Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Sep 1950, p. 10

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BSKKS3SSKSSK Skukw tI lv 111 inl arIgl 11111 ii 115 la ldll dli For Parents Only English Relatives m1 III lianlhg Il I0 MeelatOro Home By Nancy Cleaver BIllZ IS Id II II I1 il 111 If It 111 11 ear111111 111 Cre etgl Ctnir Hem bottle 11 III II II 36 13mm My Emmi 11131532111 seelmw II 11119 11 costs to 11 1I Tl 11 the 11111111 11 II II I1 II II II 1111 511111211u II III II II IJI best sellIinz p11 1111 1UP 111 5111 111111111u MIN III1IV 713 SUM Ittul 11111 11 11 l111i 11 111 Young Srudcnts V1511 iy P1 11 11111BllndA or my ml xnviIiltll lillllKKl I111s of 111111111l Slim illW Hlhtlll f111d11i ll 11 oi 11 LII ll l111 IIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIII Dear ld 1111111 111131 ll11 131111 111111 111 11 LII VI II II I1I Ime 1111111111 111111 1111 12nd llitlnintic 11111 111 11I II II III II II II II 1111 11l1 ilui lmllim 111 ill1 1111 of 1111 l111kot divzdualx uc 1111 ll 11 UNIl 11111 11 ll111 Nmn dub 1111111fI11 Nth1 111 llzl 111gtt luv 11 11 11 gt li1l IIIIyIK Um 111 111 1liIl 11111 II 11 1111i 11111l11ilm 111111 1111 old will 1111111 115 15 may ll 11 11111 11131111 illilml till Must ultlllk loult liiicl 1M IN II 13 111113 millet mHIl II 11 of 2111 mnl iilllnlmll Wm 13 1111 11111 1131 111111111 1111 of all ll lv HM 11 11 II II IIrIIy II IIIIIIIIIIHI III IIHIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIF I11 VItlIlII 111111111 II Molliris I111i 111m nd 1111 11 111111 11 1I IIIIIIII II II II IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIII lit WISE 1n lgt dillllll 11oo 1lltlllllil 111ltl 11 Iwk 11 i111 11111 I11l 11111 11 11 1111111 11 II IIIIIIIII IIIIHI IIIM III In1 III IIIIIIILII IIIIlIIIIIhU IIf IlllltlIllll soupwhat 11hcvcd that 111 11311 1111 in 11 111 t1illlllv lidI II 11 mm on Lad il111l Worm 111 mi tillllc ui lVltlll 1111 liltlitiiY 1111 111 i1l 1111 111 11111 childl lIl IIIlI EI I1I11II il Ian1 1111111 11 it Ill NstllXl IXINIAI l1 1I1111I11 llvru 11111 mm H1 Full llllV 3141 in 1111 1111111111 1U 1111 KII ILLI II fl 1m1 HMM Ill1ll want their boys and 11111 to have 11111111 111 111 1min 11111111 with nip 1v If ii Ii 31 111351 or not only 51lIIII hm 11I II 11111111 41111 III III III II II II II IIII II WW ill 111 t1 oinirpuitn 11111111t REQUIRED FOR Flt 11 111a1x llnl NllillTiIimi mm mum 1111111 tillllilmonl 1111111 111 1111 hlw ia um 111 IIIII iIIItIIIxVliIEiiiIiIIII IIIil IIIt 11211 v1r1 out 11 c1li 1111 ll Inf 111 11 lligUHlU ll1uililon IIII III II II II I1 childhood ll1llll 111111u1 11c III 1p1 11 1111i11o MI llrmm mm WWW HMO ltmtll JENNA 1m mun 1I1yliolc 1111 ot IMt 1oiiullgt li1il1111 lluu11ll1 1111111 1111 IV 1w 1111 II II policulioiis lll be considered III III Flt11 11 llll ciiool 1i 11 H1111 I1111on 511 1111 l11n111 YllHlSIil NI II IIi 1I llwHHd duly Illllr for ulrtituto teachers with 151 or Rubbing IM 1mI Hi blilxt 1115 21111111 in Sotiiid l11itord 1wtizi 111 ll 111 yRANIVHCD 1Iid 1l1 lllltlllll School lc11cic1s c1111ic111gt prcfcrably from 1111 liovziicc of Ontario llcasc scndl Illlll1lllllll to Major Scotti 1111111 llmdtpuirtcrsI To Serve You WHITTYS Drug Store Dial 2823 WE DELIVER iorr1 ll SALMON liyc kinds of salmon arc caught in llritish olumbia in the follow 111 other of liltllllllllIY importance lt1itlltIt pink sprint coho chum Cssa Rd 11001 PARKING vEASY T0 ROLL DELIGHTFUL T0 SMOKE 1500 Sell sumrs In Surveys shew the preference for WHITE SWAN is 911110 the next brand In Ont Que and the Marltlmul Izmiis 23 the family doctor at least once icncca time which will be fondly reiiiciiibcrml What can parciits do to make their wish of happy school days come true for their children Every child should be in the best possible 11011111 checkup by year is good plan llcgular vis iii to the dentist and lo the Il Ispcclalisl if the doctor advises this are also important The family allowaiicc has put payment o1 medical care within the reach of many families who formerly ilookcd on this as an extra in 1thc long run it is an excellent iii vcslmcnt to prevent sickness ralli cr than wait 1111111 11 child is ill lbcforc consulting doctor Boys and girls should start off to school with good breakfast in Ithcir stomachs and with an ade quate and appetiziiig lunch if 11 noon mczil must be carried They Ishould get 11p early 111111111111 so that 1tlicy do not need to be rushed Iofnaggcd in order to get them off to School Any child who is old lcnoughto read the time can take partial responsibility for watching the clock and getting off to school Hot school lunches are an excell cnt plan and if this plan is not in word its adoption for 4110 school children in their district ChildrenIhatc to be too differ Ient fromtheir school chums in appearance It is wise mother 11IumII111 11 lijlllllY ollcutx Dubl operation parents do Well to forI 1any country but particulzirly in lcniucratyf llic kind of schoolI and of teacher should iiiattcr tioti only to 11111111 but to every good lllltli This 1x iirittci of first liiiportuncc llont nculcct ill 4a vA Minister Called Orillio Presbyterian chip laruc callicrtni of tlic grcgalioii at lrillia Presbyterian lurcli rcccntl Vltlltlttl call lol Rey lranlz onkciz MA in honorl l11i1rsllI and tho lllll College if the Irish lrcsbytcriai liurclr lr oultcy accepted 1111 appoiiitiiiciil for one year and it expected he will take up residence at lrillla shortly native of Bclfasl lrcland hc was ordained into the ministry 1n the Presbytery of Belfast During the past year he has scrvud undci appointment of the Board of bliss ions in Victoria BC He is 37 ycars of age and unmarried lr Conkcy is one of numbcr of young ministers of British church cs serving in Canada by special arrangements between their home 1111 1Churehcs and the Presbyterian Church of Canada to MINING SURVEY Churchill Man tCPlA party of mining surveyors lcftilicrc by llll recently to lllllkt an aerial survey the Chesterfield NWl who dresses her children in sim ilar maniierIto their chums Small 1boys especially hate to feel too dressedup They dread being teased by the other boys Practi lcal simple clothes that can be lwashed are worn by most Cano dian school children Mothers sel dom make mistakes in school clothes after the rst grade begin ning of school event Mothers and fathers can do great deal to make happy school days come true for their children by their own attitude to the school ind especially to the school teach er Thcre are fat too many criti cal remarks personal even unkind comments aboutthe teacher made in the hearing of the scholars ITheIre is far too little appreciative icomment of the teachers character land accomplishments No one is lperfectnot even our own child ren and the teachers on the whole are ne class of people Throughout our DominiOntherc is still shortage of qualied teach ers This is particularly true in outlying rural elementary schools One of the possible reasons for this is likely the attitude many parents to teachers to attract the right type of young person supply the need know Do you what salary your childs teacher receives 15 it anywhere near this nothelrrIfcI tor is that salaries are inadequate in sufficient numbers to They plan later to survey the Bak or Lake district cast of Chester field which is 4110 miles north of here IASPER lRemember dont scare them TwillOra mover oratovVinQ truck Photographer orsuit pressing VIIMW PM nd thernfast you And eliminate all the guessing PAGES IlGISEIED hm YOUR Korea on the work of Youth for lirisl 111 area 111153 131i111111 11r11r1 Noxvnxar llompt repairs for all makes and models of lIlcctrlc ippliallccs Lilll 1111 linico ornwall lll1lll 11 IIII HI II II Id 311 11150 NIJWS llixintiotil ll1nilt 111 and Ottawa SI IIIIIIIIIIlt Ilw Ill 11I 103113141qu ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR 1111 HOME 1112 111 1121 1111111 1111111 lichnzan and Ncw York 113 town 11 IIIHHI ll Authorinsd Repair gelVice lim SIIIIIII 11 11 11 71 11111 11l 1111w 11 IIIIIIII III IIII III IIII 1xiiiiot 51 151Arr11iiooy 111 1111111rs riiiuo Douglas lliiic of Adrian lliclinun IIIIIIIIIIIII III IIII II II IIIIIIII SPARTON lIl1I 11111151113 1111y1uid lity IIlI1l gmII II III II IIIIII IIII NI 11 HD1111 11111111111 rcpiir 111 IIIIII NIH IIIII II international Youth 1111 lirist HllliiIlIIIIk IIIIII II IIII III II lllltil it Winona lik lllllllllllt11IlIlI 21 lillZAunflu ST DIAL 5577 was prcscntcd by llt William DWI Siflt director of Hamilton YlC 1n 111 report Mr Silft told of Youtlil 111 hrlsl $111111 lllllnllllillhi con1 ducting 1211311 ctaucciistn lllllt in just 111111111 llll nntlircak of lllt11ll llic 11lllI attendance of the ralllcgt 111 5111111 lllL1l 11$ liih is 1510111 lialy pruycrI nitclings 1111 almost tiiilnliiyi able record oi 31111111 p111pl1 unthircd at livc ocloka 11ch 111111111111 lll1l 1111 for their country Various Youth for lirisl lcadcrs including Kcnintli lclcli 111 liatl bani Barry Moore of London and iron lIedloy ol Brantfmd rcpurtcd Elltlllilllil litiiopc this llltilntl nil of those men having participatml 111 the YFC learn program tli1 rc through out 1lic summci Coolie HdiiTCtor 13111111 Youth for Christ was in attendance at the coiifcrcncc Sessions con cludcd on Labor Day LONDON GOVERNMENT 111he City of London is governed lby the Common Council which consists of the Lord Mayor 23 al dcrmcn and 206 common council lmcn Bygimpkiiis kitchen casllre5w Cay 111 1111111113111s1I111c1111111 of pale sunshine cupboards IHIQK soft 1110 green table 10111111111 counters tomato red 10ft rim they have fullpail And 1110 oor 11111g111c11c1111111otIiiicSEiicii natural colours Madeans alga capturcd in Lold Sclil Ciiiigolcuin fothcr doesnt worry when the small fry track in sand oriiiud IA broom or damp cloth removes the evidence lastcrthan it tchs to scold the culprits longolcuiii rug ls longwearing 115 11111215 beautiful It has wearlayer of licattotiplicncd 11111111111111 baked enamel equal in thickness to coins of the best floor paint applied by hand For 110 most for your money look for the Gold Seal on every rug titanium co GOLEUM CANADA TED MONTREAL HASNT THE GOLDISEAL lT lSNT CONGOLEUM LIM

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