and Mrs William Griffiths Holiday guests with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were M111 and Mrs Harold Dates and John and Mrs Edythe Fletcher Mr and Mrs Earle Dates and Betty Anne and Norman Neilly motored to Capreol last week Miss Mary Dales returned home with her parents aftcr two weeks vis it with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Liberty Capreol Mr and Mrs Hall Kirkland Cake visited with Mrfand Mrs Harold Cowden over the weekend Mr and Mrs Eric Curry Wye ridge visited with Mr and Mrs VIanley Edwards over the week end Miss Sadie McFarland Toronto spent the weekend yijhhervparV ants Mr and Mrs Herman McFar land Mr and Mrs Jack Nixon and lien visited with Mr and Mrs Dyeball and Mr and Mrs Lieth Orillia Mr and Mrs James Cody Elora visited fiends in the communitv Mrs ock returned to E11313 with em Miss Laurieen Edwards and Har ly Alliston ofTOrorLItO spent the weeke with Mr andMESS Mervin Edwar Mr and Mrs Morley Clement and son have returned to Lefroy after spending the summer months with Mr and Mrs Morgan Ed wards Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Frank Rummeyand Ross were Mrs McKeownandDm Mr and Mrs Vasey all of Toronto Bill Brown Oshawa Mr and Mrs Walters Midland Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Brown were Mr and Mrs Brown Hamilton Mr and Mrs Clark Brownand Gary M1 and Mrs Earl Brown andGregory Nelson Brown and Miss Gwcn Stutt all of Toronto oe PULP PAPER LEADS PostWar cxpansron of Bmvatcrs Zorner Brook newsprint n1i11has telped to boost Newfoundlands 1qu and paper industry into the earl in expert and product value sh which held top spot for years now in second place with mining hird iris BertvFuiuler Oakville visited ast week with Mr and Mrs Mi Abrams Mrs Stokes and Mrs Little of Vancouver spentseveral days last week at the homes of thci cousins and Ernest Dales Mrs Porritt spent several days last week with her daughter Mrs Greg Davis Churchill recuperat ing from nasty fall out of the car erChaities Stovold attended the CNE in Toronto last weekend was the guest of Mrs Helen Leadcn and Pat Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales and Mrs John Totten spent Friday er ening of last week with Mr 11th Mrs Draper Cookstown DIAPER PIE MOM KEEPS ME any is com WITH DRYFOID An amazing new clit pct cover DRYPOID Rb puts an end to un sanitary ITIIIAITTIK rubber pants which often cause brbrcsllto cry DRYFOLD pins right on with diapers Tucks in around your babys IthKO stop 51 age but Isnt right or indiniz Baby stays cool and fresh hours dayDRY FOLD allows air to cerulatc so TlapCI damp ncss evaporates and baby doesnt get chatcd or diaper rash liasy to wash and dry In seconds Made of Soil Transparent Plastic Madc of nest softest plastic DRYFOLD never gets stitT like rubber pants Has reinforced corncts to protect It from being tornb drapcr pins Sizes to IT all babies from In arms to year olds Ask 1111 DRYIOLIJ Today at TAMBLYN Drug Store BARRIE ONT riceuprioraenand Mtllron Sott Natuul Lookinx ercs Tani lciill K1 73 NB Tam Spin Curlers CO NI Tan Crrmc Ross 35 6118 SHAVING CREAM SoItens Tough Beards GREAT AID TO SHAVINC COMFORT 115 165 WITH DOME ATOMIZIR 150 200 FOR ONLYI TAMB 279 Nix 150 Regular Vciul REFnEsnmn cLEAnstnostrAnPoos echx LACENE 75cO1so core1n LUSTRE CREME 29c 55 COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 18c 210135c FITCH DANDRUFF REMOVER SHAMPOO 39c 6993c 39c Smril Six Large Economy Tube Tube 39 59c CRESS CORN SALVE Crersclcu Salve That Actx Like Vanishing Cream It Used As Directed Cannot CIuIc Iniury to Live Skin $0 39 CM CLEME SHAMPOO 77 HUDNUT ECG CREME SHAMPOO 125 200 HALO SOAPLESS SHAMPOO 29c 49 89 OGILVIE SISTERS CASTILE SHAMPOO 60 100 150 NEWDRENE 35 59 99 PACKERS TAR SOAP 29 TONI CREME SHAMPOO 33c 556 95c SHASTA CREAM SHAMPOO 59c 11oz DRY SHAMPOO 7TILTELTNEHIDSECTION 1611111111111 MARCHInns MAKEUP RINSE 15c 35c NESTLES COLORINSE WITH LURIUM 15 0351 LOVALON PURPOSE RINSE 15c o35c Volt diesVin ATTM ETIINRTIEIEIOEIELTE BRYLCREEM 29 49 WtLDROOT CREAM OlL 59151793 VASELJNE HAIR TONIC CREAM 39c essc SIJAV 50 e851 gtt Avau Brightens highlights the hair with lovely lustre sheen and colour 750 20 Applications For pockage 3W5 EStlngy Husband My husband Tm good business petition spends lot of money on his own clothes on personal expenses but seems td think can get along on nothing IHo kicks about the household bills Inbout my clothes even about my tiny bill For cosmetics It there no reasonable basis of arrangement Ion husband and wife It were you Id write to the Community 01651 at Greater TOy rontc Vcllare Dt1is1on 100 Adelaide Street West Toronto tcIl 101v clcycr budgetibook called dampen11111 11 cOst 1550 cents in ii are lard out the percentage of expenses for husband and Wife If your husband is good busmcss man And you do smart sales talk yau wdl be able to send him budget program which WIII help you both out Also in print now is an excellent budget hock produced bv the Bank or Montreal and available on re qucst DR mummy W8 FOR SUCCESSF TREATMEN SUMME COMPLAI FEENAMINT rItr CHEWING CUM LAXATIVE FOR GENTLE EFFECTIVE RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION In Your Ho 60 it Co Rapid Save Money on These 1w yum anisrocnu wax PAPER 1112 BRANT SERVIETTES 1125211 BEEF lRON a1 WINE 1113 its 69 115120 ALMOND LOTION 11232933 COLD CREAM 131111 SOAP gig 111231 COREGADENTURE PoR 11 231 11 39 111691 011113 CUPS DOUBLE RUBBER SHEETING p51 791 HOUSEHOLD PAPER rowers er 111 1101155110111 RUBBE iL 1111111111s 3Lfij 23 MILK 0F MAGNESIA ALP 33 BUILD RESISTANCE AGAINST COLD INFECTION 25 50 TOO 100 OF 85 350 Crave lam bachelor is asking for help We have plenty OI grapes in our garden but no good recipe for making grape tom and were crazy about it Do you have something and easy that any man could make Here is our best and simplest grave ram recipe Wash and stem tour pounds of purple grapesweigh Separate pulp from skins Cook 0qu gently until soft press through sieve Mix sieved pulp and skins in preserving kettle cookexactly minutes Add cups ot white sugar slowly stirring until it is completely dissolved SIFTTTTTCT gently until thick about 15 minutesl Pour into sterilixcd glasses Over with hot parowax PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSHES GENTLE ON THE CUMS 20 R1 43 21 NOVO 111111 PANTS 1112 18 21111351 PAROWAX 111 2111 331 P1Rot MINERAL 011 Rites 3311 1373 691 REVERV not warm BOTTLES 69 RED RUBBER 1111 RINGS 21111 131 SUPERLATHER snavrno CREAM 137 69 51111111110 BRUSHES 111191691 51211111 LEAVES TAMBLYN FLOOR wax IURKISII rowctuno wnsn CLOTltS 111 23C TRULY YOURS POWDER PUFFS 19 THERMIC IUcis 299 WOODBURYS sou 30 WITCH HAZEL Reg 75 reeCorgESnl Reg 49 34 INCREDIE GIN PILLS wemForeLame Back and Irritation otithe We Bladder and Kidney 49 74 In Demand for Years Past AILY FROM HEADACHE NEURALGIA AND Please Send Your Questions To KATE AITKEN 225 Invir Toronto Ontario LISTEN TO YOUR TAMBLYN BROADCAST writi KATE AITREN Over cm 11 745 p111 49 PAIN 12s 13 mu iflllso Residences 111111111 it LaMnyn Drugs IPhonehBarrie2650 Free Delivery On Orders of$l00or More Orders Phoned before 900 am Delivered Same STOREHOURS Tue Thur Fri 830 am 830 pm Wed 830 am to 1230 pm Sat 830 am IO pm Sun 12 to 35 pmwl9 pm Labor Day I0 am to pm to pm DELIVERY Phone 2650 wQQQQIQMWQQQWQQQQQQQQQVQsQQQ DELTVE ELM FOLDER 64c MACLEAN AND STOMACH POWDER UPSTT STOIMK INDIGIITION NTAITIUIN humru no no FOWLERS EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY UL of NT Take Bottle liday Kit Ind Be Prepared Igates have Cream MAKES SHAVINC EASIER COLCATES Ii ll me LJ 33 and 49 CONSTIPATION PURE 95 c79 VEGETABLE NTS DONT FORGET YOTII RHEUMATIC 24 29 iOOs 79 11 111g1s Day After Hours Phone 387 5s

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