TIIF BARR EXAMINER IIIIRSTHY SEPT 1950 Despite Chilly labor Day Weather Filth Kids Karnival Gets Crowd large Entry ol Pets Decorations Where inthe World by Medearis To Chamber Meeting CKBB Choral Entry Takes First Place At CNE S400 gScore Crowded lConditions at NEW LOWELL ti 11 ILIIIHN 11 111111111 1111 11 111 LI11111 Ill INI the hwiuw i5 1111111 I111l1 it 11 y111ilfy1ill1s 1131 Ha 11l1l l1 LllIliI Nzijh 1113 ILPLII 1ppl1111 1111tl11thi1 11111111111 Illilllll 1111ill111i1 ll1111 11111 Firlltti11u1l1111 tlilil trim the 1111tl1 111121 yltyuzttwlll in 111 1lltlt 111d 111111111111111211I lm 1I111 IC The 11i11111111t111 3111111111111 111 111111 11I1 lli1riiirrioir1l I1111 111 11l1t1 11 1t tIlllEl ltll 2111l11l 11 17 l1 111 11 it111111 Ill ll1 i11 tl1 111 111111 1111t 111111 111 111 WHAT STATE SERVED at it 211 A5 71E CAPITAL OF THE LOCATION OP TiE FIRST CONFEDERATE STATES CWij t1111l 111111 1l 11 xv UNITED STATES MINTi 11 111131 34 111111lt 11ptl111i11t111 11 11111 1111 1111rl11lt11111l tttrll liiltttl 1111 1111 11I11l llttifjill 11gtt lIilY mould he 11111I11i 11l111tlrr 11 111 llry i1l111l that 11111 the 111p1111 11111111111 1111j I11 1111 lo 111 11It Iltlll 11111111111111 311 llu 11tll111 iiurt iltl i1 It111 111111 Hit It 1111 111211 11 tlltot Itlt1I IIIT IAILI4 11 111111111 Li1llllii 1111 Il 111 l1 1111 1111111111111 rlt II in 11 ll 111111 111 1lils 111 IIIl111 111i TII tt1l1111111 with 11l 1H1 II 11 it uh 11 1l1t1 11 111 111I 1111i 11 11111 i11t1t lx liiowrr 111l1 1111 1ll111tl 111 liri111 iii 11 11111tttlitlt il 1111 fire l11 111 11 L11 if 57 3111 ltitrlttS 1111 11111111 i11 111 llwl 1111 III SI Iiltrtrt1y II111 and Hi l1121ll Nttllll lir111i 111 ti 12 111l11 l1rl tl1 tin how 11111111 pupi riiiztiit 1111111 111 the 111 l1 ihis tttliitNIlUtl biotinlrt when one lady 111I that might make ot 111 11111 11111111111 ltitt t11l I11 11111 ratepayers l111 par 11t 1llll1ltttl ll1r would be 11 tl trliltitlllllltter1111111111Ml Retires After 40 IYears with CNR iILIiIJLti 111 Illllltl2 ItIlt tir ll trlwi I11rltIl Ilittt lie lt1 mini ilwrt I1I 1i llr11l 11111e Writer Er tuirriil1i11 311111 11 llr1i 11 1l 111 1lli ll11 INII 11 l1I IIIIlJ 1l11t11 IE Illl t11 oi tti 1111111111l 11111111111il11111 ltIt1 all 1l1l1 121 It1l11 lrizt1 lIIlII IIAITltIlI EXAMINER TIN lll1I1 YOIIR llthlthi NIIIZIH IIIUNI 25TH YOU NEED to ask that they Ilt admitted to at on 11 11 $11m lr11l11l1 said that clrtl111iv 1111 1hoh11ltrttly been 111 lll1tll mud rum WU It 111 short time were taken iritol llr1l1r1 littl ttl 111111 lizi111 Iiilair ltitfltl 1rlltI Iryl tti ltrirtorr Ave 111111 $11111111 irarrell 1111111i owned 111111 511 1l11y1 1111 li11111l1l 121111 HM l1111i1 IIWi 11 111111 111 Uhm 111I IIrl ltll11 III 111 11 l1 lb 111 with i1 liir 1111 tl ll1i 1l11n111 111111r 1i1i ii 1ei1l 1111111l1 11111111 1111111 1l1 All ll ei111ols while his boy could not Imp ttr1 llltl Iriltti 12511 111 eletly 121 i111111 11 11t 1WG22ZOD it FARMERS DAY Thursday Sept ll CONTEST ENTRY FORM PLEASE PRINT NAMES IN ENTRY FORMS All contests except 11litl111111pi1111 Parade restricted to Contestants who resided in Siiiieoe County outside 111 incorporated towns for 111 least It months Radio Talent Contest Entrants lrrst lie 1151111 ltl Years of Age Name ADDRESS ype of Talent Baby Contest Prizes in classes let units 13 mths 1111111 IARIINTS NAMES IIII1S NAME GF ADDRESS Highland Fling Contest in Costume First and Second Prizes AME ADDRESS Horseshoe Pitching Contest Prizes for doubles and singles ADDRESSES Please signify whether doubles or singles 71311121257710171111111111111 team NAME ADDRESS Note Contestants may use their ownior saw provided Old Time Fiddlers ContestE First and second prizes NAME ADDRESS Prizes Open to all Barrie and Rural Firms aindIn dividuals Starts Promptly 11 700 pm NAME ADDRESS gt Motor or No of vehicles HorseDrawn If possible please decorate vehicles NOTE ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED AT BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OFFICE POST IOFFICE SQUARE BARRIE BY NOON TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12 1ii1l 11117 innit Ayersl Speed year of age and tm1l111 Iloti irllv Prizes To Firstiliree Winners 12 yrs LOqgWingConyestw 1ll Illl ll11i1w11 Ht I111 11 I1 il11111 l11l11111 lit l1lry1 it 11l 111 rrrrtlzrle owned liyl 1111111 llrropirnyw l11l Hr I111111111 1r1il11l111 li1i1o1l Hhatttri 111l Iioilrt I111 1I2111 11l ill Ili iltlril li11 liiiiiphrms IIIII 0111111 of iiunir Illlillllltlt 111111 11 1111 Michael Sophia Sta 1t111 i111l iiiil lLILi llIIrthese 11 Walter Llrry ltlll IMHM Hi l111111 table ltttt T111111 e1iti l1l11ttlti1tll 1117 iissa UNIS 1l1111i rrrrt ltl Ht 11 111111 on $111 1l111 Il1111111 111l1l Jr 111 1111l11 111 51 1111i111 1111l lhiriii II11111l11 Hmhlml humslpmll l11 Iorury Itt Sophia St 11l1l11t owner loan Woods toitley Ht barristers ownerl 111 11111 1111 1111111111 11111111 111 1111111111111111 sr tti terrapiii owner loiry itobirif 1111 1111 511 Von1111151 hamsters 1111111 li11111l1l 111111 Itli John 31 11l rabbit owner Itorurv orkarL years of 111111 and 11111l111 llirll Jlo I211Iex St North ythser 113 years of 1g111111l 11111l 11 111111 ladnzarr Shiv IIltgtIt rear of 11nd 11111t1r1 ItllllllllfUll Ilrllll l1ll111ll lrrgiyn rrl 11111 111 let 11 211 1111 1111I Ir tltl1 irtitl tlrul r1 1l11 l1 ll ill 1111 and 11 l1111l In 1l1311l 1itrllt i1111111l 111 1Ier1 ltoiuia la1l1r1ui 1lt11s 111111 Ir11 John 1111 l11tl11l iiiutor 11 11nd underr Sylyra ti1lrll 1111i 111iri 1t11rl11111 year 1i 11i11111 it1t Lttlliiill letl1ui Swahili ti1111 St llal Donna Vood itr 1l11i1 St Helen ltobertsoii it l2 I1 1111111111 St and Joyce Wood it St 111l1l11gsl text Feathered I1twiolru lollip mam Dangerfield 1111 tittt lhuriop St llaiold l1iiip 111111 13 yeziig 111111111121711 1111111 s1 11111 Shanks 111 1l1111 loirii i1V1111lr K2111 Wall Iii Ill llt Lillyin Simioy llrt1 11nd luirr lllttl liox l11 It1111 lilivs 1111 lire l1r1 11111 litirl GUTHRIE September gt llttllll tflltilii Were Mr 11ndl 11lr Illilltni ltlltrtr III Ilitltrlltolr Pet Show 111111 l1 11in Mrs lolm Cape arid The usual l1lli1 rrotrd 113111 at the hies Marion tapei of Owen Sound Pin1 Dllliltt Square I111 tl111 llti1l Itlr Mt and Mrs Gilehrit event of the Kids Karriival the let ir and Mrs ll1ryd aiirpbeil and show at ltliitl oclock 111 tl11111111111lt1i111l1j Karen ot iorouto and l1 111g 3111111 hits ll It arirpbell ol ioioii Dogs costumed and lit their 1111 to who Ilirtl suniiiiered at 81111 him 111 and cuts 111111111i tlr1V1lii1l11 with Mr and Mrs Alex largest Section of the 11111111 but tlr1 1111111b1ilr Mr and Mrs list of prize winners itlrtl shows 11 HetUiiIidge ol olliiigwood with Mix fair representation of other pets and Mrs ii ilall Mr and MrsI including barristers rabbits 11 terra larker Wearing and soti loniiiiy 11f pin trlefined as an amphibious turn 1V1st111ount Montreal with Mr tlel chickens and pigeons and Mrs Duncan McCuaig The chickens wore the object if The congregation of Guthrie Uri luuite 11 bit of ilLtIlLlIlli 11 both ited iiurch was pleased to wet lwete in costume one 111 female and come back itev and Mrs Shan one iii male lheir owner loiiii non alter 11 months vacation Mr Gray of itiZ Muleaster St won sec Shannons sermon from the text oncl prixe in the costumed pet class For none of us livcth unto himself for his entry First prize 11111111 1111111d no man dietli unto himself ltlcathcr Thomas 172 Mary St for was stirring appeal to better her nylonstockinged dog who also ChristIm Vile TITO mill 1111111th Isportcd 11 blouse red felt lint 11nd 51111 Will My Life 10 T0 Fttl lhilij Ilioys iii er Gary lit1311121111 and lloowli Moron 11111111 others that yreeve were present Mr loodtellow gt1lll that it 111 made one 1ht1pllttll there were would lt1il 11111 to start George Hunter was another wliol 1111111i his child to get 1IillLttl lie 11111 ot 1111 instance where child 111112111 than his had started last war There may be cases where 111i the age ot the child has been 111 111iectly given the board aureetl 1111 felt an ape lirtnt had been set 1111 Wottltl have to be IilItI to until 1111111 seats are 1arl1rble petition signed by 11 large Irra 11ity of the taxpaye of the urea circulated last year to stop any 21IIttll activities 11nd as all writ 111 to Ulitllllltlt to the costs it 1ll l1a1 to be rritrjority III favor the petition never came our way was the unaniriious chorus of the laitrswiek delegation We called meeting of the 1otltttil and the board at Iiurtliril 11 couple of terms 111111 rlrd when it was 1111 neither the reere or the deputy and we were sirbject to torrent of abuse such as have iievor heard before was the report of the chairman was sick for 11 week after he added The board then 1veiit into pri vate discussion as to the best mari her to handle the large attendance at present About 4t new seats are on hand but where to put them is the problem Mrs Buttress who 111compatried some of the ratepayers to the meet ing felt that if move were start ed in all pzrrtsof the country to have the federal government as some the educational costs 1111le problems of the country then therel could be general system throughout the which would do away with local problems Busy Holiday Market Saturday Barrie Market had busy day on Saturday prior to the holiday week end The home bake tablesshowcd 11 large variety ofcakcs pies and bread and fresh Hvegetabtcs and 1bracelet Jesus particularly well Second prize winner among the NEXT Sunday Lhtlt Vill bt 111 pl cats wasowned by mep 1111l51llcc in the United Church ow loway 88 Cook St and impressed ith HHWkKSIOHOileClSlI 591 ZKiwanian judges Morrison VIC at 11 1th Dd 730 91111 Sun Charlcs Grifn Alfred Hunis iciin School andchuich service will Emmlson Swain and Humid Hm be resumed at the regular hour on with its ability to drink milk from Sllltlllll 171 paidoljiiggd baby bottlemThc prize cat huge grey tabby own cd by Sylvia Gable 23 Wellington 7StreeteWest weighedclfi TO 113 pounds gt Chris Duke of Utopia brought in IIARPYAW The hurpy also known as the riin edge is bird ofpieyof the tropical regions of South A111 orica try Now itis possibleto secure those genuinesablebrushes which have been difficult to get Round ferrule gsizes Larger sizes inthe at See these at JOATES VVTheHOmefiof FLOGLAZE PAINTS and COLORIZER Sunworthy and Suntested WALLPAPERS Dial 3270 Show Lea1d writers pickling cucumbers in big demand Corn was plentifulvand sold as and universal country l11l1l arid lr tiouwli II111 1lr111t117111 II 1tlltl I1111111 in lot 11211111 Yl1111 FIRST AID Dont let minor 11tl1 111111111t dairilm Ir11l l11111l1 how their Rambo 11l111ltolri 1111lhuxr1i ir touch Ittlrlltlx to illlltl ltttltlt I11 11111111111 51111111111 illltl IIIlI1I ll111t ir florrulr 111r111 to 1il11111l1l11 111 Itill t111 alter lr1 t11rt11l1 wttrr the lilll11 New l11k11111l 1li lounli the lti1tt i1vet111 lt111111y oi 1111listotl Iltlitl h1 inairied 111 itll iliey i1111 lived 11 their pr11rit 11l1li1 11111 their home 11 $3SSs$ liein t1ll 11111111111 lie has b11111 loeoiirotryvgerieiir OPP POST OFFICE 1111 for riiot ot hr railroad career llitl 1lo lir11l tor 111111111111 111 Ill Ir tirrlt I1 V431 WOUR GUARANTEE All merchandise so IS unconditionally guaranteed to give HEINiP 15 Tln 15 Tin 15 low as 25cents dozen with prices up to 30 cents Eggs remained high at 60 cents with medium and pullct varieties priced at 55 and 30 cents 11 dozen Chickens remained at 50 cents i1 pound for roosters Popper squash cauliflower cab bage and new potatoes had 11 good market with the squasliiseliingnit 10 cents each the cauliflower rang ing in price up to 25 cents and cabbage priced from 10 cents up Thimblcberrics were 35 cents quart Graves Allen Morris Sales and Service USED CARS PhOne 3533 Cundles Ont 1947 Chev Sedan 1946 Chev Coach 1946 Chry Sedan 1941 Pack Sedan 1941 Chry Sedan 1940Ford Coach 1937 Buick Sedan 1935 Dodge Coupe 1933 Ford Coach 1946 Merc 12 Ton Panel 1946 Ford Ton Pickup 1937 Int 12 Ton Panel TRUCKS 46 Ford ton pickup 46 Mecury ton pick up Many more cars to choose Tin 10 Ox Tin idiliiiiiliritrn 29 1111511 STEW 231 lliiiiiiiiiiliiiii 14 PORKBEANS2211127 GFTIERETFORDTRANDrrwwxgiw corner BEEEnr412e Quick Easy To Prepare Meals Ready Dinner 271 10111110 sOUP 111 winners 81 Beans CAL SWEET EATING RED GRAPES ONT SNOW WIIITE CAULIFLOWER CALIFORNIA VERY JUICY CHANGES 21155 291 Size 288 noz 55c LEAN FFOIITS MEATY Blade Roast BLADE REMOVED Cott Rolls mew III 111 69C 111 69C DOMINION STORES LIMITED Our aid kits are planned or all needs Play safe Come in today CHLDWELES MRRIE lI WI ICb$$W$ KETCHUP HEINZFRUlTFMEATSVEGETABLES INFANT FOODS HEINIFANCY TOMATO JUICE AYLMER4CHOICECREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN AYLMERCHOICE SLICED PEACHES AYLMERCHOIOEiBC PACK PRUNE Piuns AYLMERHAND PACKEDCHOICE KIT accidents stump you PHONE 2903 DRUG STORE SSSSSS Id at your Dominion Store you T00 SATISFACTIQN URE roMAro Dottie Or Tins 251 20 Tin 1135 91 15 Oz Tinw TE 01 Tins in 01 Tin MAT OES DOMINIONFULL NUT ILAVOUR RICHMELLOQCANADIAN Join cIIEEs 16 Jar 51b Each 15 191 EGGS WANTED We pay highest market primer for eggs Shipping tags available at our stores See manager for par ticulars Reg grading station 029 VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SEPT 7th Dill 31 9th MW Tic