Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 14

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IIiltl II Fri III II IiitgtII r=ne II II II tita IIII Iid lII tI III utiI iiIiIitIIi Il piI ilita It tI III Loni tlIiI VIII Stitiiwwtii to Ali Qitai ic llttntil to Vlttitllilt Itl lits IIIIluiid tIi Itt II and II liltll IIpptitll and Itidi TIII iIIIIIII II iIIIIIiIiII illoi ItiiiiIr III IuIIIIIt ll Kiwi IIII Supt and Mr Salisliuiy 1clil lttr Inn 1c day With liltlltl IIl ilotuttni Mr and li icl IsitId llll Mas IIIIttic on Sunday Mr arid lr Itittf ltawn and ltalpli calhgi on All II Ioitcr of Nce loIll on Sunday llartiara IIaklcy and Minion llowint both of Ioronlo spent the weekend at tllkll icspcctiyc homes Mrs llUlclttI MacDonald Sas katchcwan has been spending omc time with hcr nephew and family Mr and Mrs litltllc Ander on tongzratitlations to Ioaii Woods and llill Adams who Wtll married ttawn and Mut Bishop of other NIAGARA features filmy lonn lilarimurad without emu choice No endorien required Rates are rectonublot conveni enttcpuymenlr in WayIrlIy United Lhurch by snmllomplumovunobh ilcy Auld of Midland Saturday aftirnoiiii Wwwpmommm Mr and Mrs Lawrence son and allinlphoncwmaow wife of llannlton visited with Miss Peggy Itlaclntosh over the weekend Mrs iaighcitd of Midland spent Sunday with Mrs Maud Rob ins and Mr and Mrs Lorne ar iuthers AUSTRIA IN NEED There has been sharp increase in Austrias cost of living Ilelpl the situation abroad by sending CO llMlTED gag930 Ix rivtiARILfoodrpackage that will supI The Wilson Bulldlng plemcnt thc austerity rations of at Phone 5533 family of four for inotith Send Ito CARE 73 Albert Street Ottawa Post Office Square Barrie Ontario rm PROFESSIONAL pIREcronv it ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC LESSONS ARMSIRONC MacIAREN COl JESSIE BRYSON RMT cinnamon ACCOUNTANTS lEACIlIR OF PIINO SINGING 53 Collier SL Barrie Iand THEORY Pupils prepared torl examinations of the Royal Conser tl7 Yonge St Toronto Resident Partner Valery of MusIC Toronto 811 Macmnitn BComm CA grades ln01udtlggRLCTfModerln Studlo 21 Bradford 8t ALICIII BOOIII IRIM RMI 40 Charlotte St Phone 2748 Teacher of Piano and Theory Pup ils prepared for the Royal ConI servatory of Music Toronto DOBOTHY JOHNSON lAssociate of Toronto Conserva tory of Music and London EngI III II ADCLEY ACCOUNTANT ANI AUDITOR 24 Dunlop Street Barrie 115 IIItpIIIUlltzJlliih INCOME TAX SERVICE HERBERT II IIARRIS Zertified Public Accountant Toronto atid Barrie Barrie Office il Bi dn Ist Office uare i9 llelleiilioiie 3397 College of Mustc Plano and llesident Manager Theory ARRICK 152 Maple Avenue ANGUS ROSS SAMUEL ROSE Chartered Accountant 69 Collier Street Phone 4949 WARD MAYOR and COMPANY Certified Public Accountants 18 Toronto St Toronto WELCII ANDERSON CO Instruction in Piano and Theory Preparation for Conservatory examinations all grades if desired I40 Dunlop St Barrie Tel 5775 THE DAVIES OF CANADA Studio Elizabeth St Phone 3956 urdays Monday wbattered Apccntntants Trustees VOICE EAIGAND DR Brock Bullgilhtioo Bay Students prepared for all grades Conservatory exaiminations In struction given tiring summer IVETERINARIAN months DR BKACK Veterinarian andASurgeon Elmvale Ont Phe mule 34 Barristers Solicitors Notaries Public Conveyance Etc on FLEMING VETERINARIAN and SURGEON Sunbln St IL Barrie Phone 4545 on SPEARIN VETERINARIANStang spiteEON Steele arr COWAN COWAN mo 442 Rarrtsters Solicitors Notaries Consulting Hours 10 am to 4Ipm EIFE lNSGRANCE to Friday MONEY TO LOAN Office 13 Owen St Barrio Branch Office Eimvale Ontario BOYS KCI ROWE SEAGRAM to for two days wtli IZII Ittitlltili form tempting to rciaii IIIII tlwriI oiind cn earlier Boss Cowan COWAN BUILDING ALFRED HI LI Minus CLU 53 Collier st Barrie on Personal and Family Plans Pro GLADSTONE CURRIE gramming and Estate Analysis Close Corporation Group Key Barrister and Solicitor Man Partnership Pension and Sole MONEY TO LOAN Proprietorship Insurance 97Dunlop SL Barrie Phone 3115 FRIENDLY DISCUSSION OF TOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS Barrister Solicitor Etc Phone 4174 or 2705 Barri Money to Loan Representing Landon Lite IMuoulo Temple Building Barrio Insurance Co CHIROPRACTORS GEO Intrinsic nunnsmm Ross Block Barrie Licensed Drugless Therapists MONEY TO LOAN Electric Radio Hydro and Mechano Therapy 15 Dunlap Street Phone CORBEIT DC CHIROPRACTOR ANDI DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 17 Owen Street Barric BY APPOINTMENT OSTEOPATHY EDWIN WILSON B8AI 00 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN WILSON BUILDING BARRIE ONT Consultation by appointment TELEPHONE 2293 BEBE SMITH Successor Ito DUNCAN MeCUAIG LC Barrister Solicitor Etc OPTOMETRY ROBI BARRE FFSo BARRE OPTOMETRISTS 93 Dunlop St Attendance 98 ROBERT II SMITH ILO OPTOMETRIST 63 Dunlop StPhono uu Hours 96 daily OPTOMETRIST JOHNSTON R0 OPTOMETRIST 15 Cla petton St office TRY AN EXAMINER wANT AD much of the spoilage Of silage New ouONALD MacLAREN xo Phone 2719 CONSULT 3194 Phone Iain NOEL STEPHENSON 80 Dunlon St Barrie Phone 4201 Phoni410 Hrs 96 Closed Wed Camp Bordens RCAMC School BATTLE OI IIIIIH INII IIIIIIS tIciu ILIZ by IIId lltltt lllil illEllttI into llIlIZs Hi to In ally in bi It Hi It old IItl IJotiI it ttI ltilli III iIi da Li tlul VJII Into to pvrt tI IIIII IN kg IIItl Mrs itIII It uI iii IIII Borden Teeners It tiI if rom Ihc tIIII IIoiilcii itiIn MI tl it IIid II llv IziIi IIiII lILIl ti itnl illtll lIiit Iiiui lIIi Ml lIilttI IIIIIHI III ii Iiicttj II igt it iII spcnt lI IIIiuiIl IIIII tlltl II It tttt III and Alt IM II iIItIItw II II ttiiI Iiiti lIIa lid Iit lil In Emil ii II IIIt IIIltt ii II III itIJ itl IIlIIIiII Ji lat MN It tum parents and II will Intc 11 it IlIIIi II III III II ttll MI and All IIIttIr llt III III Itll III and Slinlvx H1 III IIIIIII WW titi toIiII iI IIii Ili tilnudt ifin ID it It in la HIM It iIIto Il mic1 il tiltt IuI yiiIIIII iII IIIII II ii Int lllltl il tI tIIiil toiIIII oi tll ll ii iiili iI it II Ittitti it llll Air and MI iIIIIIII tl II II tilliili yer Latrltni Mich ll PM lli Ii school II tI IVIIiIlLt Alis IIK IIIIIIt of TM ii hi iii ii Il II III IIIll IIi IiIII IIII IIIM II III II onto illt plndmr cooolv It IIwl Ilml IILIIS xltll lllt tic pair tt Ml II II1 II Mr and Irs II lltII 51 Iii old ll iI lter III theirs lIIc ttItllIlr in II II II til ltoittt Kilt tvillllli liIItttII IN IIII II iII Iand conduct tizI owIIIII II It HI tt IIof In St John liItIl tin hi till it The tlllll oi oi Tilt and ii ILII IHI Hilll William lflltllit Iitnon III IIII III ll ll patient in the Sick tildiIIiiV IIIIlt II II Halt ii Illtill Ioronto lliilt lion II In It It II Aianil condition IaI 7t IIII Iii PADRE TADEI Pierre Leduc 23 IIIontreal university stud ent letters cross during anadian army manoeuvres near Meaford the week before last Student pzidies bury dummy casualties CENTRAL ORQ Scptcmbcr It TlnsanpaHIy of tlic coniiniinityt is extended to George IIcniyl wllose brother William former resident here died in the Coiling wood Hospital last lticsdziy The WMS atid held meetingI at the church last Wednesday August 3t The president Mrs lI McKay read the scripture Mrs Clarke gave the topic which was most appropriate At the PYIS mtcting lltltl last week at the home of Miss Isobel Fletcher lovely string of pearls was presented to Miss Beth AnsI 1611 who commenced her duties as nurseintraining at the Oshawa General IIOSDIlle on August Biz The district was shocked last Thursday morning to hear of the disastrous fire at the barns belong ingI to Howard Crawford at ro Station We feel very keenly for Mr and Mrs Crawford and family in the loss of their crop of hay EGBERT September Atiiiiycizaiy service will be lltltl in lIJbIIrI day sI ptcmbcr It at 730 pm Mrs Albcit llionipson and Mrs Illllfllllllltl of Toronto are visiting Mr and Mrs Alfred Thompson Mr and Mrs Thomas Fraser and Mr and Mrs Bellamy spcnt the holiday wcelcciid at North Bay number of people from Ihl community have attended the CNE and all report wonderful exhibits and good attendance Mr and Mrs BOyd Arnold and family of Picton have been spend ing weeks holiday with relatives in Thornton and Egbert Miss Yvonne Fraser Toronto who sptnt the summer with Mini and Mrs Thomas Fraser returned to her home on Saturday John and Harry Downer of Dunl troon who spent the summer holii days with Watson and Esther Dow ncr returned to theirhome WfrsVVBIOHHdMI Ullllttl lniieh on Sunf In sittilr IvtIVIJI initiwuti hl fal Forces Battle at Meaford in Operation Hippocrates wmnI Mm SIXTEENYEARl NONSWIMMING 96piuml loretta leger of Cornwall Ont dives intti canal to rescue drowning youth Pretty blonde Loretta Leger dove into the canal and succeeded in getting hold on the young man under water But she was in for struggle The frantic victim as so often happens didnt cooperate trasp ing his rescuer by the hair he thrashed ahtIiitinaliiig group of teenagers had been seeking relief from the heat in shallow part of the Cornwall Canal Suddenly aftera bit of goodnatured horseplay Lucien Lavigne 17 stumbledand fell into deep water off the canal coping nonswimmer he immediately and Mrs Kenneth Brolley and farti ilyspcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs SIOILAGE or SILAGE James Leighton of Holly Improper lling is responsible for augertype blowers now on flui market spread the chopped mater ial evenlyto get tight pack which helps prevent spoilageI The sport of throwing the ham iner goes back to tlicTailtin games fol Ireland in 1829BC WltO s9N3350$suklt FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE are Noel Stephenson RO PTOMICTRISI at STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS aud OPTOMIILIRISTS DUNLOP STREET BARRIE ONTARIO FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 3333 HAMMER TIIIIOWINGI all the however+ she began to choke and Siutter nrrdtmhendisappeared managed to bring him to the surface beneath the surface His girl friend went into action win It was not easy for the 96pound girl to get the youth who weighed around 150 pounds in to the canal bank But she succeeded He wasgrabbed by 77 THE DOW AWARD is citation presented for acts of outstanding heroism and includes as tangible expression another nonswimmer on the bank and after much of appreciation $100 Canada Savings Bond The Dow pulling and pushing was hauled up to safety We Award Committeea group of editors of leading Canadian are indeed proud to present THE DOW AWARD to daily newspapers selects Award winners from recom this brave young Canadian girL mendations made by nationally known news organiution DOW BREWERY MONTREAL 3A4 Toronto For free booklet Story ofthe Dow Award write Dow Awmd Room 2000 372Bny Street

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