inccs of South practised with minimum of rc claniation work he said 16 THE BARRIE EXAMINER OPERATION REDCLAY Ll II 32 itrl ti IITI It tttmfi tit ii Ill I2 lI oi ililil In lull were more utiltttltt llv lnt rtv itllnli It it 515mi Tl act tilttl II ti llllttl to Ictnn trw Lac ainp matIi IIIII lJtl litt IrctII t1 til ttt IIIttt III tlI =t Itiiin II Sen also lll cmch till 111 no LIai Jlai cEnIncs ltc Samuc It thc lhnnIIIJIJItion plutonn um Inynwl thtt Trag IncIIt tIoIII ttl lIcI Idc Ittlttltllttl Him li chrId la III lltl hnII Jlllll 77 iIcIInlc hc ltftltllllL INpltltlttl Scott lltt tilltlttl posstblt lnolIcII itlIlth lilttit 2w his tllltil llttlttllm lllittlltllgt III Itrd ca woik as placed Mll litttlm lclcgiinni piocc lIIrc on ltattihori levcl Two scnenns onc an 1ltitLtLillilld ac hint and lln other exitintrawal urc fought llxcsc gttltCIgt proved to lac aInoII thebct of Red tlay llIc 3rd Iar adcts also held an attack on cmnpan level and were in the process oi planning II III houi battalion sclnnie when Ill coIIlInucd incchncIIt ccather Torc cd II cancellation of this liIIal sthcinc lIlcsrla JJ tltlltl littlllittl the end ot 21 years service It the army for Major ll Mimic officer IonIInaINlinL the ITCS of COTC Detachment party inhis hon our Ivas given by the staff at MeaI iord Moorcwill always be re IncInbeIcd by the Tticer Cadets an cstchncd officer The best wish of the entire school will 10 with him when he returns to England shortly The move back to Bordendook place Wednesday morning Extent Of Erosion Alarms Specialists JOIIANNESBURG AUG i7 soil erosion in the Union has alarm ed the soil conservationists fromI other tdrritories who have been touring the three northern prov Atriea to see the work done on soil conservation in Pretoria Very good work has been done There is no doubt of that said Armando Salbany soil conserva tion specialist withthe Portuguese delegation at the end of their tour We saw the damage that erosion tremendous lot of work has been done it is so little in comparison with what still needs to be done that one gets hit frightened of the future My colleagues were surprisCd 2t the damage erosion has done in the Union Wewhad tor long can do Although distances seeing erosion all around us before we came to any place where something was being done gates from less developed territor ies the urgencyrof placing farming iiiiethods there on sound baSis now whileconservation could be Salbany said the sight of the dainage had impressed on the dlc The principal eause of erosion was incorrect arming methods of one kind or another Approve PaTCh For SpecialEorce tFronI Camp Borden Citizcnt OTTAWA to Aug CPI Dc lcnee Minister Claxton has approv ed the shoulder patch Canadas special force will wear on its uni forms It is expected to be issued short ly to members of the brigade groupl that will serve in Korea or else where It takes the shape of shield has bright red background topped with the name Canada at gold maple leaf and two olive branches fgom the UN flag 4gt All Types of Commerclal Printing who came under his command as TAILORED To MEASURE Good Clothes for Dad and His Lad Done by The Examiner Phone 2410 TTRSDAY SEPT 1950 Vv vv 1v vv vvvv Wmm DIMw with every 32 uIIoTedtomeusure Suit QR do soother WWW This month IIUNIT celebrates its Silver Jubilee Iilh timely seasonal promotion obitII Hlttltlll into huge enterprise Iur plant cm proves once again that BOND is the leader in plow hundreds of people and ITUNI luilorcd style quality and value that HUNT lailored loNlcasurc Ilothcs arc nationally advertised and loMcasurc Clothes are the lincst you can buy at sold direct to you through chain of more than our prices or anywhere near them For limited 70 stores from coast to coast lbats by our time only you can have EXTRA TRULSICIIS ONLY SlLVEILQUARlER with every priccs are lower Thats why it will pay you to visit your nearest Bond Clothes Shop and join in suit you buy at our regular low prices our Silver Jubilee celebration EVERY NEw SHADE AND PATTERN Our new Fall line is one of the most bcau tilul weve ever shown Come in and see the new lubilcc Colours the new patterns weaves and fabrics from the nest English and Canadian voollcu mills There are hundreds to choose from but collie early for best selection Well tailor twopiece suit to your individual measure with all the skill craftsmanship and detailed needlework for which Bond is famous in the style you prefer And you can have an cxtrii pair of trousers forciily silver quarter Hero is quality and value that cant be matchch MoRE VALUE IN EVERY FRlcERANeE Yarndyedworsted scrges gabardines Hamlets twecds vindowpancs plaids checks hounds looth picupies sharkskins plains TheCoanander The Royal The Ambassador $269197 s3975$4975 $5975 EXTRATnousaks ForomAsnvmuman cuu BIIIIIII II 54 Elizabeth SI Barrie 7QQQQQQ knew mmwa