Bus Driver Will Stand Trial Here 1121 11 111 Outstanding Speaker For Kiwanis Dinner Next Tuesday Sept lijl titlh l1v1 iv 11 111 111 1i111l111111111111111111 11111111 11 111 111 111111 11111111 1i 111 11111 113 1111 111 1111111 111 111 1111l 1111 11 11111 111111 11111111 11 11 111 11i T11 rimh 11111 111t 11111111111 111v 111 1111 111 111 1111 1111111iil 1111111111 1111111 0111 11 111 811111 t1i 1111111 111I11 11 l111t 111 1111111111 1111 11 1111 111111 in 11lv11111 25111511 11 11111 112111 Stliu 0111111111 12 11111 111 1111 111112111 111111 lilINl 111111 111 111111111 11111 11 1111111111 111 111 Llttlpiill 111 1111 1111111 1111 111 111 11111 1111 1111 1111111 1111 11111 tl1iiii1 11111J1ll1 IIIIIIII 111111111111 11111111 11gt Uilltil 111 1111111 111 11111 11111441111111111 liillril 111 11111 1111111111 111111 1111 III II IIIII it 11111ck f11111t11 111111 11111111 111nth IIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIzlI11ll1i1uii 111ll1lt1111 1111111111 IIIIIII II III IIII IIIII IIIII ItIhaih 0110141 Iiti his 1111 Stella III Iu 1111111 111111 111111s Jg L111iy 11111111 111111111 1111111 lli IIIIIIII IIII NIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII iltl 11111111111 511111 1111111li1 11 111 1111 5111111111 111 11 1111 1111 llltl 1111 111111 111 1111111l 111111 111 Nulzidc 11 1111 11 11111 111 111 111111I11l tl 111 01141111 311211 11 111i 11111 and 3111 1111 1111 ll111111 5111 11 11111 Illllil1 1H 11 111111 Hub of Winnipii l1 1111111111 111 11111111111 111111 11111 11111 11 11111111111111 111111 1111 1111111111111i 15111111111 tluim 111 this 111 1111111111111111 liilllclz 111 111111111 1111tI1l lii111111 11111111 11111 Hoyt11111 ll111l 111 111 11111111 1IH111111 riisltl 111 111 Ili Llitliy t1o11u Attorney lhoiup 11111 1p111111i 1111 illc 111w11 llii lli 11111111111 111111 111 1111 111 111 151111111 11 lii1 111111 1111 1I11 I11111 1111 11 Sport Standings Stlll1l Senior tlicsthrseitu finals II Ii1 lIiuius louiglit 11I at limius Queens luesilay ltluuus at 1L21111eus Intermediate MilltslllH 11111111111 fl Monday 111111111111 11 Mintsing Al Friday 11111111111MiniSill Ladies lilSlllllllltt semifinals Newuianket Strausmaus lnnisiil Notes Iiy 1111s Hilly 11tl1r1ll 111 Slroiiil who 1111111111111111111 li1ud 11 it1111 l1ious to 1111 lixhibitioii on 1111 1111 112111 111 lXIHllllltt that come to l1w who attend that 1111 faiu While crossuu 111111 of 1111 wit 111111 lll l1ll 111 trout of 21 car 1111 ziys 11111 car 11111 not hit him but 11111511 11111 llllll thought it did Anyi ltuotlicil 111111 the wet 11111 his new Sunday suit 1111 was 1lllltllill cut about the fact well They 111111 111111 taken to the liXilllHllllll hospital Wilcic he was put to 111111 for 11 while lhc hospital attendant sinuustetl that if they took his clothes to mine of the washing machine ex hibits they might clean them up for him This was done and the lhot and lieutty companies coinIIIIIIIIIIIIII way 111 was 11 market tuned to freshen the clothing with their 11as1111sIand 1111111qs At five VIIIIIIII IIIIIIII II p111 1111 clothing was ready to 1111111 MIIIIIIIIII II and Billy with his face fixod 11p 111111 fresh tlollliil was again ready SgltIVW Midland South Simioe llllills to see the siuhts Mr and Mrs 1131 larsous spent Very unhappy few VilllIV hours as they hail taken the lad II II III I111 nnells with than 11 11111 CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II II II II Moudaylileuuclls ookstown Friday Fennells at Cookstown BASEBALL North Simcoc Finals 1B1stiufivei Cottage Valiilalileil Mrs George Parsons reported to Ulltdllltil Ferguson that cottage that had been rented to four lo routo lads had been found vandal ized after they left She was rcluct ant to name the youths or to lay 191 Drillia any charges as she wanted to see if they could not be induced to settlt forthe daitniges Constable Ferguson found case of empty beer bottles in the cottage and isI lllomlayuBarrie Orillia Last NiglitwBarrie rillia FridayOrillia at Barrie 1Faii Grounds South Simcoe tudeavoring to find where they were purchased If it is found that II IIBUSllllflvc lhev were not purchased legally sow further investigation may be made Sjtlfmd which could lead to more serious itlglUVCI charge The walls of the cottage 135 Night51191111 Palgrave had beenrbrokeu by bottles throwul mild WmS 861195 against them tBCStiiithreo Series lhrce Ca Accidents Alliston Three car accidents in other parts Beeton Last NightAlliston Alliston wins series Bestinthreei of the township were investigated by the shore police On Saturday evening about nine oclock two cars collided atthe tiirn of the Tollen Series dalroad over the bridge No per Utopia sons were injuredbut the total Ivy TonightUtopia Ivy damages would amount to nearly Copaco Trophy $500 The cars were driven byB WRussell of Shanty Bay anIIdIIEI Mens Nickoloef of Toronto SaturdayElmvale at Legion 011 Sunday about 1230 am car Queens driven by James Robinson went out of control on the 8thLit1e near SOME PERSON CAUSED 1T Andrades farm and turned over in Every automobile accident II the ditch Three othch in the car were taken to the hospital but af ter treatment were allowed to leave The damage to thecar was con siderable On Monday two cars were in collision on the 7th Line and No sideroad car driven by John Roach north on the sideroad collid ed with car driven by Nick So bolik which was eastbound on the 7th Line Both vehicles were con siderably damaged it victims make sure your car is safec0ndition then drive defc sivelyas if all other drivers we MARKET PRICES AS AT AUG 3050 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperatl Packers of Ontario Rarrle Hogs $3350 Dont Forget Free Feed Dont forget the Farmers Day when the Barrie Chamber of Com merce will be hosts to the farm ers Free refreshments are avail able as well as many sports and games real evening has always been enjoyed 11111113 entertain ment Solicitor HelpsPay Fine Frank Cook of Bradford wasbe fore Magistrate Cameron on Tues day charged iwith careless driving afterthe 1934 model truck he had been operating struck a1 car in the village opposite the Villagelnn He was defended by Charles Evans KC who endeavored with out success to minimize the damage and the charge for his client The evidence of the owner of the car and that of hiswife who was Grade 11C sitting inIIthe front seat was that 45 lbs the Cook truck struck the fender Grade 11A of their car damaging it to the ex Grade 113 tent of $50 He then drove on and Grade was only stopped when he got to the highway intersection Grade 11A The magistrate fined Cookr$20IIGrade 11B and costs which amounted to$40 Grade 11C altogether Cook could not make Lip the full amountand the solieil tor made 11 loan of the balance0vm leI The license of the truck was not to leI suspended as it was claimed to be Under lbsI II II neggnme the livelihood of the The above are dressed poul owner PAPER DISCOVERED Papermaking was invented in China during the Han Dynasty 206 EC to AD 220 EGGS Large Medium Pullcts CHICKENB Over lbs Grade Grade Grade 56 lbs Grade Grade charge of cents per bird chickens and fowl delivered 81 to the plant oft 11 1111111 Wednesday Stra usiuaus at New Beeton one thing in common with every other some person caused itand could just as easily have prevented To avoid becoming one of the unpredictable some of them are prices and are subject to killing Ducks and geese are Unfinished poultry are not being accepted at the present time Win Schola 11 1111 111 1211 11111 Oro Barn Burns 11111 11111111111 rx1iirziiriiiRsnAr 1101 31 19507 Three 800 Boys rshi p5 135 Hogs Destroyed Hay Grain Lost il1 12 11I111l1 L11 1111 11111111l 11 111 181141 111111 1t LT1111 11111111 1111111 111 11 11111 1111 111 1i1l 111111 11 1111 111111111 1111 1111111111115 gt11 1111111 H1111 1ll1tiii 11 111 1111 11111 111 111111111i 111 41131 111111 1151l hi11ii 11111111 l1 1111111 1211 111 l1 11 111111111 ii111 111 11 Min 111 11111 11 11111111 111 51111111 llhl 11 111111 11111 I111 111 111 111111hinr 111111111 12111 i11f1 11111111 lbw fl 1111 11111111111 ii11 11111 vi 1111 Hum 11111 11 1111111 Liitlttl 111111 114 1111111111 1111 11111 11 11gt 11111 to 111111111l1111111111 11 Lift 111111 111 illv 11111 Iiiilt 111 l11illill 1111111 MAN llttlS ltLl1t1l l111 3111111 ll11llit ol 21111mm ti 111111111111 111 icoi 111111 liar 1111111 l1ii 5111111111 11 It 1111 lciliiiuwlzn pioyiiiiial pol 1111 Itlllill1t1 1111 11111111 This ll 111 1pp1iiully ruff 11111111 lllilll ziff1ili 111111 11113 111 1111l1y 1111111111 11111111111 1111 11111111l in Ontario Hard Hit By Rain With all their 11111 11111 strik 9111111 southern in 111111 this ttltl111 Ram crops flaftcucil gusty wt iblackouts were The Niagara around Large an washed orchards water were 1111115 from ints were blasted years heavy trees and the high winds snaple the off tlllhlllllt th ground irowei 4lhtii yards also rtported losses 0Wuter swept through the yzutls isoakiiu baskets and leavingIdh jposltr of mud on the fruit Many sideroads were flooded and water sweeping across highv ways caust serious traffic ills riiptions Gusts of wind 11 to 11 miles an power Drains flooded United Church tcmber at 730 Mr and Mrs family on Rain 35 in re family visited Harold Coutts day iFlossie Crispinl len Bouncy Sandra on her VEI try on ive cl branches by ripening fruit on the Mr and Mrs Geor with Mr and Mr Bradford on Sun MacLean ihftici t11io Last nglitwStrausmans 10 New 1I MMml Simmi SM many standing 11111 ripped olfi shingles and did widrspre 111111 damage and many experienced fruit belt was hard1 1st hit with hundreds of acres of 111111 1oiiuts away Sf Mitti1 111 crop was still on 1111 Winona to hour accompanied the rain 111g off shingles and allowing rain to pour into many homes Embro near LtllltllIStl worst hydro blackout with off for five crops in the district were 21 Crop damage was also reported iin the Drumbo area where hydro cut off lit and telephone service were and cellars in letrolia vere hydro was off at times and crops were pounded pm Lynn Russell and and Russell called Beach friends on Sunday ge Coutts and is visiting with her sister To B111 Be Safe Builders Risk In Surance Will c0ver IstruIction Tomorrow Insurance Wont Pay To ays Losses SEE illlis tarnuis 111 t1tll were hard i11 of rain 11111111 topsoi Sliy til each hundred who had stored fruit in fear th lllS 9J WHUBT August 28 Miss Marilyn Walt is visiting llIJl grandmother Mrs Riggs of Barrie There will be service in the on Sunday Sep MrantlMrs Morgan nee of Victoria BC Mrs Al mct with painful accident when radio fell Several stitches were re quired to close the Cut on her nose IpII MORE MANPOWER There are 250000 more Canadian men available for military service in 1950 than there weroin 1939 while under con but remember Stevenson to Phone 5201 Rosslock yith ad prop 111111111111 orch al hur this ffered the Many flattened 11F 15111011511 1111111111 llllMS SPECI if GOLDEN RIPE SELECTED QUALITY ONTARIO SNOW Willlli CAULIFLOWER ONTARIO MARSH ChllllllTS 11 CELEBY STALKS GREEN PASCAL MABSHTHTBES NO GRADE ONTARIO MAPLE LEAF TENDERSWEET 5115611111 MAPLE LEAF TENDIrstEET BONELESS BY mama 10R sucsp INEWSEASONSRRING LAMB MEATY LEGS WHOLE 111 11111 LEAN fllltlllTV 00llllTEliS PURE PORK SPECIAL LOBLAW COUNTRY STYLE LB 516 51111511th 30mm Is 11111111110111 1111111151 111111 111621 11111111 1111111 511111111 151311 720 lWl caoxcz 511012 1011011110111 110 81112011 ti Lilllill SilllSliliE LB 59c LB 55c MAPLE LEAF FOWl cooxI HALF IILB 113721 1113 LB 371 811011 or 51101111111111 lllthTS LEANwNECK OFF 11311 47c FEEDRESSED BlllLlei lb 651 ALL WIASTE PARTS REMOVED READY To 15 35c 49 VT Sftl TKCTWE 31 1111110 0501111 SlillDlNlZS rooms 151 car BASKE DOMESTIC 1111115111 323 STORE Closed Mom Labor Day Tues and Thurs to pm Wed am to l2 noon Fri 830 am to pm Sat 830 amto pm FROSTED FISH SMtlltEll llllETS 113391 01 FllllITS lllllllltilt PlLLElS LB 45 LB 32c may GROUND LOBLAWS 7I 153s 119119919601111110211 lOVLAWS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE 1111111911 CANADAS BEST COFFEE VALUE 1111111 TEll 51 AG dc 15 PkIgsovigclkgdotslcpkzootEyc 11 111mm cum 3041 11 ans commits ONLY mu 11 mass 111 13511121111 911E 23c 30 ans 1g comm ONLY 3011 oz BTLS 1011an ONLY 11111 111cm HGLEDHY SUPELIES 11112120 P10111155 219a 3111111211115 1111151111111 11111113 11 1111 as 97 JAR MASTXSILLA iceaFaLoxoziAR taunts 11115111 11111115 1111 11111111th 11111 1111211115 111 anti1 1111111511 1111111 13S 1111 51111111115 51111111111 111111111111 w111 1111117 13115111111 llllllT 111111511115 11 lililllSlllVlllLLthS 31191211111 SlilllllElTES 211111121111 1111111011111 5111111111111 11 tin Za PRESERVING SUPPLEES 11111111111111 2111 5111111wa 1111 its 0531111 12111110 CRYSTALS 2111123 longer0 dos Zliiii Jlill RINGS WEBER Jllll RINGS llilllT JARS 511311 126 1111 149 1111 1111113 111111 dozg 311111511111 mosrun rooms CONCENTRATED ofIFhN 70111111 1111105 FRENCH mi cur BTBDSEYE FANCY PEAS 0195111 31 AVAILABLE IN MOST LOBLAW MARKETS oiiite 33c 20FL oz TIN 511 5141 14 113111 11 I541 llBBYS 11111111 BllthllEll 111111115 SWIFTSSWIFTNING 111111 sac 11111115 111111111qu 111111111 11111 so 1111111111000 111111101111 51111 111121 199 000 BISCUITS MASTER BRAND 2111911351 1113511115 1111 115511115 35 011 ENGLISH PASTE WAX 11 590 cut1111111 titllSS 1111111 1111 49 1311111111 11911929 85c vCllllPlltll 1111111 991 10111150115 GLO COAT 11 59 111111111 111111 50111111111113 MEI 35 SMALL 11112 ciiiiiiiii Won SOAPi Litth TOILET SOAP LARGE 10 61111 6911 2111111111251 31c LOBLAW GROCETERiAs co LIMITED