rut Iiutiui LIIistit IIILItsIIIt sirr Item MLA Explains lti iHIghway Plans Whenfour BACK wk pttiatlx tittin lur II the llariie l$lltllttf lh st tits It III EI II II lttll Hill id lttt in EI it OR ST ON CHURCHILL in In ttli ol lh llIrrIrt ltolnoson II IIl listhktlltlittlltlltllltlo STEELE CORNERS 3H up DI It ti UN ltnii illl lut met lull tenlutt llotltls 3EpII tip EEI iit Kltltttt ltlls imt lllttl tiring lflltl in ii II Ii Ii II ii Ma liJELaltl li treating the ltitlnryx i9 II II IIIII III III IIIIIII III vI tifii ll it It ltltlllt Milne ltll tnda at an tltux IN III II IIII III IIII II ttllllllrl loolt lot the Hue but Willi the ml 51 Itii ltlr2tt WANT Al two humaniqttuiuntiaiiit in summ mf II IONIC 5III THE GEORGE WHllE Ii II II Illt1I ni EiiI II IItII III II III II III Ss II lt vL ginn Ail tsim lti lat hm Alluhiu iiill IlluUL ll II EI ie tl ti Eiiaii ilii tom El hi II IHIIIIII In IIII tlmieiml li lilttllgt it In Show IINuml Ii nu lenttit lotirist lizirle out lhll ililittilt ll Evt it i=itiiwiit Mini is in no tel liIIIt tillwI liiliz JIM Vi lt WW Ii WW It up It tIIIttti lIl on Ei in Int II pumme How Hwy fm Li IN lI li In Ii lii hEiili 1sE pug lielz liit CouldIntuit and II II II II It silage itltl iiitl till luv II II IIIIlI II Ii titir Eiiiti mm Ititl Illt tl iii ltlltlllllll it hilt tilt01 tt akI IFI II it you up E3 lsIHWl Iw E1 tight Ihrii you need it At potttt ittlIl tlltl hit IIIII II III III I1III IIIIII IIIHIIIEI HI ini fly Nuiii in pp IEi II II II iE it Ei ll oiiit Alttltlin Iiou tan ltlll tat Ill in IN III lneEII iiEl an tpt lii Illlltlt lzein L1lIIll III 1s lliUlll1delrllh 1h at III Itiiittl tittli it It slit ill II gtE lllt people li eIi lit lie 3iiti ilH Elih at Ilil tileI mm lntvltl Uld Iii tlttlltn Ilvl inl ttitzltliit lit llli ts lilttlitiltl llllt IIIII II III 10w llillll 1II II II II Iitiltltl Lit iipeiiiili lhe tin JPN3Hl llilllltitl n1 =lllt ii Illt 11 lE Lira ot iiiinent era Ilttlttl on llil will IM iv II itt tiit illl ttxui IIIII Yo EI 12 ago one lt tezin ha ll iloionin ilii tat it In and lnqulrc about thls new II II NJ llitltlltlI to I=Is To iiiziI llowr SIIHiiWIIE IlIll HhmI Pl lllIigtliI glint iii ivi iE mi SGIVICC IIIIII III II III II II ti lieniIEi rostI tlioiiizh lli Ill itll ltlllillt Etzn ile oi tlli EIIEI tl it be tlesinEtzs oi getitiztt man MW iiaiir ihi ittllililt tl ill Iii on II EI III EIwII III EIII In time inio tool on tho you tHldtlt Iiole llllIl to hip ulituI IN MI 16 III II pt II IIIII IIIIIMII from MI hear sllltt The iigtt elte WNW lilli it llllilll onto intlll lazE ttlllltl lll tli II EI pIII 1M lion iltlltll anti MI Eilheit Elelisivi Iliuiin it SPECIAL BLOWER st i1 iiwi vi iiit llIEiiE til tllt oi l1 lAll 5i 11 ml illmmii1lll lit11W Ellll Iv iii mg IHLU lump II itillll tam ttE Rota and he pet lil Ml ll1 Mr lIost ha int lll Mellii Mild ht fell theelts Itt aiion ltlltt iilmlnEEn iI titty INHE limll EE you tail titr EEE 5W titlmf HE MIM le oil II lwtivI Ian Iliile are ii Waiter ltitl Iniiim 71 Wyeth Int iio 111 Itltltt unit it it Hurti Izoiiie town In Melliee reinarlt IIllifll beIIeif he said ltoyal Ieioria lliiiilil liaizn Sq rIPImI Ohm HI IIIIHIII 1l 73 AII IIWi Mil 11w ii 1mm London In tIl He said the Illtitilil has beei CiI rltrtl it he felt any iifltlTI IlllHlll lltl man lllttitl Ih liI as lttllli 1000 mm in iIEEE i1ii about mm are ENEis 1mm his leiizz lllllt iii Eiitil ummo xssssssxssussxvnsxvnsvtx Ill ll ill ll hipIi Hm up gt ii lli ligt LEi it E13 illllvi It It Iiii ll LOWER OPERATING SPEEDS Saw lnl and ptmti iifii And llxt It Lttll1tlltlt EEE ii llu upriatiiig IT 1il Ei pm Mm Ipp ElIII up leithtintti tl iii Iiiitttyt tlllll of mailiznr pump HII WWII its IiiIll id IHIE l311ItIE had leI NW KIM II it lt2 It Ii llti shott BETTER MORE UNIFORM Liiltltlttl to 51 SILA 11IIEII H17 III III Elt ad tIiozi III the touiitij GE IIIl IIIIIII III IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII tuti restrte is aroused tears that Clean cutting elf feeding HM 15 IVII II iniI he l1tttgtgtitl to import sup Ei=Iet ilies iIIIhss tli northern piiszi aimed at mm sharp boost In production laeiu from tiie eIst ii in ar hid the southern altars apparenth 1mm in it ml at the eoal eiisis of hit littl lmWlltl ill the essential lllllttlilJ base ltltl rollers under pressure II PIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIS IIIIIIIIIII Britainpurchasedtilltloililtons1IoiiiI hire Elie IrtIIsIuIclme to knives pro IIIIHIIIIIIIHI Iding short firm grip large beater roller In 011 junction HIll the steel feeder web xitli upturned edge steel slats gathers the feed and FORCES ll lillltotltill Milt no effort on the part el the operator liie sotitheiii limit in mid Slim Ministry of lttxl figures show IIIIIII3I IImI1IIiIUf III illIIJF Il that stoeks in the Liiited Kingdom x411 NIWII Ilhls WWW have tallen to Iiipioxtiiiatelv l2 oiiiintiiiist armies have been ino EI jiiniitiii toils iieztilt ltlfltlilllll lLIle ill AI51llililltKWftdIbelow the safety margin IIXetl for the beginning of the coat Reports have been ltttthtl from Illltlill sotiiees on the iiiorenientl What is worrying the iltlllitilltlts it til heavy tanks lltlt North is the mounting industrial demand Korea from the Manchurian port of it home ioTieet growing export atren during the last two weeks Loiiiniitnieiits as tll the im Stttsotl fringe lllllft Ihu fipt All TILLIt run he purl Iustt under the lirlR Hinllillllhfi Iltl xftf ilgt Jul petus of an expanded rearinanieiitI Iliese reports 15 mm mm piogiam Chinese Communists at Aiituiiol The seriousness of the situation Graves Bros PHONE 9049 Cundlcs North Barrie has been underlined by an urgent Ippeal for increased production by thord Hyndley chairman of the Na tional Coal Board lle suggested lihe launching of an zilliout produc tioiiliiit by mudSeptember at the latest Yula ritei port on the Manchurian Korean border had commandeered ill shipping and were mobilizing Chinese to more war supplies into North Korea 7i Nanielriiieess liiiieess lliziittlis haliy lii Eleeii5iiiiiieti Antin lLliabetli Alice 1Lotiise Ilei fttli title is HOT Royal IHighness Princess Anne Elizabeth ElAljee Louise of Edinburgh The names were announced IPrinee Philip entered them on her birth certificate The method of announcing the name of the princessthird in line iii the thronecaine as surprise It had been thought that as in tilt of Prince Charles she would not be named until the christen ingf the date Iof which has not yet been announced The name of Anne was given in memory of Queen Aime who ruled England from 1702 to 1714 The choice of Elizabeth was al tribute to the babys grandmotheix Queen Elizabeth Alice and Louise are names common in recent genl crations of theRoyal Family its Allimross Canada in increasing thousandsevery year more and more people are statingr their premature for lontiae in the one way that really proves thev mean ilIrEilh their ueIreur orders Illigear buyers are swinging to the large luxurious Pontiac Stream lincr and Chieftain models Buy MaeArtliur Rappcd President Truman restated the United States stand on Forinosai this Ewcek as he ordered Genmi they get iii Pontiac Itlcclleader Douglas IvlacArthur to withdraw statement suggesting US occupa tion of the strategic island MacArthur asserted that the is land was bastion vitaI 10 Usrse rs in the lowestprieofield are finding how much more value 4000RESEDAN thats priced right down Iwith the lowest Yes lontiac gives you utmost value Ask your Pontiac Icurity and amuia 6e autism The dealeorthe iiiooh hands of hostile power he said referring to Communist China It would bca dangerous salient thrust into tthhcart of the line of dc ltcnsc The official US stand onnForm lOsa asemphasized by the presi EIdent is to havcthc United Nations Security Council settle its political status Thcproblcm hasbcet1 plac oil on the provisional agenda of the GENERVAilLSETORS council The US has emphasized that it has no territorial ambitions onthe island Iior seeks any special PEOPLE PREEFEB Could you trio say that to your wife position there ohms his An easy wayto make this true in your case is to While MaCAml llndmw 1I statement Republican Econgrcss get your name Onto amlEy come at men pounced on it and read it into the Congressional RecordTherc was general view that here was redhot election issue once You can do this for very little For example at age 30 only $450 week would protect your wife with $200 month for the hex 20 years and then $10000 in cash Other amounts cost in proportion See North American Life representative Get full details of the benets the 5Family Income2 plan brings to you and you family APPEARANCE oniw PRICE IiXIJIiLLIiNI IiEALIiiissELiVIIJII DEBENDABILITY Hiya TRADEIN VALUE HIGH ltEPUIATlON trays DEALERS tacit REPUTATION OF THE CAR IIIGII REPUIAIION or its MANUFACTURER LoNnnY Morons Air Force Expansion Defense Minister Claxton has announced that within one year Canada will haVe sufficient first line fighter planes in service to make Canada the thirdranking air power among the nations of the Atlantic Pact $200000000 appropriation has been made for the purchase of lCanadianbuilt F86A Sabres and CF100 CaInucks and USbuilt Mus 1M tangs ROSS HEALY Branch Manager At the same time he announced 11 owen Street smallscalqgevival Iot the ComII ST monwealth Air Training Plan This III IIIII