iiiF BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY ALGLST 311350 Three Boys Bus Driver Will Outstanding Speaker For Kiwanis Dinner Next Tuesday Sept Stand Trial Here t1 ll lilnIV want 11l11111l 11111 J1 11 1111111 1111 51 11111 11 111111 li 311 5121111111 1711 i111111 li II IIII1I1I 111131 111 Elli1 11I1 11 111 11 111 11 ii 1111111 1I II 1111 1111111111 tzmh 11111 11 1111111 iir1 111 l1 111 11 11 l1111 il1 11111111 1111 111111l Zizil llii 11 1111lllix 1111 11h 11111 11 11 35 Hogs Destroyed 1111 ii1=111 115111 1111 lat the 1t 1111111111 c1111 11111111 igt11 l1l1111111 1111 lilfoiil 11 ll11 1111 1111111 i11 1l iln 11 III 11111 I111111111111 lion1111 11111 1111s1i1 111t1u111l1i1 1111 11111 II1IIII11IHIIII1II1 cIIIM IIII 1111 11111 l1l11 xilil 111 13111 111 111 1191 11 1H 111 1211 1111 11111 1111111iiCliimuL vl111 11111 111 11111111111 11 111111 311111111 1111 11 1IIIII II 1IIIIIIIIIl11 11111 to finl 11 15 111111111111 11111111 31111 11 111111111 1111111111111 11i111 1111111 111 11 ll1121l1112 1111 111111 1111111 1111l1 111 nl 1111 11 11 11 $1111rs rim Hm Himl 11111111 l1 1111 3111111 li1 11 i1111 111 111111 1111 i11111 lilllllil Wlllttl 111V il1 i111111 111 111 1111 111111111 1111 1111111 111VlIl Ii lllltli l111111i 11 11 111 I111111 11111 1i11 111 tanmln IIlIllltl It llw 1111111111 iere 1111 111111 111111111111 111 11111111 1111ll IIIIII IIIII I1IIIIIII IKIIIII IIII KI IHIII y11lil11lt 11111111111 1Iitll 1lii1gte 11111111 Ii IIIIIIIIIII 1III II III III IIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIII III lI11111i11n lI sguIerlirally ihaI111e1l Air IsnIIIgiIIIIII 1yIII1III 111 111111 1111 111 111111 111111 21111 111$leMlllllimlm m1mlll l1111l 111 l111 11111 1111111111 2111 1111 liil1ii 1111111111111 111 IHIII INHIIII KIHIIldlIIWII ill1 311111 I11111II11I 111 1111 11111 111 1h 1511111 111 1l 111 Winnipi III1IIIIIIIIII iIIIl II 11II1I 11111 11 11111111 11 M1111 11111 and 1111 3111111 11 11I 11111111 II IIIIIIIIIIV 111 111i1l1 1l1l1 111 j11111 11111 1111 III IIIIII lii1111 11111 11111 11I IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII lliinrllilHI 111111111111 11111 11111111 ttitltllxlzlldk 11111111 1111111111111111s1I1l1 IIIl IIIIII II IlIIIIII IIII1IIIIH1 IIIIII II Ugh Kurd 11111 11 tl11IIII llWHHI HI mu part 111 1111 l1iii lln 11111111111 111 11111 1111111111 111in 11111111111111 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII litilltll 111u1ni H11 1111 1111 111 11111111111111111 1111 1111 1111111111 11111111111t 21111111111 llo1l 11 Ill tiilllizi 111141111 11111111111 lnnislil Notes Hy nos lhlly 111thi1all oi 511111111 1111 11111111111111111111 Mr and Mrs leoiite l111111s to 1111 lIxnibition 1111 lues day had an tXiiiiitlitt that 11111111s1 to few who attend that hit fair While erossiin one of ilie 111t 1111113 he fill 111 front 111 car 1111 ays 1111 car did not hit him but those 11111 111111 111111111111 it did Any he as knocked into the Wet vilh 111s 1111v Sunday suit lie was somewhat cut about the face as Well They had him taken to the llxhibition hospital where he was put to bed for 11 while The hospital attendant suggested that it they took his clothes to some of the washing machine 11x hibils 111er might clean them up for him This as done and the lhor and lieulty companies coin b1ned to freshen the clothing with their washers and honors At five in 111eclothini was ready to wear and liilly with his face fixed up way ml Th lllmlnllimm will Furl South Slincoe Finals orchards around irimst underi 10 SW ml th MI Kiwis Bestinschni lvvaler 11111111 amounts of topsoilj Parsons spent very 111111111113 11 p19111 washed away lcach orchl my hud mkm 10 lld Fennells 6ardc from Winona to St athar mm 10 chlldwn lL11ukstnvn tilines vcre blasted Much of this MondayTennclls Cookstown years heavy crop was still on tth ottagc Vandalized Mrs leorce larsons reported to Constable Ferguson that cottage that had been rented to four To ronto lads had been found vandal ied after they left She was reluct ant to name the youths or to lay any charges as she wanted to see it they could not be induced to Stlll for the ilariiages Constable Ferguson found case of empty beer bottles in the cottage and isI endeavorinu to find where they were purchased If it is found that they were not purchased legally further investigation may be made whichicould lead to more serious charge The wallsof the cottage had been broken by bottles thrown 111aiiist them Three Car Accidents Three car accidents in other parts of the township were investigated by the shore police On Saturday evening about nine oclock two cars collided at the turn of the lollen dal road over the bridge No per sons were injured but the total damages would amount to nearly $500 The cars were driven by Russell of Shanty Bay and Nickoloef of Toronto 011 Sunday about 1230 am car driven by James Robinson Went out of control on the 8th Line near Andrades farm and turned over in the ditch Three others in thercar were taken to the hospital but af ter treatment were allowed to leave The damage to the car was con siderable On Monday two cars were in collision on the 7th Line and No sideroad car driven by John Roach north on the sideroad collid ed with car driven by Nick So bolik which was eastboundon the 7th Line Both vehicles were con siderably damaged Dont Forget Free Feed Dontforget the Farmers Day when the Barrie Chamber of Com merce will be hosts to the farm ers Free refreshments are avail able as wellas many sports and games real evening has always been enjoyed at this entertainI mentL SolicitOr Helps Pay Fine Fiankook of Bradford wasbe forer Magistrate Cameron on Tues day charged with careless driving after the 1934 model truck he had been operating struck car in the village opposite the Village Inn He was defended by Charles Evans KC who endeavored With out success to minimize the damage and the charge for his client The evidence of the owner of the car and that of his wife who was sitting in the front seat was that the Cook truck struck the fender of their car damaging it to the ex tent of $50 He then drove on and was only stopped when he got to the highway intersection The magistrate fined Cook $20 and costs which amounted to $40 altogether Cook could not make up the full amount and the solici tor made loan of the balance The license of the truck was not suspended as it was claimed to be necessity to the livelihood of the owner PAPER DISCOVERED Papermaking was invented in China during the Han Dynasty 206 31C to AD 220 I1 your Large Win Scholarships 1111 11I1 1i 1111111 1111 l11 l11l 11 1111111 III1I1I111111111 11111111 111l 11 land of 111111 1111111ll 1n lll aid 1li 11111 1l1l11 111 1111 11111 51315115 Standings SOIlliAlJ Senior licsIinseycn finalsi 111111 111111 attack 111111 lllll 111111 lN IHHHVNS lhoinas l11111t111 111 Ill 1117 pro Ht ii11111111 li 1111111111111 11 1111111111111 ltay 1111111 l111 Sound 11 it 11111 1111111111lay 11111llltlll pol llt l1illtiillI stilt li1gt lsA 11111111111 1111 lImms land 1111 McKay 11111111111 111111111 loniglit Hill at linms 1Q1111111is1 1111 There 11ll 1111 inquest lucstlay liinms at Clll 1211cens1 III Intermediate 11 Th eek Minesini 111111111 11 11 Monday 71111111 Minesini Al Fila in ii If 1111111 1tMinis111 IIIIrII II IIIII Tiildllh with tliestinlhr11c semifinalsI W1 illlItliciIr difficulties 11 the 1al Slillii farmers 111 westcrni Ncwniarket 11nd southern Ontario were hardI Straiismans hit this Week With series of rain Last NightStransmans it New market WeilliesdayStransmans at N11v11l5 market shinglIg Plerty 1111111111111 and many 11 2blzickouts were experienced The Niagara fruit hell was haroI est 1111 with hundrcds of acres of land electrical storms 1111111 flattened many standiniiI gusty winds ripped off and lid widespread propI electrical Valley laxi Midland Last NightiValley Midland Fridayelfennells at Cookslown trees and the high winds snapped BASEBALL 11111 branches by the hundrch North Slincoe Finals crushing the ripening fruit on thei iBestinfivm gummy Growers who had stored fruit in Barrie 411111111 yards also reported losses rillia tlwater swept through the yards IonleyBlulv 0mm soaking baskets and leaving tl1 Last Niglitharrie ti Orillia pusiis of mud on the fruit FritlayOrillia at Barrie iFair Many sideroads vere lloodedI OHM 131111 11111111111 sweeping1 across highi South Simcoc Iwuvs caused serious traffic disui 1Bestinfivel IIIIIIIIIISI Series Pi Gusts of wind up to 10 miles anl stmud 7111111111 accompanied the rain tear Palgmve ling off shingles and allowinii film hast Night ti iiiidjfPalgrave 1m IIIIIII IIII Innihnios Stroud wms series EIIIbIIII IICIII IIIIIIdUIII suffered 1111 Bestinthree III III IIIIII worst hydio blocs out 501le if for live hours Many Allisto powu crops in the district were flattened Beeton 2I II IIII Crop damage was also itpol Lt ATRZtgiglgf Begum 1in the Drumbo area where liydro1I1 113m Tags and telephone service were cut off gmqu 11C es Iay EDrnins and cellars in Petrolia were Utopia I6 ltlooded hydro was off at times and lvy crops were pounded lonlgit topia attilvy ffm Wm MIDHURST August 28 Saturda E1nV1 II Qiieensy 3t Legion Miss Marilyn Walt is Visiting liei grandmother Mrs lliggsI11l BillLiCI SOME PERS There Will be service in 1L1 0N CAUSED lT United Church on Sunday Sep Every automobile accident has one thing in common with every other some person caused itand could just as easily have prevented it To avoid becoming one of the victims make sure your car is in safe condition then drive defen sivelyas if all other drivers were day unpredictable some of them are Mr and Mrs M01112 huge 11 of Victoria Fiossm Ciispm MISI AL is visi in wi 191 sister MARKET PRICES 11 33111 AS AT AUG 3050 Sandra MacLean rnct 1111111 In painful accident when radio fell HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY canher Sew stitches were re quired to close the cut on her nose As quoted by First Cooperatlve Packers of OntarinI BarrieI Hogsr$3350 tember at 730 pm M1 and Mrs Lynn Russell and family and Russell called on Balm Beach friends on Sunday Mr and Mrs George Coutts and family visited with Mr and Mrs Harold Coutts Bradford on Siinlt MORE MANPOWER There are 250000 more Canadian men available for military serVice in 1950 than there were in 1039 Nous Medium Bullets Over lbs Grade Grade Grade 56 lbs Be Safe Grade Grade Builders Risk In Grade surcmce will cover while under con Grade GrademCr Grade 1Grade Grade C11 but remember Tomorrows Insurance Wont Pay Todays Losses 32 29 l8 to lbs 30 27 16 Under lbs 27 24 14 The above are dressed poultry prices and are subject to killing co charge of cents per bird on chickens and fowl delivered alive Plum 5201 to the plant Ducks and geese are off Unfinished poultry are not Ross meek being accepted at the present time1I 45 lbs Grade structiom 1Over lbs SEE Barrio SPECIAL SELEC llIl QUALlIY GOLDEN RIPE SELECTED QUALITY ONTARIO SNOW Willlii CA FLOWER lVlllRSll CARROT CELERY STOCKS MARSH POTATOES it APPLEEOMESTIC iiAiiiiuBifKTII STORE to pm Wed19 am to 12 noon Fri 830 am FRENCH lvbllle333 to pm Sat $30 amto pm oiiiite 3E III II AlAILABLE IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS IIST 1131111511111111 BROWNED 111111115 1111111s SPEClAL MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET immuntmuiiiin 11111115 siiALi MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET aoumss VISKWFSMWEDAHMS 11111111 run PORK srrciAi 31111511111 MACRRONI ti CHEESE sifsla DUTCH STYLE Sillllltl TREES SilCEll LONCHEON ROLL RECON ti LIVER SllllSllli tifi FROSTED FISH SMOKED FlLCETS LB COO FILLETS raiczs 7110115 f1 11 3i SE11 1min GROUNDLOBLAWS 11s r1111 1111 rm 111 ARABIA 1111111211wc CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE ORLAWS FlNEST ORANGE PEKOE 11118111 TEll 11115211c 11 ALPINE CLUB r111 SEE ALE 1211111111 11111 231 17111111111 50M 1111111111111 191 Latif RiCiiEY 221111111 1111 2511 RETREAT SUPPLIES liliilell PlCllLES 23 111111111111 111115111111 Piciiiiiiwm 219111 are ire 31$ as twat PIMENTO EFL oz MANZANILLA ICE BOX JAR carrots 111111511 111111115 112111 111111111113 11111 11111111123 111111 liilllfl 111111511 5111111111 5111111111111 11 immwm 01111111 FROSTROE FRUIT CRYSTALS pkg Sc MRRSRMRCLOWS wownm cases BROCROE SERlllETTES 2W1 2lt3c FTSEIIVITTlilCltSS POUNDS it dozggc ommo RORER JAR RINGS 2331 GREEN PASCAL no1 GRADE sTCii 133 ONTARIO BASKET IsMIiIiILL doz Closed Mon Labor Day Tues and Thurs am NEW SEASONS LEES WHOLE orHALF TERI FRONT OURRTERS RACK or SHOULDER ROASTS LEANNECK orrm 31111111115 swirriiiiiti 11111 as SHANK HIALF 3697131111 138th Itfiiifr it 72 IiiirEiiwoun 111111101111 siiir 11111211119 1IS111 i101 31561111311531 1111111111 111221 13151 PRINGIILAMB of fleStiNS FACE TISSUES 21111111111 sisa 111 791 11111 111111111511 PASTE Wiix 1111 so OCEillili uiiiss Wiix 1111111 as LOBLAW COUNTRY STYLE LB 51c LB 621 L8 721 LB LB 55C 11111111111111 SillilllllESI 11 11211 K1111 11511111 Siiiiniius 11 1111 OPRESERVING SCI PRESS POUND PARRWRK 111 $30 SEALlimit 14 112 the 151 can CERTO CRYSTALS Zpkgs23c v1g 13C Binnsriiiimosrnn maps ORANGE JlllCE CONCENTRATED ofIFIEiN ZTSli LB JOHNSONS zoIri oz rm 1111111111 85c niiiiiiirir 11121111 as JORNSONS CLO COlll at 59c BOILING MAPLE lElll SOAP FlilllES 11112131 sic POW CHOICE 11147c RlilSO 1113 35c BRASSO 111111 we PRCDRESSED BOILING READY TO lb 650 COOK ALL WASTE PARTS REMOVED mom Ollz CRMRY 111W 1111135 LB LAR 45 32 691 2ctxi25c 31a LB 32 LOBLAW GROCETERIAS co LIMITED