193U 20 IIIII IIAIIIIII IIllli IIII IISIIAY SIlII lands ldcnwegmn 31 YCci K111 All TOWN 111 nsn gt1 my 1111111111115 it IIIIinioitII liIiIIiaiIiIIIInls Utll Learn HAIRDRESSING lIIII111r prIsmun 1111111 This is 11 ioycriIIiIIIit tliHf Itcgistcrcd School where 11 Wed at Central llidlll 1111111 13111 11111111 i11111111 Elkl lt 11111 you are thoroughly train tullitui 11111111 11 1111 Inc11111113 branches Beauty ulturc AHtltHMld i111111111u11 1111 11111 111211 1111111 111 11111gt 11111 111111 which 2121 1511113111111 iliiit riltAiitC oi 111111 11111111111111 1111c11111eo1 gt11ow11 111 l1111 tockliurn 11 111111an11 11111 111x1dc pitsiiLteti SUV 11111111111 kc 10 11111111 111121 11111111111111111 Enroll Now 11111111 Ipp1 11 11 lr IIivcro 111111111111111 110 llairsday 1iitii at 13111 11111111 111111 Bruno 11 111 Iiiiiisua Lllttl 1111111 11111111111 nix Illttlli 11111 Fall Class Mon Sept 11 mother Mrs lcr 1111 13511111111 Street llllgtt1ltli 1111s showcr in 111111111111111e former tliaiitlcr wiiosc marrian to took place last 5111112 01111 2111 cites 11111 1111 white gt111 11111111117 bell Icrc the 111 zision Itll 111111 Mcgcz Ilil iilllllltlllll Aklt ZlletlS DeiWin Schoo 31 vullnlnp St 11u ilt curaiions 11 $111 11111 liosttssucrc Bier sisters lioyal It 1111 end Phone 11111 MARGUERITE GILL lliAtIIIJB orifiixo ClCtSSlCCil Pepuldr Modem Improvisinq dnd Piano Styling WILL BE IN BARBIE EVERY SAT For Further Information or write Alliston iit IlIIIIl 11111 rcceii 111i trouyllr 1111111 lliicliiuannvii lniv lillltlptttli litad of ilic safe arrival 111 France of coiiipictc 11111111 for graduation S9 by me Id Her mlll tlilrtllt over laillc taffeta made with sister Jeanine here have 11111 11112111 tliurcli 111111 11000000 POLLS About 41101111011 ballot 111m 111111 The bridcsniaiids Miss Mavis this needed during Indias 15131 gen eral election Ihonc 3921 lOntJUqUICUOUtlU Lookinq to New Season With Shoes 13 ltlt Widths AAA AA wellgroomed woman looks to her feet first choosesrshoes from our complete chic collection of footwear in smartest advance styles Above shoe closed toe and heel black suede pump$695 and$950 At left Brown c111 Monk Strap $1295 At right Black Suede Baby Doll $695 WOIkWeIShoe Store 58Dunlop St Opp Post Office Phone 2397 Barrie Wed Race 11 1y Cats It MRS MIItlll PARISHIN are seen tollowiiig 1111 11=tltlll at St Marys 11111111 taihohc liurclr lhc 1111111 111 iormer 11I Bracale daughter of Mr and Mrs 1111 1111 111 11111111111Ilcr lltisll11 the son of Mr and Mrs lziiLsIcu Ottawa Mariorie Gorrell Photo by Smiths Studio IE 11311111111318 waJaEwmmd Betty Chaniler And sandy Russell Wed to Paul Meger 1111111 1t111 thuzcli Barrie 1111111111 11 11111tus11111 of glad 1121 21111 11111 111111111 tapers form 11 1111 111111 111 11 loci1y wedding 111 Sainiday August Ltd 10710 11 31111 1111111 111 1111 11111121111111 when Miss i11111111 1111111 11111111 youngest 11111111 I11 MI and Mrs II ll HEW IVllllmw 1113111111111l 111 lIarzic 111came the bride 1111111111 lItiiicc 1111111111 Assisting the 11111 icss were Mix liarl Sutherland 111111 Miss Bessy 1111111 1111111 111 Toronto Mrs ltcid 11f Bat111 attended the shower 111111 her daughter 11111I l11Idt ISaIIdyt litis sIli 11111 111 Mr and Mrs 13 Ill 111 Montreal 111 111121 11111c1atcd 11 the doublering 1111111111 liver iii 111111I11 by her father lietozt leaving the employ 111 1111 11111 1111111 111111 11 hooped gown of Bank 111 Barrie 11 July the hridetohe was pr1 ltcnted With pair of lamps by ll lislicr bank manager the staff IIIIINCII illil l1li FLUX Man Lillltlt lllt 11y11111 1111111 111i laille taffeta 11111 111111 1111111111 the neckline 111 11111111 11icd with tliazitilly 1111 11111111111111 1111 tucked skirt tel in might 1111 111r llllfgtldlll 1i1 v1s lit with crown 111 lily111 11111 alley 111111 she carried cres 111 11111211111 111 Better linie roses 11 111111 cariintioiis gold litiilgt and 11111111 11111111111119111111 from Scotland 111 1111 111111111 gruidni11tli1r Mrs 11111 ll11liiiison of Barrie 1111111111 of1 honor for 111r sister was gunned in lime green nylon mar 1111111 bodite double pointed cuffs 11 the 11cckline iiid full circular tliooped skirt cll SiSltl of the groom uid Miss 111111111 o11k both 111 Toronto were 41111511111 similarly 111 blossom pink lilti dalfodil yellow The little 11111111 Joan Robinson niece of llit lJilCIi wore pcriwinklc blue gnu11 of niartiiiisettc and faille taf tlclti iiitli gathered frills at the 1neckline IAll wore halos of gath lttl nylon and carried baskets of Illlillih Mrs Gordon Roach sang The 111111511111yo1 and Ill Walk Beside $1111 during the ceremony with Miss Mary Maxwell 11 the organ Walter Giles of Toronto was 111111111 were the iisliers 1111 the brides sister Alvin illobinson The brides mother rc cived iii gown of navy sheer 11131111 with navy accessories and Corsage of Pink Delight roses The Igrooms mother assisted wearing lpearl grey with wine accessories land coiszigc of Rapture roses Ilic brides travelling costume was navy gabardinc suit with Iiavy accessories OutoItown guests were from Montrcal Toronto Windsor Port IEIgiii Winnipeg Guelph and Mid Ilaiid On their return from their wed ding trip the young coupleare making their IlUIIiChin Barrie 1h 00iICU 10a11uoc 11 ShirIre FoifcoaTsT Despair 0L Breeders McNeill foxfarmer who gaincrl international recognition When he developed the platinum fox has turned to minkrbrcedingbecausc lthc bottom has fallen out of the fox for business Salmon landings tinCanadas ilacific coast in 1949 totalled 143 19001000 pounds RENT At NEW CAR and Drive It Yemen Ca112772 31mm DRIVEACAR Company Limited HERTZ DRWUBSELI LICENSEE It Collier SI summer Bowers uid clnysaiitlie gronnisniaii and Alan Carmichael of illgil and William Bastedo of ToI reception was held at the home Moose Jaw Saskatchewan cv Dean mcs 0101 REGINAAtigLIst31 CPI 000000000 A1 Parents Home 111 Saturday afternoon Sept 111711 111 wedding was solcnuiied 11 230 oclock 111111 hilt 1111111111 Miss Margaret Roberta llltllVl liantlcr was united in 11111ngc with laiil arl Mcgei son 11 Mr and Mrs Albert Mcger of Stlkirk Manitoba Ilev James lIiguson of St Andrews lrcsby 11211111 hurcli performed the 1111111l1uriiig ceremony Miss lilauie lianiler 11f Barrie 1stei of the bride sang lless This House before the ceremony and Because during the signing of the register with Miss Isobel Hiking of Barrie aunt of the bride Icconi lpauyiiig her 11 11111 piano The bride who was given in mar riagc by her father wow 11 two toiic grey handstitched gabardinc siiit with navy blue accessories and r1 corsage of ycllo gladioli reiitrcd llll blue cornflowcrs ller attendant was Mrs Bruno l1v1r11 of Barrie who wore dress of silver buckle grey faille with navy blue icccssorics and corsagc of Better lime roses and French carnations Bruno Favero of Barrie was groomsmzin Receiving the brides mother wore cinnamon broiin crepe with deep brown accessories and cor sagc of gladioli and French carn ations The grooms mother was in Queens blue crcpe and worc navy blue accessories and corSage of gladioli and French carnations The bride and groom left on wedding trip to Huntsville and points north following the wedding On their return they plan to make their homein Buffalo for the win ter months Relatives from distance attend ing the wedding were the grooms parents Mr and Mrs Albert Mc ger and his brother Gordon Megcr of Selkirk Mrs Chester Wilcox North Bay and Keith Bowe venhurst Joan StriaChon Wed 10 Boiiing At St Marys India Missionaries At Collier Baptist 11 gt1 11111121 111 11cl111111111 c1 l11 Sana 11 11 111 111 151 11 11 Non 11111 1111111i111111 lt 111 Itc11 10 11c 11111 Iiaiigliicg 1113 1311111 Sttzltniciit 1111111111111 11s 11111111 siilc riltltllt 111 iii Till 1111111 lrcland 111 111111 11111 gtci1lcd 1111 the 11111111si111d 111Ii11111 lecuiuscth Township 1111111 A11 1111w Mcllerniott iio 1111s Mrs Banting and her egaiiddaugh icr Mrs laimi 11111 Bani ingl have all used the saddle 3115 1111 Banting with riding 1111111 of navy l1liie and hram buttons 111111 with lady llltilt at It c111 fairs It is claimed 11111 11 one 11111 1111151 back lltlllll was very popular 111 Ireland and 1111 riders exccllcd 11 131 111 CLI 112 11 11 Museum Exhibits Supplied by Simcne uunty Womens Institutes uu SIIII SADDLE Al 11gtoi 111 1111 511111l ll 111longed 11 1111 g1111i1iotiici eill Mclicrmoit who came Mis lclh111111ii1111 11111111111 11111 scback 11111114 was quite coni 1111111 among persons 111 both sexes in the early days It f11111111 one of 1111 clucf lthlSltlllx 111 lilllli people lloirfc 111 the most coiiiInicnt means of travelling through the patiilcss woods Ick ridiqu was 1111 Saddles were 111111111 111 hog skin pigskin or calfskin ilic 11111 scttlcis frequently having skins tanned for that purpose The curly Methodist minister or circuit rider with his saddle hugs containing his Bible hymn l11111k alisc With his clothing and an umbrella tied on the poninicl of his saddle was quite familiar figure The roads in consequence mnw Ur Ml um MIT of poor drniiizigc were very bad in MW hum hm my the early days and for that reason travelling on horseback was the easiest and quickest means of trans DolleiyBroce Nuptials Saturday The iiiairiagc of Miss Jessica The bride wore dress of cinna mon corduroy vclvct with cor sage of talisman roses Her 11 tcndant was Mrs Laurie llarkcr of Orillia Laurie llarkcr of Orilha was giOOmSInaIr reception was held it the home of the grooms parents following the wedding After wedding trip to Maiiitou lin Island and district the coupler Will make the home at Mm to marriage pcrsonswho desire to Iiiid matrimonial partners Please write to Matrimonial Bureau Asquith Avenue Toronto 6983pM Point The groom is member of the plant staff of The Examiner formed the marriage ceremony and said the nuptial mass The bride wore suit of deep blue vclvct with matching veiled hat banded with deep blue feath ers Her shoes and bag were of pale grey snakeskin and she wore white docskin gloves anda eorsagc of white roses Hcr attendant was her sister Miss Doris Strachan of Barrie whot Gm wore suit of blue pic 11 pic with matching blue accessories and corsage of red roses James StiachanroLBgiiie broth er of the bride was groomsman wedding breakfast was held at Robindale Inn Following wedding trip to southern points thebiide and lgroom will leave for Saskatoon Miss Joan Theresa Straclian lthere the groom will continue his daughter of Mr and Mrs studies at theUniversity of Saskj Strachan of Barrie was married yesterday morning September 1950 in St Marys Roman Catholic Church Barrie to Gerald Edward AlbertBottingotSaskatoon son 99 atehewan More than 700 different publica tions in 23 languages in 58 coun tries were used in the wotldwrde My lltItlIl gt111111111ilt Simple it relies 111 the 1111111 11111 111111 foi It 1111 111111 111111 contiasicd 111 tixtlilltl 111115 to com Vel IilII 111 1111 11 111111111 p11 sh 1111 111 1111 111111 plcniIni 1111 i11s1c 11111k Ill yet 1s 111aux used this 19111 11s tlic 111111 1111 the sit1111119 11f drcssinaker Silll llll striking and lllitlbtl Il lllligtll BarrEWlio Hold Draw in November At 1111 Barrie 11111cii 111gttitutc nunting 111111 Sept 7111 the home of Mrs 11 Iittil Hayfield St 11 was uuioiinccd that Iiiiilt ntnde by the 111cIIIl111s and pair of liiiiitldlii hi111dcred pillow cases donated by Mrs lou You would be drawn for at ciiclii1 11 1111 end of Novem Mis llariison zin nouiiccd that rummage sale would 11 held In October by the Institute land that articles should be left with iMrsI lcy 11 her home on Collier toiivcncr Mrs Baker rcportcd an enjoyable bus trip 111 Niagara Falls and dis trihuted large match contcst for the box cs The member with largest number of objects collected 111 them will receivo high prize Mrs Jacobs played for singsong 11o close the meeting Bruce daughter All Willliml Bluwl The October 21 meeting will be MUlmCilL lld Mr Llield at the 111111111 111 Mrs Btiwlcs Bruce 10 Ciilmim LOW DOHUVV Park 51 and will take the form son of Mr 11ml Mlil INWIS Dll Iof ii lliaiiksgiviiig afternoon tea lery of Mincts loint took place in the parsonage of Collier Street Unit ed Church Barrie on Saturday af membcr llostcsses and bake sale Bach asked to bring 11111111 lwill bc Mrs McLeod Mrs Button ILIIIUOH SCIlkmbil 193 ill llllfliMrs Sanders uid Mrs Bowlcs A11 oclock Rev Lewis perform the ceremony historical research will be given by Mrs llogan paper lIIAIIIZ UNIONS Most of anadas local trade tin ions are branches of international organizations citlicl craft or indus trial= with headquarters in the Uni ted States Thc Matrimonial Bureau private confidential The purpose of thc Matrimonial Bureau is to introduce With view 55 More 1er we 16 ber Milly oi 11111111111111 WILL BE Seed v11 Lawnn Now Edit 15 The Ideal Time To Start New Lown or RenovateTheAOld One start Clair per in Toronto Wtrmrobooo Weeds do not give much 1110111111 aim with 11001 nights warm days andplenty of moisture you are sure of good WE HAVE SEVEIIALLAWNiGRAss Mixroiuis ANDFERTILIZERS ON BAND PERENNIAL FLOWERWSEEps sow NOW FOR NEXT YEARS BLOOM HOLLAND BULBS EXPECTEDSOON WATCH FOR ADVT FARM FERTILIZERS CLOVERS TIMOTHY JOTVHER1 GRASSES AND RAPE FOR FALL SOWING BROWN 81 CO LTD SEEDSMEN SINCE 1871 $01IQttl00ti0000 Mr and Mrs Betting of advertising campaign for the 1950 Very Canadian International Trade Fair VER NANTI I0 III coldfilled top stainless bddf I7 iewel pre cision movement $5250 Guildite For Eaveirouqhing Sheet Metal Work Warm Air Heating II enicni her MORAN TI libs Sit ert PHONE 2297 IIII IIlIt AIII IIISIIII 11113111011111 NewHenoix Fconom oaluanlho Ilenhio Wt 11110111111 lIsI automatic wqux every manly can Ollozdl NEW brand new IIIIAA made pomlxlg by the Wonderlah which comlanou will the agitator to wash rinse and oquoeiediyonamazinglybettezwayl BENDIX Wonderful eliminates many expena aivo pATIs No wrmoor No high speed spinmnq No 1101111111 down And this new kind of tub has your written guarantee ECUNIIMAI GIVGI you Undertow washing Floataway draininq genth Squeezedrying No snags Iipl smashed buttons over thlY $2495 Worlds newest simplest automatic washer at the worlds lowest price Price includes normal installation SOD it in action today swarmr gt NOW AT EMMS ELECTRIC 47 Elizabeth St Barrie PHONE 2493 GRUENVERITHIN IROSINA 10 kt goldlledtop stainless Guildit buckrl7 ieWeI preciiion emovment r17 $49 75 GRUEN VERITHIN MILLI CENT14 III white gold case two diamonds l7 ieon precision movement $I50